America's greatness is its working classes not "wealth" creators

Mac this isn't criticism of your post....just a comment. If you've gone back and forth on economics as much as I have with Jakey, you'd realize he isn't talking about social Democrats.

He has no idea what he's talking about, and there certainly are business owners that are Socialists, but I've never EVER seen one in my life talk with such self-loathing and poor self esteem about being a business owner as Jakey does. Plus he lies and tells people he's a Republican out of low self esteem as well.

What we have here is someone with serious psychiatric issues.

Yes, you are definitely a nut case.

The consumer class drives this economy.
Mac this isn't criticism of your post....just a comment. If you've gone back and forth on economics as much as I have with Jakey, you'd realize he isn't talking about social Democrats.

He has no idea what he's talking about, and there certainly are business owners that are Socialists, but I've never EVER seen one in my life talk with such self-loathing and poor self esteem about being a business owner as Jakey does. Plus he lies and tells people he's a Republican out of low self esteem as well.

What we have here is someone with serious psychiatric issues.

Yes, you are definitely a nut case.

The consumer class drives this economy.

IS the USA the only nation with consumers?
The wealth creators are not the CEOS etc.

The wealth creators are the inventors, the producers, the manufactures and their employees, and the consumer classes that buy their products.

We have a group of far right folks here who want to redefine terminology and rewrite history without being called out.

The far right revisionists are not going to succeed. Not only do their own peers correct them, the millennials will force them out..
The wealth creators are not the CEOS etc.

The wealth creators are the inventors, the producers, the manufactuers and their employees, and the consumer classes that buy their products.

We have a group of far right folks here who want to redefine terminology and rewrite history without being called out.

Never going to happen.

My grandfather was a peerless inventor, he was easily 50 years ahead of his time in developing products that aided the human immune system fight disease. He also had no real interest is business -- he was like Paul Krugman in that respect. So instead of building a family fortune on par with DuPont, he closed his lab in the late 1960's.

You keep talking about "CEO's" and it becomes readily apparent you have no idea what a CEO does.
Both major parties will have to work to rein in the far right weirdos and Mises folks.

Both parties are corrupt with business money: always have been, but it can be worked onl
Dems to Pubs, Libertarians to our one anarcho-commie: the daily American is our success and guarantee, not our politicians and wealth abusers.

View attachment 31487

Notice the anti-American fascist business owner working with Communist China.

View attachment 31488

Telling the truth about ourselves is our second greatest strength.

Have a great day.

and you really think you fool people by claiming to be a republican? this was a left wing nut job thread.

you're unreal...
What world do you live in, ec. Class warfare has always been a major part of our history. You better take some history classes while finishing your doctorate in economics. You accuse others of what you do when you say they are thinking in either or.

So thanks for coming clean that you're just a union thug plant on USMB that couldn't be further from a Republican.

I'm sure lying out your teeth is in the socialist handbook too.

Working class versus wealth dumbass can someone be.

he actually thinks he fools people

cracks me up
Well Jakey Fakey, one thing America was NOT built on was class warfare. Way to drum up that old blue collar vs white collar, men against women, black against white liberal thematic.

No wonder I keep running into libs who think in "either" / "or" in my threads instead of with any kind of sophistication.

The union propaganda in this thread is so thick, no wonder level- headed people are staying away.

who was allowed to vote when america was founded?
BS- In the 50's, CEOs made 25 times much as workers, now over 275x...Read something. See sig pp1.

So what? Their pay doesn't come out of your pocket, it comes out of the pocket of shareholders. What's it to you what is negotiated between two parties? This information grates on people who are full of envy but what they get paid doesn't affect your life at all.
Yes, much of the CEO's pay comes out of the pockets of his workers, as does stockholder earnings.

No, it doesn't. Worker pay is set by the market. If CEO pay was coming out of the hide of workers, then they'd have to be paid below the market rate for their skills and once that happened they'd quit and find better paying jobs.

Workers are paid at market rates and CEO pay doesn't affect them at all.
Then get off your ass and work for a higher one. Do you know how many poor people who've worked their way up despise this type of excuse making?

Do you know how many full-time workers are being told that they don't deserve to even reach the federal poverty level?

Do you know how many full-time workers are being told that they don't deserve to even reach the federal poverty level?[/QUOTE]

Does someone have their hands tied behind their backs and a cloth in their mouths holding them hostage??????

Stop the whining. I know so many people who've pulled themselves up by the boot straps that would laugh you out of the room it's not funny.

As for "TOLD THEY DON'T DESERVE".....did your socialist friends invite you to the Board to help them with their socialist rants? No one of any seriousness tells workers to not strive for more, except maybe some Democrat or Union hustler. Stop your hyperbole.
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Jakey Fakey's a socialist. Now it all makes sense. You're not a Republican you fucking liar.
They are all socialist now Econ. Democratic Party of Truman or even JFK is dead.

Not socialists, social Democrats, and there is a difference. They don't want Cuba, they want Sweden.

They're becoming bolder about what they want, which is good, we need to have the conversation. This thread is a good example..

I created wealth because I had customers to buy my products. No customers, business fails. Ask your professors about that, EconChick.

Econchick believes that a businessman who understands the role of workers and consumers in the American economy is a socialist, which is fail on her part.

The far right once again willfully confuses socialism with social democratic economics.

The millenials will kick it up their asses. EconChick, Rik, and Bush92 are dinosaurs caught in the Mises tar pits; they are doomed.

You owned a company and created wealth? Hah! Did you pay yourself the same wage as your workers? You are a socalist party supporter, aren't you? If you paid yourself more than the workers then per your post #71 your higher pay was taken from the hides of the your workers. Did you exploit your workers, you slaver, well did you?
If ignorance is bliss, some here are already in paradise. Misinformation, half truths, and outright lies tacked onto ideology is understandable, if not acceptable, except when it is put forth with such hate and bile.

Workers are responsible for very few improvements in productivity. Productivity is almost entirely an outcome of capital investment and improved technology. However, some of the ignorant here seem to believe that increased productivity means the workers working harder. It often means less workers.

Middle class means different things to different people. Consequently, unless you can define what middle class you are referring to, your statistics on the health, wealth, and earnings of the middle class are worthless.

The large corporations, and the 1%ers can easily take care of themselves, and need no support from Republicans or conservatives. The financial entities we care about are the individuals, companies, and corporations who are trying hard to grow and join the 1%ers. They are the people who create jobs, and drive our economy. Why does the idiot brigade want to hurt these entities?

What it boils down to is a shoddy mob of so called progressives, venting their greed, envy, and hate for those who do better in life.

you of course missed the point, and quoted it at the same time, as usual.

Productivity boosts come from capital investment in technology, which has to be paid for.

On top of that, I like the use of some stupid graph from some left leaning policy institute offered up like it's gospel.
Jakey Fakey's a socialist. Now it all makes sense. You're not a Republican you fucking liar.
They are all socialist now Econ. Democratic Party of Truman or even JFK is dead.

Not socialists, social Democrats, and there is a difference. They don't want Cuba, they want Sweden.

They're becoming bolder about what they want, which is good, we need to have the conversation. This thread is a good example..

I created wealth because I had customers to buy my products. No customers, business fails. Ask your professors about that, EconChick.

Econchick believes that a businessman who understands the role of workers and consumers in the American economy is a socialist, which is fail on her part.

The far right once again willfully confuses socialism with social democratic economics.

The millenials will kick it up their asses. EconChick, Rik, and Bush92 are dinosaurs caught in the Mises tar pits; they are doomed.

You owned a company and created wealth? Hah! Did you pay yourself the same wage as your workers? You are a socalist party supporter, aren't you? If you paid yourself more than the workers then per your post #71 your higher pay was taken from the hides of the your workers. Did you exploit your workers, you slaver, well did you?

LOL, he's too stupid to even realize how he steps all over his dick, I mean his message within sentences of each other.

His arguments are obviously not well thought out. He has an agenda...more power, more money, maybe supporting a certain campaign....but he can't even make a persuasive case for his cause.
BS- In the 50's, CEOs made 25 times much as workers, now over 275x...Read something. See sig pp1.

So what? Their pay doesn't come out of your pocket, it comes out of the pocket of shareholders. What's it to you what is negotiated between two parties? This information grates on people who are full of envy but what they get paid doesn't affect your life at all.
Yes, much of the CEO's pay comes out of the pockets of his workers, as does stockholder earnings.

No, it doesn't. Worker pay is set by the market. If CEO pay was coming out of the hide of workers, then they'd have to be paid below the market rate for their skills and once that happened they'd quit and find better paying jobs.

Workers are paid at market rates and CEO pay doesn't affect them at all.

Jakey Fakey never took a basic econ 101 class where they teach you supply and demand principles.
The wealth creators are not the CEOS etc.

The wealth creators are the inventors, the producers, the manufactures and their employees, and the consumer classes that buy their products.

We have a group of far right folks here who want to redefine terminology and rewrite history without being called out.

The far right revisionists are not going to succeed. Not only do their own peers correct them, the millennials will force them out..

I notice you make a lot of hallucinatory statements. Did someone up your meds too much, Fakey?

And your list of wealth creators is too small. I even disagree with my friends about CEOs and venture capitalists.....they and a lot more all play a roll in the wealth creation of this great nation. And when the Idiot in Chief leaves, we'll go back to the good ole days of economic growth.
The oppression that results in a nation with the wealth of the US having millions of working class households needing 2 fulltime jobs to keep up with the increasing costs of middle class American way of life, for starters.

Thanks for posting that graph below, it's going to come in handy.

You liberals have made your choice for America. You want more poor, dumb, uneducated Democrats who will be consumers of welfare state benefits which allow you to grow the size of government MORE THAN YOU WANT a closing of the income inequality graph. You've made your choice. You won't deport these Hispanic "kids" you won't deport the other 20 million illegal infiltrators. These poor dumb fucks are flooding the labor market and driving down wages for everyone, thus strengthening the bargaining power of capital.

If you have a house fire and you purposely prevent the fire department from putting out the fire by continually throwing jugs of gasoline into the fire, you're not going to convince anyone that you really, truly, honestly, want the house fire put out. Your own actions undercut your claims.

The effective tax rate is down around the 1950's level. We can't tax cut our way out of this problem.

Look at what Canada did to get out of their hole - they cut something like $8 of spending for every $1 of tax increase. I haven't heard one liberal put that kind of offer on the table.

Freaking terrific graph, I'm going to save it and use it. It beautifully illustrates the EFFECT which arose after the US opened its immigration system in 1965 and allowed foreign labor to begin to enter the labor market alongside the increasing number of women joining the labor force. As more and more labor entered into the market, the labor balance/shortage of the previous 40 years eased and thus strengthened the bargaining power of capital which thereafter began capturing a larger and larger share of the productivity gains.

You don't want to deport and stop all immigration, so you've made your choice about what is most important to you. Too bad about your choice, seeing how it's ruining the lives of so many people by making them poorer than they otherwise would be in a tightened labor market. Taking money out of the pockets of the working people so you can feel good about yourself as being a supporter of immigrants and infiltrators.

It's not liberals who want bust unions, send jobs overseas, level the playing field between third world and American labor, is it?

What the hell are you talking about, of course it's liberals. Are you advocating that those 3rd world immigrants and infiltrators be deported? Heck no, you're their cheerleader. You cheer as they enter the labor market, driving down the bargaining power of labor against capital. It's time for you to be an adult and accept the consequences of the policies you favor.
Jakey Fakey's a socialist. Now it all makes sense. You're not a Republican you fucking liar.
They are all socialist now Econ. Democratic Party of Truman or even JFK is dead.

Not socialists, social Democrats, and there is a difference. They don't want Cuba, they want Sweden.

They're becoming bolder about what they want, which is good, we need to have the conversation. This thread is a good example.

Socialism is socialism. It restricts the free market.
I have two choices with my tax dollars , it can go to welfare sponges or businesses that create jobs. I opt for the latter, but would just assume pocket a good chunk of what comes out of my salary.
Liberals feel that the free market "victimizes" everybody. Always lurking like a monster to exploit the poor working class proletarians. See how North Korea treats the working class. Total government control of economy. People in North Korea have free-housing, health care, education. Liberal utopia.

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