Zone1 America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023

America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs​

In the first of a series of dispatches from the US’s poorest communities, we visit Beattyville, Kentucky, blighted by a lack of jobs and addiction to painkillers.

One of those communities is Beattyville, recorded by a US census survey as the poorest white town – 98% of its 1,700 residents are white – in the country.

Although Beattyville, Kentucky is poor, it has a low crime rate.

According to NeighborhoodScout, Beattyville, Kentucky has a crime index of 57. This means that it is safer than 57% of U.S. neighborhoods.

For example, with a black population of 77%, Detroit has a crime index of 1.

Why are poor whites safer to live with than poor blacks?
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America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs​

In the first of a series of dispatches from the US’s poorest communities, we visit Beattyville, Kentucky, blighted by a lack of jobs and addiction to painkillers.

One of those communities is Beattyville, recorded by a US census survey as the poorest white town – 98% of its 1,700 residents are white – in the country.

Although Beattyville, Kentucky is poor, it has a low crime rate.

According to NeighborhoodScout, Beattyville, Kentucky has a crime index of 57. This means that it is safer than 57% of U.S. neighborhoods.

For example, with a black population of 77%, Detroit has a crime index of 1.

Why are poor whites safer to live with than poor blacks?
I wonder what the Fatherless home rate is in Beattyville.
LOL! This exact article was also posted in 2021 and 2015.

You said the same thing in 2015.
NewsVine Mariyam posted it is June 17, 2921. She used the poverty and drug addiction as evidence that poor whites have problems too. I posted it again to demonstrate that a problem poor whites do not have is a high rate of crime.

For too long I have heard the excuse that black crime is caused by black poverty. Poor whites and poor east Asians have low crime rates.

Try to explain that, someone.
It is a seven year old article and this is a bullshit thread.
All my life I have heard that it is out fault that blacks to perform poorly in school, and our fault that that they have high rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Nevertheless, these problems characterize Negroes everywhere they live. How is it our fault?
All my life I have heard that it is out fault that blacks to perform poorly in school, and our fault that that they have high rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Nevertheless, these problems characterize Negroes everywhere they live. How is it our fault?

I'm not saying it is the fault of white people. I'm saying this is a bullshit thread.

You're just one more racist claiming the superiority of whites.
I'm not saying it is the fault of white people. I'm saying this is a bullshit thread.

You're just one more racist claiming the superiority of whites.
Actually, I think East Asians are on the average superior to whites. They tend to be more intelligent. They have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

By those criteria I think whites on the average are superior to blacks.

There are blacks who behave and perform as well as most whites. Unfortunately, they are out numbered by black criminals, black welfare recipients, and black academic failures.
For sure the number of thieves is much less there.

There ain't a Tom, Dick or Harriet with a damn thing worth anything.

Some absolutely wretched poverty I've seen was on a road trip with James. We wandered some in Arkansas one time. Twas bleak and a little unsettling. Hell, I thought WE were poor. The one thing I really felt was- they must feel so hopeless.

America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs​

In the first of a series of dispatches from the US’s poorest communities, we visit Beattyville, Kentucky, blighted by a lack of jobs and addiction to painkillers.

One of those communities is Beattyville, recorded by a US census survey as the poorest white town – 98% of its 1,700 residents are white – in the country.

Although Beattyville, Kentucky is poor, it has a low crime rate.

According to NeighborhoodScout, Beattyville, Kentucky has a crime index of 57. This means that it is safer than 57% of U.S. neighborhoods.

For example, with a black population of 77%, Detroit has a crime index of 1.

Why are poor whites safer to live with than poor blacks?

Maybe they can't afford a police department to arrest those and charge drug addicts for their crimes.
Hmmm... I doubt it. Cali elites like their shitholes shitty chic, not just shitty.
I find this very interesting. For years whites had it good and we told poor blacks it was their fault if they aren't doing better. If they aren't living the American dream. Don't blame anyone but yourselves. Do we tell poor whites the same thing today?

Sickness and early death in the white working class could be rooted in poor job prospects for less-educated young people as they first enter the labor market, a situation that compounds over time through family dysfunction, social isolation, addiction, obesity and other pathologies, according to a study published Thursday by two prominent economists.

New research identifies a ‘sea of despair’ among white, working-class Americans​

I've been telling poor whites for years that to the rich, we are all n*#$rs. Now they see I was right.

Next time black people complain, maybe now you'll have some empathy. Seeing as how you too are feeling the same despair now. What advice did you give blacks? Fatherlessness? Maybe these loser whites were born losers. Naturally losers by design.

Or maybe now you whites will realize that there has to be economic opportunity available for you to be successful. Should we tell these loser whites to go back to school, start their own companies or tell them that it's their parents fault?

You guys didn't care when whites were selling blacks crack. Don't buy it you said. But now it's your kids buying fentynol. Karma?

For white Americans between 45 and 54, average life expectancy was no longer increasing; in fact, it was actually declining — in a pattern seen almost nowhere else on Earth.

Only in America. And only uneducated white men. Not guys like me.
White privilege has nothing to do with wealth.
It has to do with high average IQ power and few felony convictions. Once someone gets a felony conviction few employers want to hire that person.

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