Amnesty Donald backtracks, stabs supporters in back, will ask Congress not Mexico to pay for wall

Another broken promise, I'm so surprised that Trump is just like every politician. OK, I'm kidding. :up:
Democrat Fake News. Movin on..

Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Louie Gohmert is in the fucking Tea Party!

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.
Democrat Fake News. Movin on..

Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Louie Gohmert is in the fucking Tea Party!

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.

have you watched EVERY SINGLE trump speech and interview in 2016? if not, i like him more than you do...i'm not the "hater" here....he said mexico would pay for the wall...HE LIED...he's a lying psychopath with it.
Democrat Fake News. Movin on..

Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Louie Gohmert is in the fucking Tea Party!

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.

That's what I like about people like you, if someone doesn't support Trump, they are a hater.
I didn't agree with every singe thing presidents Reagan through Obama said/did, but I never hated any of them. That's just plain childish. Just like it's childish to think that anyone who disagrees with Trump is a hater.
How old are you?
Democrat Fake News. Movin on..

Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Louie Gohmert is in the fucking Tea Party!

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.

That's what I like about people like you, if someone doesn't support Trump, they are a hater.
I didn't agree with every singe thing presidents Reagan through Obama said/did, but I never hated any of them. That's just plain childish. Just like it's childish to think that anyone who disagrees with Trump is a hater.
How old are you?
How can you not hate Obama?

He is a complete piece of shit.
"Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent. They don't know it yet, but they're going pay for the wall." –DJT, 8/31

what a lying psychopath! he took us for fools just to win the election!

Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall -
Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Those of us who were delighted to hear Donald Trump saying in the strongest terms possible that he was going to put a stop to the Mexican Invasion of this Country...we always understood that Mexico was never ever going to write a check to pay for a wall. Only Morons thought that.

But, Mexicans have already started to pay for the wall, and they are having a Hissy Fit down there right now, as they began to realize it.

Ford cancelled its 1.6 billion dollar plant in Mexico and instead will invest most of the money in the USA which will create jobs for people in the USA, instead of Mexico...and those Americans with those jobs will spend money in America and pay taxes to America and that is money that will go to build the wall, instead of going to help the Mexican economy.

And they are freaking out. The Peso dropped against the Dollar.

Mexico is starting to pay for the wall; and Trump is not even in authority for 15 more days.

Only Morons can't see whats going on.

And Moron has become virtually synonymous with: Liberal Democrat Progressive Socialist Loon Pinhead.

Don't freak out everyone Mexico will pay for the wall one way or another. There can be fees for visas, work permits and a tax on money transfers to Mexico. The wall will save US taxpayers billions of dollars
"Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent. They don't know it yet, but they're going pay for the wall." –DJT, 8/31

what a lying psychopath! he took us for fools just to win the election!

Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall -
Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

He didn't take his supporters as fools...he only identified fools and told them what they want to hear.

If anyone thought Trump, who visited Mexico and became a coward when he had a chance face to face, would MAKE Mexico pay for anything is a fool.
who will pay? YOU!

Trump used hyperbole... When your IQ is less than 80 (many liberal regressives), you won't get it.
If Congress uses money fesignated as foreign aid for Mexico, Mexico will still technically be paying for it.

In reality I am not surprised by this. As I said from the start, we have the ability to force Mexico to pay for the wall - what we lack is the political will to do so.

If Trump goes to / relies on Congress, 'the wall' becomes another decades-long empty and broken promise.
Democrat Fake News. Movin on..

Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Louie Gohmert is in the fucking Tea Party!

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.

That's what I like about people like you, if someone doesn't support Trump, they are a hater.
I didn't agree with every singe thing presidents Reagan through Obama said/did, but I never hated any of them. That's just plain childish. Just like it's childish to think that anyone who disagrees with Trump is a hater.
How old are you?
How can you not hate Obama?

He is a complete piece of shit.

I leave the hating for people like you. The Bible says hating is a sin and equivalent to murder. Therefore, hating is against my beliefs.
A person can disagree with someone even the improbable 100% of the time, yet that is still not hating.
Democrat Fake News. Movin on..

Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Louie Gohmert is in the fucking Tea Party!

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.

That's what I like about people like you, if someone doesn't support Trump, they are a hater.
I didn't agree with every singe thing presidents Reagan through Obama said/did, but I never hated any of them. That's just plain childish. Just like it's childish to think that anyone who disagrees with Trump is a hater.
How old are you?
How can you not hate Obama?

He is a complete piece of shit.

I leave the hating for people like you. The Bible says hating is a sin and equivalent to murder. Therefore, hating is against my beliefs.
A person can disagree with someone even the improbable 100% of the time, yet that is still not hating.
Hating is all you Democrat lunatics ever do.

You lunatics also hate Christians vehemently.

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.

That's what I like about people like you, if someone doesn't support Trump, they are a hater.
I didn't agree with every singe thing presidents Reagan through Obama said/did, but I never hated any of them. That's just plain childish. Just like it's childish to think that anyone who disagrees with Trump is a hater.
How old are you?
How can you not hate Obama?

He is a complete piece of shit.

I leave the hating for people like you. The Bible says hating is a sin and equivalent to murder. Therefore, hating is against my beliefs.
A person can disagree with someone even the improbable 100% of the time, yet that is still not hating.
Hating is all you Democrat lunatics ever do.

You lunatics also hate Christians vehemently.

I'm not a democrat or liberal. I am however a moderate/Independent, which makes me pretty far to the left of you, but not that far to the left of traditional conservatives.
Also, liberals and Democrats don't hate Christians. You and your posse are really,,,,,,,,something. :lmao:
"Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent. They don't know it yet, but they're going pay for the wall." –DJT, 8/31

what a lying psychopath! he took us for fools just to win the election!

Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall -
Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

My take on it is get the damn thing built like yesterday and THEN play collection agency. But the key here is to move as quickly as possible to stem the tsunami of illegals that are crossing daily.

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