America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires

We can't compete with the education and technology of other nations unless we get people like the people of other nations. What's important in school? Not math or science. Free birth control and legalized drugs. Students who demand good grades instead of working for them.

The important issues to Americans are the same issues important to the Portuguese. We will have a second or third world nation just like Portugal while the nations whose people work will take over.
It's the Democratic way. They want everyone to be equally poor and miserable.
The Obama Recovery was worse than the Bush recession. Obama's policies have cut out job opportunities for middle class and working class people.
None of this is the fault of the GOP, which has been essentially out of power for 5years.

Why am I not surprised you just ignored all of the statistical facts in this thread?

Since you've never posted a statistical fact in your life it is no wonder I ignored it.
It's the Democratic way. They want everyone to be equally poor and miserable.
The Obama Recovery was worse than the Bush recession. Obama's policies have cut out job opportunities for middle class and working class people.
None of this is the fault of the GOP, which has been essentially out of power for 5years.

Why am I not surprised you just ignored all of the statistical facts in this thread?

Since you've never posted a statistical fact in your life it is no wonder I ignored it.

Yes, I realize facts can't penetrate that Republican bubble of yours, but you must at least be able to admit that they exist.
Here is a idea how about coming up with programs that educate and train people to get them the skills they need to find jobs that get them out of poverty.

sounds good in theory, but we have a president who hasn't made expanding jobs and markets and the economy his top priority
Why am I not surprised you just ignored all of the statistical facts in this thread?

Since you've never posted a statistical fact in your life it is no wonder I ignored it.

Yes, I realize facts can't penetrate that Republican bubble of yours, but you must at least be able to admit that they exist.

Of course facts exist. I am surprised you know this however because they are a stranger to you.
The dirty little secret is that the system is working and the alleged "poverty" victims in the US live better than the middle class of most industrialized quazi-socialized countries in the world.
The dirty little secret is that the system is working and the alleged "poverty" victims in the US live better than the middle class of most industrialized quazi-socialized countries in the world.

And yet there is absolutely no evidence that is true.
[MENTION=11950]rabid[/MENTION] [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION]
It's the Democratic way. They want everyone to be equally poor and miserable.

Anyone capable of writing that and believing it to be true is most definjtely in need of psychiatric care. Seriously.

That is the most outrageously distorted view of reality usmb has witnessed in quite some time. I guess Obama wants all.Union Workers to make less money too? Geesh! :cuckoo:
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It's the Democratic way. They want everyone to be equally poor and miserable.
The Obama Recovery was worse than the Bush recession. Obama's policies have cut out job opportunities for middle class and working class people.
None of this is the fault of the GOP, which has been essentially out of power for 5years.

BS. They've been controlling the House of Reps, and have stonewalled everything Obama has tried to do. Some of those things (ex, amnesty for illegal aliens) they have been right on, but the economic stuff ? They've been on top of it.
Here is a idea how about coming up with programs that educate and train people to get them the skills they need to find jobs that get them out of poverty.

Only immigrants get jobs (including illegal ones) and Blacks through affirmative action.
This class warfare crap needs to go. This whole thing of using children for a political agenda needs to stop.
To the OP...I wonder how many football games you watch. Basketball. Baseball. Now think about it for a minute...WHY is such an atrocious amount paid to these guys to chase a ball around? It's ridiculous.
How many buy Beyonce songs? Isn't she the one that bought a solid gold rocking horse for her kid?

I don't get it. If I had that much money to pay sports folks or buy solid gold kitchen faucets....I wouldn't. Maybe it's just me, but with so many in this country suffering, I would be donating a helluva lot of money to organizations that will help people. If only I could win the lottery. People I know that are struggling would get much needed help. That includes online folks I know of, as well as local charities and whatnot. I could be a billionaire but it wouldn't last long....and I damn sure wouldn't be buying a gold crib for my kid.
Here is a idea how about coming up with programs that educate and train people to get them the skills they need to find jobs that get them out of poverty.

We actually have that, it's called the public schools. People who get off their ass and do the work do very well, others, not so much. It's all about accepting responsibility for ones own future, people are the sum total of their own decisions.

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