America's Uninsured Rate Is Now Lowest Ever

We will see that you get your insurance premium paid. We'll take care of you from the cradle to the grave since you're not capable of doing it yourself.

You know, you were the one who asked me about my experience with health insurance in a different thread. I answered you honestly that as an independent contractor I've always paid my own way, and you thanked me for the information. Your decision to do a 180 because I found your attempt to derail this thread amateurish is not my responsibility. Nor am I required to tell you or anyone else here my life history.

A life history of which there is nothing worth telling.

Whatever you say, Miss Cleo.

Getting back to the topic:

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population
America's Uninsured Rate Is Now Lowest Ever

Many people who were forced into Obamacare, now find they have to pay the full cost of procedures up front, up to $10,000 every year, since their deductible is now sky-high.

So a lot of them are skipping recommended procedures entirely.

Funny you didn't mention that part.

In fact, a lot of people with Obamacare are now LESS insured than they used to be.
And emergency rooms are treatment more people for chronic/non emergent ailments than ever before.

Because the doctors are swamped and our schools make it too difficult for Americans to get into med school.

And the amazing this is - now those patients have insurance! And hospitals don't have to make the choice between absorbing those costs, passing them on to you, or going out of business.

Are you saying because you can't think of one it hasn't happened?


I. Am. Asking. You. If. You. Know. Of. One.

Not off the top of my head but I'm not willing to say that it hasn't happened because I can't name on
No problem with you finding homes for the refugees though.

I've made no comment about refugees either here or in the numerous threads about them in the correct forum. Do you need a map?

It's hardly amazing. Someone else is subsidizing that insurance.

In all cases? You'll need to present some evidence to that effect.

Are you saying no one receives a subsidy?
We will see that you get your insurance premium paid. We'll take care of you from the cradle to the grave since you're not capable of doing it yourself.

You know, you were the one who asked me about my experience with health insurance in a different thread. I answered you honestly that as an independent contractor I've always paid my own way, and you thanked me for the information. Your decision to do a 180 because I found your attempt to derail this thread amateurish is not my responsibility. Nor am I required to tell you or anyone else here my life history.

A life history of which there is nothing worth telling.

Whatever you say, Miss Cleo.

Getting back to the topic:

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population

While you may call it key facts, I call anyone without coverage an opportunity for you to prove you care instead of offering up baseless words of support. We both know you won't take that opportunity but will continue to support one group, the honorable ones, being forced to subsidize healthcare for the other group.
Well, apparently you're really walking around with your eyes closed. I'm neck-deep in the business world and I personally know many companies that have done just that. Get off CNN and get out and about your own city or town.

My guess is you're incapable of debunking CNN's article with anything but a lame attempt at using your unverifiable personal (prove me wrong, I look forward to it) observation, which represents 1 opinion in about 325-330 million Americans. You're entitled to your opinion but don't expect me (or anyone) to give your personal opinion any more weight than about .000000000000033...or something like that.

Like it or not, Obamcare is working for millions of people, a higher percentage of people are insured than ever before - Republican/rightwing whining won't change that fact. Facts is facts, try coming up with facts that carry more weight than your limited observations -pewsh!-

My guess is that all you had to see was that it was CNN and you were going to automatically accept whatever they stated. You're entitled to do that but don't expect me, or anyone that actually has a clue, to give your personal opinion any more weight than ZERO.

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I am a 10 point Viet Nam veteran nutcase. Are you a combat veteran yourself? You should know the person you are maligning before you throw stones.

It's a strange-strange world you live in, you claim to consider veterans that hold themselves up for "flattery" are trash while having held yourself up for flattery for being a combat veteran, but not just any old combat veteran but a *special* 10 point combat veteran --- okey dokey, you sweet talked me into agreeing with you for once.

Where the rubber meets the road is, do the people that have Obamacare like Obamacare? The answer is overwhelmingly YES!

IOWs, when it comes to Obamacare, regardless of what the ideologues on this M/B choose to piss and moan about, people with Obamacare like Obamacare...

Excerpts from: 74% of ACA enrollees are happy with their coverage
May 21, 2015
by Sarah Kliff of

Most Obamacare enrollees are pretty happy with their coverage, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows. This KFF study is among the first to get beyond basic sign-up numbers and try to measure: do people buying Obamacare actually like what they get? While there are some bumps in the road, the answer, generally, seems to be yes.

Here are five things we now know about what Obamacare enrollees think about their plans.

1) Most Obamacare enrollees like their coverage
2) Obamacare enrollees are happy with doctor choice
3) People with high-deductible plans are way less happy with Obamacare
4) Not many Obamacare enrollees are shopping around
5) A quarter of Obamacare enrollees oppose Obamacare

Most obama are enrollees are just Medicaid rollover and single, indigent adults. The working people who are forced to get it, who are being fined and taxed for carp coverage and hug g e deductibles, are N O T happy.
Most obama are enrollees are just Medicaid rollover and single, indigent adults. The working people who are forced to get it, who are being fined and taxed for carp coverage and hug g e deductibles, are N O T happy.

My guess is you're incapable of debunking CNN's article with anything but a lame attempt at using your unverifiable personal (prove me wrong, I look forward to it) observation, which represents 1 opinion in about 325-330 million Americans. You're entitled to your opinion but don't expect me (or anyone) to give your personal opinion any more weight than about .000000000000033...or something like that.

Like it or not, Obamcare is working for millions of people, a higher percentage of people are insured than ever before - Republican/rightwing whining won't change that fact. Facts is facts, try coming up with facts that carry more weight than your limited observations -pewsh!-

My guess is that all you had to see was that it was CNN and you were going to automatically accept whatever they stated. You're entitled to do that but don't expect me, or anyone that actually has a clue, to give your personal opinion any more weight than ZERO.

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I am a 10 point Viet Nam veteran nutcase. Are you a combat veteran yourself? You should know the person you are maligning before you throw stones.

It's a strange-strange world you live in, you claim to consider veterans that hold themselves up for "flattery" are trash while having held yourself up for flattery for being a combat veteran, but not just any old combat veteran but a *special* 10 point combat veteran --- okey dokey, you sweet talked me into agreeing with you for once.

Where the rubber meets the road is, do the people that have Obamacare like Obamacare? The answer is overwhelmingly YES!

IOWs, when it comes to Obamacare, regardless of what the ideologues on this M/B choose to piss and moan about, people with Obamacare like Obamacare...

Excerpts from: 74% of ACA enrollees are happy with their coverage
May 21, 2015
by Sarah Kliff of

Most Obamacare enrollees are pretty happy with their coverage, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows. This KFF study is among the first to get beyond basic sign-up numbers and try to measure: do people buying Obamacare actually like what they get? While there are some bumps in the road, the answer, generally, seems to be yes.

Here are five things we now know about what Obamacare enrollees think about their plans.

1) Most Obamacare enrollees like their coverage
2) Obamacare enrollees are happy with doctor choice
3) People with high-deductible plans are way less happy with Obamacare
4) Not many Obamacare enrollees are shopping around
5) A quarter of Obamacare enrollees oppose Obamacare


Why wouldn't the 85% getting a subsidy like their coverage. They have it because someone else is forced to offset the costs.
My guess is you're incapable of debunking CNN's article with anything but a lame attempt at using your unverifiable personal (prove me wrong, I look forward to it) observation, which represents 1 opinion in about 325-330 million Americans. You're entitled to your opinion but don't expect me (or anyone) to give your personal opinion any more weight than about .000000000000033...or something like that.

Like it or not, Obamcare is working for millions of people, a higher percentage of people are insured than ever before - Republican/rightwing whining won't change that fact. Facts is facts, try coming up with facts that carry more weight than your limited observations -pewsh!-

My guess is that all you had to see was that it was CNN and you were going to automatically accept whatever they stated. You're entitled to do that but don't expect me, or anyone that actually has a clue, to give your personal opinion any more weight than ZERO.

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I am a 10 point Viet Nam veteran nutcase. Are you a combat veteran yourself? You should know the person you are maligning before you throw stones.

It's a strange-strange world you live in, you claim to consider veterans that hold themselves up for "flattery" are trash while having held yourself up for flattery for being a combat veteran, but not just any old combat veteran but a *special* 10 point combat veteran --- okey dokey, you sweet talked me into agreeing with you for once.

Where the rubber meets the road is, do the people that have Obamacare like Obamacare? The answer is overwhelmingly YES!

IOWs, when it comes to Obamacare, regardless of what the ideologues on this M/B choose to piss and moan about, people with Obamacare like Obamacare...

Excerpts from: 74% of ACA enrollees are happy with their coverage
May 21, 2015
by Sarah Kliff of

Most Obamacare enrollees are pretty happy with their coverage, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows. This KFF study is among the first to get beyond basic sign-up numbers and try to measure: do people buying Obamacare actually like what they get? While there are some bumps in the road, the answer, generally, seems to be yes.

Here are five things we now know about what Obamacare enrollees think about their plans.

1) Most Obamacare enrollees like their coverage
2) Obamacare enrollees are happy with doctor choice
3) People with high-deductible plans are way less happy with Obamacare
4) Not many Obamacare enrollees are shopping around
5) A quarter of Obamacare enrollees oppose Obamacare


Agreed. Now take a poll of those who are subsidizing the premiums of others. These overwhelmingly are opposed to Obamacare. There are two sides to this issue.
It's too bad ObamaCare didn't keep its promise to lower health care costs.

But we all knew that was bullshit, right?

Well, some of us did.

It still staggered the cost.

Healthcare was going up substantially each year before it.
My guess is you're incapable of debunking CNN's article with anything but a lame attempt at using your unverifiable personal (prove me wrong, I look forward to it) observation, which represents 1 opinion in about 325-330 million Americans. You're entitled to your opinion but don't expect me (or anyone) to give your personal opinion any more weight than about .000000000000033...or something like that.

Like it or not, Obamcare is working for millions of people, a higher percentage of people are insured than ever before - Republican/rightwing whining won't change that fact. Facts is facts, try coming up with facts that carry more weight than your limited observations -pewsh!-

My guess is that all you had to see was that it was CNN and you were going to automatically accept whatever they stated. You're entitled to do that but don't expect me, or anyone that actually has a clue, to give your personal opinion any more weight than ZERO.

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I am a 10 point Viet Nam veteran nutcase. Are you a combat veteran yourself? You should know the person you are maligning before you throw stones.

It's a strange-strange world you live in, you claim to consider veterans that hold themselves up for "flattery" are trash while having held yourself up for flattery for being a combat veteran, but not just any old combat veteran but a *special* 10 point combat veteran --- okey dokey, you sweet talked me into agreeing with you for once.

Where the rubber meets the road is, do the people that have Obamacare like Obamacare? The answer is overwhelmingly YES!

IOWs, when it comes to Obamacare, regardless of what the ideologues on this M/B choose to piss and moan about, people with Obamacare like Obamacare...

Excerpts from: 74% of ACA enrollees are happy with their coverage
May 21, 2015
by Sarah Kliff of

Most Obamacare enrollees are pretty happy with their coverage, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows. This KFF study is among the first to get beyond basic sign-up numbers and try to measure: do people buying Obamacare actually like what they get? While there are some bumps in the road, the answer, generally, seems to be yes.

Here are five things we now know about what Obamacare enrollees think about their plans.

1) Most Obamacare enrollees like their coverage
2) Obamacare enrollees are happy with doctor choice
3) People with high-deductible plans are way less happy with Obamacare
4) Not many Obamacare enrollees are shopping around
5) A quarter of Obamacare enrollees oppose Obamacare


Go back and read your post. You attacked me without any personal knowledge of me and then proceeded to put me down and brag about what you did on Veteran's Day. Don't ever expect to attack someone without them responding. Suck it up.
My guess is that all you had to see was that it was CNN and you were going to automatically accept whatever they stated. You're entitled to do that but don't expect me, or anyone that actually has a clue, to give your personal opinion any more weight than ZERO.

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I am a 10 point Viet Nam veteran nutcase. Are you a combat veteran yourself? You should know the person you are maligning before you throw stones.

It's a strange-strange world you live in, you claim to consider veterans that hold themselves up for "flattery" are trash while having held yourself up for flattery for being a combat veteran, but not just any old combat veteran but a *special* 10 point combat veteran --- okey dokey, you sweet talked me into agreeing with you for once.

Where the rubber meets the road is, do the people that have Obamacare like Obamacare? The answer is overwhelmingly YES!

IOWs, when it comes to Obamacare, regardless of what the ideologues on this M/B choose to piss and moan about, people with Obamacare like Obamacare...

Excerpts from: 74% of ACA enrollees are happy with their coverage
May 21, 2015
by Sarah Kliff of

Most Obamacare enrollees are pretty happy with their coverage, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows. This KFF study is among the first to get beyond basic sign-up numbers and try to measure: do people buying Obamacare actually like what they get? While there are some bumps in the road, the answer, generally, seems to be yes.

Here are five things we now know about what Obamacare enrollees think about their plans.

1) Most Obamacare enrollees like their coverage
2) Obamacare enrollees are happy with doctor choice
3) People with high-deductible plans are way less happy with Obamacare
4) Not many Obamacare enrollees are shopping around
5) A quarter of Obamacare enrollees oppose Obamacare


Go back and read your post. You attacked me without any personal knowledge of me and then proceeded to put me down and brag about what you did on Veteran's Day. Don't ever expect to attack someone without them responding. Suck it up.

Hike your skirt up dude, your CRS Disease is showing.
In thread after thread, high jacking threads with ad hominem attacks is how you roll. In message #86 you accused me of being "scared" then-----then in message #87 you got my gender wrong (talk about not knowing who you're talking to...(-pewsh!-) and said "shut her (sic) mouth after she (sic) was challenged. Liberals tend to do that."

I responded by telling you why I hadn't been spending as much time as you on a M/B. Where you went from there was just dinky-dao idiotic, but as I said earlier in this message, it's how you roll.

#86 That's what has them so scared. We're going to end the subsidies come 2016.
#87 She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

Is your piss-poor memory pathological or selective?


#148 Agreed. Now take a poll of those who are subsidizing the premiums of others. These overwhelmingly are opposed to Obamacare. There are two sides to this issue.


Yep, "There are two sides to this issue" - at least two sides to this issue - but whether or not you like Obamacare is more of a partisan issue than a real issue (see Kaiser Family Foundation chart).

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I am a 10 point Viet Nam veteran nutcase. Are you a combat veteran yourself? You should know the person you are maligning before you throw stones.

It's a strange-strange world you live in, you claim to consider veterans that hold themselves up for "flattery" are trash while having held yourself up for flattery for being a combat veteran, but not just any old combat veteran but a *special* 10 point combat veteran --- okey dokey, you sweet talked me into agreeing with you for once.

Where the rubber meets the road is, do the people that have Obamacare like Obamacare? The answer is overwhelmingly YES!

IOWs, when it comes to Obamacare, regardless of what the ideologues on this M/B choose to piss and moan about, people with Obamacare like Obamacare...

Excerpts from: 74% of ACA enrollees are happy with their coverage
May 21, 2015
by Sarah Kliff of

Most Obamacare enrollees are pretty happy with their coverage, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows. This KFF study is among the first to get beyond basic sign-up numbers and try to measure: do people buying Obamacare actually like what they get? While there are some bumps in the road, the answer, generally, seems to be yes.

Here are five things we now know about what Obamacare enrollees think about their plans.

1) Most Obamacare enrollees like their coverage
2) Obamacare enrollees are happy with doctor choice
3) People with high-deductible plans are way less happy with Obamacare
4) Not many Obamacare enrollees are shopping around
5) A quarter of Obamacare enrollees oppose Obamacare


Go back and read your post. You attacked me without any personal knowledge of me and then proceeded to put me down and brag about what you did on Veteran's Day. Don't ever expect to attack someone without them responding. Suck it up.

Hike your skirt up dude, your CRS Disease is showing.
In thread after thread, high jacking threads with ad hominem attacks is how you roll. In message #86 you accused me of being "scared" then-----then in message #87 you got my gender wrong (talk about not knowing who you're talking to...(-pewsh!-) and said "shut her (sic) mouth after she (sic) was challenged. Liberals tend to do that."

I responded by telling you why I hadn't been spending as much time as you on a M/B. Where you went from there was just dinky-dao idiotic, but as I said earlier in this message, it's how you roll.

#86 That's what has them so scared. We're going to end the subsidies come 2016.
#87 She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

Is your piss-poor memory pathological or selective?


#148 Agreed. Now take a poll of those who are subsidizing the premiums of others. These overwhelmingly are opposed to Obamacare. There are two sides to this issue.


Yep, "There are two sides to this issue" - at least two sides to this issue - but whether or not you like Obamacare is more of a partisan issue than a real issue (see Kaiser Family Foundation chart).


Your little chart does in no way determine what those paying for the subsidies of others think as I asked you to provide.
Your little chart does in no way determine what those paying for the subsidies of others think as I asked you to provide.

There's plenty of anecdotal evidence in this forum and the Healthcare forum. Just read any of Conservative65's posts.

In the real world, you'll find "I HATE OBUMACARE!!!!!" so profoundly enmeshed with "ALL TAXES ARE THEFT! END ENTITLEMENTS! ILLEGALS ARE TAKIN' UR JOBZ!" that it's hard to separate one ill-informed rant from the others.
Your little chart does in no way determine what those paying for the subsidies of others think as I asked you to provide.

There's plenty of anecdotal evidence in this forum and the Healthcare forum. Just read any of Conservative65's posts.

In the real world, you'll find "I HATE OBUMACARE!!!!!" so profoundly enmeshed with "ALL TAXES ARE THEFT! END ENTITLEMENTS! ILLEGALS ARE TAKIN' UR JOBZ!" that it's hard to separate one ill-informed rant from the others.

It is absolutely a redistribution of wealth when anyone has to contribute to the premiums of another's insurance.
Your little chart does in no way determine what those paying for the subsidies of others think as I asked you to provide.

There's plenty of anecdotal evidence in this forum and the Healthcare forum. Just read any of Conservative65's posts.

In the real world, you'll find "I HATE OBUMACARE!!!!!" so profoundly enmeshed with "ALL TAXES ARE THEFT! END ENTITLEMENTS! ILLEGALS ARE TAKIN' UR JOBZ!" that it's hard to separate one ill-informed rant from the others.

It is absolutely a redistribution of wealth when anyone has to contribute to the premiums of another's insurance.

So there it is. And I'm sure you can find plenty of evidence of others who share your opinion. Go for it. But if you try to separate "I hate teh Obumacare" from "I hate everything because Obama," you'll hit a wall.

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