...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
I did say that. It's fucking obvious dumbass.

I ALSO (and more importantly) said that they are loyal NOT to their party affiliation or President ( for the most part) but rather to their country and their job.

You're an idiot who seizes on a couple words, ignoring the actual context and meaning
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

ILMAO at chilling, there's nothing there that's chilling, you're just a snowflake & figure dramatics will help you, you've been trained by the left well. I think you mistake conservatives for leftists.

Word is the capital was purposely undermanned for left's political effect, they already knew what was going to happen, the results of stealing an election and fucking people over due COVID, and after all, congress was deciding on a false election.

The left exploits everything, even their own families for political power. Biden can tell you all about it, he sold out his late wife & children for political affect.

Read my signature, it explains the cause and ongoing surrounding your "insurrection"
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It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
I did say that. It's fucking obvious dumbass.

I ALSO (and more importantly) said that they are loyal NOT to their party affiliation or President ( for the most part) but rather to their country and their job.

You're an idiot who seizes on a couple words, ignoring the actual context and meaning

You said what I did, that obviously Federal employees were not loyal to Trump. Yep, they weren't
It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
I did say that. It's fucking obvious dumbass.

I ALSO (and more importantly) said that they are loyal NOT to their party affiliation or President ( for the most part) but rather to their country and their job.

You're an idiot who seizes on a couple words, ignoring the actual context and meaning
I understand reality. Let the enemy and their children die. To many Non Progs let this fester. Just leave areas of stupid confrontation.
It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
I did say that. It's fucking obvious dumbass.

I ALSO (and more importantly) said that they are loyal NOT to their party affiliation or President ( for the most part) but rather to their country and their job.

You're an idiot who seizes on a couple words, ignoring the actual context and meaning

You said what I did, that obviously Federal employees were not loyal to Trump. Yep, they weren't
Not loyal to Trump nor their party affiliation dumbass.

They are loyal to their country and their job
It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
I did say that. It's fucking obvious dumbass.

I ALSO (and more importantly) said that they are loyal NOT to their party affiliation or President ( for the most part) but rather to their country and their job.

You're an idiot who seizes on a couple words, ignoring the actual context and meaning

You said what I did, that obviously Federal employees were not loyal to Trump. Yep, they weren't
Not loyal to Trump nor their party affiliation dumbass.

They are loyal to their country and their job

Most Federal workers are mostly Democrats, which means they hate their country and love their party. That's why Virginia has turned blue, dumbass
It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
I did say that. It's fucking obvious dumbass.

I ALSO (and more importantly) said that they are loyal NOT to their party affiliation or President ( for the most part) but rather to their country and their job.

You're an idiot who seizes on a couple words, ignoring the actual context and meaning

You said what I did, that obviously Federal employees were not loyal to Trump. Yep, they weren't
Not loyal to Trump nor their party affiliation dumbass.

They are loyal to their country and their job

Most Federal workers are mostly Democrats, which means they hate their country and love their party. That's why Virginia has turned blue, dumbass
Pull that factoid outta yer fetid azz did ya?
It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
I did say that. It's fucking obvious dumbass.

I ALSO (and more importantly) said that they are loyal NOT to their party affiliation or President ( for the most part) but rather to their country and their job.

You're an idiot who seizes on a couple words, ignoring the actual context and meaning

You said what I did, that obviously Federal employees were not loyal to Trump. Yep, they weren't
Not loyal to Trump nor their party affiliation dumbass.

They are loyal to their country and their job

Most Federal workers are mostly Democrats, which means they hate their country and love their party. That's why Virginia has turned blue, dumbass
Pull that factoid outta yer fetid azz did ya?

I lived in DC many years. So are you going to man up and admit you were wrong? I'm guessing no.

"Trump received just 5 percent of all federal government donations compared to Mitt Romney's 14 percent in 2012"

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!
These poor, gullible, paranoid, misguided souls thought they would stop the completion of the American electoral process. They were there to, as they said, "stop the steal". They thought they were being "patriots" and "saving" their country. They were so proud, so excited, they even recorded the whole thing.

They have bought into every lie that their profoundly damaged leader and his sycophantic "media" have told them. Now they think they can pretend it wasn't what it so obviously was. Despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary.
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"Word is the capital was purposely undermanned for left's political effect, they already knew what was going to happen, the results of stealing an election and fucking people over due COVID, and after all, congress was deciding on a false election."
"Word is...."
Ummm, whose word?
Can you source that for us, poster Progs?
'Already knew what was going to happen'?
Can you source that conclusion of yours for us also, poster Progs?

Lastly, I won't ask you to unpack your assertions of 'stealing an election'; or f*cking people over Covid; nor 'false election'.
I won't ask....because you've been requested to back up such assertions before, to offer credible proof.......and, well, you won't, don't, can't. I dunno, I just know you seemingly seldom back up your avatar's words.

Don't mean to be harsh towards you, poster Progs, but, anyone can come on a chatboard like this and say most any harebrained thought they have......and do it anonymously using a fake name. Some sort of keyboard enema for them. I guess.

Now, if you got some credible evidence.....well, partner, now would be a good time to show.
Or go.

Jus' sayin'.


"Biden ...........sold out his late wife & children for political affect."

I've not heard that before.

Can you give the forum a little context? a bit of an explanation of what it is that you are referring to.

Think of it as another chance to demonstrate gravitas, demonstrate thoughtfulness and credibility.

Swing, or step away from the plate.

Jus' sayin' ;)
"Word is the capital was purposely undermanned for left's political effect, they already knew what was going to happen, the results of stealing an election and fucking people over due COVID, and after all, congress was deciding on a false election."
"Word is...."
Ummm, whose word?
Can you source that for us, poster Progs?
'Already knew what was going to happen'?
Can you source that conclusion of yours for us also, poster Progs?

Lastly, I won't ask you to unpack your assertions of 'stealing an election'; or f*cking people over Covid; nor 'false election'.
I won't ask....because you've been requested to back up such assertions before, to offer credible proof.......and, well, you won't, don't, can't. I dunno, I just know you seemingly seldom back up your avatar's words.

Don't mean to be harsh towards you, poster Progs, but, anyone can come on a chatboard like this and say most any harebrained thought they have......and do it anonymously using a fake name. Some sort of keyboard enema for them. I guess.

Now, if you got some credible evidence.....well, partner, now would be a good time to show.
Or go.

Jus' sayin'.


"Biden ...........sold out his late wife & children for political affect."

I've not heard that before.

Can you give the forum a little context? a bit of an explanation of what it is that you are referring to.

Think of it as another chance to demonstrate gravitas, demonstrate thoughtfulness and credibility.

Swing, or step away from the plate.

Jus' sayin' ;)

ILMAO, you took a swing and struck out in three with the OP. "Oh the chilling video sends chills up my chilling spine", for dramatics, in PROG. You get scared watching cartoons too?

My source is someone who works there, want their name too, dumb shit? Plus you missed the elephant in the room, you figure the Demonicrats didn't have a clue people recognized they stole one out from under us? What might be the natural reaction to that be, considering the govts. doody on January 6th?

Your mail-in ballots under COVID was rich BTW, caters to the laziest among us, I wonder what side of center those people would lean? The ballot harvesting was neat too, and the dubious actions by Demonicrats on election night and follows, and State's failures to adhere to adhere to their own constitutions too. Data without logic, and anomalies; nothing going on here, we're Democrats and "special".

Count your blessings you have mainstream media and THEATRE having your back and those who enjoy everything but right. Without propaganda people wouldn't be twisted to support these Demonicrats for sure. That's actually proven, wanna' know how?
"Oh the chilling video sends chills up my chilling spine"
Poster Prog, let's do this: In sort of the polite, well-behaved, respectful version of gossipboard posting, --- let's not attribute to another quotes that weren't made. That's what quotation marks do.
I'm mildly sure you know that.

Believe me, I am so very capable of saying the wrong thing in the wrong circumstances on the wrong topic. Accordingly, I really will decline your idea of help by putting your words in my mouth (so to speak).

So let's agree that is the adult thing, the good-manners thing.....to do.


My source is someone who works there, want their name too......?

considering the govts. doody on January 6th?
'doody'.......help me on that one, would you poster Prog?

Your mail-in ballots under COVID was rich BTW, caters to the laziest among us,
Likely more germane than the unambitious, is that mail-in voting catered to the sick, the absent, the Covid concerned.
Maybe a few lazy ones too. But not unimportantly......lazy Americans have the right to vote. No?

dubious actions by Demonicrats on election night.......
Help us out here too, poste Prog. Flesh out these 'dubious actions' you fret about.
I'm convinced that credible detail with an acceptable degree of granularity and authenticity will add to your believability.
True that?

State's failures to adhere to adhere to their own constitutions too
Ummm, which states?
How did they fail?
What part of their statutes or Constitutions prohibited whatever action frets you?
Were the issues that fret you on this matter adjudicated by the States' courts?

Or even their legislatures?
Or even the Supremes?

Without propaganda people wouldn't be twisted to support these Demonicrats.... That's actually proven, wanna' know how?
Nice dodge.

Let's try this again.

How do we know that an individual arrested on 1/6 is really a trump supporter or not?

By what he was wearing that day
By what he says to get Garland to let him go
By whether he joined oath keepers

Hate hoaxes involve people frauds.

Each one of these should be "audited" for

Party registration
Affiliations subscriptions donations
Line of "work" - does said individual work for government

Chilli does not want these folks "audited." Chilli wants you to accept

He wore MAGA that day

As proof he is an authentic lifelong conservative republican and trump supporter

Sorry, Jussie, not buying.....
What about all the individuals that were identified in the video leading the riot, who were specifically pointed out as being leaders of right wing nationalist groups, e.g. “Proud Boys”, “Oathkeepers”? not to mention all the speakers at that days event and the event the night before. What about the groups that organized the event none of them had any association with the left wing dingbat groups.

Nobody knows the affliction or background of each and every person that participated in the riot, however we do know who the people are that appeared to be leading large parts of it, which groups organized the events to begin with and which speakers said what to the crowd.

It is possible that left wing extremists infiltrated the crowd and were in some part responsible for fomenting the riot, however I haven’t seen any credible evidence to support that theory, have you? If you have, why not share it so we can all objectivity evaluate it.

Touchy subject, whew....

Why did the Capitol police not erect a barricade as they ALWAYS do with large crowds on the mall?

A group of MAGAdrag queens trolled the trump supporters who were just there and egged on the rush to the Capitol. They knew the barricade was not there.

The Capitol officer who "died" reportedly clocked in the next morning, and the answer to

Can we do an autopsy?

Is met with the answer that he was cremated seconds after being pronounce "dead..."


Now your side hate hoaxes all the time.....

Can you admit that?
Nice dodge.

Let's try this again.

How do we know that an individual arrested on 1/6 is really a trump supporter or not?

By what he was wearing that day
By what he says to get Garland to let him go
By whether he joined oath keepers

Hate hoaxes involve people frauds.

Each one of these should be "audited" for

Party registration
Affiliations subscriptions donations
Line of "work" - does said individual work for government

Chilli does not want these folks "audited." Chilli wants you to accept

He wore MAGA that day

As proof he is an authentic lifelong conservative republican and trump supporter

Sorry, Jussie, not buying.....
What about all the individuals that were identified in the video leading the riot, who were specifically pointed out as being leaders of right wing nationalist groups, e.g. “Proud Boys”, “Oathkeepers”? not to mention all the speakers at that days event and the event the night before. What about the groups that organized the event none of them had any association with the left wing dingbat groups.

Nobody knows the affliction or background of each and every person that participated in the riot, however we do know who the people are that appeared to be leading large parts of it, which groups organized the events to begin with and which speakers said what to the crowd.

It is possible that left wing extremists infiltrated the crowd and were in some part responsible for fomenting the riot, however I haven’t seen any credible evidence to support that theory, have you? If you have, why not share it so we can all objectivity evaluate it.

Touchy subject, whew....

Why did the Capitol police not erect a barricade as they ALWAYS do with large crowds on the mall?

A group of MAGAdrag queens trolled the trump supporters who were just there and egged on the rush to the Capitol. They knew the barricade was not there.

The Capitol officer who "died" reportedly clocked in the next morning, and the answer to

Can we do an autopsy?

Is met with the answer that he was cremated seconds after being pronounce "dead..."

Thanks for not bothering to answer any of the questions I posed, tells me everything I need to know about the veracity of your arguments.
Now your side hate hoaxes all the time.....

Can you admit that?
What exactly is “my side”?
So how many here have actually watched that chilling video??
Your side is the side that is saying

A person on the mall in MAGA outfit = proof person is authentic trump supporter.

That is the exact same standard Jussie Smollett used....
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

I'll pass.

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