...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...



The OP is absolutely right and that's why a Castle Doctrine Amendment needs to be added to the United States Constitution giving all homeowners and business owners should have the right nationwide to castle doctrine, stand your ground, and concealed carry.

If it's good enough for our congresspersons to justify shooting down unarmed female protestors it should be good enough for everyone else.


you regularly condemn trumpers for their screwed up beliefs. You’re no different from them.
Trump goons attacked the Capitol.

This thread is about Trump goons attacking the Capitol.

You are free to be pissy about President Biden, but it has nothing to do with Trump goons attacking the Capitol.
In post 3 above you claimed the following:
It was, but Americans took back their nation on November 3, and it's again on a roll - overcoming the pandemic, creating jobs again, once more respected by allies.

You are referring to Senile Joe’s election victory and some bull shit about how great this is. Joe’s no different from Don. Just like you’re no different from a rabid Trumper.
..the Capitol PROTEST was legitimate compared to the left's/BLM's year long burning/STEALING/hating/etc

"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"

Your desperate attempt at diversion from Trump's goons attacking the Capitol fails.

All other instances of violence attendant upon social protests - even those by neo-nazis - are disparate matters.

If any concern you, you are free to initiate threads concerning them.
There are some who wish to daintily tiptoe away from the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but the individual who inspired it issued a command to Americans that they can obey by watching the events unfold in the following video record, one that should be mandatory viewing for all who are the targets of distorted accounts.

View attachment 508617
"Remember this day forever!"

Another Fake News Sheeple living in an Alternate Left Reality.

Only Mentallly Ill psycho Leftist believe the Bullshit you post.

There was no Insurrection.

You are a fool who falls for the Marxist propaganda.
The desperate attempts by diehard Trumpers to divert the focus of the thread from Trump's goons attacking the Capitol are acknowledgements that they are impotent in defending it.

Screen Shot 2021-07-04 at 11.04.28 AM.png

"And we don't have a dog!
Don't try blaming the dog!"
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They where going to hang members of Congress. Did they somehow forget to bring the rope?
If you believe that, I’ve got a highway bridge for sale cheap.
Believe what? Someone brought a noose. Photographic proof was provided.
Yeah and you REALLY think they were going to hang Congress critters. LMFAO. Yet somehow the forgot to bring any firearms.
The desperate attempts by diehard Trumpers to divert the focus of the thread from Trump's goons attacking the Capitol are acknowledgements that they are impotent in defending it.

View attachment 508684
"And we don't have a dog!
Don't try blaming the dog!"

They do keep trying to claim the FBI did it or the mob weren't Trump groupies.
I like "BLM in White Face."
Another phony faux rage Dem thread about Jan, 6th. The scum left are really milking this one while IGNORING their 6 months of nearly daily attacks on government, law enforcement, looting, burning, rioting. Lowlife scum Dems don't have one shred of credibility on this topic.

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