An Abundance of Useless People..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Who are they and what will world & regional government/artificial intelligence do with them..?
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Who are they and what will world government/artificial intelligence do with them..?

As long as they're good little parrots, they'll be allowed to keep breathing.


Worthless people =

Those who like the Democrats

Those who like the post 1998 Republicans
Privacy is pretty well a notion of the past, I didn’t believe that 20-ish years ago but now it’s basically accepted as reality with no escape..

Up walks artificial intelligence and with humanity dwindling at a pretty quick pace these days .. the non essentials stick out like a sore thumb.
Who are they and what will world & regional government/artificial intelligence do with them..?
Try a fresh mind set .

Use AI to recommend the most efficient ways to maximise efficiency of the Useless Ones , both for our benefit and for their own .
Forbid natutal birth by Useless Ones but allow them life tenancy of robots/ hybrids /" whatevers" / which will be indistinguishable from sentient people .

Re-educate our species away from work toward innovation , creativity and social activities but allow them services, "rewards" and goods from the vast assets produced for the system from AI driven labour .
etc etc
Try a fresh mind set .

Use AI to recommend the most efficient ways to maximise efficiency of the Useless Ones , both for our benefit and for their own .
Forbid natutal birth by Useless Ones but allow them life tenancy of robots/ hybrids /" whatevers" / which will be indistinguishable from sentient people .

Re-educate our species away from work toward innovation , creativity and social activities but allow them services, "rewards" and goods from the vast assets produced for the system from AI driven labour .
etc etc
I think it wouldn’t be logical, worthy or efficient to serve the defective side of mankind. Sadly..
Try a fresh mind set .

Use AI to recommend the most efficient ways to maximise efficiency of the Useless Ones , both for our benefit and for their own .
Forbid natutal birth by Useless Ones but allow them life tenancy of robots/ hybrids /" whatevers" / which will be indistinguishable from sentient people .

Re-educate our species away from work toward innovation , creativity and social activities but allow them services, "rewards" and goods from the vast assets produced for the system from AI driven labour .
etc etc
And what if those "useless ones" don't do what your AI overlord tells them to do?
Who are they and what will world & regional government/artificial intelligence do with them..?
If you tell AI that humanify is destroying the planet, then AI will view all of humanity in the same light as being useless and dangerous, much like the democrat party views them all.

The only choice then is self genocide, which you see democrats engaging in all across the country, abortion, black on black violence, etc.
Privacy is pretty well a notion of the past, I didn’t believe that 20-ish years ago but now it’s basically accepted as reality with no escape..

Up walks artificial intelligence and with humanity dwindling at a pretty quick pace these days .. the non essentials stick out like a sore thumb.
Lots of people work diligently in non-essential jobs.
Lots of people work diligently in non-essential jobs.
I’m all for humanity but in a world of logic and bottom lines the less humanity becomes an essential. Humans basically become a gamble and unnecessary chaos..
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You people missed out on the drug war because you supported it, now you want to bitch about the enlargement of the apparatus spying on yous, all I can do is laugh at yer stupidity.
If you tell AI that humanify is destroying the planet, then AI will view all of humanity in the same light as being useless and dangerous, much like the democrat party views them all.

The only choice then is self genocide, which you see democrats engaging in all across the country, abortion, black on black violence, etc.
Yeah, along with Republican repression of liberty it's a perfect nation
You people missed out on the drug war because you supported it, now you want to bitch about the enlargement of the apparatus spying on yous, all I can do is laugh at yer stupidity.
You mean the fake drug war. A real drug war would have addicts and users 'detained'. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) :biggrin:
As for worthless people, consider the following: If "we" all decided tomorrow to consume only what we NEED, and deny ourselves the things that we merely WANT, our economy would collapse overnight. 80% of car models would be obsolete. Restaurant dining would die. Starbucks? Are you kidding?

As for business ("bid-ness"), consider Twitter. Musk laid off 80% of the workforce, and to the user-public there has been no deterioration in performance. What were those people doing? Did they realize they were superfluous? Most large companies could easily do 25% (I've personally experienced it), with no diminution in productivity.

Consider sales people as a population. They accomplish nothing. People will buy what they need, and really don't need a salesperson for anything. All the product or service information is available in a pamphlet. Virtually all sales people could be eliminated, and the consumers will still get what they want, eh? Will "we" stop buying because there's no commission salesperson to facilitate the transaction? Hardly.

80% of Democrats are doing things that are unnecessary, wasteful, or counterproductive. In my opinion.
Who are they and what will world & regional government/artificial intelligence do with them..?
In the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" Klaatu, the visitor brought with him a huge robot, Gort, representative of many such robots all given total control over humankind to eliminate any aggressors.

In theory it seemed a plausible way to achieve peace on Earth (or whatever planet.) In actuality, I couldn't help but think of all the things that could go wrong with A1 created by imperfect humans or whatever species Klaatu was.
Who are they and what will world & regional government/artificial intelligence do with them..?
"Useless" is a relative term, controlled by whomever controls the AI. Currently, I would say that the AI would identify anyone who doesn't obey the narrative as useless. We aren't that far from that. What will world & regional governments do with them? We've seen over the last three years that they can do pretty much whatever they want with them.

If you are thinking that AI will identify useless people as the non-productive or criminal citizens - no chance. They are too useful. For now.

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