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....'America's Mayor'---once was, now ain't....

This is merely an observation. On yesterday's 9/11 TV coverage.

Yesterday we had a long rainy day here so I spent the day at the desk catching up on paperwork and such......and all the while having the channels on coverage of 9/11. At least 3 channels ---NatGeo, History, CNN ---- maybe more?.....had coverage of that terrible day. And each had hours and hours of it. So it was easy to get one's fill of 9/11 yesterday.

But one thing I noticed in all of the coverage.....or more accurately 'didn't notice'.....was video of Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's role and actions were 'no shows' in all those hours of video. He was MIA.

Which you gotta admit is a long long way to fall for Rudy G.
If you recall, 21 years ago Rudy was the most visible leader....more so than even George Jr. .....rallying and leading his city in the face of this incredible catastrophe. And his demeanor, words, decisiveness made him a treasured national hero. He parlayed that into a Presidential run in the GOP primaries. It also made him a multi-millionaire when he left public service and put his shingle out as a management consultant (despite no chops in business consultancy). Firms hired Rudy for his name and ability to now open doors with his sterling reputation. Firms in the shadow of scandal (ala' Purdue Pharma) hired him to burnish their image and gain leverage for better access to policy and law makers.

That was then. This is now.
Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.
And as I saw yesterday....a man now ignored for his most iconic, and his most needed and useful accomplishment -- real leadership in a time of great need.

The lesson?
Be careful who you lie with.....in either application of "lie".
If you associate with or work for Donald Trump you can expect your life to be ruined by the Federal Bureau of Intimidation and the liberal media.

On the other hand if you associate or work for with Joe or Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi you are considered in good company and likely will prosper in your life. You may even get a gig working for a liberal 24/7 cable news channel.

If you are a Black Lives Matter or Antifa protestor you can loot, burn and pillage all you like and waltz away scot-free.

If you were involved in the January 6th “insurrection” and are a Trump supporter your ass is grass and the government will eventually get ya, get ya, get ya.

See post #21.

"If you associate with or work for Donald Trump you can expect your life to be ruined by the Federal Bureau of Intimidation and the liberal media."
If you work for or associated with DTrump and you broke the law.....expect to be investigated, maybe indicted, maybe go to trial, maybe convicted and sentenced. Justice can happen. A word to the wise.

"On the other hand if you associate or work for with Joe or Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi you are considered in good company and likely will prosper in your life."
Now that next allegation by the good poster Batcat reminds me of the grievance filled resentment of the QAnon conspiracists. Now, I'm not saying that Batcat is an acolyte of QAnon. But he sounds like one. No?

"If you are a Black Lives Matter or Antifa protestor you can loot, burn and pillage all you like and waltz away scot-free."
See above about QAnon grievances and conspiracies.
After reading that complaint over BLM, and upon reflection, maybe Batcat really is a fanboy of Q?

"If you were involved in the January 6th “insurrection” and are a Trump supporter your ass is grass and the government will eventually get ya, get ya, get ya."
Better said, if you broke the law on January 6th at the Capitol and your image or actions were captured by the hundreds...perhaps thousands....of cameras held by a wide assortment of actors and/or agencies....well yeah, I think law enforcement should be lookin' for you. And lookin' for you. And lookin' for you.
Until they find you and bring you to justice.

ps.....Of interest, and close to Batcat's observations above.....this was reported this week:

"DOJ asks for 78 months (6.5 years) in prison for alleged Nazi sympathizer convicted in Capitol riot. Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, a former U.S. Army reservist, was convicted of felony obstruction and four misdemeanors during a jury trial in May. At trial, Hale-Cusanelli's former roommate testified he'd described the riot as being like the "Civil War" and said he had been fueled by "the rush, the f***ing purpose." Despite ample evidence about his significant knowledge regarding the certification and Congress, Hale-Cusanelli took the witness stand to claim, improbably, that he didn't even know Congress met at the Capitol. Jurors told reporters they found Hale-Cusanelli's testimony "contradictory" and unbelievable and U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden called parts of it "highly dubious." Judge McFadden himself suggested an enhancement for obstruction of justice might be warranted because of it, and on Friday, prosecutors included just such an enhancement in their sentencing memo. You can read the DOJ's full sentencing memo here. Hale-Cusanelli is scheduled to be sentenced Thursday at 10 a.m."
See post #21.

If you work for or associated with DTrump and you broke the law.....expect to be investigated, maybe indicted, maybe go to trial, maybe convicted and sentenced. Justice can happen. A word to the wise.

Now that next allegation by the good poster Batcat reminds me of the grievance filled resentment of the QAnon conspiracists. Now, I'm not saying that Batcat is an acolyte of QAnon. But he sounds like one. No?

See above about QAnon grievances and conspiracies.
After reading that complaint over BLM, and upon reflection, maybe Batcat really is a fanboy of Q?

Better said, if you broke the law on January 6th at the Capitol and your image or actions were captured by the hundreds...perhaps thousands....of cameras held by a wide assortment of actors and/or agencies....well yeah, I think law enforcement should be lookin' for you. And lookin' for you. And lookin' for you.
Until they find you and bring you to justice.

ps.....Of interest, and close to Batcat's observations above.....this was reported this week:

"DOJ asks for 78 months (6.5 years) in prison for alleged Nazi sympathizer convicted in Capitol riot. Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, a former U.S. Army reservist, was convicted of felony obstruction and four misdemeanors during a jury trial in May. At trial, Hale-Cusanelli's former roommate testified he'd described the riot as being like the "Civil War" and said he had been fueled by "the rush, the f***ing purpose." Despite ample evidence about his significant knowledge regarding the certification and Congress, Hale-Cusanelli took the witness stand to claim, improbably, that he didn't even know Congress met at the Capitol. Jurors told reporters they found Hale-Cusanelli's testimony "contradictory" and unbelievable and U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden called parts of it "highly dubious." Judge McFadden himself suggested an enhancement for obstruction of justice might be warranted because of it, and on Friday, prosecutors included just such an enhancement in their sentencing memo. You can read the DOJ's full sentencing memo here. Hale-Cusanelli is scheduled to be sentenced Thursday at 10 a.m."
No I have never been a QAnon follower. I like my prophets to be right. If what they say doesn’t come true, I simply ignore them.

There were plenty of cameras taking pictures of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protestors too, but of course since those movements are popular with Democrats the protestors guilty of looting, burning and pillaging get off scot-free. Now cops have left the force in many big cities and the crime rate is skyrocketing.

The fact still remains that the Jan 6th riot at the Capitol Building is the first insurrection in modern history where the insurrectionists didn’t have firearms. The concept that this was an actual insurrection is ludicrous. It’s simply Pelosi propaganda in her attempt to try to hold control of the House after the Midterms.

The Democratic Party is trying to turn our nation socialist.

Do you realize many argue the Nazis were socialists? The Democratic Party wants to take away some of our rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms and the right to avoid unreasonable searches and seizures. Too me it sounds like the Democrats are the Nazis and the Federal Bureau of Intimidation has become their Gestapo.

You don’t set up a working dictatorship and allow most citizens to own firearms that they can use to overthrow you.

Note that Trump is not opposed to free speech or the ownership of firearms And he obviously is against unauthorized seizure especially after the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

In my opinion it’s the Democrats who are most like the Nazis. Their Party favors BIG GOVERNMENT and control. If Biden had a chance he would be a dictator in a heartbeat.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa protestors too, but of course since those movements are popular with Democrats the protestors guilty of looting, burning and pillaging get off scot-free
Umm, no.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan" 'It ain't so much that QAnon is ignorant, it's that so much of what they know is wrong.'

Many, many....of those who committed crimes during the George Floyd protests against police brutality were arrested, adjudicated, and sentenced. Over 17,000 people were arrested.
For example, see the Wicki link below. And note this also:
Clashes and other forms of violence were at various times initiated by protestors, by counterprotestors, and by police,[15] and were usually driven by opportunistic criminals rather than organized extremist groups.[17] Violence and controversies during the George Floyd protests - Wikipedia

the first insurrection in modern history where the insurrectionists didn’t have firearms.
Well, that is wrong. As far as firearms.
I make no comment on 'first in modern history'. It's irrelevant.
People have been arrested for firearms at the Capitol on J6.

"PolitiFact reviewed the case files for hundreds of defendants who were arrested and charged for their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and found several defendants who police say were found to have brought firearms. Some were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds while others stashed them nearby."


The Democratic Party is trying to turn our nation socialist.
Prove it.
Opinions by you. Or by media columnists don't count as 'proof'....that ain't evidence.
Work at it. Try harder. And show us that you can prove it.
Umm, no.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan" 'It ain't so much that QAnon is ignorant, it's that so much of what they know is wrong.'

Many, many....of those who committed crimes during the George Floyd protests against police brutality were arrested, adjudicated, and sentenced. Over 17,000 people were arrested.
For example, see the Wicki link below. And note this also:
Clashes and other forms of violence were at various times initiated by protestors, by counterprotestors, and by police,[15] and were usually driven by opportunistic criminals rather than organized extremist groups.[17] Violence and controversies during the George Floyd protests - Wikipedia

Well, that is wrong. As far as firearms.
I make no comment on 'first in modern history'. It's irrelevant.
People have been arrested for firearms at the Capitol on J6.

"PolitiFact reviewed the case files for hundreds of defendants who were arrested and charged for their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and found several defendants who police say were found to have brought firearms. Some were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds while others stashed them nearby."


Prove it.
Opinions by you. Or by media columnists don't count as 'proof'....that ain't evidence.

Work at it. Try harder. And show us that you can prove it.
There are differing reports on firearms in the January 6th riot.


Reffitt is one of three people charged with carrying a gun onto Capitol grounds; no one is charged so far with having a gun inside the building. Two others are charged with bringing guns and explosives to Washington.

Still no matter how hard you try to say otherwise, in modern times real insurrections by mobs involve firearms and plenty of them.


Now there were no guns confiscated, according to a top FBI official, who spoke under oath. As Sen. Ron Johnson notes, this doesn't sound like any armed insurrection he knows of.

Armed insurrections tend to be the work of leftists, such as this one, Lori Berenson, who made herself famous by collaborating with Marxist terrorist guerrillas with big plans to blow up the Peruvian national Legislature, before she was busted, put on trial, and convicted and left the courtroom screaming revolutionary slogans about how being leftist exempted her and all her filthy buddies from any terrorist designation. I wrote about that here.

She got let out, got expelled, lives off the trust fund in the States as some kind of left-wing activist, and remains unpopular in Peru. Oh, and unlike the so-called Washington rioters, she gets gushy press coverage.

That is an example of an authentic armed insurrectionist and what an authentic armed insurrection looks like. Nowadays, she campaigns for abolishing prisons, which sounds about par for such a person.

The Capitol rioters? A few fringe people who got their moment in the sun based on inadequate police work. It's the reality based on the FBI official's statement. No guns. This doesn't sound like any armed insurrection we know of. The fringies need to go to jail, as do truly violent leftist rioters like Antifa, with whom we hope they share their prison bunks. But to indict the events of Jan. 6 on claimed gun grounds falls apart. Democrats, once again, have been caught in a monstrous lie.


You say other written opinions by informed people in the media don’t doubt and I have to prove January 6th was not an insurrection all by myself.

Let’s say the January 6th rioters had managed to totally take over the Capitol Building. How long do you think they would have been able to hold it before the National Guard arrived and took control back? I would say a few hours at the most.

Hell, a group of girl scouts armed with M4 carbines could have regained control quickly.

Only a Democrat would believe a mob can pull off an insurrection in the United States Capitol,Building without firearms.
"Let’s say the January 6th rioters had managed to totally take over the Capitol Building. How long do you think they would have been able to hold it before the National Guard arrived and took control back? I would say a few hours at the most."

"How long do you think they would have been able.....?

Just long enough for the POTUS-du-jour to declare martial law, suspend the counting of electoral ballots, and have some red states re-submit a slate of already chosen fake electors.
Or so it has been conjectured by some.

*which, btw, is exactly what Eastman, Giuliani, et al, are under investigation for.

And for which Eastman invoked '5th Amendment' protection nearly 150 times.

"How long do you think they would have been able.....?

Just long enough for the POTUS-du-jour to declare martial law, suspend the counting of electoral ballots, and have some red states re-submit a slate of already chosen fake electors.
Or so it has been conjectured by some.

*which, btw, is exactly what Eastman, Giuliani, et al, are under investigation for.

And for which Eastman invoked '5th Amendment' protection nearly 150 times.
I don’t think the “insurrectionists“ would have even had enough time to accomplish what you suggest before their “insurrection“ was ended by armed forces.
"I don’t think the “insurrectionists“ would have even had enough time to accomplish what you suggest before their “insurrection“ was ended by armed forces."

Well, I demur.
First, they had already accomplished the 'stop'. Our Representatives and our Senators had already stopped counting and fled to safety. The next step would have been.....and for some reason he chickened out.....but the next step would have been for the POTUS du jour to declare martial law (as was discussed in an Oval Office meeting with Flynn, Krakenpot Powell, and Pillowboy and others on December 19th).

Sedition, insurrection, revolutions do not....DO NOT .....necessarily require tanks, and machine guns. Nor do they necessarily need masses of armed insurrectionists. A few people can accomplish a lot. A few people can do a lot of damage.

We came awfully awfully close to that on J6.
All responsible American citizens and patriots recognize that.


We all know that.
This is merely an observation. On yesterday's 9/11 TV coverage.

Yesterday we had a long rainy day here so I spent the day at the desk catching up on paperwork and such......and all the while having the channels on coverage of 9/11. At least 3 channels ---NatGeo, History, CNN ---- maybe more?.....had coverage of that terrible day. And each had hours and hours of it. So it was easy to get one's fill of 9/11 yesterday.

But one thing I noticed in all of the coverage.....or more accurately 'didn't notice'.....was video of Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's role and actions were 'no shows' in all those hours of video. He was MIA.

Which you gotta admit is a long long way to fall for Rudy G.
If you recall, 21 years ago Rudy was the most visible leader....more so than even George Jr. .....rallying and leading his city in the face of this incredible catastrophe. And his demeanor, words, decisiveness made him a treasured national hero. He parlayed that into a Presidential run in the GOP primaries. It also made him a multi-millionaire when he left public service and put his shingle out as a management consultant (despite no chops in business consultancy). Firms hired Rudy for his name and ability to now open doors with his sterling reputation. Firms in the shadow of scandal (ala' Purdue Pharma) hired him to burnish their image and gain leverage for better access to policy and law makers.

That was then. This is now.
Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.
And as I saw yesterday....a man now ignored for his most iconic, and his most needed and useful accomplishment -- real leadership in a time of great need.

The lesson?
Be careful who you lie with.....in either application of "lie".
Guiliani had been milking 9/11 for all it was worth since the day he left office. He's a pile of shit who's finally getting his commupance.

Trump screwed him out of his legal fees which proves once again the old adage to be true that there's "no honor among thieves".
Guiliani .... finally getting his commupance.

I recall a quote....tho I cannot give a citation, or source, it is just a remembrance from a couple of years ago when Rudy was in the news all the time.

Anyway, some reporter stuck a microphone in the face of some former staffer in Rudy's office when he was the DOJ's attorney overseeing the New Office.

The staffer was quoted as saying: "The one bit of advice every newbie coming onto staff was given by the old timers - 'Never get between the boss and a TV camera.' "

I thought that was funny.
Well, I demur.
First, they had already accomplished the 'stop'. Our Representatives and our Senators had already stopped counting and fled to safety. The next step would have been.....and for some reason he chickened out.....but the next step would have been for the POTUS du jour to declare martial law (as was discussed in an Oval Office meeting with Flynn, Krakenpot Powell, and Pillowboy and others on December 19th).

Sedition, insurrection, revolutions do not....DO NOT .....necessarily require tanks, and machine guns. Nor do they necessarily need masses of armed insurrectionists. A few people can accomplish a lot. A few people can do a lot of damage.

We came awfully awfully close to that on J6.
All responsible American citizens and patriots recognize that.


We all know that.
No we don’t all know that.

That‘s your opinion and you are entitled to it but if what you say would have happened, the American people (with the exception of Trump supporters) would have never accepted the result and we likely would have had a follow up insurrection by ARMED rebels or the military that would have restored the Biden Presidency.
No I have never been a QAnon follower. I like my prophets to be right. If what they say doesn’t come true, I simply ignore them.

There were plenty of cameras taking pictures of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protestors too, but of course since those movements are popular with Democrats the protestors guilty of looting, burning and pillaging get off scot-free. Now cops have left the force in many big cities and the crime rate is skyrocketing.

The fact still remains that the Jan 6th riot at the Capitol Building is the first insurrection in modern history where the insurrectionists didn’t have firearms. The concept that this was an actual insurrection is ludicrous. It’s simply Pelosi propaganda in her attempt to try to hold control of the House after the Midterms.

The Democratic Party is trying to turn our nation socialist.

Do you realize many argue the Nazis were socialists? The Democratic Party wants to take away some of our rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms and the right to avoid unreasonable searches and seizures. Too me it sounds like the Democrats are the Nazis and the Federal Bureau of Intimidation has become their Gestapo.

You don’t set up a working dictatorship and allow most citizens to own firearms that they can use to overthrow you.

Note that Trump is not opposed to free speech or the ownership of firearms And he obviously is against unauthorized seizure especially after the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

In my opinion it’s the Democrats who are most like the Nazis. Their Party favors BIG GOVERNMENT and control. If Biden had a chance he would be a dictator in a heartbeat.
You're not smart enough to be this critical.

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