Americans Should Never Again Comply With Pandemic Lockdown Orders

Mandates and lockdowns are designed for protecting others from you if you are carrying the virus as well as protecting individuals from the virus. A key point is that you can be an unknowing danger for others. Hence, you are arguing you have some kind of right to be a danger to others. So, explain why you are entitled to freely be a danger, a deadly danger, to other people and not conform like everyone else and how your elected officials and experts have suggested? Why are you so special?
Others have no right to control my behavior simply because they are afraid of what I might do. Your theory that people have a right to control me to ensure their safety is bullshit.

What these experts and officials don’t seem to realize is that Americans will never comply with their lockdown orders again. They have burned their credibility to the ground, and they no longer have the moral authority to tell us what to do.

Simply put, the people in charge have shown themselves to be rank hypocrites who care more about politics than science. For months, we were told that large gatherings were deadly because of the coronavirus, but when protests broke out in late May, large gatherings were suddenly okay.


1. I doubt the police will enforce them.
2. If they try, there will be just way to many people to arrest and try.
3. If they try it, it will be time to riot...not protest.
And the mindless trump sheep are still trying to cover for their mentally ill cult leader's idiotic comments on the pandemic. While, of course, crybabying out the other side of their necks that he never called it a hoax. Trump has really turned your brains to tapioca.
Others have no right to control my behavior simply because they are afraid of what I might do. Your theory that people have a right to control me to ensure their safety is bullshit.

Using that logic:

Guns could easily be outlawed or regulated heavily.

It is just stupid.
Hopefully, in a few months, an election will rid the country of influence from folks in denial and delusional such as the OP. We will go on lockdown again if science and survival dictates and depends on it.
You are not trusted. Even if the people you hate and want to kill are civil.
Using that logic:

Guns could easily be outlawed or regulated heavily.

It is just stupid.
Using that logic, police could gas peaceful protestors and install a curfew, physically assaulting anyone who violates it. Of course, you trump cultists would never stand for th-

Oh. Right.
Plain and simple...there should be no adherence to a second lockdown.

We allowed the first to happen and lying bastards continued to be....lying bastards.
If anyone gives you a hard time about not abiding by "lock down" orders just tell them you're protesting...…. Problem solved. :beer:

We'll tell them a few more things than that.

Especially if it is that snitch @TommyTiant

What these experts and officials don’t seem to realize is that Americans will never comply with their lockdown orders again. They have burned their credibility to the ground, and they no longer have the moral authority to tell us what to do.

Simply put, the people in charge have shown themselves to be rank hypocrites who care more about politics than science. For months, we were told that large gatherings were deadly because of the coronavirus, but when protests broke out in late May, large gatherings were suddenly okay.


1. I doubt the police will enforce them.
2. If they try, there will be just way to many people to arrest and try.
3. If they try it, it will be time to riot...not protest.
If we do not comply they enact martial law, suspend the constitution and all who do not comply end up in a fema camp like the nips in ww2
If we do not comply they enact martial law, suspend the constitution and all who do not comply end up in a fema camp like the nips in ww2

At some point it comes to a head.

And they are not that stupid.
The truth is that although the numbers have slowly declined it’s really not a lot of change but the will for the hoax has faded and a second wave will not be addressed even though it’s not much different than the first wave which shows once again how Fake the reaction to the first wave was .

All that has changed is scared shitless libtards have found new shiney objects to play with like Floyd and Chaz and other lawless baloney bullshit.

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