An 8-Year Low- Americans Hate the U.S. Government More than Ever


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I see we're at an 8 year low. Not surprising considering the damage done to America by Obama and his minions


A handful of industries are those "love to hate" types of businesses, such as cable-television companies and Internet service providers.

The federal government has joined the ranks of the bottom-of-the-barrel industries, according to a new survey from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Americans' satisfaction level in dealing with federal agencies --everything from Treasury to Homeland Security -- has fallen for a third consecutive year, reaching an eight-year low.

Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever
I see we're at an 8 year low. Not surprising considering the damage done to America by Obama and his minions


A handful of industries are those "love to hate" types of businesses, such as cable-television companies and Internet service providers.

The federal government has joined the ranks of the bottom-of-the-barrel industries, according to a new survey from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Americans' satisfaction level in dealing with federal agencies --everything from Treasury to Homeland Security -- has fallen for a third consecutive year, reaching an eight-year low.

Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever
We love our form of government. What Obama has done is turn the People away from electing a liberal black community organizer ever again. The People hate his government and will change it in 2016.
We are constantly being told about all the hate flowing everywhere. It is nice to hear that it is being properly channeled.
This is antesementic. After all most levels of government of controlled by the ZOG. Show some appreciation and stop being ungrateful!
I see we're at an 8 year low. Not surprising considering the damage done to America by Obama and his minions


A handful of industries are those "love to hate" types of businesses, such as cable-television companies and Internet service providers.

The federal government has joined the ranks of the bottom-of-the-barrel industries, according to a new survey from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Americans' satisfaction level in dealing with federal agencies --everything from Treasury to Homeland Security -- has fallen for a third consecutive year, reaching an eight-year low.

Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever
I don't get it. I hate this Congress run by the GOP too but not as bad as I did when they were teabagging. I've hardly heard a peep out of Paul Ryan.
I see we're at an 8 year low. Not surprising considering the damage done to America by Obama and his minions


A handful of industries are those "love to hate" types of businesses, such as cable-television companies and Internet service providers.

The federal government has joined the ranks of the bottom-of-the-barrel industries, according to a new survey from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Americans' satisfaction level in dealing with federal agencies --everything from Treasury to Homeland Security -- has fallen for a third consecutive year, reaching an eight-year low.

Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever

8 year low? So, what? The last year of Bush's presidency was the same?

It's how it goes, the president is the entertainer, after 7 years people are getting bored of the same tricks, they want the new entertainer to come in.

It's a cycle.

Before people were just at a normal rate, didn't change much, now things change a lot, it's an entertainment industry.
No lefties. Your black leader is a failure. Just when the blacks need a role model, they got Obama.


The States have become the agencies of the federal government, as opposed to the foundational condition of the federal government as the agent of the States.

If the States do not both individually and collectively rein in this federal government by re-asserting their authority under the 10th Amendment we will end up with an ever growing behemoth of a central government that answers to no one. And then we really will be in the shit.
No lefties. Your black leader is a failure. Just when the blacks need a role model, they got Obama.



24/7 hate radio and fox continually telling lies and misrepresentations is having an effect.
I see we're at an 8 year low. Not surprising considering the damage done to America by Obama and his minions


A handful of industries are those "love to hate" types of businesses, such as cable-television companies and Internet service providers.

The federal government has joined the ranks of the bottom-of-the-barrel industries, according to a new survey from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Americans' satisfaction level in dealing with federal agencies --everything from Treasury to Homeland Security -- has fallen for a third consecutive year, reaching an eight-year low.

Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever

So let's elect Hillary and do it all over again...YAAAYY!!!
It's nonsense. It's the govt of the people. Every single one of you assholes who get a check from any of these scams is going down.Yeah YOU. Water dept heyboy.Yeah you. Building and zoning Nazi control freak.
Yeah YOU cop.
YOU are the entire problem.
"I have to eat" or....... the retards in uniform"Just following orders"
You're too stupid to do anything productive.

It even trickles down to the assholes who feel important because they're the treasurer-presidunce of some stupid club or, God forbid,a fucking home owners assholiation.. OOOOOOo. You can't use those shingles !!! Wrong color paint !!!
OOOOOOO. That dog is too big.
What a nation of dumb fucks.
No lefties. Your black leader is a failure. Just when the blacks need a role model, they got Obama.



24/7 hate radio and fox continually telling lies and misrepresentations is having an effect.

How dismal for you. How unfortunate that the Left cannot field a similar operation, eh? Seems all they have tried have failed pretty miserably at attracting any kind of audience. The "big three" survive only by virtue of their entertainment programming . I believe CBS has in the recent past considered doing away with its news division because of its lack of profitability.

The fact is - The Democrats are publicly-educated screw-ups with no grounding in American thought or tradition. They are political arsonists intent on destroying anything outside their ideological stance; the little brat on the beach who wrecks the sand castle because no one wants to play with him.
No lefties. Your black leader is a failure. Just when the blacks need a role model, they got Obama.



24/7 hate radio and fox continually telling lies and misrepresentations is having an effect.

How dismal for you. How unfortunate that the Left cannot field a similar operation, eh? Seems all they have tried have failed pretty miserably at attracting any kind of audience. The "big three" survive only by virtue of their entertainment programming . I believe CBS has in the recent past considered doing away with its news division because of its lack of profitability.

The fact is - The Democrats are publicly-educated screw-ups with no grounding in American thought or tradition. They are political arsonists intent on destroying anything outside their ideological stance; the little brat on the beach who wrecks the sand castle because no one wants to play with him.

The left has too much integrity to launch a 24/7 misinformation machine as the right has.
No lefties. Your black leader is a failure. Just when the blacks need a role model, they got Obama.



24/7 hate radio and fox continually telling lies and misrepresentations is having an effect.

How dismal for you. How unfortunate that the Left cannot field a similar operation, eh? Seems all they have tried have failed pretty miserably at attracting any kind of audience. The "big three" survive only by virtue of their entertainment programming . I believe CBS has in the recent past considered doing away with its news division because of its lack of profitability.

The fact is - The Democrats are publicly-educated screw-ups with no grounding in American thought or tradition. They are political arsonists intent on destroying anything outside their ideological stance; the little brat on the beach who wrecks the sand castle because no one wants to play with him.

The left has too much integrity to launch a 24/7 misinformation machine as the right has.

Too funny. Integrity has nothing to do with it. You've tried. You can't.

Do you actually watch MSNBC? I do. It's a howl.
I don't hate the government but anyone that trusts anything the government or any of its agents say is a fucking idiot
law proceeds from government.

Law proceeds from the people, who are the government. Any other condition is anathema to America.

At the current time, we are under other conditions. We have been for some time.

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