Amnesty International Condemns Ukraine's Tactics

You're not anti war if you want Putin to win.
Am anti-war when there's no reason for Americans to participate in it. Now, if America was being invaded by a hostile force ... I'd be on the front lines. But such is not the case.
There are for some stark realities at work here that must be ignored to take an anti-war stance. If Putin somehow wins Ukraine gets looted, raped and murdered. They have every right to resist and we as the supposed leader of free world have an obligation to help them.
No way Ukraine is again arresting priests.

The way you’re talking about Russians is if they’re going to enslave or rape people is sickening and racist. Cut that out man. Do you think America can invade other countries but the moment another country launches an invasion …they are somehow evil but we’re not. That’s a double standard.

Ukraine is not a free country it is not a democracy. The United States as a democratic country is not obligated to help Ukraine.
Am anti-war when there's no reason for Americans to participate in it. Now, if America was being invaded by a hostile force ... I'd be on the front lines. But such is not the case.
I don't think you are even American.
That's what the Russian propaganda says. If you are putting your trust in that you've already fucked up. This war will continue as long as Ukraine feels like fighting it. They know from long memory the horrors of occupation.
This war will continue as long as Zelenskyy profits from it. When America's tax dollars totally dry up ... Zelenskyy will move to his mansion in Florida and live happily ever after.
I don't think you are even American.
You win the prize for the most idiotic statement of the day. Now, I may question your patriotism. If you truly believe that the American taxpayer should fund Ukraine before tackling America's problems ... then I have no choice but to question your patriotism.
Since you seem to have some sort of grudge against one man and and don't care if the whole country gets enslaved it's difficult to think you are anything more than just another Putin supporter.
What is this about” Putin‘s war”. Do you think Iraq was “George W. Bush‘s war “ I mean going by your logic you would think that Americans raped and enslaved the Iraqi people. You have a double standard and you’re postings itt is wrong.

There are plenty of people in Russia who disagreed with Vladimir Putin just look at the 1420 channel on YouTube which goes around interviewing people who openly say they despise Putin.

There’s plenty of people in Russia that support the invasion of Ukraine just like it was when America invaded Iraq initially that war had a ton of support from Americans.

also realize that Iraq was thousands of miles away from America whereas Ukraine is literally on the border of Russia.
I don't think you are even American.
So instead of open honest debate you feel a need to question patriotism?

Not everyone thinks as you, and others can be just as patriotic as you and disagree. Zelenskyy is a terrible leader his approval rating before the war was in the 20’s and his human rights record deplorable, can you discuss this or are you closed minded?
We're we justified going into Iraq, Syria or bombing Yemen?
What does that have to do with Ukraine? This is not one of our stupid wars where we had to learn all over again that modern occupations just about always fail. Now Putin has to learn this lesson.
What does that have to do with Ukraine? This is not one of our stupid wars where we had to learn all over again that modern occupations just about always fail. Now Putin has to learn this lesson.
You don't like Russia cause since Hillary lost you've been brainwashed to believe Russia Bad
You brought American partisan politics into this with your stupid claim that I hate Russia just because of Hillary. I hate Russia for being a brutal expansionist dictatorship. The mystery is why the right seems to be OK with that.
You brought American partisan politics into this with your stupid claim that I hate Russia just because of Hillary. I hate Russia for being a brutal expansionist dictatorship. The mystery is why the right seems to be OK with that.
Ukraine was brutal to people in the east before Russia invaded dumbass
Ukraine was brutal to people in the east before Russia invaded dumbass
There's been low level warfare going on there for years. All of it directed from Moscow. It's not about people. Putin has carelessly thrown thousands into the meat grinder. This is all about snatching territory.

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