Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

With all the intelligence snowflakes could muster, THIS was the best idea they came up with to get Trump to release his taxes:

Much like Hillary being too lazy to find out what the actual word for 'Re-set' was in Russia and placing it on the 'Reset Prop she handed to a Russian Ambassador and instead put the Russian word 'Over-charge' on it, these snowflakes were too lazy to find out that Trump wasn't even there in Chicago when they bared their asses in protest.

And snowflakes wonder why no one takes them seriously...

just trying to confirm how much "the rich guy" actually paid in personal income taxes, for social standing regarding entitlement programs.

'Social Standing regarding entitlement programs'?



OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.
we have a Commerce Clause; don't complain, be Patriotic.

Lol! So Trump needs to show his taxes because of the commerce clause? So did FDR violate the commerce clause by not releasing his taxes? :dunno:
FDR's pander pledge, was to promote the general welfare. there is a difference.

So his not releasing his taxes was to promote general welfare? How did FDR not releasing his taxes promote general welfare, please be specific.
just lousy reading comprehension?

FDR's pander pledge, was to promote the general welfare. there is a difference.

FDR never released his taxes, why do we take him at his word, when so many times he was unscrupulous in his dealings?
Thread Fail. Not a single post has a .pdf file of the poster's personal tax return attached.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

Entitled? No we are not entitled, the vote was cast and he became President without us ever seeing his taxes. We don't need to see what charities he gives to, it is not our business and it isn't part of being an executive in the White House. What he legally pays in taxes his his business not anyone else's. No law against owing money to Russia, if he even owes it. Now if there is real probable cause then his taxes can be subpoenaed to turn them over to federal authorities, and it would still be none of your business.
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.


Jake & the Windmills
FDR never released his taxes, why do we take him at his word, when so many times he was unscrupulous in his dealings?

Franklin Roosevelt did release his tax returns PRIOR to his election, but not during his presidency, but many returns were later made available by his presidential library.
FDR never released his taxes, why do we take him at his word, when so many times he was unscrupulous in his dealings?

Franklin Roosevelt did release his tax returns PRIOR to his election, but not during his presidency, but many returns were later made available by his presidential library.
Good, when Trump dies, you will have a field day!! Until the you are SOL!
Good, when Trump dies, you will have a field day!! Until the you are SOL!

You know, dimwit.....I actually want for Trump to NOT release those damn tax returns...The negative press and pissed off voters works a lot better in eroding this orange charlatan's chances.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

None on which are anyones business as long as he has done it legally, which at this point there is no evidence he hasn't. Just ignorant people like you inventing carp trying to stir the pot. STFU till you have hard evidence.
None on which are anyones business as long as he has done it legally, which at this point there is no evidence he hasn't. Just ignorant people like you inventing carp trying to stir the pot. STFU till you have hard evidence.

Look, Tigger, there is NO evidence that Trump did something legal or illegal on his tax returns….hell there is NO evidence that even an audit is underway….We know NOTHING of this guy’s financial background except of what he spews or his lawyers spew.

When one of his attorneys was asked to JUST show the IRS letter announcing an audit, the lawyer refused to even show the letter. The IRS cannot comment and all we have is a charlatan’s word for going back on a promise he CLEARLY made when he was campaigning about releasing his tax returns as EVERY other candidate has done for 40 years.
None on which are anyones business as long as he has done it legally, which at this point there is no evidence he hasn't. Just ignorant people like you inventing carp trying to stir the pot. STFU till you have hard evidence.

Look, Tigger, there is NO evidence that Trump did something legal or illegal on his tax returns….hell there is NO evidence that even an audit is underway….We know NOTHING of this guy’s financial background except of what he spews or his lawyers spew.

When one of his attorneys was asked to JUST show the IRS letter announcing an audit, the lawyer refused to even show the letter. The IRS cannot comment and all we have is a charlatan’s word for going back on a promise he CLEARLY made when he was campaigning about releasing his tax returns as EVERY other candidate has done for 40 years.

So the only tangible things you have are your tears and butt hurt. Grow up little girl, he's president and will remain such for at least 4 years.
So the only tangible things you have are your tears and butt hurt. Grow up little girl, he's president and will remain such for at least 4 years.

Light a candle and sacrifice a right wing virgin to ensure the above....LOL
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

The Trump tax returns will reveal THREE important facts that the electorate is entitled to know:

1. How much money does Trump owe to Russian (or other foreign) oligarchs
2. How much (if any) dollars has Trump paid in federal taxes
3. How much (if any) dollars has Trump given to charities, as he has claimed.

Point 1 noted
Points 2 and 3 are none of your business.
So the only tangible things you have are your tears and butt hurt. Grow up little girl, he's president and will remain such for at least 4 years.

Light a candle and sacrifice a right wing virgin to ensure the above....LOL

Nah, I'll just sit back and laugh at all the regressive butt hurt and tears. You got nothing, he won't cave under a left wing brow beating, and you know it. Like most two year olds, you'll figure it out in time, and the tantrums will end.

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