America's Part-Time Economy--Dangerous Labor Trend


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
Our economy needs full-time jobs; it can’t grow when 77% of the jobs created in 2013 are part-time positions. Unless an America is working 2 or 3 of those part-time jobs, he or she simply cannot support his or her household or the government. As more and more Americans are finding that the only employment they can find is capped at around 25-30 hours a week, the government is finding that the tax base is dwindling and the amount of transfer payments is growing.

Democrats and the President keep talking about how great it is that poorer Americans are finding they can afford health insurance like never before yet more Americans are becoming poor. Sure, more Americans might be able to afford health insurance, but they are less able to afford their mortgages, or their rent, or their weekly grocery bills. While the government is working so hard to ensure Americans are covered, it is harming the one thing that can improve overall economic health: turning part-time jobs into full-time positions.

Full article at America's Part-Time Economy: 1 in 5 Jobs Is Part-Time -

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