America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers Read more:


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

Those were Abe Lincoln’s words in his first inaugural in 1861, as America was running headlong into civil war. Now we’re a house divided again and another civil war is coming, with the 2012 election as its Gettysburg.

Call it America’s coming civil war between the Makers and the Takers.

On one side are those who create wealth, America’s private sector–the very ones targeted by President Obama’s tax hikes announced Monday.

On the other are the public employee unions; left-leaning intelligentsia who see the growth of government as index of progress; and the millions of Americans now dependent on government through a growing network of government transfer payments, from Medicaid and Social Security to college loans and corporate bailouts and handouts (think GM and Solyndra).

Over the past century America’s private sector has been the source of productivity, innovation, creativity, and growth–and gave us the iPhone and iPad. The public sector has been the engine of entitlement, stagnation, and decline -- and gave us Detroit and the South Bronx.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News


I somehow think that the left believes there is legitimacy to the growing number of people on government programs.

Just like the third and fourth generation welfare folks I knew in CA who got together right after the checks showed up and celebrated with a bag of weed.
Lets not go so far as to call it civil war but certainly between those of us who care about the United States and those that don't. Not that many of us are rich and I agree that those that are have a lot but most of them earned it. That is what this country is about, opportunity to get ahead on your own hard work, not get something handed to you.
^ Tried hard to not say Liberals vs Conservatives, but didn't quite pull it off. :thup:


^ Tried hard to not say Liberals vs Conservatives, but didn't quite pull it off. :thup:


I don't understand... Are you trying to make this nothing but a libturdz VS Republicraps thread so that you don't have to address the bigger issue that welfare in this country has made it impossible to balance a budget, even for states?
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.

That public sector–state, local, and federal -- now consumes 40% of GDP, compared to 33% just twelve years ago. It’s brought us to the point where 48% of Americans are now on some form of government handout, from 44% when Obama took office–almost a fifth more than during the Reagan years. And too many of them have been programmed to believe they have no future unless the government takes more from the Makers -- precisely what Obama promised on Monday.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

^ Tried hard to not say Liberals vs Conservatives, but didn't quite pull it off. :thup:


I don't understand... Are you trying to make this nothing but a libturdz VS Republicraps thread so that you don't have to address the bigger issue that welfare in this country has made it impossible to balance a budget, even for states?

No, that was the job of the op, I merely made note of it.

I wouldn't argue that spending on all fronts is beyond reasonable.
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.

That public sector–state, local, and federal -- now consumes 40% of GDP, compared to 33% just twelve years ago. It’s brought us to the point where 48% of Americans are now on some form of government handout, from 44% when Obama took office–almost a fifth more than during the Reagan years. And too many of them have been programmed to believe they have no future unless the government takes more from the Makers -- precisely what Obama promised on Monday.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News


The Financial Times reports that there was record demand for 10-year Treasurys this week. “The $21 [billion] sale of 10-year paper sold at a yield of 1.459 per cent, the lowest ever in an auction.” William O’Donnell, a strategist at RBS Securities, told the FT that “we were expecting good auction results but this one has left me speechless.”

Remember: Low yields means we’re getting the money for a cheap. It means the market thinks we’re a safe bet. And it means we have the opportunity to get capital for almost nothing and invest it productively.

Actually, I got something wrong there. I said “almost nothing.” But that 1.459 percent doesn’t account for inflation. And so when you do account for inflation, it’s not “almost nothing.” It’s “less than nothing.”

The world desperately wants to loan us money
The bottom line is we have to have more wage earners and less making a living on government handouts. It's just that simple.
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.

That public sector–state, local, and federal -- now consumes 40% of GDP, compared to 33% just twelve years ago. It’s brought us to the point where 48% of Americans are now on some form of government handout, from 44% when Obama took office–almost a fifth more than during the Reagan years. And too many of them have been programmed to believe they have no future unless the government takes more from the Makers -- precisely what Obama promised on Monday.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

You are out of your damn mind.
The takers have been taking since... forever.

It is a little this time, as they are all fat and have cable TV.
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.

That public sector–state, local, and federal -- now consumes 40% of GDP, compared to 33% just twelve years ago. It’s brought us to the point where 48% of Americans are now on some form of government handout, from 44% when Obama took office–almost a fifth more than during the Reagan years. And too many of them have been programmed to believe they have no future unless the government takes more from the Makers -- precisely what Obama promised on Monday.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

You are out of your damn mind.

And who admittedly has his head up his ass?
Tell me, how exactly do rich folks "create" wealth?

Do they magically produce gold from their asses?
Sorry guys.

Your Atlas Shrugged wet dream isn't going to happen, no matter how many hyperbolic op-eds you can find.

And you know that how ???

Because it's ridiculously nonsensical and simple-minded way of looking at economics, for one.

The divide you guys are trying to blow out of proportion doesn't exist. Why would Apple Computers declare "war" on a few million of their best customers?

Do public sector employees not spend their paychecks on iPads and iPhones?
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.

That public sector–state, local, and federal -- now consumes 40% of GDP, compared to 33% just twelve years ago. It’s brought us to the point where 48% of Americans are now on some form of government handout, from 44% when Obama took office–almost a fifth more than during the Reagan years. And too many of them have been programmed to believe they have no future unless the government takes more from the Makers -- precisely what Obama promised on Monday.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

Your to much fox tabloid and not enough history Reagan and Clinton were poor leaders. Reagan threw the country to fascists. Clinton started outsourcing with NAFTA. Bush refined what these traitors started.

I don't understand... Are you trying to make this nothing but a libturdz VS Republicraps thread so that you don't have to address the bigger issue that welfare in this country has made it impossible to balance a budget, even for states?

No, that was the job of the op, I merely made note of it.

I wouldn't argue that spending on all fronts is beyond reasonable.

Interesting... So how far in debt due to overspending does America need to go before it is beyond reasonable? We're around 1.6 trillion annual deficit currently, do you feel something needs to be cut yet, if so, what and how much would that knock off a deficit that is due to break 2 Trillion soon? Maybe you’re the kind of person that believes taxing the rich will pay for the deficit, care to give us some numbers, like the tax rate and how much revenue it will pull a year, then deduct that microscopic number from the growing deficit for us so none of us have to do it for you.

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