Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

Good, when Trump dies, you will have a field day!! Until the you are SOL!

You know, dimwit.....I actually want for Trump to NOT release those damn tax returns...The negative press and pissed off voters works a lot better in eroding this orange charlatan's chances.

You know dumb ass...I don't care if he releases them or not. Until it is a legal requirement for a Presidential candidate to release his or her taxes, it doesn't matter.

He won the election without releasing the taxes and if he loses the next election for not releasing his taxes so be it, it is not a real issue for most people, then you have the extreme lefty nut jobs, such as yourself, that seem to have their panties in knots over the issue. Until then you are SOL!
Thread Fail. Not a single post has a .pdf file of the poster's personal tax return attached.

Why the fuck should he? That's gotta be the dumbest argument of all time.

He can or not, it is his own decision, not the voters, not extreme left wing idiots. Trump nor any other candidate are required to release their taxes, it is strictly voluntary. The fact he got elected without releasing his taxes shows us that it wasn't compelling enough to stop voters from voting for him.

Now if you get the law changed, then I will back you, if not, you are pissing into a head wind and it's coming back into your face. Enjoy asshole!
Good, when Trump dies, you will have a field day!! Until the you are SOL!

You know, dimwit.....I actually want for Trump to NOT release those damn tax returns...The negative press and pissed off voters works a lot better in eroding this orange charlatan's chances.

You know dumb ass...I don't care if he releases them or not. Until it is a legal requirement for a Presidential candidate to release his or her taxes, it doesn't matter.

He won the election without releasing the taxes and if he loses the next election for not releasing his taxes so be it, it is not a real issue for most people, then you have the extreme lefty nut jobs, such as yourself, that seem to have their panties in knots over the issue. Until then you are SOL!

The argument he won without releasing his taxes goes along with Trump won without releasing his campaigns contacts with Russian intelligence. Some things shouldn't be public.
None on which are anyones business as long as he has done it legally, which at this point there is no evidence he hasn't. Just ignorant people like you inventing carp trying to stir the pot. STFU till you have hard evidence.

Look, Tigger, there is NO evidence that Trump did something legal or illegal on his tax returns….hell there is NO evidence that even an audit is underway….We know NOTHING of this guy’s financial background except of what he spews or his lawyers spew.

When one of his attorneys was asked to JUST show the IRS letter announcing an audit, the lawyer refused to even show the letter. The IRS cannot comment and all we have is a charlatan’s word for going back on a promise he CLEARLY made when he was campaigning about releasing his tax returns as EVERY other candidate has done for 40 years.

Ah, tradition, the regressives claim to fame. Again, under what legal obligation is Trump or his attorneys required to release Trump's taxes or prove he is or has or has not been audited. Your opinion by the way does not make it a legal obligation.
Good, when Trump dies, you will have a field day!! Until the you are SOL!

You know, dimwit.....I actually want for Trump to NOT release those damn tax returns...The negative press and pissed off voters works a lot better in eroding this orange charlatan's chances.

You know dumb ass...I don't care if he releases them or not. Until it is a legal requirement for a Presidential candidate to release his or her taxes, it doesn't matter.

He won the election without releasing the taxes and if he loses the next election for not releasing his taxes so be it, it is not a real issue for most people, then you have the extreme lefty nut jobs, such as yourself, that seem to have their panties in knots over the issue. Until then you are SOL!

The argument he won without releasing his taxes goes along with Trump won without releasing his campaigns contacts with Russian intelligence. Some things shouldn't be public.

I have no issue either way. Make a law or don't make a law. To cry and throw tantrums when it is not required is plain silly. People made up their minds it was okay not to release taxes.
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.

/--- release your tax returns before you post any more of your dribble
Show us yours first. That is if you have one.

Gladly........right after Trump shows his.....after all, who the fuck is president ??

I mean among you morons, isn't there even ONE inkling of curiosity if the Trumpster has major loansd from Russian oligarchs who have made him their pawn......American banks don't seem to want to loan Trump a dime.....have you ever wondered WHY Russians don't seem to mind lending his money?

/---- I have loans but they aren't reported on my returns. You imbecile
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.

I don't remember Clinton ever declaring any of her pay to play money or stolen charity money on her declared taxes.
So shouldn't she be locked up for tax fraud or is this another example that in your world criminals run amuck and people who fix this complacency to lawlessnesss are demonized and harassed?
...because you're dumb enough to think anyone is still expecting Hillary to be president. Looks like you're the fool.
/---- I have loans but they aren't reported on my returns. You imbecile

Well, then you're yet another tax cheat morons......But the IRS does not really go after fuck heads who live in a trailer park....LOL
I have no issue either way. Make a law or don't make a law. To cry and throw tantrums when it is not required is plain silly. People made up their minds it was okay not to release taxes.

I'm neither crying or throwing a tantrum....My life does not revolve around an orange clown's....

However, the pressure will mount on Trump to release them (pressure from his own party) not because of "curiosity" if this charlatan is for real on his "big business" acumen, BUT BECAUSE HE MAY HAVE TOO DAMN CLOSE TIES TO RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS.....

We will see if the pressure goes beyond tolerable on elected right wingers.
I have no issue either way. Make a law or don't make a law. To cry and throw tantrums when it is not required is plain silly. People made up their minds it was okay not to release taxes.

I'm neither crying or throwing a tantrum....My life does not revolve around an orange clown's....

However, the pressure will mount on Trump to release them (pressure from his own party) not because of "curiosity" if this charlatan is for real on his "big business" acumen, BUT BECAUSE HE MAY HAVE TOO DAMN CLOSE TIES TO RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS.....

We will see if the pressure goes beyond tolerable on elected right wingers.

Here's a short update.......

House Republicans next week plan to derail a Democratic resolution that would have forced disclosure of President Donald Trump's potential ties with Russia and any possible business conflicts of interest, according to multiple House sources.

Seeking to avoid a full House vote on the so-called “resolution of inquiry” — a roll call that would be particularly embarrassing and divisive for the right — Republicans will send proposal by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) to the House Judiciary Committee for a panel vote on Tuesday, two Democratic sources said. The GOP-controlled committee is expected to kill the resolution.
OK, the truth. the no Trump side wants to see the tax returns because they believe that there are things in them that will harm him. the Trump side supports keeping them hidden because there may be things in them that could harm him & they want him to move forward. the down side is we will never get to see any tax returns ever again, unless they think it will benefit there run for president.
I have no issue either way. Make a law or don't make a law. To cry and throw tantrums when it is not required is plain silly. People made up their minds it was okay not to release taxes.

I'm neither crying or throwing a tantrum....My life does not revolve around an orange clown's....

However, the pressure will mount on Trump to release them (pressure from his own party) not because of "curiosity" if this charlatan is for real on his "big business" acumen, BUT BECAUSE HE MAY HAVE TOO DAMN CLOSE TIES TO RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS.....

We will see if the pressure goes beyond tolerable on elected right wingers.

Here's a short update.......

House Republicans next week plan to derail a Democratic resolution that would have forced disclosure of President Donald Trump's potential ties with Russia and any possible business conflicts of interest, according to multiple House sources.

Seeking to avoid a full House vote on the so-called “resolution of inquiry” — a roll call that would be particularly embarrassing and divisive for the right — Republicans will send proposal by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) to the House Judiciary Committee for a panel vote on Tuesday, two Democratic sources said. The GOP-controlled committee is expected to kill the resolution.

Ohhhh goooooooddddd, I look forward to the Democratic version of Benghazi, I always enjoyed the right nutters and the endless pursuit of nothing. Enjoy yourself.
OK, the truth. the no Trump side wants to see the tax returns because they believe that there are things in them that will harm him. the Trump side supports keeping them hidden because there may be things in them that could harm him & they want him to move forward. the down side is we will never get to see any tax returns ever again, unless they think it will benefit there run for president.

The truth is, it is not required and therefore can be ignored by Trump if he wishes. I didn't vote for Trump for a number of reasons but his not releasing his taxes was not one of them.

So your version of the truth is nothing but supposition and BS which you seem to be full of today. Who cares if we see tax returns again? No big deal for many.
We have a Commerce Clause, for just this contingency.

Please explain in full detail exactly how the commerce clause has any bearing on the topic.
We have a Merchant in Commerce, in chief; our electoral college, proclaimed him to be our Commander in Chief, for military purposes.

So your answer is you have no fucking clue, you spew it because it just sounds good in your head.
just clueless and Causeless, like usual.

it is about real times of war, sufficient to require real times of war tax rates, and not fake times of war tax rates, just so those with capital, can get richer faster.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
The People, really do have a, need to know.

Why? If he was breaking any tax laws the IRS would have judgements against him. He gets audited every year, just as all of the very rich do. What do you expect to find?

You only want this so you libs and the corrupt media can create lies about it. We get it, so does Trump.
nothing but diversion? i have a valid argument.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

We get it, we understand why you want to waste time on something like this. Because it would delay the things that need to be done for our country.

Your partisan bias takes precedence over your country. You are truly a sick human being.
The poor pay the personal income taxes they are legally obligated to pay, just like, Mr. Trump.

don't complain; be Patriotic.

actually the poor do not pay any income taxes and in fact most have a negative tax due to EIC.

Everyone paying the same % would be patriotic. Why should some citizens get all government services free?
How much in personal income taxes did our commander in chief pay; don't complain, be Patriotic.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

We get it, we understand why you want to waste time on something like this. Because it would delay the things that need to be done for our country.

Your partisan bias takes precedence over your country. You are truly a sick human being.
The poor pay the personal income taxes they are legally obligated to pay, just like, Mr. Trump.

don't complain; be Patriotic.

actually the poor do not pay any income taxes and in fact most have a negative tax due to EIC.

Everyone paying the same % would be patriotic. Why should some citizens get all government services free?
How much in personal income taxes did our commander in chief pay; don't complain, be Patriotic.

It's no ones business what he paid except the IRS.
Trump isn't stupid enough to release that information to the press. Of course, it might get leaked by Obama fans in the IRS.

It's adorable watching you trump trash defend the orange sociopath. If a democrat had refused to turn over this information, you'd be going for their scalp.


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