...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

I found six months of BLM/ANTIFA murdering, looting, burning and destroying to be chilling.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Is the woman who turned down extra security, Nancy Pelosi, in the Executive Branch?...Do you think that she wasn't a willing part of what transpired?....What ffederal branch does the DC Mayor inhabit?....Are you naive enough to believe that this couldn't transcend superficial things, like the auspices of which branch of The State under which you operate?

BTW, were you asleep while the blatantly partisan Mueller scam was being perpetrated?...Ever heard of Jim Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Andrew McCabe.....?

Maybe peruse this little news nugget, and ask yourself some questions....

Even more basic than that, NightFox's contention that the millions of federal employees in the executive branch are actually loyal to whoever is President from either party is stunningly naïve for someone who supposedly follows politics. It's stunningly naïve for someone who doesn't
You morons. Those millions of people are more than anything loyal to their country and their work. Some are repub and some are Dem , just like everyone else
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Is the woman who turned down extra security, Nancy Pelosi, in the Executive Branch?...Do you think that she wasn't a willing part of what transpired?....What ffederal branch does the DC Mayor inhabit?....Are you naive enough to believe that this couldn't transcend superficial things, like the auspices of which branch of The State under which you operate?

BTW, were you asleep while the blatantly partisan Mueller scam was being perpetrated?...Ever heard of Jim Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Andrew McCabe.....?

Maybe peruse this little news nugget, and ask yourself some questions....

Even more basic than that, NightFox's contention that the millions of federal employees in the executive branch are actually loyal to whoever is President from either party is stunningly naïve for someone who supposedly follows politics. It's stunningly naïve for someone who doesn't
You morons. Those millions of people are more than anything loyal to their country and their work. Some are repub and some are Dem , just like everyone else
You....calling anyone else a moron.....BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

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My avatar has seen any number of posts on this thread but very few perspectives or analysis of the actual video compilation of the OP.

C'mon, we can do better than that.

Rather than dwelling on sidewalk glass of a NIke store in Portland.....think of people, trump supporters judging by their gang-colors....who beat the hell out of uniformed cops on the Capitol steps.

Was not vandalism, feces-smearing, and cop-beating ....... by folks self-identifying as Trump supporters not relevant to the thread topic of that 40-minutes video on the January 6th 'events'?

So please, invest 40-minutes of your time.
And.....after that, you can have some gravitas in presenting your opinion on the video compilation.
"Trump supporters judging by their gang colors"

Hence, if you wore MAGA, that is PROOF you are a trump supporter, never mind you are a life long leftist who recently joined oath keepers under a false name, and you are a cocksucking sissy just like your hero homO....
".....a c*cksucking sissy just like...."

Yo baby!!

And good mornin' to you too, poster EMH. (one of my favs here)

I see, judging by the above post....and its time (near 11 o'clock last night)....well, I see you go to bed with "_ _ _ _sucking sissies" on your mind.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

After all, nobody on this forum is judging you.

Still, good luck to you.

And sweet dreams ;)
Nice dodge.

Let's try this again.

How do we know that an individual arrested on 1/6 is really a trump supporter or not?

By what he was wearing that day
By what he says to get Garland to let him go
By whether he joined oath keepers

Hate hoaxes involve people frauds.

Each one of these should be "audited" for

Party registration
Affiliations subscriptions donations
Line of "work" - does said individual work for government

Chilli does not want these folks "audited." Chilli wants you to accept

He wore MAGA that day

As proof he is an authentic lifelong conservative republican and trump supporter

Sorry, Jussie, not buying.....
I watched it and it was a lot more intense/violent than I thought. Lots of context I was not aware of leading up to the Babbit shooting as well. It was a direct result of an massively overpowered police and security. I'm sure at that point the shooter felt it was the only way to stop the rioters from breaching that point and he was probably right. That was a violent mob who had overrun police at multiple points as the penetrated the building, and it took her getting shot to cool their stupid asses down. What has to be investigated is why the Capitol police were so understaffed and not fitted with the right gear. Why didn't they request the National Guard, who were right down the street, until after the breach. There was plenty of warning about the potential for this to happen. Everyone should know that it doesn't take much to stir up a group of citizens who think their election was stolen - anywhere in the world. This all could have been easily prevented. It seems to have been purposely allowed.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Is the woman who turned down extra security, Nancy Pelosi, in the Executive Branch?...Do you think that she wasn't a willing part of what transpired?....What ffederal branch does the DC Mayor inhabit?....Are you naive enough to believe that this couldn't transcend superficial things, like the auspices of which branch of The State under which you operate?

BTW, were you asleep while the blatantly partisan Mueller scam was being perpetrated?...Ever heard of Jim Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Andrew McCabe.....?

Maybe peruse this little news nugget, and ask yourself some questions....

Even more basic than that, NightFox's contention that the millions of federal employees in the executive branch are actually loyal to whoever is President from either party is stunningly naïve for someone who supposedly follows politics. It's stunningly naïve for someone who doesn't
You morons. Those millions of people are more than anything loyal to their country and their work. Some are repub and some are Dem , just like everyone else

I like how you called me a moron then agreed with me that it's ridiculous to think government workers support one party. Wow, what a moron, LOL
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Is the woman who turned down extra security, Nancy Pelosi, in the Executive Branch?...Do you think that she wasn't a willing part of what transpired?....What ffederal branch does the DC Mayor inhabit?....Are you naive enough to believe that this couldn't transcend superficial things, like the auspices of which branch of The State under which you operate?

BTW, were you asleep while the blatantly partisan Mueller scam was being perpetrated?...Ever heard of Jim Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Andrew McCabe.....?

Maybe peruse this little news nugget, and ask yourself some questions....

Even more basic than that, NightFox's contention that the millions of federal employees in the executive branch are actually loyal to whoever is President from either party is stunningly naïve for someone who supposedly follows politics. It's stunningly naïve for someone who doesn't
You morons. Those millions of people are more than anything loyal to their country and their work. Some are repub and some are Dem , just like everyone else
You....calling anyone else a moron.....BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

View attachment 508181

I know, right? And he proved he's a moron by calling me a moron, then agreeing with my point.

Talk about a moron, it's hillarious
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

trump fluffers won't be allowed to watch it. Heresy.
Nice dodge.

Let's try this again.

How do we know that an individual arrested on 1/6 is really a trump supporter or not?

By what he was wearing that day
By what he says to get Garland to let him go
By whether he joined oath keepers

Hate hoaxes involve people frauds.

Each one of these should be "audited" for

Party registration
Affiliations subscriptions donations
Line of "work" - does said individual work for government

Chilli does not want these folks "audited." Chilli wants you to accept

He wore MAGA that day

As proof he is an authentic lifelong conservative republican and trump supporter

Sorry, Jussie, not buying.....
What about all the individuals that were identified in the video leading the riot, who were specifically pointed out as being leaders of right wing nationalist groups, e.g. “Proud Boys”, “Oathkeepers”? not to mention all the speakers at that days event and the event the night before. What about the groups that organized the event none of them had any association with the left wing dingbat groups.

Nobody knows the affliction or background of each and every person that participated in the riot, however we do know who the people are that appeared to be leading large parts of it, which groups organized the events to begin with and which speakers said what to the crowd.

It is possible that left wing extremists infiltrated the crowd and were in some part responsible for fomenting the riot, however I haven’t seen any credible evidence to support that theory, have you? If you have, why not share it so we can all objectivity evaluate it.
Yes, the deep state is based in the executive branch. You keep saying that is impossible. Why is that impossible other than your moronic assertion that the 3 million employees are all loyal to the President?

You morons. Those millions of people are more than anything loyal to their country and their work. Some are repub and some are Dem , just like everyone else

I know, right? And he proved he's a moron by calling me a moron, then agreeing with my point.

Talk about a moron, it's hillarious

A. Morons is plural stupid.
B. My point was that there is no "Deep State"

Was that your point? I sure didn't see that but if it was we do agree and you have my apologies
Yes, the deep state is based in the executive branch. You keep saying that is impossible. Why is that impossible other than your moronic assertion that the 3 million employees are all loyal to the President?

You morons. Those millions of people are more than anything loyal to their country and their work. Some are repub and some are Dem , just like everyone else

I know, right? And he proved he's a moron by calling me a moron, then agreeing with my point.

Talk about a moron, it's hillarious

A. Morons is plural stupid.
B. My point was that there is no "Deep State"

Was that your point? I sure didn't see that but if it was we do agree and you have my apologies

So you said people in the government are in both parties, but what you meant was that there is no deep State.

When do you get to the part where you're not a moron?
So you said people in the government are in both parties, but what you meant was that there is no deep State.
Hey dumbass. What I said was that those millions of government workers are loyal to their COUNTRY and not any party(for the most part) and THAT meant there is no "Deep State".

So you agree with that?
So you said people in the government are in both parties, but what you meant was that there is no deep State.
Hey dumbass. What I said was that those millions of government workers are loyal to their COUNTRY and not any party(for the most part) and THAT meant there is no "Deep State".

So you agree with that?

They are heavily Democrat and like Democrats they are loyal to their party over their country. Which is why the deep state exists.

I don't like the term deep state. It implies there is some sort of darkness to it. Democrats hate your country and are openly fascists silencing your opposition with threats, intimidation and violence. You're not doing it sneakily, you're doing it overtly
They are heavily Democrat and like Democrats they are loyal to their party over their country. Which is why the deep state exists.
Hey MORON. That is exact OPPOSITE of what I said and yet you claimed I was agreeing with you.

Yes. You ARE a moron
They are heavily Democrat and like Democrats they are loyal to their party over their country. Which is why the deep state exists.
Hey MORON. That is exact OPPOSITE of what I said and yet you claimed I was agreeing with you.

Yes. You ARE a moron

It's the opposite of what you MEANT, it's the same as what you said, you're a moron.

You said that the government is filled with both parties, which is what I said
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Is the woman who turned down extra security, Nancy Pelosi, in the Executive Branch?...Do you think that she wasn't a willing part of what transpired?....What ffederal branch does the DC Mayor inhabit?....Are you naive enough to believe that this couldn't transcend superficial things, like the auspices of which branch of The State under which you operate?

BTW, were you asleep while the blatantly partisan Mueller scam was being perpetrated?...Ever heard of Jim Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Andrew McCabe.....?

Maybe peruse this little news nugget, and ask yourself some questions....

Even more basic than that, NightFox's contention that the millions of federal employees in the executive branch are actually loyal to whoever is President from either party is stunningly naïve for someone who supposedly follows politics. It's stunningly naïve for someone who doesn't
You morons. Those millions of people are more than anything loyal to their country and their work. Some are repub and some are Dem , just like everyone else
You....calling anyone else a moron.....BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

View attachment 508181

I know, right? And he proved he's a moron by calling me a moron, then agreeing with my point.

Talk about a moron, it's hillarious

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