...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

This video record showing the true words and actions of the insurrectionists will put the 74 million trump Nazis into a severe state of denial.

Your side is the side that is saying

A person on the mall in MAGA outfit = proof person is authentic trump supporter.

That is the exact same standard Jussie Smollett used....
I never said anything of the sort you disingenuous lunatic.

I just asked you to provide some credible evidence to support your idiotic theories, something you were of course UNABLE to do.

Buh-bye :bye1:
"Your side is the side that is saying ----A person on the mall in MAGA outfit = proof person is authentic trump supporter."

Well, I dunno about that, or a "side", but.......but is it your 'side' ---- or is it just you? --- who claims the Oathkeepers dressed in their battle-rattle Kevlar are really gay seducers?

I'd be curious to hear from others on your ........side.

Any volunteers?
My avatar has seen any number of posts on this thread but very few perspectives or analysis of the actual video compilation of the OP.

C'mon, we can do better than that.

Rather than dwelling on sidewalk glass of a NIke store in Portland.....think of people, trump supporters judging by their gang-colors....who beat the hell out of uniformed cops on the Capitol steps.

Was not vandalism, feces-smearing, and cop-beating ....... by folks self-identifying as Trump supporters not relevant to the thread topic of that 40-minutes video on the January 6th 'events'?

So please, invest 40-minutes of your time.
And.....after that, you can have some gravitas in presenting your opinion on the video compilation.

It was a waste of time watching, the left bias was evident throughout. But what can be expected from state run media?

"It was a waste of time watching,"

So, would it be presumptuous then poster OK, to believe you are the 'side' of those who think the Oathkeepers were drag queens in velcro & kevlar?

Too, when you saw the 'queens' (?) using an American flag to spear the Capitol police......did you think THAT was "left bias"?
"It was a waste of time watching,"

So, would it be presumptuous then poster OK, to believe you are the 'side' of those who think the Oathkeepers were drag queens in velcro & kevlar?

Too, when you saw the 'queens' (?) using an American flag to spear the Capitol police......did you think THAT was "left bias"?

The fact that they could only get 40 minutes out of thousands of hours of video should tell you something. But that wasn't the only thing that pointed to bias, the terminology and buzz words used by the narrators did as well. But hey, you enjoyed it and that's all that counts, RIGHT?????

"The fact that they could only get 40 minutes out of thousands of hours of video should tell you something. ........But hey, you enjoyed it and that's all that counts...."

Well, poster OK, it is a disappointment to read your conclusion on 'only 40 minutes'.
I'm mildly sure you know well that there is in existence much much more.
As the narrative at the end of the video informs the reporters assembled, and viewed....from many sources, including open sourced web sites, FOI requests, and court documents.....many more hours than presented. Publishing requires curation. Such we saw. Obviously.

If you think only 47 hours exist......then you are being disingenuous or....intentionally obtuse.
I choose not to consider the latter.

As far as my 'enjoyment'....... I wouldn't describe my experience as joyful.
But I watched it with great interest as I found it informative and offering a better understanding of the movement of crowds and police in those few hours. Far better than any other treatment I've seen to date.

Now, did I see it all?
Of course not.
Will more be shown to us in the near future.
I'm expecting so.
"Oh the chilling video sends chills up my chilling spine"
Poster Prog, let's do this: In sort of the polite, well-behaved, respectful version of gossipboard posting, --- let's not attribute to another quotes that weren't made. That's what quotation marks do.
I'm mildly sure you know that.

Believe me, I am so very capable of saying the wrong thing in the wrong circumstances on the wrong topic. Accordingly, I really will decline your idea of help by putting your words in my mouth (so to speak).

So let's agree that is the adult thing, the good-manners thing.....to do.


My source is someone who works there, want their name too......?

considering the govts. doody on January 6th?
'doody'.......help me on that one, would you poster Prog?

Your mail-in ballots under COVID was rich BTW, caters to the laziest among us,
Likely more germane than the unambitious, is that mail-in voting catered to the sick, the absent, the Covid concerned.
Maybe a few lazy ones too. But not unimportantly......lazy Americans have the right to vote. No?

dubious actions by Demonicrats on election night.......
Help us out here too, poste Prog. Flesh out these 'dubious actions' you fret about.
I'm convinced that credible detail with an acceptable degree of granularity and authenticity will add to your believability.
True that?

State's failures to adhere to adhere to their own constitutions too
Ummm, which states?
How did they fail?
What part of their statutes or Constitutions prohibited whatever action frets you?
Were the issues that fret you on this matter adjudicated by the States' courts?

Or even their legislatures?
Or even the Supremes?

Without propaganda people wouldn't be twisted to support these Demonicrats.... That's actually proven, wanna' know how?

Poster Prog, let's do this: In sort of the polite, well-behaved, respectful version of gossipboard posting You’re an “intellectual” type bordering on faggy.

, --- let's not attribute to another quotes that weren't made. That's what quotation marks do.
I'm mildly sure you know that. Don’t know WTF you’re talking about, I’m now thinking you are faggy. Just an observation is all, intellects are funny, same a lot of gay people but more ha ha.

Believe me, I am so very capable of saying the wrong thing in the wrong circumstances on the wrong topic. You like to hear yourself sound intelligent and quaint huh? You’re special, this is neat.

Accordingly, I really will decline your idea of help by putting your words in my mouth (so to speak). Still at it I see, as I was saying. For what worth, I only read one portion at a time, looks like I got your number, see above if you’ve forgotten already.

So let's agree that is the adult thing, the good-manners thing.....to do.

K? Neat

WTH_Progs? said:

My source is someone who works there, want their name too......?

Yes. Reflecting on the adult thing, are you that stupid?

WTH_Progs? said:

considering the govts. doody on January 6th?

.......help me on that one, would you poster Prog? Doody, like in your pants.

WTH_Progs? said:

Your mail-in ballots under COVID was rich BTW, caters to the laziest among us,

Likely more germane than the unambitious, is that mail-in voting catered to the sick, the absent, the Covid concerned. Not at all

Maybe a few lazy ones too. But not unimportantly......lazy Americans have the right to vote. No? Correct, and the bummer is, lazy body lazy thinking and the left understands that as well as anyone. It's why they get away with exploiting everything as they dumb down Americans----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WTH_Progs? said:

dubious actions by Demonicrats on election night.......

Help us out here too, poste Prog. Flesh out these 'dubious actions' you fret about. I’d love to spend a ton of time one-on-one posting with an intellect like yourself, but I can’t hang with you. Oh, here’s one example: HUGE: Significant Election Irregularities Exposed in Fulton County, Georgia

I'm convinced that credible detail with an acceptable degree of granularity and authenticity will add to your believability.
True that? True that, maybe you’re alright after all ha………I have friends who are faggy, I really don’t care.

WTH_Progs? said:

State's failures to adhere to adhere to their own constitutions too

Ummm, which states? You want them all? What makes you think I’ll do your homework for you? AG Paxton Sues Battleground States for Unconstitutional Changes to 2020 Election Laws

How did they fail? We can start by appointing politician only quack dementia and his sidekick lowest of character into office, seems the obvious choice. Am I wrong?

What part of their statutes or Constitutions prohibited whatever action frets you? Ha ha ha haaaaaaa!, look it up lawyer.

Were the issues that fret you on this matter adjudicated by the States' courts? Sure, this stuff is done and over with in weeks due our govt. is swift and there’s no beuracracy or politics involved, especially with Democrats running shit, know what I mean? What congress do today any way? Let me guess, the INSURRECTION, addressed GENDER ISSUES?

WTH_Progs? said:

Without propaganda people wouldn't be twisted to support these Demonicrats.... That's actually proven, wanna' know how?


If you really had a clue you’d know off go all the left needs is 1% of the population to exploit an idea. Gay marriage is a good example, same with cross genders, love of illegals, Trump is racist, Floyd incident was racist, women are always believeable, Trump's Putin's balls, blah blah blah.

Beyond that, it’s interesting trying to locate something on the PROG web, that would be leftists since you’re confused what PROG means. Without a lot of effort, everything out there says Americans side with Xiden more than Trump on issues, and then when you look what those “issues” are they’re not issues at all, just more trickery.

Guess what, most Americans don’t want socialism, communism, they don’t want lax borders and policy like sactuary States blah blah blah. They sure as fuck don’t want dementia and a skank for POTUS, but since you have your MSM and politicians with no standards at all, they use trickery (e.g., 24/7 Trump lies) , COVID, race, riots and everything at their disposal to fool the laziest among us. Here you go, one example, I can’t find what I was looking for due censorship, it’s simply a video with ISSUES, not POTUS’ but ISSUES & policy, and American’s leaned moderate conservative on them, which reminded me geographically conservatives, most districts conservatives etc. Without big city propaganda, “hip” & selling race the Democrats don’t exist.

What's interesting is the party of slavery continues to degrade the black population, their communities are shambles in Democrat run cities, yet what is it, 90% vote Democrat anyway. Sure, left propaganda has no impact (puke).

Poll Analysis: Americans Lean More Conservative on Social Issues

In U.S., Nearly Half Identify as Economically Conservative

Note:, I won't respond to this again, your post was already a cluster to read. On the bright side you're WELL AHEAD of the curb as PROG leftists go on this board, who are good at posting links they think sound cool, and parroted single sentences of meaningless shit.


Can't call em liberal because it never belonged to the left to begin with, and sure as fuck doesn't belong to these Demonicrats beyond hyper-inflated liberal meanings.

Can't call em progressive because that implies progress

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"Your side is the side that is saying ----A person on the mall in MAGA outfit = proof person is authentic trump supporter."

Well, I dunno about that, or a "side", but.......but is it your 'side' ---- or is it just you? --- who claims the Oathkeepers dressed in their battle-rattle Kevlar are really gay seducers?

I'd be curious to hear from others on your ........side.

Any volunteers?

I see, so you robustly support checking the 1/6 crowd for homos, because if 100 or more are homos, that would prove exactly the point, they were not trump supporters, but rather supporters of Jussie, Michael Robinson, and the homO community hate hoax organizer....

And 1/6 was a big hate hoax.....
"I see, so you robustly support checking the 1/6 crowd for homos..."

Ah, poster 'EMH' (one of my favs here), what I 'robustly support' is: YOU checking those Oathkeepers for alleged homosexuality.

Nobody here wishes to put pressure on you for exactly how you do your checking, but.........but please do report back on how it went.

I'm most interested in their response to your opening line of inquiry.

Thanx, in advance.
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Oat keepers


Ah, the smell of FEAR....

They KNOW it was a hate hoax done by homO loyalists decked out in MAGAdrag....
"The fact that they could only get 40 minutes out of thousands of hours of video should tell you something. ........But hey, you enjoyed it and that's all that counts...."

Well, poster OK, it is a disappointment to read your conclusion on 'only 40 minutes'.
I'm mildly sure you know well that there is in existence much much more.
As the narrative at the end of the video informs the reporters assembled, and viewed....from many sources, including open sourced web sites, FOI requests, and court documents.....many more hours than presented. Publishing requires curation. Such we saw. Obviously.

If you think only 47 hours exist......then you are being disingenuous or....intentionally obtuse.
I choose not to consider the latter.

As far as my 'enjoyment'....... I wouldn't describe my experience as joyful.
But I watched it with great interest as I found it informative and offering a better understanding of the movement of crowds and police in those few hours. Far better than any other treatment I've seen to date.

Now, did I see it all?
Of course not.
Will more be shown to us in the near future.
I'm expecting so.

Get back to me when you learn to fucking read and write. NO WHERE DID I INSINUATE THERE WAS "ONLY 47 HOURS EXIST", I'd really like to know whos ass you pulled that out of. Like most commies, when you're lacking for a response you just make shit up, so FOAD.

There are some who wish to daintily tiptoe away from the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but the individual who inspired it issued a command to Americans that they can obey by watching the events unfold in the following video record, one that should be mandatory viewing for all who are the targets of distorted accounts.

Screen Shot 2021-07-04 at 8.13.17 AM.png

"Remember this day forever!"

Despite all the wrong moves for the right reasons, we really do need more insurrections .

America is a failing nation.

The reason being our system is corrupt , collusive , and sold us out long ago

Despite all the wrong moves for the right reasons, we really do need more insurrections .
Trump goons attacked the capitol because the Cry Baby Sore Loser lied to them because he couldn't handle the truth.

Please do not throw another tantrump like January 6th's.
America is a failing nation.
It was, but Americans took back their nation on November 3, and it's again on a roll - overcoming the pandemic, creating jobs again, once more respected by allies.
The reason being our system is corrupt , collusive , and sold us out long ago
Pissy folks have been kvetching thusly since time immaterial.
Despite all the wrong moves for the right reasons, we really do need more insurrections .
Trump goons attacked the capitol because the Cry Baby Sore Loser lied to them because he couldn't handle the truth.

Please do not throw another tantrump like January 6th's.
America is a failing nation.
It was, but Americans took back their nation on November 3, and it's again on a roll - overcoming the pandemic, creating jobs again, once more respected by allies.
The reason being our system is corrupt , collusive , and sold us out long ago
Pissy folks have been kvetching thusly since time immaterial.
That’s hilarious, yet you regularly condemn trumpers for their screwed up beliefs. You’re no different from them.

Biden sucks and isn’t much different from Don. Ask me how I know this?

Despite all the wrong moves for the right reasons, we really do need more insurrections .

America is a failing nation.

The reason being our system is corrupt , collusive , and sold us out long ago

You first, hun.
Despite all the wrong moves for the right reasons, we really do need more insurrections .

America is a failing nation.

The reason being our system is corrupt , collusive , and sold us out long ago

You first, hun.
I don’t know how any objective thinking American can think the nation is doing just fine. Of course, we know you aren’t objective. If Sparky posted those same words a year ago, you’d have completely agreed.

Partisans. Ugh!!!

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