America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires

Why do we put up with such injustices?

November 1, 2013 |

There are 16.4 million American children living in poverty. That's nearly one quarter (22.6%) of all of our children. More alarming is that the percentage of poor children has climbed by 4.5 percent since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. And poor means poor. For a family of three with one child under 18, the poverty line is $18,400.

Meanwhile, the stock market is booming. Banks, hedge funds and private equity firms are making tens of billions of dollars again, while the luxury housing and goods markets are skyrocketing.

Most amazing of all is the fact that 95 percent of the so-called "recovery" has gone to the top 1 percent who have seen their incomes rise by 34%. For the 99 percent there's been an undeclared wage freeze: the average wage has climbed by only 0.4 percent.

To add to the misery, Washington has decided that the best way to tackle childhood poverty is to have poor kids eat less. Both parties already have agreed to cut billions from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). Starting this November 1, payments are scheduled to drop from $668 a month to $632 for more than 47 million lower-income people -- 1 in 7 Americans, most of them children. (Three incredible graphs that visualize the issues in this story are at the bottom of this article.)

And more cuts are coming. The Tea Party House passed a bill to cut food stamps by $4 billion a year, while the Senate calls for $400 million in cuts. How humane! And since it will be part of the omnibus Farm Bill, President Obama will sign it. (I wonder how our former community organizer will explain this to the poor children he once tried to help in Chicago.)

But that's just the start. More austerity is coming in the form of cuts to Social Security as well as a host of other social programs. When times get tough, you've got to suck it up and take more from the poor.

Rewarding Billionaires Who Increase Poverty?

Read More America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires Boom | Alternet

I agree that the poor should be uplifted. I, and the great majority of Americans, support a big tax hikes on the rich as well as a large raise in the minimum wage.

BUT, here's the problem. while the Democrats are good on this issue, they are horrible on immigration, whereby they are willing to allow millions of illegal foreigners to remain here - many of them on various forma of welfare (not just food stamps). Here's where I agree with the Republicans. I don't mind giving out food stamp $$ to needy Americans, but to dispense it to the whole rest of the world, who decides to jump a border fence or float here on a raft ? No, I don't think so.

Equally bothersome are the welfare moms who go out and have themselves 10 kids on the public dole. Anyone woman having more than 2 kids while on welfare, should undergo mandatory sterilization. Maybe if/whenever we some responsibility injected into the welfare $$ scenario, there won't be so much objection to it.
Why do we put up with such injustices?

November 1, 2013 |

There are 16.4 million American children living in poverty. That's nearly one quarter (22.6%) of all of our children. More alarming is that the percentage of poor children has climbed by 4.5 percent since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. And poor means poor. For a family of three with one child under 18, the poverty line is $18,400.

Meanwhile, the stock market is booming. Banks, hedge funds and private equity firms are making tens of billions of dollars again, while the luxury housing and goods markets are skyrocketing.

Most amazing of all is the fact that 95 percent of the so-called "recovery" has gone to the top 1 percent who have seen their incomes rise by 34%. For the 99 percent there's been an undeclared wage freeze: the average wage has climbed by only 0.4 percent.

To add to the misery, Washington has decided that the best way to tackle childhood poverty is to have poor kids eat less. Both parties already have agreed to cut billions from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). Starting this November 1, payments are scheduled to drop from $668 a month to $632 for more than 47 million lower-income people -- 1 in 7 Americans, most of them children. (Three incredible graphs that visualize the issues in this story are at the bottom of this article.)

And more cuts are coming. The Tea Party House passed a bill to cut food stamps by $4 billion a year, while the Senate calls for $400 million in cuts. How humane! And since it will be part of the omnibus Farm Bill, President Obama will sign it. (I wonder how our former community organizer will explain this to the poor children he once tried to help in Chicago.)

But that's just the start. More austerity is coming in the form of cuts to Social Security as well as a host of other social programs. When times get tough, you've got to suck it up and take more from the poor.

Rewarding Billionaires Who Increase Poverty?

Read More America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires Boom | Alternet

I agree that the poor should be uplifted. I, and the great majority of Americans, support a big tax hikes on the rich as well as a large raise in the minimum wage.

BUT, here's the problem. while the Democrats are good on this issue, they are horrible on immigration, whereby they are willing to allow millions of illegal foreigners to remain here - many of them on various forma of welfare (not just food stamps). Here's where I agree with the Republicans. I don't mind giving out food stamp $$ to needy Americans, but to dispense it to the whole rest of the world, who decides to jump a border fence or float here on a raft ? No, I don't think so.

Equally bothersome are the welfare moms who go out and have themselves 10 kids on the public dole. Anyone woman having more than 2 kids while on welfare, should undergo mandatory sterilization. Maybe if/whenever we some responsibility injected into the welfare $$ scenario, there won't be so much objection to it.

You're wrong about illegals. They do not qualify for food stamps.

This idea of women having kids just to get welfare is far from statistically relevant.
Equally bothersome are the welfare moms who go out and have themselves 10 kids on the public dole. Anyone woman having more than 2 kids while on welfare, should undergo mandatory sterilization. Maybe if/whenever we some responsibility injected into the welfare $$ scenario, there won't be so much objection to it.

Ah yes, the mythical "Welfare Queen" who drives a Cadillac to pick up her welfare check. Poor women have FEWER children than average. That's the fact. People on welfare are not popping out more babies to increase their income. That lie has been thoroughly debunked but right wingers cling to the lie. It makes them feel good about demonizing people on welfare.
Here is a idea how about coming up with programs that educate and train people to get them the skills they need to find jobs that get them out of poverty.

Obama proposed that but republicans shot it down.

Obama again proposes new money for job training at community colleges | Inside Higher Ed

Job Training Programs: Obama Stimulus Plan Job Training Programs

None of this does any good when you are doing nothing to stimulate job growth. So, you throw money at the wrong part of the problem and expect the problem to solve itself. Sorry, but this doesn't do much. Training for a job you may never find. You don't spend people into prosperity, Billy.
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The dirty little secret is that the system is working and the alleged "poverty" victims in the US live better than the middle class of most industrialized quazi-socialized countries in the world.

Wrong. Fail.

He's right actually. Since when do people in dirt poor countries get government subsidies in the form of a check in the mail every week? Hmm?
Why do we put up with such injustices?

November 1, 2013 |

There are 16.4 million American children living in poverty. That's nearly one quarter (22.6%) of all of our children. More alarming is that the percentage of poor children has climbed by 4.5 percent since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. And poor means poor. For a family of three with one child under 18, the poverty line is $18,400.

Meanwhile, the stock market is booming. Banks, hedge funds and private equity firms are making tens of billions of dollars again, while the luxury housing and goods markets are skyrocketing.

Most amazing of all is the fact that 95 percent of the so-called "recovery" has gone to the top 1 percent who have seen their incomes rise by 34%. For the 99 percent there's been an undeclared wage freeze: the average wage has climbed by only 0.4 percent.

To add to the misery, Washington has decided that the best way to tackle childhood poverty is to have poor kids eat less. Both parties already have agreed to cut billions from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). Starting this November 1, payments are scheduled to drop from $668 a month to $632 for more than 47 million lower-income people -- 1 in 7 Americans, most of them children. (Three incredible graphs that visualize the issues in this story are at the bottom of this article.)

And more cuts are coming. The Tea Party House passed a bill to cut food stamps by $4 billion a year, while the Senate calls for $400 million in cuts. How humane! And since it will be part of the omnibus Farm Bill, President Obama will sign it. (I wonder how our former community organizer will explain this to the poor children he once tried to help in Chicago.)

But that's just the start. More austerity is coming in the form of cuts to Social Security as well as a host of other social programs. When times get tough, you've got to suck it up and take more from the poor.

Rewarding Billionaires Who Increase Poverty?

Read More America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires Boom | Alternet

I agree that the poor should be uplifted. I, and the great majority of Americans, support a big tax hikes on the rich as well as a large raise in the minimum wage.

BUT, here's the problem. while the Democrats are good on this issue, they are horrible on immigration, whereby they are willing to allow millions of illegal foreigners to remain here - many of them on various forma of welfare (not just food stamps). Here's where I agree with the Republicans. I don't mind giving out food stamp $$ to needy Americans, but to dispense it to the whole rest of the world, who decides to jump a border fence or float here on a raft ? No, I don't think so.

Equally bothersome are the welfare moms who go out and have themselves 10 kids on the public dole. Anyone woman having more than 2 kids while on welfare, should undergo mandatory sterilization. Maybe if/whenever we some responsibility injected into the welfare $$ scenario, there won't be so much objection to it.

You're wrong about illegals. They do not qualify for food stamps.

Yeah, they do.

Case Worker: Illegal Aliens Got Food Stamps by the ?Vanload? | Judicial Watch
Here is a idea how about coming up with programs that educate and train people to get them the skills they need to find jobs that get them out of poverty.

Obama proposed that but republicans shot it down.

Obama again proposes new money for job training at community colleges | Inside Higher Ed

Job Training Programs: Obama Stimulus Plan Job Training Programs

None of this does any good when you are doing nothing to stimulate job growth. So, you throw money at the wrong part of the problem and expect the problem to solve itself. Sorry, but this doesn't do much. Training for a job you may never find. You don't spend people into prosperity, Billy.

Actually it does a lot. One of the biggest economic problems we have is that there are many jobs available that people just aren't qualified for. Training these people will get them jobs.
I agree that the poor should be uplifted. I, and the great majority of Americans, support a big tax hikes on the rich as well as a large raise in the minimum wage.

BUT, here's the problem. while the Democrats are good on this issue, they are horrible on immigration, whereby they are willing to allow millions of illegal foreigners to remain here - many of them on various forma of welfare (not just food stamps). Here's where I agree with the Republicans. I don't mind giving out food stamp $$ to needy Americans, but to dispense it to the whole rest of the world, who decides to jump a border fence or float here on a raft ? No, I don't think so.

Equally bothersome are the welfare moms who go out and have themselves 10 kids on the public dole. Anyone woman having more than 2 kids while on welfare, should undergo mandatory sterilization. Maybe if/whenever we some responsibility injected into the welfare $$ scenario, there won't be so much objection to it.

You're wrong about illegals. They do not qualify for food stamps.

Yeah, they do.

Case Worker: Illegal Aliens Got Food Stamps by the ?Vanload? | Judicial Watch

Why am i not surprised your source is just an anecdotal account?
Why do we put up with such injustices?

November 1, 2013 |

There are 16.4 million American children living in poverty. That's nearly one quarter (22.6%) of all of our children. More alarming is that the percentage of poor children has climbed by 4.5 percent since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. And poor means poor. For a family of three with one child under 18, the poverty line is $18,400.

Meanwhile, the stock market is booming. Banks, hedge funds and private equity firms are making tens of billions of dollars again, while the luxury housing and goods markets are skyrocketing.

Most amazing of all is the fact that 95 percent of the so-called "recovery" has gone to the top 1 percent who have seen their incomes rise by 34%. For the 99 percent there's been an undeclared wage freeze: the average wage has climbed by only 0.4 percent.

To add to the misery, Washington has decided that the best way to tackle childhood poverty is to have poor kids eat less. Both parties already have agreed to cut billions from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). Starting this November 1, payments are scheduled to drop from $668 a month to $632 for more than 47 million lower-income people -- 1 in 7 Americans, most of them children. (Three incredible graphs that visualize the issues in this story are at the bottom of this article.)

And more cuts are coming. The Tea Party House passed a bill to cut food stamps by $4 billion a year, while the Senate calls for $400 million in cuts. How humane! And since it will be part of the omnibus Farm Bill, President Obama will sign it. (I wonder how our former community organizer will explain this to the poor children he once tried to help in Chicago.)

But that's just the start. More austerity is coming in the form of cuts to Social Security as well as a host of other social programs. When times get tough, you've got to suck it up and take more from the poor.

Rewarding Billionaires Who Increase Poverty?

Read More America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires Boom | Alternet

good lord

does this mean poor people will have to work and or work more?

for fucks sake, other people are suffering to feed these kids.

They get 2-3 free meals at school. What are the parents doing with the money that is saved 9 months out of the year?

Most of these people are in housing, so their rent is based on income, so their rent will go down. didn't know that did you?
We pay for food stamps to help make the poor fat, and then we have to pay for their health car when they come down with diabetes and other weight-related disease. And we're doing all this so they won't starve?

How stupid are we?
How can any child be starving to death in America?

I thought the greatest threat was child obesity according to Michelle? So what is it?

Fat kids who are starving to death?

Bite me. What bullshit. Little chunkers are starving to death and need more arugala apparently

Are the kids fat? Or are the kids starving? Make up your freaking minds you maniac liberals.

Food insecurity linked to obesity in children
Across the nation, thousands of children are starting and ending their day with tummies that never seem to be filled up. These are children with one or more working parent, who live down the street and attend neighborhood schools.

And while they may have three meals a day, they often are not nutritious. Meals may consist of empty-calorie food that provides very little of the protein, vitamins and minerals needed for growing bodies. In many cases, children become overweight, even as they remain hungry.

Of the 315 million people living in the United States, nearly 50 million are food-insecure. In 2012, of those hungry, 16 million were children, according to Map the Meal Gap, an annual report from Feeding America, an anti-hunger charity that tracks food insecurity at the county level. In a report released in June, Map the Meal Gap showed that 11,200 children (17.7 percent) under the age of 18 in Larimer County struggle with hunger, which affects 23.5 percent of the county's total population.

To meet this need, the Food Bank for Larimer County last year provided more than 74,000 meals and 61,000 snacks for low-income children through its Kids Café sites. In addition, 18,000 weekend food packs were distributed and its summer program served more than 30,000 meals to food-insecure children.

read more Food insecurity linked to obesity in children - Loveland Reporter-Herald

Food insecurity now?

When my husband was stationed at Saturn we left the high end of life up in Ridgelake and moved out to rural Tennessee. Yes, go ahead and start playing the theme from Deliverance. :)

We moved to Hickman county. I'll tell you about poor. But those that became my friends didn't think they were. Damn. And proud. And too proud to take hand outs from the government.

Kids eating squirrel and taters and living in trailers rigged with cast iron wood stoves with the pipes taped out the window.

Brightest and most beautiful children. Poor yes. Hungry never.

There is no place in America that you can be hungry. Unless you are with drug addled parents who can't or wont find a way to feed their children.
War on Poverty Progressive style is 50 years long!


Can we admit it's a failure?
As Sebelius said, some people live, some people die. Some are smart some dunb. Some rich, some poor. Bumps in the road..
Here is a idea how about coming up with programs that educate and train people to get them the skills they need to find jobs that get them out of poverty.

Obama proposed that but republicans shot it down.

Obama again proposes new money for job training at community colleges | Inside Higher Ed

Job Training Programs: Obama Stimulus Plan Job Training Programs

None of this does any good when you are doing nothing to stimulate job growth. So, you throw money at the wrong part of the problem and expect the problem to solve itself. Sorry, but this doesn't do much. Training for a job you may never find. You don't spend people into prosperity, Billy.
for evey dollar of food stamps the community gets back $1.70 ... so what you're are saying is that dollar spent isn't spending people into prosperity ... just so we understand one another, every dollar we spend on food stamps that these retailers don't like the Idea that they make .70 more ... how about you going to tell those retailers they don't need that money...

these retailers pays taxes on that 70cents ... the people buying pays taxes on the dollar they spent ... tell us again how that doesn't spend us into prosperity
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The dirty little secret is that the system is working and the alleged "poverty" victims in the US live better than the middle class of most industrialized quazi-socialized countries in the world.

Wrong. Fail.

He's right actually. Since when do people in dirt poor countries get government subsidies in the form of a check in the mail every week? Hmm?

ones again you show us you don't know what your taking about ... do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself????

None of this does any good when you are doing nothing to stimulate job growth. So, you throw money at the wrong part of the problem and expect the problem to solve itself. Sorry, but this doesn't do much. Training for a job you may never find. You don't spend people into prosperity, Billy.
for evey dollar of food stamps the community gets back $1.70 ... so what you're are saying is that dollar spent isn't spending people into prosperity ... just so we understand one another, every dollar we spend on food stamps that these retailers don't like the Idea that they make .70 more ... how about you going to tell those retailers they don't need that money...

these retailers pays taxes on that 70cents ... the people buying pays taxes on the dollar the spent ... tell us again how that doesn't spend us into prosperity

Damn, that's brilliant.
What we need is for every American to start getting foodstamps. Then we'll all be RICH!

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