Americas favorite waste of taxpayer money!

The great american military jet flyover ! (With apologies to the simpsons ).

Thunderbird jet doing a flyover at the air five graduation ends up crashing . Luckily no one was hurt . Just a million dollar jet destroyed .

These flyovers are so stupid . And they do them all the time . Every big stupid game , even if it's in a dome !!

The irony . It was the Air Force academy graduation ! It's a sign to end these things .

Pilot Safely Ejects in Colorado Before Thunderbird Crash

The pilot of a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird ejected safely into a Colorado field Thursday, crashing the fighter jet moments after flying over a crowd watching President Barack Obama's commencement address for Air Force cadets.
America hater trying to wrap his hatred in a so called hatred of wasting taxes which Liberals LOVE to do.
Yeah, forget the nearly $1 trillion Barry Stimulus bill

Yeah, forget the $1 trillion Cheney/Bush Iraq Fiasco.
Forget the nearly $1 Trillion failed Obama Stimulus that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork and cost tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to create / save.

Forget the millions of dollars and human lives it is costing us now to RE-TAKE parts of Iraq because Obama was too incompetent to protect what we had achieved and because he allowed his beloved terrorists waltz into Iraq and take territory our military had ALREADY liberated.
Like u care about Benghazi or Iraq .

That's one of the differences between the two of us -

YOU are a 'What difference does it make' liberal who could care less that Obama and Hillary's actions resulted in the needless deaths of 4 Americans. I do care and believe not only abandoning them to die then attempting to cover it up to save her own political future disqualifies her (for me) from being President.

The differences I actually care about American lives and you just pretend to. You want us going back into Iraq?
I disagree. The public deserves to see what it's paid for. There are risks in every thing we do. From flying jets over a crowd or being in that crowd. to shooting up fentanyl.

I'm glad the pilot was able to eject safely.
The differences I actually care about American lives and you just pretend to. You want us going back into Iraq?

:wtf:is wrong with you?

The only reason we are fighting AGAIN in Iraq is because OBAMA F*ED UP! HE allowed ISIS to walk into Iraq without putting up a fight.

Obama lied his ass off about not putting any more boots on the ground, but the media is almost remaining completely silent about how Obama just sent several thousand MORE troops fight to try to recapture territory our military had already liberated at great cost because HE allowed it to be taken by ISIS.

President Barry 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' Obama has sent our military to help AL '9/11/01 and 9/11/12' QAEIDA fight a civil war against a dictator in Libya so they could take over their own country....

Barry CURRENTLY has US troops fighting in the middle of the Syrian civil war between terrorists and a dictator trying to help re-take a town in Syria...

Now has THOUSANDS of US troops fighting in Iraq to try to re-take the territory he allowed to be lost to ISIS.

We just brought home a SpecOps soldier who was killed in a firefight with ISIS in Iraq - after he and his team ran out of ammo - ONLY because of Obama's sent him and more troops to go fight in Iraq again after he lied to the American people by saying he was no tsending any more boots on the ground.

I don't want to go back into Iraq. We should HAVE to be going into Iraq. We WOULDN'T have to be there fighting again if Obama wouldn't have allowed ISIS to go in without any resistance.
Yeah . Flying jets at dangerous low altitude over large groups of people in a metro area is a freaking great idea !

Leaving an American Ambassador in Benghazi when every other nation has pulled their people out due to the known terrorist threat, rejecting hundreds of pleas for additional security AND stripping the Ambassador of 14 members of security detail AFTER 2 terrorist attacks...yeah, that's a much smarter idea.

One is taking a risk. The other is sentencing people to die. Liberals are more freaked out about a fly-by crash ACCIDENT that didn't result in any deaths than the deliberate / incompetent acts that left 4 Americans needlessly dead. :p

The Ambassador was not left in Benghazi. His residence was in Tripoli. The Sec of State did not send him to Benghazi.

I thought the pilot did a wonderful job steering his jet away from civilian areas before ejecting.

The deliberate act was taken by the terrorist who are entirely responsible for all the deaths that night.
The great american military jet flyover ! (With apologies to the simpsons ).

Thunderbird jet doing a flyover at the air five graduation ends up crashing . Luckily no one was hurt . Just a million dollar jet destroyed .

These flyovers are so stupid . And they do them all the time . Every big stupid game , even if it's in a dome !!

The irony . It was the Air Force academy graduation ! It's a sign to end these things .

Pilot Safely Ejects in Colorado Before Thunderbird Crash

The pilot of a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird ejected safely into a Colorado field Thursday, crashing the fighter jet moments after flying over a crowd watching President Barack Obama's commencement address for Air Force cadets.
This is...
The great american military jet flyover ! (With apologies to the simpsons ).

Thunderbird jet doing a flyover at the air five graduation ends up crashing . Luckily no one was hurt . Just a million dollar jet destroyed .

These flyovers are so stupid . And they do them all the time . Every big stupid game , even if it's in a dome !!

The irony . It was the Air Force academy graduation ! It's a sign to end these things .

Pilot Safely Ejects in Colorado Before Thunderbird Crash

The pilot of a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird ejected safely into a Colorado field Thursday, crashing the fighter jet moments after flying over a crowd watching President Barack Obama's commencement address for Air Force cadets.
This is...
you left off "irrelevant"

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