Amnesty Donald backtracks, stabs supporters in back, will ask Congress not Mexico to pay for wall

"Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent. They don't know it yet, but they're going pay for the wall." –DJT, 8/31

what a lying psychopath! he took us for fools just to win the election!

Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall -
Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Money is fungible, which means that if Congress has the government pay for the wall 'up front' and then re-imburses the budget via taxes on money wired from America to Mexico, THEN MEXICO PAID FOR THE FUCKING WALL, DUDE!
If this twisting of the meaning of Trump's promise works for Trump supporters then there is no problem.
Trump used hyperbole... When your IQ is less than 80 (many liberal regressives), you won't get it.

What true statement is represented by "mexico will pay for this wall" hyperbole?

It's not hyperbole when it is directly opposite of truth, it's blatant lying.
"Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent. They don't know it yet, but they're going pay for the wall." –DJT, 8/31

what a lying psychopath! he took us for fools just to win the election!

Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall -
Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Is the left getting that desperate? Well, obviously.......

Not like we could send Mexico a bill and force them to pay. That was never the plan.

Just the money we'll save by not paying for anchor baby births, housing, food, schooling and medical for illegal aliens will pay for a thousand walls. Not to mention the amount spent on housing illegal alien criminals in prisons. We spend billions each year on the illegal population.

The illegal aliens send billions back to Mexico each year in remittances. That will stop. So, you see, Mexico will pay for the wall by giving up those billions and we tax payers will save a ton of money.
Didn't Obama build a wall?
To keep Americans from being employed?

Trump used hyperbole... When your IQ is less than 80 (many liberal regressives), you won't get it.

What true statement is represented by "mexico will pay for this wall" hyperbole?
A tariff. Perhaps suspending trade for a week.

You mean stuff that makes US pay for it? You make it sound as if trade is when Americans hand over money to Mexicans...come to think about it Trump's "trade deficit" comments operated on right about the same level of ignorance.
Trump used hyperbole... When your IQ is less than 80 (many liberal regressives), you won't get it.

What true statement is represented by "mexico will pay for this wall" hyperbole?
A tariff. Perhaps suspending trade for a week.

You mean stuff that makes US pay for it? You make it sound as if trade is when Americans hand over money to Mexicans...come to think about it Trump's "trade deficit" comments operated on right about the same level of ignorance.

There are no simple 2017 solutions to a problem that began in 2000 under GW, The Official Moron of the century.
Sometimes temporary, painful surgery is needed for the patient to survive.
Democrat Fake News. Movin on..

Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall

Louie Gohmert is in the fucking Tea Party!

Build the wall. I don't care how it gets done, just do it. It's time for Border Security and an end to Illegal Immigration. If Trump puts any effort into that at all, he'll always have my support. No other President has cared enough to do anything.

If Trump makes the effort, he'll be fine. Haters like you are gonna go on hating him no matter what. So you're irrelevant. His supporters will continue supporting him if he at least attempts to rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System.

have you watched EVERY SINGLE trump speech and interview in 2016? if not, i like him more than you do...i'm not the "hater" here....he said mexico would pay for the wall...HE LIED...he's a lying psychopath with it.

With all due respect,you aren't thinking straight here. The $$$$$$ can be squeezed out of them soon enough but the urgency is to focus on stopping the illegals by getting the wall/fence built like yesterday and get manpower on the border to really stop the illegals like right now.

Personally, i don't care how much it costs. The Debt's so far gone, it doesn't matter anymore. Our Government's gonna spend us into more Debt regardless. Trump isn't gonna change that. So i wanna see it spend the money on something worthy. Maybe end all the quagmire wars we're currently involved with.

Let's instead pour the cash into securing our border and rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System. And if Trump can get Mexico to contribute, that'll be a nice bonus. But if not, so be it. He still needs to go forward and secure our border. That's what his supporters want.
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Why are you guys getting mad at Trump? He's a typical Republican. Of course he lies. That's what Republicans do.

Since more Mexicans are leaving than coming in, will the wall keep them in?

I don't know. Republicans can't really surprise me any more since they fell in love with Putin, a murderous thug.

Ha, check out Wikileaks. You think Republicans lie and are corrupt? You ain't seen nothing. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Check it out, if you dare.
I always figured congress would pay for it at first. He kind of implied that, considering his ways to make mexico pay for it. Trump wasn't expecting checks..
"Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent. They don't know it yet, but they're going pay for the wall." –DJT, 8/31

what a lying psychopath! he took us for fools just to win the election!

Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall -
Rep. Gohmert: Congress will find the funds to pay for Trump's wall
There is no backtracking here. During the campaign Trump said that either Mexico would agree to pay for the wall or he would make them pay by levying a fee of the $24 billion a month in money transfers from the US to Mexico in order to collect the money for the wall.
Secure the border and rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System. That, and putting Constitutional Conservatives on the Supreme Court, are really the only two things i need Trump to do. I gave up worrying about things like massive Debt and endless war.

Nothing's gonna change on that stuff. I didn't vote for Trump to tackle that. I voted for him to tackle just those couple of big problems. And i don't care how much it costs. Run the Debt up to $40 Trillion. I don't care anymore. Just secure our border and fix our broken Immigration System. If Trump focuses on that, he'll always have my support.
I don't give a fuck who pays for it, just build the damn thing.

That's where i'm at these days. Run the Debt up to $40 Trillion. I don't care anymore. The politicians are gonna spend us into to more Debt regardless. So let's spend it on something worthy. Pour the cash in and finally fix our broken Immigration System. Maybe end all the quagmire wars we're currently involved in. Redirect that cash to funding Immigration reform.

I voted for Donald Trump to do just a couple of things. Fix Obama's Immigration mess, and put Constitutional Conservatives on the Supreme Court. All he as to do for me, is focus on those couple of things. I don't care much about the rest. He can't change everything. It's best he pick just a few battles. If he seriously addresses Immigration and the Supreme Court, he'll continue to have my support.

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