Amy Klobuchar

It doesn't really matter which Clown comes out of the Klown Kar and faces Trump. The candidate will have to deal with all of the bullshit policy positions that all have pledged to honor, and the American people manifestly DON'T WANT.

Must I list them?:
  • Free healthcare for illegals,
  • abortion on demand until the moment of live birth,
  • open borders,
  • green new deal
  • abolish fracking
  • going after handguns owned by law-abiding citizens
  • cripple national defense,
  • and so on.

Your abortion claim is false.

Your open borders claim is false.

Have to check in to the others but those two are demonstrably false.
Yes. They're pure invention.
when she becomes president, i will call Amy "The President Next Door", because i feel like she is my neighbor
i watched Amy's speech and i thought: "Damn! She either ate some amazing edibles or she’s having a stroke."
now that folks is desperation at its best ! the woman loses in Iowa and NH and the dims are screaming about how she is going to be the dim nomination ! bwaaahaaaahaaaaaa ! you see folks they know the real leaders in the polls have no chance of beating Trump ! so in a pathetic weak act of desperation the left wing media and leaders are starting to look to her as their last hope ! but whats been lost on the so called Klobuchar win is that no politician that lost in Iowa and NH has won the dim nomination in nearly 50 yrs !

Does she get anything for 3rd? Or is it Winner Takes All?
? Can you expand?
A single issue at the most basic level to serve as an example - It is said that the measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable.

From the examples I've seen in various threads on this message board many/most are happy to leave the most vulnerable to perish as collateral damage of social Darwinism. They are happy with that idea of US nationality/culture and react strongly to any proposals to lift the bottom tiers of society.

If the majority of Americans agree with their stance then I am wrong and a unified 'national idea' is possible.
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when she becomes president, i will call Amy "The President Next Door", because i feel like she is my neighbor
You wouldn't be allowed in her exclusive gated enclave.

Yeah...those 3 month summer visas in that very wealthy area has probably destroyed the careers of many of your neighbors.
It's certainly taken the bread out of the mouths of Americans. But it's not as if the IMPOTUS really cares about that. He proves it by hiring foreigners.
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It doesn't really matter which Clown comes out of the Klown Kar and faces Trump. The candidate will have to deal with all of the bullshit policy positions that all have pledged to honor, and the American people manifestly DON'T WANT.

Must I list them?:
  • Free healthcare for illegals,
  • abortion on demand until the moment of live birth,
  • open borders,
  • green new deal
  • abolish fracking
  • going after handguns owned by law-abiding citizens
  • cripple national defense,
  • and so on.
Klobuchar is not for free health care, let alone for illegals. She voted with Trump 31% of the time in the Senate.

She has sponsored 111 pieces of bipartisan legislation that have been signed into law.

In February 2019 Klobuchar came out against tuition free, four-year college for all, while saying she supports free community colleges.

In January 2019, following Juan Guaidó's self-declaration as interim President of Venezuela, Klobuchar told HuffPost that she supported the opposition to Nicolás Maduro.

She supports universal background checks for all gun purchases and banning a subgroup of military style weapons.

In 2010, Klobuchar opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership "because she [had] concerns about whether the proposed legislation [was] strong enough for American workers".

Klobuchar was asked how she would vote on the Green New Deal if it came up for a vote in the Senate, replying, "I see it as aspirational, I see it as a jump start. So I would vote yes, but I would also, if it got down to the nitty-gritty of an actual legislation as opposed to, ‘oh, here are some goals we have,’ that would be different for me." Klobuchar added that she was "for a jump-start of the discussion" as espoused in the Green New Deal's framework by fellow senator Ed Markey.

, Klobuchar and Marco Rubio unveiled the Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act, a bill aimed at assisting veterans who are going back into the workforce through directing the National Science Foundation to advocate for veterans to study and pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The bill also mandated the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) create a working group that would organize programs of the federal government to help with transitioning and training of veterans for STEM careers. The bill unanimously cleared the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee in July 2019. Klobuchar stated that she was satisfied by the bill passing in the committee as it would allow them to "help support veterans in their transition to civilian life– benefiting veterans, their families, communities, and our whole economy."

In a July 2018 interview, when asked about eliminating Immigration and Customs Enforcement amid other Democrats supporting abolishing the agency, Klobuchar stated, "I think what has to change are the policies, and the people that are making these policies are making horrendous decisions like separating kids from their parents." She added that the US would always "need immigration enforcement" and referred to America as "a major country with major borders", thereafter condemning the Trump administration's rhetoric on immigration: "I am just appalled by how this administration has been talking about immigrants. They don't diminish America, they are America."[137]

Political positions of Amy Klobuchar - Wikipedia

I still plan to vote for Trump, though.
Yeah...those 3 month summer visas in that very wealthy area has probably destroyed the careers of many of your neighbors.
It's certainly taken the bread out of the mouths of Americans. But it's not as if the IMPOTUS really cares about that. He proves it by hiring foreigners.
I’m sure many people who are employed full-time would leave in a moment for a 3 month gig.
Did Trump write that legislation or did your Ds have a hand in it?
Klobuchar is the least suicidal nominee for the Ds
She's a pig in a poke, who has never had a tough question asked of her in her entire career.
She has benefitted by being out of the spotlight......once its on her...its over
And she has benefited from the same Minnesota media fluffery that is currently hiding all of Ilhan Omar's blatant corruption.

You're right....When that big national spotlight comes on, she'll wither away.
A break-through night for her? Absolutely.

I do not like a thing she stands fact I detest everything she represents......unfortunately she will make a formidable candidate.....if the DNC does not somehow manage to subvert her for one their lackeys aka biden, hillary or bloomberg.

She speaks well, obviously very intelligent and whilst not what I would call beautiful....she is attractive and has a likeable personality. Of all the democratic candidates I think she is the one that might stand a chance of beating Trump....heaven forbid! kthrough-night-for-amy-klobuchar/

Well she's just as proabortion as any other of leftarded candidates. . .

So. . .


Fuck her. (Not literally, unless you want your kids killed too)

Well...I would say that pretty much sums up the pro-lifer attitude towards women.

Wake me up when you care enough about kids to protect and love them after they are born, or at the border when you rip them from their parents.

Your comment confirms to me that you have never once taken the time to actually observe hiw much anti abortion minded people actually do support our laws and programs that protect children both before and after they are born.
I’m sure many people who are employed full-time would leave in a moment for a 3 month gig.
I'm sure unemployed Americans were the first thing on the IMPOTUS' mind when he hired foreigners. That's the MAGA way!

I mean, Americans first, right?

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