America's Greatest Shame: Child Poverty Rises and Food Stamps Cut While Billionaires

I can smell the fear! Liberals are realizing the failure they elected as president. So tbey are already trying to buy votes with more welfare. Liberals don't worry about the poor, because if a minority becomes successful and gets off welfare, they become uncle toms. Liberal need to shut up and realize your time is over. You elected the worst president in history twice.
I agree that the poor should be uplifted. I, and the great majority of Americans, support a big tax hikes on the rich as well as a large raise in the minimum wage.

BUT, here's the problem. while the Democrats are good on this issue, they are horrible on immigration, whereby they are willing to allow millions of illegal foreigners to remain here - many of them on various forma of welfare (not just food stamps). Here's where I agree with the Republicans. I don't mind giving out food stamp $$ to needy Americans, but to dispense it to the whole rest of the world, who decides to jump a border fence or float here on a raft ? No, I don't think so.

Equally bothersome are the welfare moms who go out and have themselves 10 kids on the public dole. Anyone woman having more than 2 kids while on welfare, should undergo mandatory sterilization. Maybe if/whenever we some responsibility injected into the welfare $$ scenario, there won't be so much objection to it.

You're wrong about illegals. They do not qualify for food stamps.

Yeah, they do.

Case Worker: Illegal Aliens Got Food Stamps by the ?Vanload? | Judicial Watch

illegals don't get food stamps its in the by laws of the sign up ... I really get tire of posting the regulations on how food stamps are obtained ... you must be an American citizen to get food stamps ... you must have a social security number ... I realize social security numbers are stolen to get work ... when you deal with food stamps they confirm who you are ... its not a order by email or mail situation ... you have to go down to the office and apply for them in person ... its really hard to scam the system but like all system scam artist can get through ... like I said you have no Idea what you're talking about ...
I can smell the fear! Liberals are realizing the failure they elected as president. So tbey are already trying to buy votes with more welfare. Liberals don't worry about the poor, because if a minority becomes successful and gets off welfare, they become uncle toms. Liberal need to shut up and realize your time is over. You elected the worst president in history twice.

that's why the republicans are the lowest in the polling in the entire history for reelection cause the liberals are losing .... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIght !!!!! we smell fear all right ... John boehner fear of keeping his job... Mitch McConnell fears of keeping his job Many republicans fear of keeping their job ... any bets that Cruz keeps his job ??? stop embarrassing your self
Here's a thought!
People who can't feed the kids they have....
Stop having kids.

here's another thought if you want them to stop having them stop shutting down plan parent hood ... stop them from getting birth control with their health care plan ... oh yes stop embarrassing yourself here ....
There is no such thing as "child poverty" unless there are child millionaires.

A child is the responsibility of his/her parents.

Child poverty = Parent irresponsibility. Unless, of course, if you are a Democrat, in which case it is all the fault of Republicans in general and George W. Bush, in particular, as everything and always under Obama.

When a parent knows that he/she does not have to pack a lunch for the child, that parent will be just as uncaring and callous about feeding the kid at supper time, or send him or her to school without breakfast.

First step towards eliminating "child poverty" would be eliminating government provided school lunches, and let the parents look after the welfare and nutrition of their children.

It is America`s shame that while kids were looked after by their parents in the poorest and most impoverished European countries after a devastating war, American parents need the nanny government to look after and provide for their kids.
Here's a thought!
People who can't feed the kids they have....
Stop having kids.

here's another thought if you want them to stop having them stop shutting down plan parent hood ... stop them from getting birth control with their health care plan ... oh yes stop embarrassing yourself here ....

Please show what planned parenthood places have been shut. Please show who is not getting birth control?
You are an uninformed moron.
[illegals don't get food stamps its in the by laws of the sign up ... I really get tire of posting the regulations on how food stamps are obtained ... you must be an American citizen to get food stamps ... you must have a social security number ... I realize social security numbers are stolen to get work ... when you deal with food stamps they confirm who you are ... its not a order by email or mail situation ... you have to go down to the office and apply for them in person ... its really hard to scam the system but like all system scam artist can get through ... like I said you have no Idea what you're talking about ...

USDA Distributes Flier That Pushes Food Stamps For Illegal Aliens -
How can any child be starving to death in America?

I thought the greatest threat was child obesity according to Michelle? So what is it?

Fat kids who are starving to death?

Bite me. What bullshit. Little chunkers are starving to death and need more arugala apparently

Are the kids fat? Or are the kids starving? Make up your freaking minds you maniac liberals.

Food insecurity linked to obesity in children
Across the nation, thousands of children are starting and ending their day with tummies that never seem to be filled up. These are children with one or more working parent, who live down the street and attend neighborhood schools.

And while they may have three meals a day, they often are not nutritious. Meals may consist of empty-calorie food that provides very little of the protein, vitamins and minerals needed for growing bodies. In many cases, children become overweight, even as they remain hungry.

Of the 315 million people living in the United States, nearly 50 million are food-insecure. In 2012, of those hungry, 16 million were children, according to Map the Meal Gap, an annual report from Feeding America, an anti-hunger charity that tracks food insecurity at the county level. In a report released in June, Map the Meal Gap showed that 11,200 children (17.7 percent) under the age of 18 in Larimer County struggle with hunger, which affects 23.5 percent of the county's total population.

To meet this need, the Food Bank for Larimer County last year provided more than 74,000 meals and 61,000 snacks for low-income children through its Kids Café sites. In addition, 18,000 weekend food packs were distributed and its summer program served more than 30,000 meals to food-insecure children.

read more Food insecurity linked to obesity in children - Loveland Reporter-Herald

These kids can have at least 2 meals a day at school therefore to say they do not have nutritious meals is just not true. They even have summer meal programs as you stated above. Unless you are claiming the feds are not feeding them nutritious foods?
The sad truth here is that we can never spend "enough"on these programs to satisfy the Liberals.
Whatever is spent they will always say it's not enough.

Tax and spend Liberals.
It's who they are.
We pay for food stamps to help make the poor fat, and then we have to pay for their health car when they come down with diabetes and other weight-related disease. And we're doing all this so they won't starve?

How stupid are we?
raise the minimum wage to a living wage ... problem solved
How can any child be starving to death in America?

I thought the greatest threat was child obesity according to Michelle? So what is it?

Fat kids who are starving to death?

Bite me. What bullshit. Little chunkers are starving to death and need more arugala apparently

Are the kids fat? Or are the kids starving? Make up your freaking minds you maniac liberals.

Food insecurity linked to obesity in children
Across the nation, thousands of children are starting and ending their day with tummies that never seem to be filled up. These are children with one or more working parent, who live down the street and attend neighborhood schools.

And while they may have three meals a day, they often are not nutritious. Meals may consist of empty-calorie food that provides very little of the protein, vitamins and minerals needed for growing bodies. In many cases, children become overweight, even as they remain hungry.

Of the 315 million people living in the United States, nearly 50 million are food-insecure. In 2012, of those hungry, 16 million were children, according to Map the Meal Gap, an annual report from Feeding America, an anti-hunger charity that tracks food insecurity at the county level. In a report released in June, Map the Meal Gap showed that 11,200 children (17.7 percent) under the age of 18 in Larimer County struggle with hunger, which affects 23.5 percent of the county's total population.

To meet this need, the Food Bank for Larimer County last year provided more than 74,000 meals and 61,000 snacks for low-income children through its Kids Café sites. In addition, 18,000 weekend food packs were distributed and its summer program served more than 30,000 meals to food-insecure children.

read more Food insecurity linked to obesity in children - Loveland Reporter-Herald

These kids can have at least 2 meals a day at school therefore to say they do not have nutritious meals is just not true. They even have summer meal programs as you stated above. Unless you are claiming the feds are not feeding them nutritious foods?

These kids can have at least 2 meals a day at school therefore to say they do not have nutritious meals is just not true.

We can't get the parents to feed their kids once a day...
Is that the job of government?

Taxpayers are responsible for
Day care

Are the parents responsible for anything? :eusa_boohoo:
poverty is UP under their dear leader, yet it again isn't HIS FAULT

just like unemployment has been over 7% his whole time in office, but I guess that isn't his fault either

that saintly Dear leader and his comrades in arms have had SIX YEARS to SAVE US ALL and what do have for it?

his cult members blaming everyone else as usual

you Democrat sheep are such a joke
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I can smell the fear! Liberals are realizing the failure they elected as president. So tbey are already trying to buy votes with more welfare. Liberals don't worry about the poor, because if a minority becomes successful and gets off welfare, they become uncle toms. Liberal need to shut up and realize your time is over. You elected the worst president in history twice.

that's why the republicans are the lowest in the polling in the entire history for reelection cause the liberals are losing .... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIght !!!!! we smell fear all right ... John boehner fear of keeping his job... Mitch McConnell fears of keeping his job Many republicans fear of keeping their job ... any bets that Cruz keeps his job ??? stop embarrassing your self

If the republicans had the backing of the liberal media, like the democrats do. Their poll numbers would be high. The media is blaming what the democrats have done on the republicans. I'm watching meet the depressed and the anchor pulled something up from 2007 trying to prove romney wrong. Obama hasn't been asked a tough question yet. Maybe you should continue covering for obama at least you don't look as ignorant trying to hold on in this conversation.
Nancy Pelosi: Obama Care is bombing.

It's the Republicans fault.

Obama: You like your plan you can keep your plan...

Except when the insurance companies take it away to
meet the requirements of ObamCare...

Obama: Its not me doing it.It's the insurance companies.

Democrats...It's never their doing when the shit hits the fan.
We pay for food stamps to help make the poor fat, and then we have to pay for their health car when they come down with diabetes and other weight-related disease. And we're doing all this so they won't starve?

How stupid are we?
raise the minimum wage to a living wage ... problem solved

Here it is, the most ignorant qoute of the day! Do you not realize raising the minimum wage will raise the price of everything needed to live?
Food insecurity linked to obesity in children
Across the nation, thousands of children are starting and ending their day with tummies that never seem to be filled up. These are children with one or more working parent, who live down the street and attend neighborhood schools.

And while they may have three meals a day, they often are not nutritious. Meals may consist of empty-calorie food that provides very little of the protein, vitamins and minerals needed for growing bodies. In many cases, children become overweight, even as they remain hungry.

Of the 315 million people living in the United States, nearly 50 million are food-insecure. In 2012, of those hungry, 16 million were children, according to Map the Meal Gap, an annual report from Feeding America, an anti-hunger charity that tracks food insecurity at the county level. In a report released in June, Map the Meal Gap showed that 11,200 children (17.7 percent) under the age of 18 in Larimer County struggle with hunger, which affects 23.5 percent of the county's total population.

To meet this need, the Food Bank for Larimer County last year provided more than 74,000 meals and 61,000 snacks for low-income children through its Kids Café sites. In addition, 18,000 weekend food packs were distributed and its summer program served more than 30,000 meals to food-insecure children.

read more Food insecurity linked to obesity in children - Loveland Reporter-Herald

These kids can have at least 2 meals a day at school therefore to say they do not have nutritious meals is just not true. They even have summer meal programs as you stated above. Unless you are claiming the feds are not feeding them nutritious foods?

These kids can have at least 2 meals a day at school therefore to say they do not have nutritious meals is just not true.

We can't get the parents to feed their kids once a day...
Is that the job of government?

Taxpayers are responsible for
Day care

Are the parents responsible for anything? :eusa_boohoo:

pretty much nothing anymore. And that is the problem with society today. The feds relinquish people of all responsibility for themselves or their children.
None of this does any good when you are doing nothing to stimulate job growth. So, you throw money at the wrong part of the problem and expect the problem to solve itself. Sorry, but this doesn't do much. Training for a job you may never find. You don't spend people into prosperity, Billy.
for evey dollar of food stamps the community gets back $1.70 ... so what you're are saying is that dollar spent isn't spending people into prosperity ... just so we understand one another, every dollar we spend on food stamps that these retailers don't like the Idea that they make .70 more ... how about you going to tell those retailers they don't need that money...

these retailers pays taxes on that 70cents ... the people buying pays taxes on the dollar the spent ... tell us again how that doesn't spend us into prosperity
Damn, that's brilliant.
What we need is for every American to start getting foodstamps. Then we'll all be RICH!
and the moronic people arrive with their stupid hat on ... food stamps are for people who can't afford food... its not for everyone stop embarrassing yourself ...

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