America's Loss Of It's Triple AAA Credit Rating Should Be An Economic Seismic Event!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This week the Financial Credit Rating Agency "Fitch" downgraded the United States credit rating from "AAA" to "AA+" and the media treats this as a non-event, in part, because today the media isn't a fully good media, journalism no longer has the integrity the profession used to have today its largely all about selling advertisements and our country is a less good country because of it. If this downgrade happened fifteen years ago the media would have treated it as a major event like it deserves to be treated and it would have highlighted the reason why were in this situation is the failure of our government to do its basic duty to be a good steward of our nation's finances and it would have underscored that at the absolutely bare minimum America needs government reform in the area of term limits for members of Congress, two terms for Senators and five terms for House members; members of Congress need to stop prioritizing getting elected and start prioritizing protecting and advancing the interests of the American people.

What the media should be doing is reporting to the American people that this Fitch downgrade means that now two of the major financial credit rating agencies has downgraded the U.S. credit rating to "AA+" so now the United States of America no longer has a triple AAA credit rating. This is an historic and terrible event for America that now means United States Treasury bonds no longer have a triple AAA credit rating the largest sovereign debt market in the world a market worth trillions and trillions of dollars the bonds trading in this market are no longer the safest bond from an investment standpoint. If the media was doing its job it would be spotlighting that the United States, European and other major economies hold that the rule of law governs their society, the rule of law isn't something one only heeds if one feels like it, if it is politically correct to do so, it isn't a subjective mandate on society. The media should be pointing out here that trust documents and bond covenants and other contractual obligations which require monies be held in a triple AAA rating security now require those individuals or entities bound by these legal obligations to sell their U.S. Treasury securities and buy triple AAA securities if they can find them. The world should now be seeing large scale selling of U.S. treasury bonds this isn't discretionary with these holders they are legally obligated to sell these non-conforming securities; the world and the United states should be seeing the price of U.S. Treasury bonds dropping because of this development.

This writer isn't happy about this unfolding of the U.S. Treasury markets that should take place. What should also be unfolding with this large scale dumping of Treasury bonds is public recognition of how past and present Congresses and Presidents failed in their duty to the American people. The public conversation should now be taking place on what type of government reforms the American people will cast on Washington because of the harm Congresses and Presidents wrought on America because of mismanagement of America's finances which brought on the country this financial downgrade and the loss of our precious Triple AAA credit rating!
It would seem that we would do well to elect moderates who are willing to work with one another in 2024 instead of folks pledging to "slit throats" like DeSantis and others who promise retribution like the blob.

But I'm sure I'll be told that partisans are the way to go forward.
It would seem that we would do well to elect moderates who are willing to work with one another in 2024 instead of folks pledging to "slit throats" like DeSantis and others who promise retribution like the blob.

But I'm sure I'll be told that partisans are the way to go forward.
Like Joe Biden? Fuck Joe Biden, he and the democrats are the reason for the downgraded credit rating.
Both parties, all presidents since 2001, 12 years of 0% interest, wars on the credit card, and spending stimuluses put us all here.

We are all in it together.
This week the Financial Credit Rating Agency "Fitch" downgraded the United States credit rating from "AAA" to "AA+" and the media treats this as a non-event, in part, because today the media isn't a fully good media, journalism no longer has the integrity the profession used to have today its largely all about selling advertisements and our country is a less good country because of it. If this downgrade happened fifteen years ago the media would have treated it as a major event like it deserves to be treated and it would have highlighted the reason why were in this situation is the failure of our government to do its basic duty to be a good steward of our nation's finances and it would have underscored that at the absolutely bare minimum America needs government reform in the area of term limits for members of Congress, two terms for Senators and five terms for House members; members of Congress need to stop prioritizing getting elected and start prioritizing protecting and advancing the interests of the American people.

What the media should be doing is reporting to the American people that this Fitch downgrade means that now two of the major financial credit rating agencies has downgraded the U.S. credit rating to "AA+" so now the United States of America no longer has a triple AAA credit rating. This is an historic and terrible event for America that now means United States Treasury bonds no longer have a triple AAA credit rating the largest sovereign debt market in the world a market worth trillions and trillions of dollars the bonds trading in this market are no longer the safest bond from an investment standpoint. If the media was doing its job it would be spotlighting that the United States, European and other major economies hold that the rule of law governs their society, the rule of law isn't something one only heeds if one feels like it, if it is politically correct to do so, it isn't a subjective mandate on society. The media should be pointing out here that trust documents and bond covenants and other contractual obligations which require monies be held in a triple AAA rating security now require those individuals or entities bound by these legal obligations to sell their U.S. Treasury securities and buy triple AAA securities if they can find them. The world should now be seeing large scale selling of U.S. treasury bonds this isn't discretionary with these holders they are legally obligated to sell these non-conforming securities; the world and the United states should be seeing the price of U.S. Treasury bonds dropping because of this development.

This writer isn't happy about this unfolding of the U.S. Treasury markets that should take place. What should also be unfolding with this large scale dumping of Treasury bonds is public recognition of how past and present Congresses and Presidents failed in their duty to the American people. The public conversation should now be taking place on what type of government reforms the American people will cast on Washington because of the harm Congresses and Presidents wrought on America because of mismanagement of America's finances which brought on the country this financial downgrade and the loss of our precious Triple AAA credit rating!
Don't worry

the shit is coming

Don't worry

the shit is coming
Without any doubt . But here it is is all about blame and childish attempted fault attribution over the last few decades . No sense of required priorities or understanding of the huge geo- political shifts that will be irreversible and how disastrous it will be for the US and therefore its people .
Like Joe Biden? Fuck Joe Biden, he and the democrats are the reason for the downgraded credit rating.
I think that's probably true. All Democrats and many Republicans have no desire to live within their means. If Democrats are in control, spending to buy votes will never be questioned. Our selfish politicians only care about reelection. So, Joe Biden will keep screwing our country as long as he thinks it will get him reelected and the rating agencies realize that he doesn't care about our deficits so they will have no reservations about downgrading us as long as irresponsible people are in charge.
This week the Financial Credit Rating Agency "Fitch" downgraded the United States credit rating from "AAA" to "AA+" and the media treats this as a non-event, in part, because today the media isn't a fully good media, journalism no longer has the integrity the profession used to have today its largely all about selling advertisements and our country is a less good country because of it. If this downgrade happened fifteen years ago the media would have treated it as a major event like it deserves to be treated and it would have highlighted the reason why were in this situation is the failure of our government to do its basic duty to be a good steward of our nation's finances and it would have underscored that at the absolutely bare minimum America needs government reform in the area of term limits for members of Congress, two terms for Senators and five terms for House members; members of Congress need to stop prioritizing getting elected and start prioritizing protecting and advancing the interests of the American people.

What the media should be doing is reporting to the American people that this Fitch downgrade means that now two of the major financial credit rating agencies has downgraded the U.S. credit rating to "AA+" so now the United States of America no longer has a triple AAA credit rating. This is an historic and terrible event for America that now means United States Treasury bonds no longer have a triple AAA credit rating the largest sovereign debt market in the world a market worth trillions and trillions of dollars the bonds trading in this market are no longer the safest bond from an investment standpoint. If the media was doing its job it would be spotlighting that the United States, European and other major economies hold that the rule of law governs their society, the rule of law isn't something one only heeds if one feels like it, if it is politically correct to do so, it isn't a subjective mandate on society. The media should be pointing out here that trust documents and bond covenants and other contractual obligations which require monies be held in a triple AAA rating security now require those individuals or entities bound by these legal obligations to sell their U.S. Treasury securities and buy triple AAA securities if they can find them. The world should now be seeing large scale selling of U.S. treasury bonds this isn't discretionary with these holders they are legally obligated to sell these non-conforming securities; the world and the United states should be seeing the price of U.S. Treasury bonds dropping because of this development.

This writer isn't happy about this unfolding of the U.S. Treasury markets that should take place. What should also be unfolding with this large scale dumping of Treasury bonds is public recognition of how past and present Congresses and Presidents failed in their duty to the American people. The public conversation should now be taking place on what type of government reforms the American people will cast on Washington because of the harm Congresses and Presidents wrought on America because of mismanagement of America's finances which brought on the country this financial downgrade and the loss of our precious Triple AAA credit rating!
S&P's rating was downgraded in 2011 for roughly the same reasons.....Government spending....It never came back. Small wonder given a system that continues to reward deadbeats and neocons.

However the fact can't be denied that both downgrades were made during dem administrations.....But yeah, gop ones are not much better.
This week the Financial Credit Rating Agency "Fitch" downgraded the United States credit rating from "AAA" to "AA+" and the media treats this as a non-event, in part, because today the media isn't a fully good media, journalism no longer has the integrity the profession used to have today its largely all about selling advertisements and our country is a less good country because of it. If this downgrade happened fifteen years ago the media would have treated it as a major event like it deserves to be treated and it would have highlighted the reason why were in this situation is the failure of our government to do its basic duty to be a good steward of our nation's finances and it would have underscored that at the absolutely bare minimum America needs government reform in the area of term limits for members of Congress, two terms for Senators and five terms for House members; members of Congress need to stop prioritizing getting elected and start prioritizing protecting and advancing the interests of the American people.

What the media should be doing is reporting to the American people that this Fitch downgrade means that now two of the major financial credit rating agencies has downgraded the U.S. credit rating to "AA+" so now the United States of America no longer has a triple AAA credit rating. This is an historic and terrible event for America that now means United States Treasury bonds no longer have a triple AAA credit rating the largest sovereign debt market in the world a market worth trillions and trillions of dollars the bonds trading in this market are no longer the safest bond from an investment standpoint. If the media was doing its job it would be spotlighting that the United States, European and other major economies hold that the rule of law governs their society, the rule of law isn't something one only heeds if one feels like it, if it is politically correct to do so, it isn't a subjective mandate on society. The media should be pointing out here that trust documents and bond covenants and other contractual obligations which require monies be held in a triple AAA rating security now require those individuals or entities bound by these legal obligations to sell their U.S. Treasury securities and buy triple AAA securities if they can find them. The world should now be seeing large scale selling of U.S. treasury bonds this isn't discretionary with these holders they are legally obligated to sell these non-conforming securities; the world and the United states should be seeing the price of U.S. Treasury bonds dropping because of this development.

This writer isn't happy about this unfolding of the U.S. Treasury markets that should take place. What should also be unfolding with this large scale dumping of Treasury bonds is public recognition of how past and present Congresses and Presidents failed in their duty to the American people. The public conversation should now be taking place on what type of government reforms the American people will cast on Washington because of the harm Congresses and Presidents wrought on America because of mismanagement of America's finances which brought on the country this financial downgrade and the loss of our precious Triple AAA credit rating!
When the country's credit rating is downgraded, it indicates that there are concerns about the country's ability to meet its financial obligations. To address this downgrade and improve the credit rating, the following solutions can be considered:

1. Implement Structural Reforms:
The country can undertake structural reforms to improve its economic stability and growth prospects. This may include initiatives to enhance competitiveness, increase productivity, and foster innovation.

2. Fiscal Consolidation:
The government can focus on fiscal discipline by reducing budget deficits and implementing prudent fiscal policies. This can involve measures like cutting unnecessary expenditures( Pentagon's ), increasing tax revenues, and reducing reliance on borrowing.

3. Enhance Debt Management:
The country can improve its debt management practices to mitigate risks associated with its debt obligations. This may involve refinancing existing debts at lower interest rates, diversifying debt portfolio, and developing effective risk management strategies.

4. Strengthen Governance and Transparency:
The government can enhance transparency and accountability in its financial management to regain investor confidence. This can involve improving governance mechanisms, enhancing financial reporting standards, and combating corruption.

5. Promote Economic Diversification:
If the downgrade is due to overdependence on specific sectors or industries, the country can promote economic diversification. By expanding into new sectors and industries, it can reduce vulnerability to external shocks and enhance overall economic stability.

6. Engage in Dialogue with Credit Rating Agencies:
The government can engage in constructive dialogue with credit rating agencies to address concerns and provide a clear understanding of the steps being taken to improve the country's financial situation.

7. Strengthen External Partnerships:
Collaborating with international financial institutions and other reputable organizations can help the country access financial assistance, technical expertise, and guidance in enhancing its financial stability.

It is important to say that improving a credit rating takes time, and these solutions may not provide immediate results. Consistent implementation of sound economic policies and reforms, coupled with proactive efforts to address the concerns raised by credit rating agencies, can gradually restore confidence and pave the way for an upgraded credit rating.

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