Americas Turning to Atheism.

That's just your subjective opinion. No moral person could ever accept genocide or punishing an innocent.

You're starting to get repetitive. I wonder why that is? I see you decided to not comment on my other post, no surprises there. :lol:

What makes a 'moral' person Ed? How is it defined? Who defines it?

I find it best not to argue with insolent children newby. They will say anything to be right and even lie to you straight faced.
Obviously you can contribute nothing to the discussion except for your own PROJECTIONS. :frown:
That's just your subjective opinion. No moral person could ever accept genocide or punishing an innocent.

You're starting to get repetitive. I wonder why that is? I see you decided to not comment on my other post, no surprises there. :lol:

What makes a 'moral' person Ed? How is it defined? Who defines it?
Certainly not God or the bible.
Goodness and decency summed up by the Golden Rule defines true morality.

And who came up with the 'golden rule'?

Your arguments are pretty empty so far.
That's just your subjective opinion. No moral person could ever accept genocide or punishing an innocent.

You're starting to get repetitive. I wonder why that is? I see you decided to not comment on my other post, no surprises there. :lol:

What makes a 'moral' person Ed? How is it defined? Who defines it?

I find it best not to argue with insolent children newby. They will say anything to be right and even lie to you straight faced.

What can I say, I was bored. :lol:
Who came up with the golden rule. Now that is a good question.

Try looking up Luke 6:31 or Matthew 7:12 in the Christian Bible. :lol:

Christian bible? There is another kind?

Yes it is written down in there. But who actually came up with it?

The concept has been around and found in ancient Egyptian and Chinese culture from before the birth of Christ. The way the modern world phrases it today was attribued to be first said by Jesus.
You're starting to get repetitive. I wonder why that is? I see you decided to not comment on my other post, no surprises there. :lol:

What makes a 'moral' person Ed? How is it defined? Who defines it?
Certainly not God or the bible.
Goodness and decency summed up by the Golden Rule defines true morality.

And who came up with the 'golden rule'?

Your arguments are pretty empty so far.
The ancient Egyptians. (c. 2040 - 1650 BCE): "Now this is the command: Do to the doer to cause that he do"
Was not the title of this thread about America turning towards Atheism??

I do not see why some one would assume this, since atheism could also be seen as a path way towards changing religion. That is one may go from Catholicism to Agnosticsim/atheism then find themselves in Buddhism at the end.

In other words, there may be a temporary increase in the number of Atheist/Agnostics but I doubt that will become the dominant thread. Admit it, there is nothing in Atheism/Agnosticism that will keep its adherents in awe. Come to think about it, there is basically nothing to these types of religion/philosophies.

Now this question about morality in Atheism. There is none. If you are an ethical atheist, then your ethics does not stem from your disbelief in a diety. If anything, it is learned behavior from those people around you. In other words, if you deal with a large number of christians everyday, your ethics stems from your dealings with Christians. Therefore, Your 'ethics' is indirectly influenced by christianity!!

On the other hand, if you accompany your philosophical approach to life with other forms of literature and so forth, it is possible that you have a little Buddhist, Nietche, Taoist, Hedonistic and Sun Tzu influence as well. Even so, the people you associate with and have the most dealings with will influence your behavior the most and shape it.

So in truth, most of you are probably Christian Atheist or Judaic Atheists and do not realize it. It also helps explains why you are so adamant about ridiculing certain religions(like the concept of God in Judeo-Christianity) and hard press to explain where your "morality" comes from.

It is not morality that you are practicing. Morality is a code of ethics promoted by religious doctrines. Atheists contains no such doctrines. What you are practicing is a set of ethics that you understand outside the concepts of a god basis. Many of you call this 'common sense" but given the right circumstances, your 'commonsense" may tell you to act in a completely different manner. Nothing is holding you to these concepts of ethics besides the present situation.

Now do you understand the uneasiness that believers have towards atheists? What makes you YOU is key to others understanding you.
Morality is a code of ethics promoted by religious doctrines.
There is no mention of religion in the definition of morality.

Morality | Definition of Morality at


–noun, plural -ties for 4–6. 1. conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct. 2. moral quality or character. 3. virtue in sexual matters; chastity. 4. a doctrine or system of morals. 5. moral instruction; a moral lesson, precept, discourse, or utterance.
Was not the title of this thread about America turning towards Atheism??

I do not see why some one would assume this, since atheism could also be seen as a path way towards changing religion. That is one may go from Catholicism to Agnosticsim/atheism then find themselves in Buddhism at the end.

In other words, there may be a temporary increase in the number of Atheist/Agnostics but I doubt that will become the dominant thread. Admit it, there is nothing in Atheism/Agnosticism that will keep its adherents in awe. Come to think about it, there is basically nothing to these types of religion/philosophies.

Now this question about morality in Atheism. There is none. If you are an ethical atheist, then your ethics does not stem from your disbelief in a diety. If anything, it is learned behavior from those people around you. In other words, if you deal with a large number of christians everyday, your ethics stems from your dealings with Christians. Therefore, Your 'ethics' is indirectly influenced by christianity!!

On the other hand, if you accompany your philosophical approach to life with other forms of literature and so forth, it is possible that you have a little Buddhist, Nietche, Taoist, Hedonistic and Sun Tzu influence as well. Even so, the people you associate with and have the most dealings with will influence your behavior the most and shape it.

So in truth, most of you are probably Christian Atheist or Judaic Atheists and do not realize it. It also helps explains why you are so adamant about ridiculing certain religions(like the concept of God in Judeo-Christianity) and hard press to explain where your "morality" comes from.

It is not morality that you are practicing. Morality is a code of ethics promoted by religious doctrines. Atheists contains no such doctrines. What you are practicing is a set of ethics that you understand outside the concepts of a god basis. Many of you call this 'common sense" but given the right circumstances, your 'commonsense" may tell you to act in a completely different manner. Nothing is holding you to these concepts of ethics besides the present situation.

Now do you understand the uneasiness that believers have towards atheists? What makes you YOU is key to others understanding you.

"Now this question about morality in Atheism. There is none. If you are an ethical atheist, then your ethics does not stem from your disbelief in a diety. If anything, it is learned behavior from those people around you. In other words, if you deal with a large number of christians everyday, your ethics stems from your dealings with Christians. Therefore, Your 'ethics' is indirectly influenced by christianity!!"

But what makes a "good" person? Do you agree with the Ten Commandments?

See.. Here we go.. The hypocrisy of christians..

Ok.. The 10 commandments??

Let's assume that most of this nation is christian, which means that mostly christians are getting a divorce over cheating on their spouses.. What commandment does that violate?

Got it..

Ok.. Next issue..

Exodus 22:16-17 Basically that one says that a raped virgin must marry her rapist and can never divorce him..

Deuteronomy 25:5-6 That one there says you should marry your dead brothers wife..

Ok.. So?? ARe you going to pick and choose which tenets to believe or not believe in?? Cause all of these are on the old testament??

So?? Back to the original question?? Do I believe in the 10 commandments?? No.. But then I also don't believe that I need the 10 commandments to tell me what is right from wrong.. Which appearantly you and other christians do..

We think for ourselves, you let a bunch of bronze age morons living in clay huts think for you.. And you wonder why there is a saying, 'God loves stupid people, he sure made a lot of them and they are all christian..'

10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."

3 Science has not proven there is no God.

2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.

Have a nice day!!

Exodus 22:16-17 doesn't say anything about rape.another thing that atheist try to do, change the truth of religion. We are no longer ruled by the old testament, the Old Testament was done away at the cross by Christ's death, which ushered in the New Testament. Therefore, we are no longer under obligation. Do ou believe it right to kill, commit adultry, steal, lie?
- While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.
Science has not proven there is no God.

Sorry the BURDEN OF PROOF does NOT lie with the NON-believer. We have NO NEED to DISPROVE the existence of "GOD" we have NO NEED to DISPROVE everything that is UN-PROVEN!
The New Testament morality says it is OK to punish an innocent for the deeds of the guilty. Salvation can only be obtained by agreeing to have an innocent Jesus tortured and crucified for YOUR evil deeds.

An Atheist would find it immoral that any innocent should be punished in place of the guilty and would say the guilty should be punished for their own deeds and the innocent should not be punished at all.
The fact that you didn't know that Jesus was innocent of all sin including the sin of Adam "tells me that you have not really done any Bible study and you are not qualified to debate on Bible topics, or on Christianity." :lol:

Are you playing stupid here, or are you really stupid? If you even had any idea how to discuss this subject, you would know that a Chrristian knows Jesus is the only one who is innocent. Follow the conversation for a while and learn something. Don't speak or you will reveal your ignorance.
A Christian would know it, but YOU didn't until I told you!

And if YOU were following the conversation, I said Jesus was the INNOCENT who was brutally punished in place of the guilty, which is moral bankruptcy even when the INNOCENT victim is WILLING to be punished in place of the guilty.

LOL, I'll leave you thinking that I had no idea that Jesus was the innocent who dies for the guilty. LOL

I will allso leave your judgement of God between you and God.
Exodus 22:16-17 doesn't say anything about rape.another thing that atheist try to do, change the truth of religion. We are no longer ruled by the old testament, the Old Testament was done away at the cross by Christ's death, which ushered in the New Testament. Therefore, we are no longer under obligation. Do ou believe it right to kill, commit adultry, steal, lie?


So you are saying that Christians are no longer bound by the Ten Commandments?

I think the actual fact is that Christians are no longer under the penalty of the Ten Commandments. We are supposed to follow them. We are wrong to violate them, but unless we have a lifestyle that continuously violates the Ten Commandments, we are still under the safe presence of the Holy Spirit.

If our lifestyle is a sinful one, we are likely not saved in the first place. By lifestyle I mean that we continue to sin and don't ask for forgiveness or repent. That means that we are basically still under the flesh, and not saved.
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