America's "Law and Order" president need to be back in the White House

Trump is right, we need to restore law and order. America has gone down hill. We are no longer a moral nation.

---Trump at Slain NYPD Officer Diller’s Wake: America Must Restore ‘Law and Order’---

Republicans are against law and order when they are caught breaking the law. That is why they cut funding for federal law enforcement agencies. Democrats should remind the people of this.
I noticed you didn’t post all the wonderful things in the Affordable Care Act.
Even the title of the bill is a lie.
What coincidence, Trump didn't mention the wonderful thing in his healthcare plan(2.0) either.............He never does.

Yeah Mr Law & Order
What is absolute insane in all of this is that Trump is running a massive fraud/grift right out public right now with his World Digital Media company. The stock is worthless. The company has no assets, other than the Truth Social platform, and is hemorraging cash, but it's the perfect vehicle for Trump.

No campaign fund reporting requirements. No donation limits. No limitations on how the funds are used. No prohibition on foreign cash. Trump can sell off his stock in 6 months and when, not if, this company goes bankrupt and the investors lose everything, Donnie will skate off with a couple of billion dollars.

Donald Trump is truly the Greatest Conman the World has ever seen.

Schumer was 100% right.
Schumer broke the law by doxxing the justices. Like most criminal democrats, you seem to give a pass to your heeeeeroes while trying to crucify another for speaking truth. You are disingenuous and transparent as a freshly washed window. Schumer should be in jail---along with Engoron, James, Bragg and Willis.
When it comes to "law and order", I'm totally for the law part which I view as mostly objective.

I find the order half worrisome as it seems to me as being quite subjective.
Do you credit that to the beer summit or “if I had a son that looked like Travon” .

In 2023, there were 135 cops who died. In 2020, there were 453 who died. 171 died in 2019.

Now you are going to tell everyone that the President doesn’t have anything to do with that. But if cops are dying, while the law and order President is in charge, at greater numbers, something is wrong isn’t it?

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