Amy Klobuchar

I have a vague feeling that Amy Klobuchar might win New Hampshire tonight. She is the only one, besides Andrew Yang, who has stood up against the pandering tactics used by the rest of the candidates, and has denounced socialism.
Right now I think she has the best chance of beating Trump in the general, but are DNC members even aware of her strengths? Honestly, I had not given her much thought til the debate last Friday night.
She is a moderate across the board, except for supporting the Green New Deal, which could work if they pushed Thorium Molten Salt Reactors instead of banning it reflexively as a part of a generic 'nuclear is bad' reaction.
She wants to ban evil looking semi-automatic rifles, which is stupid and she is not in favor of Medicare for all, like most of the others.
She seems like a solid Democrat moderate alternative to Sleepy Joe Biden.

Amy Klobuchar on the issues, in under 500 words - Axios

I don't know anything about thorium molten salt reactors but I do know my state got off coal without using it.

We are mostly water generated. The rest is wind, solar and natural gas. And one very small nuclear facility in the middle of nowhere in the desert for a few farmers who live out there.

We started shutting down our last coal fire plant in 2005. I don't know it's progress but if it's not completely shut down by now it's close. It was a small one for farmers in the western central part of the state.

We started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 90s. We've been adding to it ever since. When it first came on line it generated way too much energy for the existing grid to handle. We built a new one to handle the large amount of new energy. We sell the extra energy to other states for a profit. We have the second lowest electric rates in the nation behind Louisiana. But we have a much cleaner environment and ours is more sustainable.

We also have been building solar farms. Solar panels are on a lot of homes and businesses. The solar panels are on road side signs and for the lights that guide ferries into dock and many other uses.

We have a lot of electric, hybrid and flex fuel cars on the roads here. A lot of parking lots have recharging stations for electric cars. I drive a hybrid but my next car will be fully electric and not one watt of that electricity will be generated by coal or sources harmful to the environment.

We also have a law that requires a certain amount of our energy come from alternative sources with water not being considered an alternative source.

Can you please tell me about thorium molten salt reactors? From what I have read and tried to understand, nuclear fission reactor which the primary nuclear reactor coolant or fuel is molten salt mixture. I am confused about it after that. It does seem that nuclear matter is involved. Which It's not necessary. I just showed how my state is mostly renewable and alternative sources.

We already have a problem with nuclear waste. Why generate more when it's unnecessary?
I think Klobuchar would actually be pretty competitive against Trump in a general election. I think people are yearning for a return to a more moderate government and if she can appeal to independents and moderates she could really have a shot in my opinion.
I don't much like Bloomberg. I think I'm burned out by billionaires.
You and I agree. Hoover, W. And Trump all ran on business experience. Screw the billionaire or MBA candidate. No one group of people has screwed up this country more.

There's a lot to like about Klobachar: Where Amy Klobuchar stands on the biggest 2020 issues

Criminal Justice - agree with her on all points.

Charter Schools - she supports them, I don't, but she adds "accountability" - what does that mean?
Higher Ed - first two years free - I support that. Not the full higher ed but the first two years covers community college, vocational school or training - few can get by on a Highschool Diploma anymore, and Americans without one are most economically vulnerable.
Student Debt and Teacher Pay - agree with.

Campaign Finance Reform - she seems to support it, but what policies? I think it's very important.

Abolishing Electoral College - don't know not enough info to have an opinion pro or con.

All in all, reading through the list - there's more I agree with than don't.
Thank you for that informative link. She clearly is middle of the road on many issues. I don’t necessarily agree with two years of free college, (it depends on what we are talking about community college, private college?). I agree with abolition of the electoral college, but that will go nowhere.

I haven't made up my mind on anyone - closer to the primaries in my state, which is an open primary so I can vote, I will look over the positions more carefully. But I do like Klobachar - I want sanity, reliability and a mature person who respects the office he/she holds. Seems like that is asking for a lot these days.
Sanity is in short supply these days. I am only looking at Klobuchar for the first time now. Still real early, but glad she is in the upper tier. If Biden drops out, she may get an additional bump.

I've known about her since 2008. I was at my state's democratic convention that year.

She spoke at that convention. So did Cory Booker.

I didn't know who either one of them were and I only had one of my cameras with me for when I saw Amy. I didn't with Booker. So I have photos of her that I took 12 years ago.

She was a very good speaker. I was impressed with her and have been following her ever since.

I'm still an undecided Independent. I do know that I won't vote for trump.

Here are a few shots from that day.

I think Klobuchar would actually be pretty competitive against Trump in a general election. I think people are yearning for a return to a more moderate government and if she can appeal to independents and moderates she could really have a shot in my opinion.

The democrats really have no grip on what it wold take for them to win....and that is a good thing.
New Hampshire Turnout ends any further influence--the illegal stuff excepted-from the Trump Administration or the Trump Family Zingers.

Klobuchar's people finally created a turnout, also advancing the candidate.

The Turnout advances the candidates.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acts 7 did take pains to credit Pharaoh's Egypt with the easily known about, Moses Atrocity--nowhere so-called worldwide, Deut 23: 19-20!)
I don't know anything about thorium molten salt reactors but I do know my state got off coal without using it......
Can you please tell me about thorium molten salt reactors? From what I have read and tried to understand, nuclear fission reactor which the primary nuclear reactor coolant or fuel is molten salt mixture. I am confused about it after that. It does seem that nuclear matter is involved. Which It's not necessary. I just showed how my state is mostly renewable and alternative sources.
We already have a problem with nuclear waste. Why generate more when it's unnecessary?
Thorium Molten Salt Reactors do not generate nuclear waste.
In regular fission nuclear power, only about 5% of the Uranium is actually used as the isotope used is Uranium 235. The rest is waste.

In a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, the melted salt circulates through a bombardment of neutrons, and when those neutrons hit the Thorium, it turns into protactinium-233 and then to uranium-233, which in turn is used as fuel. there is no nonfissable Uranium in the process. If the reactor stops working, with a TMSR you dont have a meltdown, because the neutron bombardment also stops and the salt solidifies.

Since all of th e Thorium is used, it is about 20 times as efficient as Uranium, with none of the risks.

The only reason we chose Uranium reactors over Thorium is that we wanted the byproduct from Uranium to be the fuel for atomic weapons.
I don't know anything about thorium molten salt reactors but I do know my state got off coal without using it......
Can you please tell me about thorium molten salt reactors? From what I have read and tried to understand, nuclear fission reactor which the primary nuclear reactor coolant or fuel is molten salt mixture. I am confused about it after that. It does seem that nuclear matter is involved. Which It's not necessary. I just showed how my state is mostly renewable and alternative sources.
We already have a problem with nuclear waste. Why generate more when it's unnecessary?
Thorium Molten Salt Reactors do not generate nuclear waste.
In regular fission nuclear power, only about 5% of the Uranium is actually used as the isotope used is Uranium 235. The rest is waste.

In a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, the melted salt circulates through a bombardment of neutrons, and when those neutrons hit the Thorium, it turns into protactinium-233 and then to uranium-233, which in turn is used as fuel. there is no nonfissable Uranium in the process. If the reactor stops working, with a TMSR you dont have a meltdown, because the neutron bombardment also stops and the salt solidifies.

Since all of th e Thorium is used, it is about 20 times as efficient as Uranium, with none of the risks.

The only reason we chose Uranium reactors over Thorium is that we wanted the byproduct from Uranium to be the fuel for atomic weapons.

That is very interesting.

I didn't know much about it.

Too bad the military industrial complex got involved.
Amy when running for Senate: We need order at the border! Build the wall!
Amy when running for President: Orange man bad!

And WTF is up with democrats' teeth. Don't they ever brush?
A break-through night for her? Absolutely.

I do not like a thing she stands fact I detest everything she represents......unfortunately she will make a formidable candidate.....if the DNC does not somehow manage to subvert her for one their lackeys aka biden, hillary or bloomberg.

She speaks well, obviously very intelligent and whilst not what I would call beautiful....she is attractive and has a likeable personality. Of all the democratic candidates I think she is the one that might stand a chance of beating Trump....heaven forbid! kthrough-night-for-amy-klobuchar/
If she doesn't get the nomination she will be front runner for the 2nd slot as VP nominee.
Amy when running for Senate: We need order at the border! Build the wall!
Amy when running for President: Orange man bad!

And WTF is up with democrats' teeth. Don't they ever brush?
They have the teeth of an Englishman.

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