What happens to the Republican Party if poor whites stop voting GOP?

White Appalachia poor

Republicans on the USMB go on endlessly about poor blacks and poor Hispanics. They never, ever bring up the staggering number of poor whites. Especially those living in Appalachia. These people are under siege. Many of their problems are the same problems Republicans point to poor black or poor Hispanic communities with scorn. Crime, out of wedlock births. In fact, infant mortality has risen, and people are dying younger.
The idea of white privilege in these communities has simply gone away because of their rural location.
More likely, they will just stop voting. Then they run the risk of a lack of representation.

As long as Republicans can trick them with religion and guns, they will still keep voting Republican. But will that eventually no longer work? Just like drugs in the inner city, the Appalachian area is being swept up in addiction. When you are an addict, you think less and less of religion and guns.

The Health 202: Appalachian death from drug overdoses far outpace nation’s

America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs

Republicans are ignoring their base. They got lucky in the perfect storm of the last election. Hillary won by three million and another 7 million voted other candidates. That's over 10 million that voted against Trump. Yet he won. I suspect there will be a much more united front next time.




Truly, Trump's base.
Yeah, we're just a deplorable lot. Just please keep remembering to spread that around. Thanks.
Why wouldn't they vote for Republicans when they have Democrats to thank for their poverty?
That's nonsense and you know it.

Red States have been following diseased conservative economic policies for the last 150 years. Nothing to do with today's Democrats.
Why wouldn't they vote for Republicans when they have Democrats to thank for their poverty?
That's nonsense and you know it.

Red States have been following diseased conservative economic policies for the last 150 years. Nothing to do with today's Democrats.
150 years ago Democrats kept their darkies in slave quarters. Some things never change.
White Appalachia poor

Republicans on the USMB go on endlessly about poor blacks and poor Hispanics. They never, ever bring up the staggering number of poor whites. Especially those living in Appalachia. These people are under siege. Many of their problems are the same problems Republicans point to poor black or poor Hispanic communities with scorn. Crime, out of wedlock births. In fact, infant mortality has risen, and people are dying younger.
The idea of white privilege in these communities has simply gone away because of their rural location.
More likely, they will just stop voting. Then they run the risk of a lack of representation.

As long as Republicans can trick them with religion and guns, they will still keep voting Republican. But will that eventually no longer work? Just like drugs in the inner city, the Appalachian area is being swept up in addiction. When you are an addict, you think less and less of religion and guns.

The Health 202: Appalachian death from drug overdoses far outpace nation’s

America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs

Republicans are ignoring their base. They got lucky in the perfect storm of the last election. Hillary won by three million and another 7 million voted other candidates. That's over 10 million that voted against Trump. Yet he won. I suspect there will be a much more united front next time.




Its funny watching you act like you give a shit about the working class white poor. Its actually disgusting. You liberals didn't give a shit about these people until they managed to help elect President Trump.These people are poor and forgotten because the democrats would rather spend all that cash and benefits on illegals and coons breeding like rabbits instead of white working class whites.
So it is a fact, give a person a fish and you feed him for a day, nothing changes, teach a person to fish and he feeds himself for a life time, real change.
So what part of this quote escapes the liberal mind?

What disgusts most people are able bodied youths who adopted a lifestyle of living on the streets sucking the life out of society while cities pour tax payer money down the drain with the intent of helping them get on their feet when they have no intent on bettering their life or changing their lifestyle.

It is one thing to be unable to work and another to choose not to work.
They will probably lose.

What will happen to the left if they stop cheating on elections?
The only problem with the left is they believe their own lies and as for the GOP afraid of media fallout when standing behind what they say. Yes the swamp is deep.
In the past, working whites tended to vote for Democrats because Democrats appeared to care about working people of all races. But, Hillary showed nothing but hatred for white workers, so even those who voted for Obama went for Trump.

Republicans need to get more concerned about the working class and poor whites, and less concerned about tax breaks for the rich.
They will probably lose.

What will happen to the left if they stop cheating on elections?
What would happen if the right stopped lying? They would never "win".

We do not lie, that’s why we are winning everything.
What is it you think you've won?

Because most Americans have lost.

No, only idiots lost. We won the House, we won the Senate, and we won the White House! We won’t the SCOTUS, we won the tax bill, we are winning because we get to watch you idiots cry all the time!

It’s winning winning WINNING!
the ''old Religion and Guns trick''--like they used on Get Smart
us ''Republicans''/righties/poor whites must be really stupid to fall for that old one
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