Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

So, where is the law stating said requirement?

There is no such law.

nat4900 LIED!!!!

Hey, moron, I NEVER stated there's a law....but a requirement for any decent presidential candidate to share with those he or she is about to SERVE.......but you're "correct" that requirement is ONLY for decent candidates for the WH and Trump ain't one.

Be careful that you don't fall while back-pedaling your way into another lie.

that's funny from a compulsively lying trump loon
So, where is the law stating said requirement?

There is no such law.

nat4900 LIED!!!!

Hey, moron, I NEVER stated there's a law....but a requirement for any decent presidential candidate to share with those he or she is about to SERVE.......but you're "correct" that requirement is ONLY for decent candidates for the WH and Trump ain't one.

Be careful that you don't fall while back-pedaling your way into another lie.

that's funny from a compulsively lying trump loon

Lying? Please elaborate. You can't spell LIBERAL without L-I-E.
When your losses exceed your tax liability, why shouldn't it be $0? Dumbass.

So Trump's LOSSES exceed his tax liability....Well, fuck, HURRY send some money to Trump, he's destitute and can hardly afford his next orange tanning salon visit. LOL
With all the intelligence snowflakes could muster, THIS was the best idea they came up with to get Trump to release his taxes:

Much like Hillary being too lazy to find out what the actual word for 'Re-set' was in Russia and placing it on the 'Reset Prop she handed to a Russian Ambassador and instead put the Russian word 'Over-charge' on it, these snowflakes were too lazy to find out that Trump wasn't even there in Chicago when they bared their asses in protest.

And snowflakes wonder why no one takes them seriously...

just trying to confirm how much "the rich guy" actually paid in personal income taxes, for social standing regarding entitlement programs.
let me know when you are done laughing; and can provide a valid argument, for rebuttal.

we have a Commerce Clause; don't complain, be Patriotic.

Lol! So Trump needs to show his taxes because of the commerce clause? So did FDR violate the commerce clause by not releasing his taxes? :dunno:
FDR's pander pledge, was to promote the general welfare. there is a difference.

So his not releasing his taxes was to promote general welfare? How did FDR not releasing his taxes promote general welfare, please be specific.
just lousy reading comprehension?

FDR's pander pledge, was to promote the general welfare. there is a difference.
No, NOT illegal, but SLIMY as all hell......Keep backing the slime ball, I really don;t give a shit how many morons (soon to be fewer) keep being Trumpsters lap dogs.

So you are ok with others being slimy, such as Buffett, GM and the Clinton's but It's not ok for Trump to be slimy. I didn't support Trump, I question many of his moves but you are being really stupid when you think it is wrong for him to follow the law and pay as little in taxes as possible, especially when you, yourself take every legal deduction possible.

Now, I think the tax laws are messed up, however the blame falls on Congress for not changing the codes. You are just a partisan dip shit.
We have a Commerce Clause, for just this contingency.

Please explain in full detail exactly how the commerce clause has any bearing on the topic.
We have a Merchant in Commerce, in chief; our electoral college, proclaimed him to be our Commander in Chief, for military purposes.

So your answer is you have no fucking clue, you spew it because it just sounds good in your head.
just clueless and Causeless, like usual.

it is about real times of war, sufficient to require real times of war tax rates, and not fake times of war tax rates, just so those with capital, can get richer faster.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
The People, really do have a, need to know.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

We get it, we understand why you want to waste time on something like this. Because it would delay the things that need to be done for our country.

Your partisan bias takes precedence over your country. You are truly a sick human being.
Donald Trump's taxes are his own business… Fact

Yes, and he gets audited every year. If he was breaking any tax laws the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops in DC all day every day.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

We get it, we understand why you want to waste time on something like this. Because it would delay the things that need to be done for our country.

Your partisan bias takes precedence over your country. You are truly a sick human being.
The poor pay the personal income taxes they are legally obligated to pay, just like, Mr. Trump.

don't complain; be Patriotic.
So you are ok with others being slimy, such as Buffett, GM and the Clinton's but It's not ok for Trump to be slimy. I didn't support Trump, I question many of his moves but you are being really stupid when you think it is wrong for him to follow the law and pay as little in taxes as possible, especially when you, yourself take every legal deduction possible.

Now, I think the tax laws are messed up, however the blame falls on Congress for not changing the codes. You are just a partisan dip shit.
We have a Commerce Clause, for just this contingency.

Please explain in full detail exactly how the commerce clause has any bearing on the topic.
We have a Merchant in Commerce, in chief; our electoral college, proclaimed him to be our Commander in Chief, for military purposes.

So your answer is you have no fucking clue, you spew it because it just sounds good in your head.
just clueless and Causeless, like usual.

it is about real times of war, sufficient to require real times of war tax rates, and not fake times of war tax rates, just so those with capital, can get richer faster.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
The People, really do have a, need to know.

Why? If he was breaking any tax laws the IRS would have judgements against him. He gets audited every year, just as all of the very rich do. What do you expect to find?

You only want this so you libs and the corrupt media can create lies about it. We get it, so does Trump.
OK, Gnat. Lets assume that Trump releases his tax returns.

Now, what will happen?

First of all, his return is hundreds of pages and very complicated. The left wing media will pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then Trump will have to waste hours of our time refuting those lies.

We get it, we understand why you want to waste time on something like this. Because it would delay the things that need to be done for our country.

Your partisan bias takes precedence over your country. You are truly a sick human being.
The poor pay the personal income taxes they are legally obligated to pay, just like, Mr. Trump.

don't complain; be Patriotic.

actually the poor do not pay any income taxes and in fact most have a negative tax due to EIC.

Everyone paying the same % would be patriotic. Why should some citizens get all government services free?

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