America's Student Loan Debt Crisis


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.
Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.
With what? The trickle down scraps you think they get from Trump's tax cut recipient's? Hasn't happened since Reagan began that voodoo bullshit and now here we are.
Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.
With what? The trickle down scraps you think they get from Trump's tax cut recipient's? Hasn't happened since Reagan began that voodoo bullshit and now here we are.

With what?

With money from the jobs they got with their fantastic college education.
They'll pay it down eventually. The crisis is that the income gap that was started under Reagan's voodoo economics has become so severe that they will spend a lifetime paying it off. I know you voted for Trump to bring back 3rd world jobs that he'll magically alter to pay what a living wage is here in the U.S., but it's not going to happen.
Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.
With what? The trickle down scraps you think they get from Trump's tax cut recipient's? Hasn't happened since Reagan began that voodoo bullshit and now here we are.

With what?

With money from the jobs they got with their fantastic college education.
They'll pay it down eventually. The crisis is that the income gap that was started under Reagan's voodoo economics has become so severe that they will spend a lifetime paying it off. I know you voted for Trump to bring back 3rd world jobs that he'll magically alter to pay what a living wage is here in the U.S., but it's not going to happen.

The crisis is that the income gap

What's the income gap? Why do you feel it is a crisis?

I know you voted for Trump to bring back 3rd world jobs

Nah, I voted for him to kill the Clinton crime family.
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.

I wondered the same then I researched it. Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University, here is one, I remember books were highly expensive as well and they are probably more now:

History of MSU Tuition

1979 was a credit hour $24.50 , now its close to 500.
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.

I wondered the same then I researched it. Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University, here is one, I remember books were highly expensive as well and they are probably more now:

History of MSU Tuition

1979 was a credit hour $24.50 , now its close to 500.

Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University,

When you throw basically unlimited amounts of federal dollars at colleges, they jack up their prices.

Why are you surprised? Didn't take any college Econ classes?
I can't imagine how demoralizing it would be to be $150,000 + dollars in debt just from graduating, only to find there are no jobs to pay it off. Just crippling debt.
This is Obama's Julia effect for controlling our youth from birth to death. Let the schools raise their prices to the hilt, then tell prospective students not to worry, there is plenty of money for them to go to college. Add to that, McDonald is hiring.......illegals to get a government tax break. And now there are those who want illegals to go to the same school.....only for free. Can we screw our kids any more?

Make the colleges pay it back. They reaped a HUGE harvest at the expense of our youth. And in turn our youth got an indoctrination education that is worthless in the real world.
We owe our children an apology. We sent them to be turned into mindless, global morons and charged them dearly for the trip.
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.

I wondered the same then I researched it. Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University, here is one, I remember books were highly expensive as well and they are probably more now:

History of MSU Tuition

1979 was a credit hour $24.50 , now its close to 500.

Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University,

When you throw basically unlimited amounts of federal dollars at colleges, they jack up their prices.

Why are you surprised? Didn't take any college Econ classes?

They need to do something about it, like price controls. They can control this craziness. They can also do price controls on everything, this free economy is for the birds. I mean capitalization and in the end the consumer pays. Who supports the government, workers.
I can't imagine how demoralizing it would be to be $150,000 + dollars in debt just from graduating, only to find there are no jobs to pay it off. Just crippling debt.
This is Obama's Julia effect for controlling our youth from birth to death. Let the schools raise their prices to the hilt, then tell prospective students not to worry, there is plenty of money for them to go to college. Add to that, McDonald is hiring.......illegals to get a government tax break. And now there are those who want illegals to go to the same school.....only for free. Can we screw our kids any more?

Make the colleges pay it back. They reaped a HUGE harvest at the expense of our youth. And in turn our youth got an indoctrination education that is worthless in the real world.
We owe our children an apology. We sent them to be turned into mindless, global morons and charged them dearly for the trip.

More like Bush Jr's. Obama saved the day from total ruin. We get you do not believe in higher education. They should make the Universities pay it back.
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.
Time to play BAILOUT....
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.

I wondered the same then I researched it. Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University, here is one, I remember books were highly expensive as well and they are probably more now:

History of MSU Tuition

1979 was a credit hour $24.50 , now its close to 500.

Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University,

When you throw basically unlimited amounts of federal dollars at colleges, they jack up their prices.

Why are you surprised? Didn't take any college Econ classes?

They need to do something about it, like price controls. They can control this craziness. They can also do price controls on everything, this free economy is for the birds. I mean capitalization and in the end the consumer pays. Who supports the government, workers.

They can also do price controls on everything, this free economy is for the birds

Great idea!

Did you see how successful prices controls were in Venezuela?
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.

I wondered the same then I researched it. Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University, here is one, I remember books were highly expensive as well and they are probably more now:

History of MSU Tuition

1979 was a credit hour $24.50 , now its close to 500.

Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University,

When you throw basically unlimited amounts of federal dollars at colleges, they jack up their prices.

Why are you surprised? Didn't take any college Econ classes?

They need to do something about it, like price controls. They can control this craziness. They can also do price controls on everything, this free economy is for the birds. I mean capitalization and in the end the consumer pays. Who supports the government, workers.

Artificial inflation may be the solution. Price control and wage control is already accomplished by tax brackets.
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.

You must be joking. Clearing unpayable debt has always been a regular thing, ever since the last deptor prison closed 300 years ago.

And your socialist attitude shows.

You can't make people rich by making the rich poor. If you buy into a debt that is normally sold to the pennyless, then don't get surprised that you are the only one who pays.
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.

I wondered the same then I researched it. Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University, here is one, I remember books were highly expensive as well and they are probably more now:

History of MSU Tuition

1979 was a credit hour $24.50 , now its close to 500.

Have you seen the prices they pay now at a University,

When you throw basically unlimited amounts of federal dollars at colleges, they jack up their prices.

Why are you surprised? Didn't take any college Econ classes?

They need to do something about it, like price controls. They can control this craziness. They can also do price controls on everything, this free economy is for the birds. I mean capitalization and in the end the consumer pays. Who supports the government, workers.

If you lived through the 70s and you are now advocating for price controls then you are exactly the fucking idiot I already know you to be. It’s like you’re proud of it.
Student debt problems? No problem, just bring back prostitution. The girls will pay it back, all $200000 in a month, and their boyfriends' too. Finally a reason to fall in love with a 300 pound girl.
What to do about it...

Force the borrowers to pay off every stinkin' dime.

Maybe they will have to live with their parents for another five years. Maybe they will have to RENT for ten years before they can buy a first "house." Maybe they will learn a great deal about financial responsibility.

How can Leftist politicians dangle this bit of candy out there (i.e., loan forgiveness) for young voters, when NOT PAYING YOUR LEGAL Debts is another form of theft?

How can they offer this when so many millions have worked YEARS and sacrificed mightily to make those payments on their own student loans, to get the damn things paid off?

How many adult-children in this generation are voting Democrat, in the hope that if enough Leftists take over government they will be forgiven these loans?

It is disgraceful. Like almost everything else the Political Left tries to do.
I just heard members of Congress kids don’t have to pay back their student loans back. There is a movement to stop the bullshit in congress. They get pensions after only one term? What’s that all about?

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