...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

"The events on January 6th were fabricated by the US Govenment..."
Sure, let's go with that JTFord.
It might help the 545 who've been arrested on criminal charges. (so far, more to come)
You can testify for their defense.
Tell the court they were all FBI, or informants, or false-flaggers, or ANTIFA, or, (from one of my favs)....really just misunderstood homosexual Oathkeepers.

I hope your testimony is televised. I, for one, would watch it.

"You have no clue who those people are in that video or even if any of them were arrested."
I know JTFord was specifically addressing another poster with the above assertion, but......but I'll jump in because....

....well, because a kinda want to.

I, for one, don't know who the folks were who invaded the Captiol, beat cops, vandalized the building, offices, and furniture, threatened the Vice President and the Speaker, and smeared their feces on the walls. I saw no name tags.

Nor did I recognize a single one in all those video clips. (btw, if I did, as a responsible citizen of the United States I'd call my local FBI office and tell what I thought I saw. I'm sure most all posters on this forum would do exactly the same.)

Anyway, the Business Insider offers searchable updated tally of who got arrested, and what they are charged with.
It makes for interesting reading. (Hell, we know that, 'cause we've seen the popularity of these 'Show'n'Tell threads on this forum, when a poster links us to a story about one of these ne'er-do-well losers getting arrested.)

So, JTFord, scroll through the mokes who've been collared. See if you recognize any of the names. If there is family among them, well, we don't need to know that on this semi-public venue.


"545 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all."

The FBI is seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history.

But since many rioters were allowed to walk free on January 6, it's taking some time to track them down.

This table includes the names, charges, and links to court documents of all the people charged so far. We're keeping it updated as more names are released.

Joshua HaynesVAUnlawful entry on restricted grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct; acts of physical violence on Capitol grounds; obstruction of an official proceeding; destruction of property in special maritime and territorial jurisdiction; violent entry or disorderly conduct; act of physical violence on grounds; parade, demonstrate, or picket in any of the Capitol buildingsFootage shows Haynes destroying media equipment outside of the Capitol

"The events on January 6th were fabricated by the US Govenment..."
Sure, let's go with that JTFord.
It might help the 545 who've been arrested on criminal charges. (so far, more to come)
You can testify for their defense.
Tell the court they were all FBI, or informants, or false-flaggers, or ANTIFA, or, (from one of my favs)....really just misunderstood homosexual Oathkeepers.

I hope your testimony is televised. I, for one, would watch it.

"You have no clue who those people are in that video or even if any of them were arrested."
I know JTFord was specifically addressing another poster with the above assertion, but......but I'll jump in because....

....well, because a kinda want to.

I, for one, don't know who the folks were who invaded the Captiol, beat cops, vandalized the building, offices, and furniture, threatened the Vice President and the Speaker, and smeared their feces on the walls. I saw no name tags.

Nor did I recognize a single one in all those video clips. (btw, if I did, as a responsible citizen of the United States I'd call my local FBI office and tell what I thought I saw. I'm sure most all posters on this forum would do exactly the same.)

Anyway, the Business Insider offers searchable updated tally of who got arrested, and what they are charged with.
It makes for interesting reading. (Hell, we know that, 'cause we've seen the popularity of these 'Show'n'Tell threads on this forum, when a poster links us to a story about one of these ne'er-do-well losers getting arrested.)

So, JTFord, scroll through the mokes who've been collared. See if you recognize any of the names. If there is family among them, well, we don't need to know that on this semi-public venue.


"545 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all."

The FBI is seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history.

But since many rioters were allowed to walk free on January 6, it's taking some time to track them down.

This table includes the names, charges, and links to court documents of all the people charged so far. We're keeping it updated as more names are released.

Joshua HaynesVAUnlawful entry on restricted grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct; acts of physical violence on Capitol grounds; obstruction of an official proceeding; destruction of property in special maritime and territorial jurisdiction; violent entry or disorderly conduct; act of physical violence on grounds; parade, demonstrate, or picket in any of the Capitol buildingsFootage shows Haynes destroying media equipment outside of the Capitol

Too much Bullshit ...

Didn't read.

Get back with me when someone is actually charged with "insurection" or treason.
Many of those clips were filmed after 1/6 by the whole group behind it, including pelosi....
From the Alex Jones school of insanity- "Crisis Actors"!

Didn't take long for one of you MAGA Bozos to repeat that riff.
You wouldn't care then either
Wrong again ....

But, that doesn't matter.

Because no one will be charged with insurrection.

Because there was no FUCKING INSURRECTION.

At least not at the Capital.
"the government buildings belong to us. If it's our property, then we cannot be trespassers on that property."
By extension, I suppose, that 'belongs-to-us' ethic applies to the gold at Fort Knox?
And, I suppose, it applies to the U.S. Strategic Command Center?

They are yours, poster Partiv, why not go and march in?
Bash down a door to get in.
After all, we've seen it happen in the recent past.

Go get 'em,
Many of those clips were filmed after 1/6 by the whole group behind it, including pelosi....
From the Alex Jones school of insanity- "Crisis Actors"!

Didn't take long for one of you MAGA Bozos to repeat that riff.

A real AUDIT of the 1/6ers is coming, and it will start with...

How many are HOMOS....

A: a lot
A real AUDIT of the 1/6ers is coming, and it will start with...
How many are HOMOS... A: a lot

Tell us poster EMH, who is gonna do the homosexuality check-up?

Regardless, get on with it and keep the forum informed on your progress.
Go get 'em sic 'em.
A real AUDIT of the 1/6ers is coming, and it will start with...
How many are HOMOS... A: a lot

Tell us poster EMH, who is gonna do the homosexuality check-up?

Regardless, get on with it and keep the forum informed on your progress.
Go get 'em sic 'em.

Ok, we all know the numbers. There used to be log cabin republicans, but as the post 1998 GOP replaced the party of Lincoln, Reagan, and Gingrich, the anti gay subs, pro Israel Christians pushed many out. Most of the gays who would have been republican in the 1980s are more in the closet now about not being dem than gay, and they are overwhelmingly libertarian, not republican. The militancy of homos about being dem isn't quite at the black level, but it's there, and it is intensifying.

If these are really trump supporters, the 1/6ers, 400 or so of them, then there should be no more than 4-10 homos amongst them. Hence, if there are 50+, that would prove a

Statistical anomaly

Which would lead straight to homO....
Warning: A smug .."Aha!, see?" post follows.

And this 'January 6th' thread is as good as another, although not the one I was looking for.

There are several recent 'Insurrection Day' threads that I've contributed to and I wanted to tack this quote (below) on to a point I was making in one of 'em.

Alas, I can't remember which one.
But it was a thread with January 6th as its topic.
Like this thread.....so it'll suffice for this purpose.

OK, here is the set-up:
There was a discussion about those who had been in the Capitol and maybe done something stupid or criminal....but not yet arrested. And, in that exchange I recalled using as a metaphor the dangling Sword of Damocles, meaning there could be an ominous outcome currently out of sight. But may appear as soon as somebody recognizes their mug in a video.

My point was: ...... they are likely living with a pinch of anxiety.

And then, tonight in a conversation with an old Chicago neighbor who now lives on Lake Michigan but on the other side......I got a bit of validation.
He told me of a piece he saw on an internet news/opinion site, DailyKos or DailyBeast, I forget which, about his local Congressman.
And then he emailed me this quote from the article.

It is a quote from a woman who is challenging one of the west Michigan GOP Representatives who voted to impeach Don Trump for Insurrection Day. This is the quote from the newsite:

"Audra Johnson, another pro-Trump activist who plans to challenge Meijer, (Republican Peter Meijer) seems more than keen to capitalize on conservative voters' deep-state paranoia. She helped organize the armed protests of Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer at the state Capitol and also attended Trump's Jan. 6 "Stop the Steal" rally. She said she didn't storm the U.S. Capitol but knows people who did and insists they were peaceful, but...... “Honestly, they’re terrified that the F.B.I. is going to come knock on their door,” Johnson said of the people who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6.

And when I read that last sentence (which I subtly highlighted in
bold).......I had one of those "I-told-you-so" moments.

ps......and do any of us really fret about the terror those folks are living under? Probably not.
Fucking violent nutjobs
Let's see how calm you are when your candidate gets the most votes but has the election stolen from him.

MY candidate "got the most votes" in 2016 and lost and I dealt with it

I suggest you do the same even though your candidate neither "got the most votes" nor won the electoral vote
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

What fascinates me is that the Maga trolls will denounce and deny footage taken by the rioters themselves as they posted on their website pages and such!
Warning: A smug .."Aha!, see?" post follows.

And this 'January 6th' thread is as good as another, although not the one I was looking for.

There are several recent 'Insurrection Day' threads that I've contributed to and I wanted to tack this quote (below) on to a point I was making in one of 'em.

Alas, I can't remember which one.
But it was a thread with January 6th as its topic.
Like this thread.....so it'll suffice for this purpose.

OK, here is the set-up:
There was a discussion about those who had been in the Capitol and maybe done something stupid or criminal....but not yet arrested. And, in that exchange I recalled using as a metaphor the dangling Sword of Damocles, meaning there could be an ominous outcome currently out of sight. But may appear as soon as somebody recognizes their mug in a video.

My point was: ...... they are likely living with a pinch of anxiety.

And then, tonight in a conversation with an old Chicago neighbor who now lives on Lake Michigan but on the other side......I got a bit of validation.
He told me of a piece he saw on an internet news/opinion site, DailyKos or DailyBeast, I forget which, about his local Congressman.
And then he emailed me this quote from the article.

It is a quote from a woman who is challenging one of the west Michigan GOP Representatives who voted to impeach Don Trump for Insurrection Day. This is the quote from the newsite:

"Audra Johnson, another pro-Trump activist who plans to challenge Meijer, (Republican Peter Meijer) seems more than keen to capitalize on conservative voters' deep-state paranoia. She helped organize the armed protests of Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer at the state Capitol and also attended Trump's Jan. 6 "Stop the Steal" rally. She said she didn't storm the U.S. Capitol but knows people who did and insists they were peaceful, but...... “Honestly, they’re terrified that the F.B.I. is going to come knock on their door,” Johnson said of the people who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6.

And when I read that last sentence (which I subtly highlighted in
bold).......I had one of those "I-told-you-so" moments.

ps......and do any of us really fret about the terror those folks are living under? Probably not.

Ms witchmer is another Zionist hate hoaxer.

Johnson is likely homo.

How many 1/6ers are
"....candidate gets the most votes but has the election stolen from him."

Gee, poster partiv....has anybody inconspicuously and diplomatically pulled you to a private corner and advised you to -------to quit whining about it while using a fake name on the internet?

Be a man of action, resolve, and results.
Do something about it.
Other than repetitively whining about it.

Folks are startin' to talk about your avatar not being quite......well, you know. Wink.

Just sayin'.

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