America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers Read more:

GOP= Rich greedy incompetent a-holes in charge, duped cold war dinosaurs, red neck loudmouths and fundies. God save us...
America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

Those were Abe Lincoln’s words in his first inaugural in 1861, as America was running headlong into civil war. Now we’re a house divided again and another civil war is coming, with the 2012 election as its Gettysburg.

Call it America’s coming civil war between the Makers and the Takers.

On one side are those who create wealth, America’s private sector–the very ones targeted by President Obama’s tax hikes announced Monday.

On the other are the public employee unions; left-leaning intelligentsia who see the growth of government as index of progress; and the millions of Americans now dependent on government through a growing network of government transfer payments, from Medicaid and Social Security to college loans and corporate bailouts and handouts (think GM and Solyndra).

Over the past century America’s private sector has been the source of productivity, innovation, creativity, and growth–and gave us the iPhone and iPad. The public sector has been the engine of entitlement, stagnation, and decline -- and gave us Detroit and the South Bronx.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News


I somehow think that the left believes there is legitimacy to the growing number of people on government programs.

Just like the third and fourth generation welfare folks I knew in CA who got together right after the checks showed up and celebrated with a bag of weed.

That's what the left wants - everyone either dependent on government for basic necessities or working a union job...

That was their plan all alone and no one ever saw it except a few (myself included). Most people told me to put my tinfoil hat on because I was a "crazy racist" yeah? well I was right all along....

They want communism and they got it with Obamacare - that program set precedent for the government to control every aspect of your lives -- and these progressive communist fascists will do just that...... If Obama got 4 more years it would be the end of the United States... If Obama gets 4 more years there WILL be a civil war.... Obama has already set the dominoes up for a communist USA, now all he has to do is knock them over....

WOW...Obamacare is communism? When does Obama start building hospitals and hiring doctors?

WHY did Obama scrap the public option and instead go with the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea...the individual mandate?

Are scholars at the right wing American Enterprise Institute 'communists' too Ed? Because they were ordered not to speak to the media about health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.
GOP= Rich greedy incompetent a-holes in charge, duped cold war dinosaurs, red neck loudmouths and fundies. God save us...

Yes, people wanting to keep what they earned is greed, you wanting to take what you didn't is not. 1984 speak is alive and well. At least you appreciate it...

The rich aren't going to stop working, but we do stop working when we stop profiting. How much should be allowed to make? And by that, I mean at what point of income do you want me to stop working and creating jobs? I have a business that I took my own money and risked it buying other businesses and expanding revenue. When I stop earning more money for doing it, I'll stop doing it. And that's what's happening now and why we can't get out of the Obama recession. No business owner knows what he's going to do to screw us next. That ... is why we're sitting on trillions in cash rather then investing it. Getting rid of Vladimir Hussein Obama in itself would trigger a big economic resurgence. Maybe he'll be in office for the start of it ... between November and January ...
WHY did Obama scrap the public option and instead go with the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea...the individual mandate?

Because he couldn't get it to pass, duh. Talk about not paying attention. So he went with a two step program. Put insurers out of business and THEN get single payer...
America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

Those were Abe Lincoln’s words in his first inaugural in 1861, as America was running headlong into civil war. Now we’re a house divided again and another civil war is coming, with the 2012 election as its Gettysburg.

Call it America’s coming civil war between the Makers and the Takers.

On one side are those who create wealth, America’s private sector–the very ones targeted by President Obama’s tax hikes announced Monday.

On the other are the public employee unions; left-leaning intelligentsia who see the growth of government as index of progress; and the millions of Americans now dependent on government through a growing network of government transfer payments, from Medicaid and Social Security to college loans and corporate bailouts and handouts (think GM and Solyndra).

Over the past century America’s private sector has been the source of productivity, innovation, creativity, and growth–and gave us the iPhone and iPad. The public sector has been the engine of entitlement, stagnation, and decline -- and gave us Detroit and the South Bronx.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News


I somehow think that the left believes there is legitimacy to the growing number of people on government programs.

Just like the third and fourth generation welfare folks I knew in CA who got together right after the checks showed up and celebrated with a bag of weed.

That's what the left wants - everyone either dependent on government for basic necessities or working a union job...

That was their plan all alone and no one ever saw it except a few (myself included). Most people told me to put my tinfoil hat on because I was a "crazy racist" yeah? well I was right all along....

They want communism and they got it with Obamacare - that program set precedent for the government to control every aspect of your lives -- and these progressive communist fascists will do just that...... If Obama got 4 more years it would be the end of the United States... If Obama gets 4 more years there WILL be a civil war.... Obama has already set the dominoes up for a communist USA, now all he has to do is knock them over....

WOW...Obamacare is communism? When does Obama start building hospitals and hiring doctors?

WHY did Obama scrap the public option and instead go with the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea...the individual mandate?

Are scholars at the right wing American Enterprise Institute 'communists' too Ed? Because they were ordered not to speak to the media about health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

The whole progression of obamacare was to shift everyone away from private insurance into the government plan. The end result is government owned hospitals and government employed doctors, nurses and everyone else.
Bullshytte- it was almost impossible just to pass this, an exact copy of Romneycare, a great success already saving more than any other state. But keep being the brainwashed dupe of the greedy rich/corps/health care scammers. SHYTTEHEAD ty, change the channel, FOOL. tyvm LOL
gw gives you good advice based on his personal experience.

I don't think any guy should kiss any guy's butt, gw and GP can go to it for all I care. :lol:
Step off, Guy. You live in a secular constitutional republic. You will do as We the People tell you, or you will suffer the consequences of your silliness.

You will politely kneel down and kiss my ass....

I'd be careful with that, you don't know what he might be carrying.
No need for a civil war.

When all the makers quit making the takers will perish naturally, having nothing to take.

"Atlas Shrugged" is prophetic but the time is fast coming......

to resume negging that certain stalker.
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That's what the left wants - everyone either dependent on government for basic necessities or working a union job...

That was their plan all alone and no one ever saw it except a few (myself included). Most people told me to put my tinfoil hat on because I was a "crazy racist" yeah? well I was right all along....

They want communism and they got it with Obamacare - that program set precedent for the government to control every aspect of your lives -- and these progressive communist fascists will do just that...... If Obama got 4 more years it would be the end of the United States... If Obama gets 4 more years there WILL be a civil war.... Obama has already set the dominoes up for a communist USA, now all he has to do is knock them over....

WOW...Obamacare is communism? When does Obama start building hospitals and hiring doctors?

WHY did Obama scrap the public option and instead go with the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea...the individual mandate?

Are scholars at the right wing American Enterprise Institute 'communists' too Ed? Because they were ordered not to speak to the media about health care reform, because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

The whole progression of obamacare was to shift everyone away from private insurance into the government plan. The end result is government owned hospitals and government employed doctors, nurses and everyone else.

WHERE is the government plan? Did we get single payer? Did we get a public option?? OR, did we get the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea...the individual mandate?

Take your time, I know that tin foil hat may play havoc with your computer.

Robert Moffit - The Heritage Foundation senior fellow

Let's let Robert Moffit, who was deputy director of domestic policy studies at The Heritage Foundation back in 1994 explain. Here is what conservatives said when THEY proposed the individual mandate in the leading Senate alternative to the Clinton plan.

Personal Freedom, Responsibility, And Mandates
by Robert E. Moffit

The Taxpayer Mandate

Policy analysts at The Heritage Foundation have wrestled incessantly with. this problem, while developing a “consumer choice” plan for comprehensive health system reform, now embodied in a major legislative proposal.3 Only after extensive analysis of the peculiar distortions of the health insurance market did Heritage scholars reluctantly agree to an individual mandate.

On this point, some observations are in order. First, much of the debate over whether we should have a mandate is, in a sense, a debate over a “metaphysical abstraction.” 4 For all practical purposes, we already have a powerful and increasingly oppressive mandate: a mandate on taxpayers.

We all pay for the health care of those who do not pay, in two ways. First, people with private insurance pay through that insurance– even though that insurance is often the property of employers under current law. This reflects the ever-higher costs shifted to offset the billions of dollars of costs of uncompensated care in hospitals, clinics, and physicians’ offices. Second, if those who are uninsured get seriously ill and are forced to spend down their assets to cope with their huge medical bills, their care is paid for, not through employer-based or private insurance premiums, but through taxes, money taken by federal and state tax collectors to fund Medicaid or other public assistance programs that serve the poor or those impoverished because of a serious illness.

Hospitals also have legal obligations to accept and care for those who enter seeking assistance. No responsible public official is proposing repeal of these statutory provisions, and very few physicians, if any, are prepared to deny treatment to persons seeking their help merely because they cannot afford to pay. As taxpayers and subscribers to private health insurance, the American people pick up these bills.

Aside from current economic arrangements, the entire moral and cultural tenor of our society reinforces the taxpayer mandate. Those who are uninsured and cannot pay for their care will be cared for, and those who are insured and working will pay for that care.

So, we already have a mandate. But it is both inefficient and unfair.

3 The Consumer Choice Health Security Act. sponsored by Sen. Don Nickles (R-OK) and Rep. Cliff Steams (R-FL). The bill has twenty-four Senate cosponsors, making it the leading Senate alternative to the Clinton plan. S.M. Butler and E.F. Haislmaier, “The Consumer Choice Health Security Act (S. 1743, H.R. 3698),” Issue Bulletin no. 186 (The Heritage Foundation, December 1993).
The article in the OP blantantly ignores the existence of the vast majority of the American people. THE WORKERS! These are NOT wealthy people. They have seen their real wealth degenrate at a consistent rate for the past 30 years.

It paints a ridiculous picture of America as a 2 class society and promotes the idea that all a person has to do to get wealthy is work hard! What a F**KING LIE!

Just get a job as a cashier at McDonald, work real hard and you're sure to get wealthy!

How stupid does stupid get?

The wealthy people of America only work hard at sucking up all the money they can get their greedy hands on. They account for almost ZERO real productivity.

It's the EMPLOYEES of America that produce 99% of the real wealth, while the wealthiest Americans scarf it all up.

Somehow, these Americans are blatantly ignored in the OP article.

FOX has hit a new high on the STUPIDITY METER!
Sorry guys.

Your Atlas Shrugged wet dream isn't going to happen, no matter how many hyperbolic op-eds you can find.

"Atlas Shurgged" was predicated on the makers downing tools voluntarily. In the the new reality the takers will be assassinated. Dead people don't do much of anything except in Chicago where they vote.
John Galt, the ultimate American terrorist.

Sorry guys. Your Atlas Shrugged wet dream isn't going to happen, no matter how many hyperbolic op-eds you can find.
"Atlas Shurgged" was predicated on the makers downing tools voluntarily. In the the new reality the takers will be assassinated. Dead people don't do much of anything except in Chicago where they vote.
The Pubs will never vote for health reform. Their megarich masters just LOVE ripping off the country. Now 17%+ of GDP and not guaranteed. Pub dupe morons.
ii do believe this is by far the worst bunch in washington that this country has ever had. There are too many career politicians and its all about money for them. clintons, pelosi, and many more should be voted out. They have been there too long and making it a career instead of workingi for the people. Obama sure doesn't work for the American people. Too many ini office for too long and need to be replaced.
John Galt, the ultimate American terrorist.

Yes, that's true.

He would have been the ultimate American terrorist had he actually existed.

Just as Obama, the American born community organizer, might have been the ultimate of his ilk - if he had actually existed.

Don't feel bad about having to read that aloud several times before you understand it.
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#557- Total dupe of the greedy rich. Try POLICY!! Crony depression vs Health Reform of COSTS, for the people.
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You are so boring. Nothing real, nothing imaginative, nothing to work with. Just nothing. Almost as if you were an imaginary being like Galt with as much substance.

John Galt, the ultimate American terrorist.
Yes, that's true. He would have been the ultimate American terrorist had he actually existed.Just as Obama, the American born community organizer, might have been the ultimate of his ilk - if he had actually existed.
Don't feel bad about having to read that aloud several times before you understand it.

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