America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires

I can smell the fear! Liberals are realizing the failure they elected as president. So tbey are already trying to buy votes with more welfare. Liberals don't worry about the poor, because if a minority becomes successful and gets off welfare, they become uncle toms. Liberal need to shut up and realize your time is over. You elected the worst president in history twice.

that's why the republicans are the lowest in the polling in the entire history for reelection cause the liberals are losing .... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIght !!!!! we smell fear all right ... John boehner fear of keeping his job... Mitch McConnell fears of keeping his job Many republicans fear of keeping their job ... any bets that Cruz keeps his job ??? stop embarrassing your self

If the republicans had the backing of the liberal media, like the democrats do. Their poll numbers would be high. The media is blaming what the democrats have done on the republicans. I'm watching meet the depressed and the anchor pulled something up from 2007 trying to prove romney wrong. Obama hasn't been asked a tough question yet. Maybe you should continue covering for obama at least you don't look as ignorant trying to hold on in this conversation.

now wait a minute you said in (big letters) you said we were failing and you repub-lie-tards aren't ... can't have it both ways ... so how well is cruz doing in his polls to reelect ??? last it saw was 16%
that's why the republicans are the lowest in the polling in the entire history for reelection cause the liberals are losing .... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIght !!!!! we smell fear all right ... John boehner fear of keeping his job... Mitch McConnell fears of keeping his job Many republicans fear of keeping their job ... any bets that Cruz keeps his job ??? stop embarrassing your self

If the republicans had the backing of the liberal media, like the democrats do. Their poll numbers would be high. The media is blaming what the democrats have done on the republicans. I'm watching meet the depressed and the anchor pulled something up from 2007 trying to prove romney wrong. Obama hasn't been asked a tough question yet. Maybe you should continue covering for obama at least you don't look as ignorant trying to hold on in this conversation.

now wait a minute you said in (big letters) you said we were failing and you repub-lie-tards aren't ... can't have it both ways ... so how well is cruz doing in his polls to reelect ??? last it saw was 16%
How old are you? You either cannot read or you cannot understand english. I said the democrats are failing and the liberal media is blaming republican and uninformed people like yourself believe them.
"The promotion of the food stamp program, now known as 'SNAP' (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA with a statement advising Mexicans in the U.S. that they do not need to declare their immigration status in order to receive financial assistance. Emphasized in bold and underlined, the statement reads, 'You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children,'" writes Judicial Watch.

The documents were obtained by the watchdog group after filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on July 20, 2012.
More Documents Released Show USDA's Partnership with Mexico in Promoting Food Stamps for Illegals in US | CNS News
Sessions Asks USDA To Furnish Docs, Info On SNAP Recruitment Campaign With Mexico - Press Releases - Media - U.S. Senate Budget Committee
for evey dollar of food stamps the community gets back $1.70 ... so what you're are saying is that dollar spent isn't spending people into prosperity ... just so we understand one another, every dollar we spend on food stamps that these retailers don't like the Idea that they make .70 more ... how about you going to tell those retailers they don't need that money...

these retailers pays taxes on that 70cents ... the people buying pays taxes on the dollar the spent ... tell us again how that doesn't spend us into prosperity
Damn, that's brilliant.
What we need is for every American to start getting foodstamps. Then we'll all be RICH!
and the moronic people arrive with their stupid hat on ... food stamps are for people who can't afford food... its not for everyone stop embarrassing yourself ...

But you said they return 1.70 for every 1.00 spent. If that's the case, we want to have as many people as possible taking them, right? I mean the current limit is what, 200% of poverty line? WHo can't afford food at that level? No one. So just extend the limit to 10,000% of poverty line and voila, a bunch of new eager consumers returning 1.70to the economy for every dollar they take in.
It's fucking brilliant! You need a cabinet job in Obama's Administration, Billy.
How can any child be starving to death in America?

I thought the greatest threat was child obesity according to Michelle? So what is it?

Fat kids who are starving to death?

Bite me. What bullshit. Little chunkers are starving to death and need more arugala apparently

Are the kids fat? Or are the kids starving? Make up your freaking minds you maniac liberals.

Very astute right to the point observation, tinydancer!

Look for the excuses coming from the Left.
We pay for food stamps to help make the poor fat, and then we have to pay for their health car when they come down with diabetes and other weight-related disease. And we're doing all this so they won't starve?

How stupid are we?
raise the minimum wage to a living wage ... problem solved

Here it is, the most ignorant qoute of the day! Do you not realize raising the minimum wage will raise the price of everything needed to live?

That's why raising the minimum wage has never helped anyone get out of poverty. When wages rise, everything raises too.
How would the current crop of food stamp and welfare recipients have coped in the years of the Great Depression, when there were no food stamps, welfare, social programs, politically correct handouts, undeserved entitlements, supermarkets where anyone with brain can shop for bargains and most of all there were no medicaid where a nosebleed and a mild case of cold is cured by costs 10 times their worth on the emergency ward.

The "poor" people of today would be well advised to compare their "poverty" to the situation of the REAL poor Oakies in the American classic novel of "The Grapes Of Wrath", and if they have any decency and honesty admit that their "poverty" is a comfortable hammock of summer relaxation at somebody else's expense.

Do these so-called poor people, the people who claim to be below the so-called poverty line realize that REAL POOR people of the Great Depression had no wide screen TV's, SUV's, cars or trucks, refrigerators, air-conditioners, freezers, and do they know that the REAL poor people of the Great Depression ate fried dough they made themselves, but it is provided as the bottom of the pizza they can get at tax payers's expense?

Do they have any idea what the people of the former communist countries had to endure before the American idea and the excercizing of FREE SPEECH liberated them?

None of this does any good when you are doing nothing to stimulate job growth. So, you throw money at the wrong part of the problem and expect the problem to solve itself. Sorry, but this doesn't do much. Training for a job you may never find. You don't spend people into prosperity, Billy.
for evey dollar of food stamps the community gets back $1.70 ... so what you're are saying is that dollar spent isn't spending people into prosperity ... just so we understand one another, every dollar we spend on food stamps that these retailers don't like the Idea that they make .70 more ... how about you going to tell those retailers they don't need that money...

these retailers pays taxes on that 70cents ... the people buying pays taxes on the dollar they spent ... tell us again how that doesn't spend us into prosperity

I have a co-worker that just learned how to tell bulls from cows.

"Bulls have longer hair."

Are you related?
Here's a thought!
People who can't feed the kids they have....
Stop having kids.

here's another thought if you want them to stop having them stop shutting down plan parent hood ... stop them from getting birth control with their health care plan ... oh yes stop embarrassing yourself here ....

And not a single free thought was thunk.

Heaven forbid they :eek: don't have sex :eek: or spend $5 to get a box of condoms :eek::eek::eek:
Historical Fact

The Bigger that any Government gets, you will have more and more, have's and have not's. The middle class goes away.
This is exactly why we have more people in poverty.
Governments can't get the poor out of poverty nor can government create jobs. The Free Market does that.
raise the minimum wage to a living wage ... problem solved

Here it is, the most ignorant qoute of the day! Do you not realize raising the minimum wage will raise the price of everything needed to live?

That's why raising the minimum wage has never helped anyone get out of poverty. When wages rise, everything raises too.

Bullshit. Profits are at their highest levels ever because wages are so low comparably speaking. Corporations and individuals are sitting on those profits and not creating jobs with those monies. If wages were increased, more money would flow back into the economy and stimulate more spending.

There is a lot of pent up demand with the lower income workers whose real disposable income hasn't risen in over 30 years. Getting more money into the hands of the working poor would increase their level of spending, which would help the economy.
Democrats believe it is entirely possible to achieve economic growth by paying people to be poor. They believe that the government could put potloads of money on street corners for the taking. People would spend it and we would have a functioning economy.

Even if it were possible to fix stupid, this kind of stupid cannot be fixed.
Here it is, the most ignorant qoute of the day! Do you not realize raising the minimum wage will raise the price of everything needed to live?

That's why raising the minimum wage has never helped anyone get out of poverty. When wages rise, everything raises too.

Bullshit. Profits are at their highest levels ever because wages are so low comparably speaking. Corporations and individuals are sitting on those profits and not creating jobs with those monies. If wages were increased, more money would flow back into the economy and stimulate more spending.

There is a lot of pent up demand with the lower income workers whose real disposable income hasn't risen in over 30 years. Getting more money into the hands of the working poor would increase their level of spending, which would help the economy.

Another economic genius who thinks "more money in the hands of ordinary people" stimulates the economy.
Most of those profits are overseas and not being repatriated due to taxes.
Why do we put up with such injustices?

November 1, 2013 |

There are 16.4 million American children living in poverty. That's nearly one quarter (22.6%) of all of our children. More alarming is that the percentage of poor children has climbed by 4.5 percent since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. And poor means poor. For a family of three with one child under 18, the poverty line is $18,400.

Meanwhile, the stock market is booming. Banks, hedge funds and private equity firms are making tens of billions of dollars again, while the luxury housing and goods markets are skyrocketing.

Most amazing of all is the fact that 95 percent of the so-called "recovery" has gone to the top 1 percent who have seen their incomes rise by 34%. For the 99 percent there's been an undeclared wage freeze: the average wage has climbed by only 0.4 percent.

To add to the misery, Washington has decided that the best way to tackle childhood poverty is to have poor kids eat less. Both parties already have agreed to cut billions from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). Starting this November 1, payments are scheduled to drop from $668 a month to $632 for more than 47 million lower-income people -- 1 in 7 Americans, most of them children. (Three incredible graphs that visualize the issues in this story are at the bottom of this article.)

And more cuts are coming. The Tea Party House passed a bill to cut food stamps by $4 billion a year, while the Senate calls for $400 million in cuts. How humane! And since it will be part of the omnibus Farm Bill, President Obama will sign it. (I wonder how our former community organizer will explain this to the poor children he once tried to help in Chicago.)

But that's just the start. More austerity is coming in the form of cuts to Social Security as well as a host of other social programs. When times get tough, you've got to suck it up and take more from the poor.

Rewarding Billionaires Who Increase Poverty?

Read More America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires Boom | Alternet

Well if you still haven't made the Bilderberg/Globalist connection tothe 2 parties yet then pleas read....

An Open Letter to Democratic and Republican Voters

Our dear slaves,

We, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers of the world, extend our heartfelt thanks to the tens of millions of mainline Democrats and mainline Republicans out there who make up the bulk of the American electorate.

First and foremost, thank you for the trillions in extortion “bailout” money, and for continuing to vote for one or the other of the two political parties that jointly gave us all that money at your expense.

Thank you for letting our uniformed goons grope, radiate and harass you and your loved ones (especially your children!) at the airport.

Thank you for always putting partisanship above principle.

Thank you for always winking and looking the other way (or mindlessly applauding) when "your" party does the very things you wax indignant about whenever the "other" party does them, and for being willfully blind to the moral and intellectual hypocrisy this betrays.

Thank you for never questioning the validity of the "wasted vote" argument.

Thank you for being such willing dupes for the teleprompter-reading puppets (e.g., Clinton, Bush, Obama, Romney, etc.) we put before you every election season, and for never asking them real questions.

Thank you for being so willfully stupid as to think there’s no fundamental difference between an election and a horse race, and for consequently assuming that even if the candidate you vote for supports the very policies you most passionately oppose, as long as he wins the election, you “win” as well.

Thank you for sheepishly letting our water-carrying, talking point-parroting minions in the TV "news" media dictate to you not only which issues are more important than others, but what your "choices" are on election day.

Thank you for being so ridiculously gullible that you honestly think a pro-war/pro-police state/pro-debt money/pro-NWO Democrat, on the one hand, and a pro-war/pro-police state/pro-debt money/pro-NWO Republican, on the other, represents an actual "choice."

Thank you for being so cowardly, so pathetic, and so unwilling to question the validity of your fairy-tale worldview, that -- no matter how many hardcore facts are spoon fed to you by informed truth-seekers -- you go right on clinging to the term "conspiracy theory" the way a four-year-old child clings to his teddy bear.

Thank you for having so much of your precious egos invested in the delusional fantasy that we (the ruling-class oligarchs you like to pretend don't exist) never "conspire" to engage in criminal wrongdoing, that you have to be dragged kicking and screaming (like the spoiled children you all are) into acknowleding each and every fact that points in the opposite direction.

Thank you for doing the "SIEG HEIL!" to the official story on 9/11 whenever someone criticizes either the Nazi-style police state or terroristic wars of aggression for which that official story continues to serve as the all-justifying excuse.

Thank you for spending nearly all your free time either gazing glassy-eyed at the television, playing video games, or fondling your cell phones.

Thank you for always treating politics as just another specator sport.

Thank you for being unwilling to recognize an Orwellian euphemism when you hear one (or, even better, for being blissfully ignorant of what the term euphemism even means).

And last but certainly not least, thank you for being so arrogant as to think that giggling and snickering at everything like you’re still in high school some how makes you part of our club -- and hence immune from our depopulation agenda. (News flash: it doesn't.)

Were it not for your willful ignorance, your moral and intellectul cowardice, and your childlike obsession with mindless distractions, we wouldn't be having such a laughably easy time economically ass-raping you and wrapping the Nazification of America in the American flag.

You are without question the wet dream of every totalitarian dictator who's ever lived, because there's absolutely no amount of tyranny or police state thuggery you won't sheepishly put up with as long as (a) you have TVs to gawk at and cell phones to fondle, and (b) you have someone -- anyone -- to look down your snooty little noses at.

Your increasingly and ravenously affectionate owners,

The Eight Families

Folks don't wait until the FEMA trucks roam the streets before you finally wake up.

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