Amy Coney Barrett's America

"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
If she gave a shit about the Constitution, she would refuse to be considered citing the Republicans' actions on Garland.

Republican actions were perfectly consistent with the Constitution.
In 2020 not 2016. Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

View attachment 403891

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader. The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader.

Ummmm.....just how do you think business gets done in the Senate?

The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate has to hold a vote, a hearing, a discussion?
"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

Thanks for admitting your error.
The Senate never advised. You're wrong & trying to defernd your party's cheating.

The Senate never advised.

The Senate decided not to move forward with the nomination.
No, McConnell did. The Senate never had the opportunity to vote. Defending yuoiur cheating party is making you look stupid.
When you screech that following the rules is "cheating", you just look like a petulant child.
When did the rule say that the Senate Majority Leader can decide not to consider? You assfucks cheat. You might as well admit it.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
The DEmocrat party is alive & well;. Trump killed the GOP.
If she gave a shit about the Constitution, she would refuse to be considered citing the Republicans' actions on Garland.

Republican actions were perfectly consistent with the Constitution.
In 2020 not 2016. Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

View attachment 403891

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader. The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader.

Ummmm.....just how do you think business gets done in the Senate?

The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate has to hold a vote, a hearing, a discussion?
"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

Thanks for admitting your error.
The Senate never advised. You're wrong & trying to defernd your party's cheating.

The Senate never advised.

The Senate decided not to move forward with the nomination.
No, McConnell did. The Senate never had the opportunity to vote. Defending yuoiur cheating party is making you look stupid.
When you screech that following the rules is "cheating", you just look like a petulant child.
When did the rule say that the Senate Majority Leader can decide not to consider? You assfucks cheat. You might as well admit it.

Ummmm.....just how do you think business gets done in the Senate? Moron.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Wake up! The Democrat elite despises black folk. The greatest fear of said elite is minority control of the Democrat Party. The Democrat plutocrats & politicians will do anything to disempower black folk: make them poor, ignorant and dependent.

"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
The DEmocrat party is alive & well;. Trump killed the GOP.
We have a huge government. It is more and more intertwined in our lives. This is not going to go away. However we can limit its access to interfering with us all. The GOP was taken over way back when a lot of was younger or not even born by Rockefeller Republicans. That fit well with the Democratic Party who were taken over by the Prog Socialists. The byproduct loss with this is liberty. Now the Prog Senators are whining on the steps of the Congress over the current Supreme Court Selection. Believe me there are endless Deep Staters in D.C. The current Chief Justice is proof of that. He alone has cost Americans trillions of dollars. I want American politicians to be for the United States. Not the world. And that is where we are headed. And we will be poorer as a nation and individually when it is completed.
If she gave a shit about the Constitution, she would refuse to be considered citing the Republicans' actions on Garland.

Republican actions were perfectly consistent with the Constitution.
In 2020 not 2016. Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

View attachment 403891

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader. The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader.

Ummmm.....just how do you think business gets done in the Senate?

The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate has to hold a vote, a hearing, a discussion?
"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

Thanks for admitting your error.
The Senate never advised. You're wrong & trying to defernd your party's cheating.

The Senate never advised.

The Senate decided not to move forward with the nomination.
No, McConnell did. The Senate never had the opportunity to vote. Defending yuoiur cheating party is making you look stupid.
When you screech that following the rules is "cheating", you just look like a petulant child.
When did the rule say that the Senate Majority Leader can decide not to consider? You assfucks cheat. You might as well admit it.
When Reid showed America that it could be done and now you are pissed because the Republicans used the tactic that Harry Reid the Democrat introduced and thought was so great has bitten you in the assed and like I predicted when Reid did it, payback is a bitch. Welcome to the real world bitch.
This Amy took the oath of a slave in her cult to obey and spread her legs for some guy. How can you respect someone who takes a slave's oath and then lies about it?
The stench of your desperation and hatred preceded you.

She has not sworn any such oath. If there are oaths to slavery, they are the ones your ilk demand of the unwashed masses.
It's fine for women to be free to rebel, but for women to act like ladies? Well hell, they don't have that freedom under Marxist feminist theory.

. . . talk about a cult. :rolleyes:

No wonder population and birth rates are dwindling, it is no longer 'cool' to be a mom, the one thing most girls naturally want to be. That's the real source of Lysis' anger and unhappiness, unrequited love from 30 cats. . . :heehee:

Act like ladies? What does this mean? To "rebel" from exactly what? ACB took an oath, supposedly, to be a sex slave. Her husband has proven what a scumbag he is by accepting it. Should she be on the Supreme Court? She has tried to hide that she is in this sex cult. Women are entitled to dignity and to be free from being used. She can allow this guy to abuse her and her body as she wishes, but she should not be in a position to force other women into her chosen lifestyle. What she does in her bedroom is her own business.

What is "Marxist feminist theory"? Liberty? I thought that we all are for this.
What the fuck are you talking about? Sex cult, an oath to be a sex slave? Where do you get this shit?

She is in some right-wing "religious" cult. It's not a secret anymore. It is highly sexist and misogynist. Women are required to worship the males and "obey." It's pretty sick.
Hmmm, you mean like the vows literally millions of women have happily taken over centuries? Please do post the wording of this vow she took. It should be very interesting.

Women sometimes have entered the cults voluntarily in modern times, but many have been forced into cults over centuries and even forced into "marriages" in which they have been compelled to take a vow to obey a penis without being presented with an alternative. How do you know to use the word "happily" when many have lived and many still live in societies in which this is forced on them? Barrett can take any vow in her cult and arrange her personal life around it, but she is being put into a position in which she could force her views on unsuspecting people, thus denying these people of their liberty.

BTW: I just read this morning that she was on the board of directors of cult schools that discriminate against LGBTs and their children.

There are hundreds of qualified candidates for the US Supreme Court who do not have this baggage and who would warrant the trust of all Americans.
Has she done so at any time until now?
They are so scared of a strong conservative woman who somehow is going to do a 180 and become something she hasn't been all her life.
No one is more misogynistic than leftists.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Blindly regurgitating leftist propaganda is not having "very conservative views and standards".
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.

They could vote to shrink the USSC to 6, dumping the last three.

Republicans can cheat, so can the Democrats.
Well rules by the godless we just throw out the 9th circuit court.......except the new ones.........

We put an extra tax if you are a registered democrap............Of and whatever the hell we want............

We learning from you sorry asses...............pssst............YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE.
The white racists AKA the base of the GOP are shrinking, minorities are growing you guys have no future....I advise you to change your heart and join us at the 21st white supremacy is a dying trend.
There are far fewer white supremacists than you've been told to believe.
If she gave a shit about the Constitution, she would refuse to be considered citing the Republicans' actions on Garland.

Republican actions were perfectly consistent with the Constitution.
In 2020 not 2016. Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate majority leader gets to decide if the nominee gets consideration?

View attachment 403891

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader. The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Thanks for proving my point. It says Senate, not the Senate majority leader.

Ummmm.....just how do you think business gets done in the Senate?

The Senate never considered Garland, there was no vote, no committee hearing, no discussion.

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate has to hold a vote, a hearing, a discussion?
"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

"The United States Constitution provides that the president "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,"

Thanks for admitting your error.
The Senate never advised. You're wrong & trying to defernd your party's cheating.

The Senate never advised.

The Senate decided not to move forward with the nomination.
No, McConnell did. The Senate never had the opportunity to vote. Defending yuoiur cheating party is making you look stupid.
When you screech that following the rules is "cheating", you just look like a petulant child.
When did the rule say that the Senate Majority Leader can decide not to consider? You assfucks cheat. You might as well admit it.
Why should I admit to something that's not true, you petulant child?
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
I disagree, as a minority in a blue city i have had the best experiences and 0 DISCRIMINATION my friends in red states had the worst experiences and some had to move....the right in all corners of the world is known to be facist, hostile towards immigrants and welcomes racists and bigots in its ranks.

These forums are the biggest proof, once I announced I'm a Muslim I've been getting attacked regularly by so called conservatives. I don't even know why you guys try to pretend you are not racist it is laughable to be honest.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
I disagree, as a minority in a blue city i have had the best experiences and 0 DISCRIMINATION my friends in red states had the worst experiences and some had to move....the right in all corners of the world is known to be facist, hostile towards immigrants and welcomes racists and bigots in its ranks.

These forums are the biggest proof, once I announced I'm a Muslim I've been getting attacked regularly by so called conservatives. I don't even know why you guys try to pretend you are not racist it is laughable to be honest.

racist isnt even accurate that we hate your violent religion, started by a liar that worships a non existent false moon god. If you believe in the old testament like your supposed to- Many OT prophecies pointed to Jesus as the Messiah and God.
liberalism is so terrible that even though 99% of msm is far left and 99% of academia is far left, we still win lol.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
I disagree, as a minority in a blue city i have had the best experiences and 0 DISCRIMINATION my friends in red states had the worst experiences and some had to move....the right in all corners of the world is known to be facist, hostile towards immigrants and welcomes racists and bigots in its ranks.

These forums are the biggest proof, once I announced I'm a Muslim I've been getting attacked regularly by so called conservatives. I don't even know why you guys try to pretend you are not racist it is laughable to be honest.

racist isnt even accurate that we hate your violent religion, started by a liar that worships a non existent false moon god. If you believe in the old testament like your supposed to- Many OT prophecies pointed to Jesus as the Messiah and God.

Why are you trying to sow discord between Christians and Muslims? Who is this "we" that you speak of? It seems like you hate both religions. You speak of Jesus and repudiate his teaching in just two sentences.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
I disagree, as a minority in a blue city i have had the best experiences and 0 DISCRIMINATION my friends in red states had the worst experiences and some had to move....the right in all corners of the world is known to be facist, hostile towards immigrants and welcomes racists and bigots in its ranks.

These forums are the biggest proof, once I announced I'm a Muslim I've been getting attacked regularly by so called conservatives. I don't even know why you guys try to pretend you are not racist it is laughable to be honest.

So then you agree with Biden that if it weren't for black women stocking our shelves we would have no food? Do you agree with with Biden that Obama was pretty articulate for a black guy?

I don't care if a person is white, black, or any other color, nor do I care what religion anyone is, those are nonissues for me What bothers me is stupid people that make really dumb statements, like most Americans favor packing the court, that soccer will overtake American football in the near future. That ignorance expressed by people is more irritating than religion or race.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
let's pack the court later....ya didn't wanna listen and wait till the new president is elected. Don't cry later.

FDR, with the House and Senate being Democratic, tried to pack the court to gain an advantage and public opinion, strongly Democrats, stopped him. Lots of things you can think of doing but lots of things may fail to happen because public opinion is against packing the court. Everything has a reaction, good or bad.
I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election. I'm also certain that most of Americans would like to pack the court to balance it and not leave it 6-3 as cons want to.

I'm 100% sure that most Americans against appointing a supreme court judge days from a major election.

57% who believe her successor should be appointed and confirmed by next year’s Senate and presiden

The Constitution gives the current senate the right to confirm or reject the nominee. The Republicans are in control of the Senate and the Presidency and we damn well know that if the situation were reversed that the Democrats would do the exact same thing and I’m in full agreement. Each party feels that their ideas on how to run the country are superior to the other party. So, if you deep down inside felt America would be better off with appointing a nominee from your side of the aisle, then you have an obligation to get that nominee before the Senate. Polling on fair or not fair is useless and a stupid way to run a country.
Cool and I don't wanna hear any cries when the democrats pack the court. Serves the cons right.

Like I said, they won’t pack the court, they don’t want to risk losing an election, because they pack the court, then the next Republican President will do the same and on and on. Your love for the Democrats is showing, I know you claim you aren’t but we know you are.
far from it....My main reason I hate the GOP and root for the the because the first is a party of racists and bigots. I actually have a very conservative views and standards but it is very important to squash the GOP and make them abandon their racist and bigoted ways. They are playing the facist fake religious and bigoted card.
Democrats push social justice and then try to destroy their successes. For some reason independent thought is not allowed as the self important Democratic Party magnanimous ways demands reparations to the party. The Democratic Party though has died. In its place is the Progressive Socialist Party. And many of its voters do not realize it.
I disagree, as a minority in a blue city i have had the best experiences and 0 DISCRIMINATION my friends in red states had the worst experiences and some had to move....the right in all corners of the world is known to be facist, hostile towards immigrants and welcomes racists and bigots in its ranks.

These forums are the biggest proof, once I announced I'm a Muslim I've been getting attacked regularly by so called conservatives. I don't even know why you guys try to pretend you are not racist it is laughable to be honest.

racist isnt even accurate that we hate your violent religion, started by a liar that worships a non existent false moon god. If you believe in the old testament like your supposed to- Many OT prophecies pointed to Jesus as the Messiah and God.
Here is one of the bigots I was talking about.
Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

There's absolutely nothing to suggest this will be the case.

Stop whining.

That said, it pleases me that her confirmation upsets you so...

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