...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Is the woman who turned down extra security, Nancy Pelosi, in the Executive Branch?...Do you think that she wasn't a willing part of what transpired?....What ffederal branch does the DC Mayor inhabit?....Are you naive enough to believe that this couldn't transcend superficial things, like the auspices of which branch of The State under which you operate?

BTW, were you asleep while the blatantly partisan Mueller scam was being perpetrated?...Ever heard of Jim Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Andrew McCabe.....?

Maybe peruse this little news nugget, and ask yourself some questions....

Even more basic than that, NightFox's contention that the millions of federal employees in the executive branch are actually loyal to whoever is President from either party is stunningly naïve for someone who supposedly follows politics. It's stunningly naïve for someone who doesn't
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, moron.

I'm suggesting that Nancy Pelosi worked with, or on orders from, the FBI to conduct a False Flag. Nancy was in charge or security. So, why did she: refuse National Guard, order Capitol Police to stand down?

Then, let's see: how the FBI was involved and what other directives Nancy gave
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
OIC, so what is your answer then? Do you agree with the assertion that this “riot” was “perpetrated by the police/spook state”? If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
OIC, so what is your answer then? Do you agree with the assertion that this “riot” was “perpetrated by the police/spook state”? If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?
Read the link I posted, you naive fucking clown.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
OIC, so what is your answer then? Do you agree with the assertion that this “riot” was “perpetrated by the police/spook state”? If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?

So you're back to assuming that the President replaces all three million executive branch employees with people who are loyal to him.

And you just proved you lied when you said it was just a question. You just repeated the same assertion.

The President replaces only a few of the top layers of any executive branch department. Your continued assertion that the entire executive branch is loyal to him is completely asinine
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, moron.

I'm suggesting that Nancy Pelosi worked with, or on orders from, the FBI to conduct a False Flag. Nancy was in charge or security. So, why did she: refuse National Guard, order Capitol Police to stand down?

Then, let's see: how the FBI was involved and what other directives Nancy gave
OIC, Nancy Pelosi fomented a riot by right wing nationalists that put her own safety in jeopardy and disrupted the ratification of Joe Biden as President. What was her motive for doing that? Did she also participate in organizing the demonstrations that led to this “riot”?

I don’t like Nancy Pelosi any more than you do and I wouldn’t put any underhanded, heinous dealings committed by her out of the realm of possibility, however I’m struggling to understand how doing what your suggesting would be to her benefit.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
OIC, so what is your answer then? Do you agree with the assertion that this “riot” was “perpetrated by the police/spook state”? If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?

So you're back to assuming that the President replaces all three million executive branch employees with people who are loyal to him.

And you just proved you lied when you said it was just a question. You just repeated the same assertion.

The President replaces only a few of the top layers of any executive branch department. Your continued assertion that the entire executive branch is loyal to him is completely asinine
LOL, I’m not back to assuming anything other than the fact that you’ll just continue to attempt to deflect any questions that would tend to force you to rationally support your own arguments, so far my assumption is batting 1000%.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, moron.

I'm suggesting that Nancy Pelosi worked with, or on orders from, the FBI to conduct a False Flag. Nancy was in charge or security. So, why did she: refuse National Guard, order Capitol Police to stand down?

Then, let's see: how the FBI was involved and what other directives Nancy gave
OIC, Nancy Pelosi fomented a riot by right wing nationalists that put her own safety in jeopardy and disrupted the ratification of Joe Biden as President. What was her motive for doing that? Did she also participate in organizing the demonstrations that led to this “riot”?

I don’t like Nancy Pelosi any more than you do and I wouldn’t put any underhanded, heinous dealings committed by her out of the realm of possibility, however I’m struggling to understand how doing what your suggesting would be to her benefit.

Do you know what a False Flag is?
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Selective video editing and a scary title give you a 'chill?' :auiqs.jpg: OH MY GOD!!! They TRESPASSED!!! Quick, call the Army, Navy, Marines and the National Guard!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Last edited:
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Thanks for sharing Chillicothe , interesting look inside mob mentality and manufactured outrage. Reminded me of scenes from pre-WW II Germany, all that was missing was brown uniforms and swastikas.

Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, moron.

I'm suggesting that Nancy Pelosi worked with, or on orders from, the FBI to conduct a False Flag. Nancy was in charge or security. So, why did she: refuse National Guard, order Capitol Police to stand down?

Then, let's see: how the FBI was involved and what other directives Nancy gave
OIC, Nancy Pelosi fomented a riot by right wing nationalists that put her own safety in jeopardy and disrupted the ratification of Joe Biden as President. What was her motive for doing that? Did she also participate in organizing the demonstrations that led to this “riot”?

I don’t like Nancy Pelosi any more than you do and I wouldn’t put any underhanded, heinous dealings committed by her out of the realm of possibility, however I’m struggling to understand how doing what your suggesting would be to her benefit.

Do you know what a False Flag is?
Yeah, do you?

I’m also forced to ask , do you understand the meaning of the term “credible evidence”? If you do would you mind actually providing some to support your assertions?

K, thanks.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
OIC, so what is your answer then? Do you agree with the assertion that this “riot” was “perpetrated by the police/spook state”? If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?

So you're back to assuming that the President replaces all three million executive branch employees with people who are loyal to him.

And you just proved you lied when you said it was just a question. You just repeated the same assertion.

The President replaces only a few of the top layers of any executive branch department. Your continued assertion that the entire executive branch is loyal to him is completely asinine
LOL, I’m not back to assuming anything other than the fact that you’ll just continue to attempt to deflect any questions that would tend to force you to rationally support your own arguments, so far my assumption is batting 1000%.

Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”​
If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?​

Both times your question clearly implied that the executive branch would be loyal to the President. Cut the stupid shit.

Yes, the deep state is based in the executive branch. You keep saying that is impossible. Why is that impossible other than your moronic assertion that the 3 million employees are all loyal to the President?
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Oh well.
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Thanks for sharing Chillicothe , interesting look inside mob mentality and manufactured outrage. Reminded me of scenes from pre-WW II Germany, all that was missing was brown uniforms and swastikas.


Naw, you’re not a “drama queen”, just a bit too susceptible to believing unfounded conspiracy theories.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
OIC, so what is your answer then? Do you agree with the assertion that this “riot” was “perpetrated by the police/spook state”? If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?

So you're back to assuming that the President replaces all three million executive branch employees with people who are loyal to him.

And you just proved you lied when you said it was just a question. You just repeated the same assertion.

The President replaces only a few of the top layers of any executive branch department. Your continued assertion that the entire executive branch is loyal to him is completely asinine
LOL, I’m not back to assuming anything other than the fact that you’ll just continue to attempt to deflect any questions that would tend to force you to rationally support your own arguments, so far my assumption is batting 1000%.

Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”​
If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?​

Both times your question clearly implied that the executive branch would be loyal to the President. Cut the stupid shit.

Yes, the deep state is based in the executive branch. You keep saying that is impossible. Why is that impossible other than your moronic assertion that the 3 million employees are all loyal to the President?
Really, When did I say that?

I'm sorry if the questions I pose make you uncomfortable since answering them would force you to defend your own arguments, perhaps you'd be more comfortable if I just expressed agreement with everything you say whether it's actually the case or not?

.. anyways, you're inability to control your temper and your unceasing attempts to put words in my mouth is becoming tiresome, it's rather like trying to carry on a discussion with a monkey suffering from Tourette Syndrome, comical for a bit but gets boring rather quickly.

Not to mention the fact that you still don't understand HOW TO QUOTE PROPERLY.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
Actually I didn’t say that AT ALL, I posed a question to another poster asking for clarification of his assertion.

.. but thanks for attempting to put words in mouth and hoping I wouldn’t notice.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” — Socrates

Bull shit, you're flinging crap because you're not man enough to stand behind what you said. Your question came out of nowhere, it totally read like an assertion. There was no way he meant that. Cut the stupid shit
OIC, so what is your answer then? Do you agree with the assertion that this “riot” was “perpetrated by the police/spook state”? If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?

So you're back to assuming that the President replaces all three million executive branch employees with people who are loyal to him.

And you just proved you lied when you said it was just a question. You just repeated the same assertion.

The President replaces only a few of the top layers of any executive branch department. Your continued assertion that the entire executive branch is loyal to him is completely asinine
LOL, I’m not back to assuming anything other than the fact that you’ll just continue to attempt to deflect any questions that would tend to force you to rationally support your own arguments, so far my assumption is batting 1000%.

Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”​
If so, how do you define the “police/spook state”? Which Branch(es) of government does it consist of?​

Both times your question clearly implied that the executive branch would be loyal to the President. Cut the stupid shit.

Yes, the deep state is based in the executive branch. You keep saying that is impossible. Why is that impossible other than your moronic assertion that the 3 million employees are all loyal to the President?
Really, When did I say that?

I'm sorry if the questions I pose make you uncomfortable since answering them would force you to defend your own arguments, perhaps you'd be more comfortable if I just expressed agreement with everything you say whether it's actually the case or not?

.. anyways, you're inability to control your temper and your unceasing attempts to put words in my mouth is becoming tiresome, it's rather like trying to carry on a discussion with a monkey suffering from Tourette Syndrome, comical for a bit but gets boring rather quickly.

Not to mention the fact that you still don't understand HOW TO QUOTE PROPERLY.

You're a mind reader, you already mentioned that.

I have no problem with your questions. It's your lecturing attitude that you know everything backed up with posts that show you actually don't.

Frankly everything I have said in this discussion is BASIC. And yet you keep saying you don't understand it. That shows clearly you don't have even basic business finance knowledge that you don't recognize the basic concepts I'm talking about

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