America's Compassion For The Unemployed Won't Last. The Second Phase of Unemployment Will Be Harsher.


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
This article mentions the stigma of being unemployed, apparently even when it's through no fault of one's own
For American workers displaced by recession, widespread public sympathy soon gives way to moralizing anger.

April 19, 2020

In the past few weeks the United States has witnessed an unprecedented spike in jobless claims that has overwhelmed state agencies. Alongside a health crisis and an economic crisis, we are now entering into a devastating period of mass unemployment, one that—decades of research tell us—will leave deep financial and psychological scars for the workers and families trapped within it. Today, Americans across party lines recognize the need to act quickly to minimize this harm, but that bipartisan support will soon fade, as it has in past recessions. If Congress and state governments are going to pass forward-thinking legislation to help unemployed and precariously employed workers, now is the time.

Having researched the experiences of unemployed workers over the past 20 years, we expect that the coming unemployment crisis will have two distinct phases. In the first phase, the country will largely respond with a sense of solidarity and compassion for the millions who have lost their jobs. Americans will recognize that external forces—the coronavirus and government policies to create social distance—have triggered these mass layoffs, and they will see the plight of unemployed workers in that light.

Those who lose their jobs will struggle to make ends meet in a stand-still economy, but they will at least be spared some of the blame leveled against the jobless in other economic downturns. When more than 20 million people file for unemployment in a month, even the hard-hearted will have trouble casting them as idlers or parasites. As a result, there should be sufficient political will to continue generous government support—perhaps even expanding upon the $2 trillion stimulus package that Congress recently passed, which dramatically boosts unemployment benefits and extends them to gig workers and other people who normally don’t qualify.

Eventually, the outbreak will subside, and economic conditions will improve. Yet, for workers who remain unemployed, the situation will worsen. We are likely to see a repeat of the unemployment crisis of the Great Recession—but the underlying dynamics will be amplified.

Continued here: The Second Phase of Unemployment Will Be Harsher
This one is different though. The unemployed are angry at the gov't for FORCING them out of jobs; the gov't, the media, and Leftists (but I repeat myself) are uniting to paint the unemployed as mortal enemies and Awful People for not being 100% down with The Quarantine Plan.

It's only going to get uglier from here.
With both Parties favoring flooding the country with illegal aliens and no moratorium on immigration like what was in place in the 1930's, and no FDR type in the wings, just hacks like Biden or Michael Obama on the one hand and the Lil Marios and Jebs on the other, we probably will be in for a ride, especially with the Democrats' 'ethnic cleansing' agenda and voter fraud program. Unlikely to be a real recovery, just a further decline into Third World poverty rates and the U.S. dividing up into little corrupt dictatorships in 30 years. We know California is already esentially a Red Chinese puppet state at this point.

All four of our largest states are dominated by foreign interests and illegal immigrants and criminal gangs who will control the politics there, Cali, Texas, Florida, and New York. The globalists' will just gut the country and move anything of value to some other country; they don't need the U.S. and its uppity proles and millions of firearms in civilian hands when they have their choice of more 'pliable' regions, like Asia and Islamic shitholes with much cheaper labor rackets going.

And last but not least, automation and AI will be all the Davos Set needs to free themselves from you tiresome proles, and you can all starve for all they care, they will be well protected and isolated from your sniveling and violence. Even without that stuff ...

" I can hire half the working class to kill the other half".- Jay Gould.

Of course, black people will be the first to disappear as a political force and criminal, contrary to the bullsnit Democrats keep feeding them about 'The End Of Whitey N Stuff".
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This one is different though. The unemployed are angry at the gov't for FORCING them out of jobs; the gov't, the media, and Leftists (but I repeat myself) are uniting to paint the unemployed as mortal enemies and Awful People for not being 100% down with The Quarantine Plan.

It's only going to get uglier from here.
The ugliness comes solely from the right – this post is a lie and serves as one of far too many examples.
This one is different though. The unemployed are angry at the gov't for FORCING them out of jobs; the gov't, the media, and Leftists (but I repeat myself) are uniting to paint the unemployed as mortal enemies and Awful People for not being 100% down with The Quarantine Plan.

It's only going to get uglier from here.

Islamophobic Twat trying to blame other people for Trump's foulups.

All four of our largest states are dominated by foreign interests and illegal immigrants and criminal gangs who will control the politics there, Cali, Texas, Florida, and New York. The globalists' will just gut the country and move anything of value to some other country; they don't need the U.S. and its uppity proles and millions of firearms in civilian hands when they have their choice of more 'pliable' regions, like Asia and Islamic shitholes with much cheaper labor rackets going.

There's an illegal alien under your bed right now and he's going to pop out and GET YOU tonight.

Or maybe he'll just mow your lawn. One of those.
he ugliness comes solely from the right – this post is a lie and serves as one of far too many examples.
April 21 2020.

After a month of gubernatorial shutdown along with promises of relief , the smallest and most vulnerable businesses among us, the sole proprietor ,Type S ,or LLC have be witness to the state systematically introducing every bureaucratic means to disqualify us.

Column: The PPP is letting our small restaurants and businesses die

let me make this clear, despite every public effort to 'look like they're helping sm biz' we neither qualify for UI, or CARES at this point

any real help will be too late

All four of our largest states are dominated by foreign interests and illegal immigrants and criminal gangs who will control the politics there, Cali, Texas, Florida, and New York. The globalists' will just gut the country and move anything of value to some other country; they don't need the U.S. and its uppity proles and millions of firearms in civilian hands when they have their choice of more 'pliable' regions, like Asia and Islamic shitholes with much cheaper labor rackets going.

There's an illegal alien under your bed right now and he's going to pop out and GET YOU tonight.

Or maybe he'll just mow your lawn. One of those.

They do such crappy work and have such poor ethical values, I wouldn't allow them to sweep a sidewalk, much less hire them for any work. And, most of them are like all the criminally inclined, cowards, so I have no fear of any of them 'popping out' of anything; like you, they're so fundamentally stupid they're only a threat to dumbass Burb Brats and the handicapped.
This one is different though. The unemployed are angry at the gov't for FORCING them out of jobs; the gov't, the media, and Leftists (but I repeat myself) are uniting to paint the unemployed as mortal enemies and Awful People for not being 100% down with The Quarantine Plan.

It's only going to get uglier from here.
The ugliness comes solely from the right – this post is a lie and serves as one of far too many examples.

What is more divisive than looking at half the political divide, and smearing them as ugly?
With both Parties favoring flooding the country with illegal aliens and no moratorium on immigration like what was in place in the 1930's, and no FDR type in the wings, just hacks like Biden or Michael Obama on the one hand and the Lil Marios and Jebs on the other, we probably will be in for a ride, especially with the Democrats' 'ethnic cleansing' agenda and voter fraud program. Unlikely to be a real recovery, just a further decline into Third World poverty rates and the U.S. dividing up into little corrupt dictatorships in 30 years. We know California is already esentially a Red Chinese puppet state at this point.

All four of our largest states are dominated by foreign interests and illegal immigrants and criminal gangs who will control the politics there, Cali, Texas, Florida, and New York. The globalists' will just gut the country and move anything of value to some other country; they don't need the U.S. and its uppity proles and millions of firearms in civilian hands when they have their choice of more 'pliable' regions, like Asia and Islamic shitholes with much cheaper labor rackets going.

And last but not least, automation and AI will be all the Davos Set needs to free themselves from you tiresome proles, and you can all starve for all they care, they will be well protected and isolated from your sniveling and violence. Even without that stuff ...

" I can hire half the working class to kill the other half".- Jay Gould.

Of course, black people will be the first to disappear as a political force and criminal, contrary to the bullsnit Democrats keep feeding them about 'The End Of Whitey N Stuff".

I guess ole Clayton doesn't realize that left wing latinos and Asians don't give a rat's ass about black people any more, now that the Democrats are criminal illegal alien's and Red China's new Best Friends Forever, and that leaves black people out in the cold, without white people to look out for their interests for them.
With both Parties favoring flooding the country with illegal aliens and no moratorium on immigration like what was in place in the 1930's, and no FDR type in the wings, just hacks like Biden or Michael Obama on the one hand and the Lil Marios and Jebs on the other, we probably will be in for a ride, especially with the Democrats' 'ethnic cleansing' agenda and voter fraud program. Unlikely to be a real recovery, just a further decline into Third World poverty rates and the U.S. dividing up into little corrupt dictatorships in 30 years. We know California is already esentially a Red Chinese puppet state at this point.

All four of our largest states are dominated by foreign interests and illegal immigrants and criminal gangs who will control the politics there, Cali, Texas, Florida, and New York. The globalists' will just gut the country and move anything of value to some other country; they don't need the U.S. and its uppity proles and millions of firearms in civilian hands when they have their choice of more 'pliable' regions, like Asia and Islamic shitholes with much cheaper labor rackets going.

And last but not least, automation and AI will be all the Davos Set needs to free themselves from you tiresome proles, and you can all starve for all they care, they will be well protected and isolated from your sniveling and violence. Even without that stuff ...

" I can hire half the working class to kill the other half".- Jay Gould.

Of course, black people will be the first to disappear as a political force and criminal, contrary to the bullsnit Democrats keep feeding them about 'The End Of Whitey N Stuff".

I guess ole Clayton doesn't realize that left wing latinos and Asians don't give a rat's ass about black people any more, now that the Democrats are criminal illegal alien's and Red China's new Best Friends Forever, and that leaves black people out in the cold, without white people to look out for their interests for them.
I have often said that this country is on its way to being a Latino majority and when that happens the question won't be what place blacks will play in that new society the question will be..... Martin Luther quiero?

They do such crappy work and have such poor ethical values, I wouldn't allow them to sweep a sidewalk, much less hire them for any work. And, most of them are like all the criminally inclined, cowards, so I have no fear of any of them 'popping out' of anything; like you, they're so fundamentally stupid they're only a threat to dumbass Burb Brats and the handicapped.

Yet you are the one crapping your pants that they might take your job.

I have often said that this country is on its way to being a Latino majority and when that happens the question won't be what place blacks will play in that new society the question will be..... Martin Luther quiero?

Again, 150 years ago, some bigoted mother fucker like you was saying the same thing about the Irish.
100 years ago, some bigoted mother fucker like you was saying the same thing about the Germans and Italians.
50 years ago, some bigoted mother fucker like you was saying the same thing about the Polish.

But the only people who are really out to screw you are rich people. So keep hating "the other" and bending over.
They do such crappy work and have such poor ethical values, I wouldn't allow them to sweep a sidewalk, much less hire them for any work. And, most of them are like all the criminally inclined, cowards, so I have no fear of any of them 'popping out' of anything; like you, they're so fundamentally stupid they're only a threat to dumbass Burb Brats and the handicapped.

Yet you are the one crapping your pants that they might take your job.

I have often said that this country is on its way to being a Latino majority and when that happens the question won't be what place blacks will play in that new society the question will be..... Martin Luther quiero?

Again, 150 years ago, some bigoted mother fucker like you was saying the same thing about the Irish.
100 years ago, some bigoted mother fucker like you was saying the same thing about the Germans and Italians.
50 years ago, some bigoted mother fucker like you was saying the same thing about the Polish.

But the only people who are really out to screw you are rich people. So keep hating "the other" and bending over.

Joe doesn't work, so he doesn't care about other peoples' jobs. He also hates white people, and thinks mass immigration wasn't a bad thing in the 19th century, despite all the facts to the contrary, both economic and cultural.
With both Parties favoring flooding the country with illegal aliens and no moratorium on immigration like what was in place in the 1930's, and no FDR type in the wings, just hacks like Biden or Michael Obama on the one hand and the Lil Marios and Jebs on the other, we probably will be in for a ride, especially with the Democrats' 'ethnic cleansing' agenda and voter fraud program. Unlikely to be a real recovery, just a further decline into Third World poverty rates and the U.S. dividing up into little corrupt dictatorships in 30 years. We know California is already esentially a Red Chinese puppet state at this point.

All four of our largest states are dominated by foreign interests and illegal immigrants and criminal gangs who will control the politics there, Cali, Texas, Florida, and New York. The globalists' will just gut the country and move anything of value to some other country; they don't need the U.S. and its uppity proles and millions of firearms in civilian hands when they have their choice of more 'pliable' regions, like Asia and Islamic shitholes with much cheaper labor rackets going.

And last but not least, automation and AI will be all the Davos Set needs to free themselves from you tiresome proles, and you can all starve for all they care, they will be well protected and isolated from your sniveling and violence. Even without that stuff ...

" I can hire half the working class to kill the other half".- Jay Gould.

Of course, black people will be the first to disappear as a political force and criminal, contrary to the bullsnit Democrats keep feeding them about 'The End Of Whitey N Stuff".

I guess ole Clayton doesn't realize that left wing latinos and Asians don't give a rat's ass about black people any more, now that the Democrats are criminal illegal alien's and Red China's new Best Friends Forever, and that leaves black people out in the cold, without white people to look out for their interests for them.
I have often said that this country is on its way to being a Latino majority and when that happens the question won't be what place blacks will play in that new society the question will be..... Martin Luther quiero?


Yep. The competition for slum housing and welfare will not favor blacks any more, that's for sure. That 'race war' the Democrats want so badly won't be the one they're hoping for, it will be among their own Party's base. It will be fun listening to 'Ebonics' speakers having to learn to speak Spanish , though, since that will be a requirement to graduate from public school in a decade or so. Asians will all be in private schools, so they won't care.
Joe doesn't work, so he doesn't care about other peoples' jobs. He also hates white people, and thinks mass immigration wasn't a bad thing in the 19th century, despite all the facts to the contrary, both economic and cultural.

Actually, up until the point your boy Trump wrecked the economy, I was working 80 hours a week. I'm down to a mere 45 hours a week now.

Mass immigration was and always has been an AWESOME thing. My dad was an immigrant. He went on to serve his country in WWII (serving as a medic and translator), worked for 40 years as a solid citizen before he died of Lung Cancer because some rich white cocksucker told him the asbestos he worked with was perfectly safe.

Yep. The competition for slum housing and welfare will not favor blacks any more, that's for sure. That 'race war' the Democrats want so badly won't be the one they're hoping for, it will be among their own Party's base. It will be fun listening to 'Ebonics' speakers having to learn to speak Spanish , though, since that will be a requirement to graduate from public school in a decade or so. Asians will all be in private schools, so they won't care.

And you'll still be in the trailer park, wearing your MAGA Hat, wondering why Paco is getting your job.

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