...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

They where going to hang members of Congress. Did they somehow forget to bring the rope?
If you believe that, I’ve got a highway bridge for sale cheap.
Believe what? Someone brought a noose. Photographic proof was provided.
Yeah and you REALLY think they were going to hang Congress critters. LMFAO. Yet somehow the forgot to bring any firearms.
No they didn't. Get better sources of information.

They where going to hang members of Congress. Did they somehow forget to bring the rope?
If you believe that, I’ve got a highway bridge for sale cheap.
Believe what? Someone brought a noose. Photographic proof was provided.
Yeah and you REALLY think they were going to hang Congress critters. LMFAO. Yet somehow the forgot to bring any firearms.
No they didn't. Get better sources of information.

LMAO @ CNN being a "better source"

You are a fool who falls for the Marxist propaganda.
Another phony faux rage Dem thread about Jan, 6th. The scum left are really milking this one while IGNORING their 6 months of nearly daily attacks on government, law enforcement, looting, burning, rioting. Lowlife scum Dems don't have one shred of credibility on this topic.
Who told you that?
Why do Trumpers even equate the two?
Two separate incidences.
Because Trumpers don't have anything else.
Despite all the wrong moves for the right reasons, we really do need more insurrections .
Trump goons attacked the capitol because the Cry Baby Sore Loser lied to them because he couldn't handle the truth.

Please do not throw another tantrump like January 6th's.
America is a failing nation.
It was, but Americans took back their nation on November 3, and it's again on a roll - overcoming the pandemic, creating jobs again, once more respected by allies.
The reason being our system is corrupt , collusive , and sold us out long ago
Pissy folks have been kvetching thusly since time immaterial.
Trump was not the answer, neither are the Republicans and neither are the Democrats, we did nothing on November 3rd other than allow the rich to continue to rule our country. This system works for the rich, whether they Democrats are in power or the Republicans, the rich benefit and the lower classes suffer. The two greatest migrations To the wealthy occurred under a Democrat and the other a Republican and now the third is by a Democrat. Tell me how this helps all Americans, how does this help Americans take back America?

pouring 4 trillion into an economy over the last year will boost any economy, what happens when the money dries out, what happens to the dollar as we keep printing money, we have a false economy and it will down turn in the next five years unless we continue to print money, then the world will move off the dollar and our by then 40 trillions in debt will cause inflation and will ruin the economy as we know it.
There was no insurrection on January 6th.

There have been no charges for insurection or treason.

The events on January 6th were fabricated by the US Govenment and propagated by the Fake News MSM and now parroted by the Sheeple.
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There was no Insurrection.
Trump goons attacked the Capitol. It is well-documented. The video link I provided attests to that reality.

If you don't like the reality, you can indulge in your fantasies.

Your standards for "proof" is the same standard used by Jussie Smollett.

They were dressed in MAGAdrag.

Sorry, Jussie, there are over 100 leftwing homo hate hoaxers about to experience an OPEN CLOSETDOOR.....
American citizens exercising their 1st Amendment Right ....

1st Amendment......smearing feces on he interior walls of the Capitol?
1st Amendment..... beating a downed cop with a pole carrying the American flag?
1st Amendment ..... by stealing the people's lectern used by the Speaker of the House?

You know, poster JTFord, your flavor of "Americans" seem awfully 'criminal' like......vs......awfully 'citizen' like.
But, if that is the type of American you prefer.....well, you be you.

Or, alternatively, you can join the voice on this very chatroom that those Americans were really Zionist Drag Queens dressed in MAGA Kevlar and Oathkeeper patches in a false flag instigation to pin the blame of the invasion on Don Trump.

You can do that, poster Ford.
Are you man enough to do so?
Are you man enough to join some other poster here, I forget his avatar name, who wants to check out the sexual preferences of those Oathkeepers whacking the police because he is convinced they are "homosexuals".

Is the homosexuality, or lack thereof, of all those Oathkeepers as important to you as it is for the RightWing voice on this forum?
American citizens exercising their 1st Amendment Right ....

1st Amendment......smearing feces on he interior walls of the Capitol?
1st Amendment..... beating a downed cop with a pole carrying the American flag?
1st Amendment ..... by stealing the people's lectern used by the Speaker of the House?

You know, poster JTFord, your flavor of "Americans" seem awfully 'criminal' like......vs......awfully 'citizen' like.
But, if that is the type of American you prefer.....well, you be you.

Or, alternatively, you can join the voice on this very chatroom that those Americans were really Zionist Drag Queens dressed in MAGA Kevlar and Oathkeeper patches in a false flag instigation to pin the blame of the invasion on Don Trump.

You can do that, poster Ford.
Are you man enough to do so?
Are you man enough to join some other poster here, I forget his avatar name, who wants to check out the sexual preferences of those Oathkeepers whacking the police because he is convinced they are "homosexuals".

Is the homosexuality, or lack thereof, of all those Oathkeepers as important to you as it is for the RightWing voice on this forum?
You are a insignificant Leftist fool who cannot see through the Marxist propaganda.
Obviously you didn't bother to watch that video
I did watch the video.

Who were those people in that video?

What were their names?

Did they get arrested?

What crimes were they charged with?

You don't know.

You don't know if they were Trump supporters, ANTIFA, or even undercover FBI.

All you know is what the Fake News MSM is LYING to you about.

You are a classic Fake News Sheeple who cannot see through the Marxist propaganda.
"You are a insignificant Leftist ..."
Does that mean then, JTFord, that you are all in on the Rightwing urging of Barr's execution on August 2nd?
All in on the Rightwing plea to 'check out the homosexuality' of the Oathkeepers at the Capitol invasion?

Just exactly where do you stand on such messaging coming from the Right side of forum contributors? Barr dead? Oathkeepers as Zionist drag queens?

Honesttogoodness, you really believe and support that stuff, JT?

Surely you understand, such assertions do nothing more that validate and advance the widespread belief that Trump supporters are under-educated misinformed RWNJs; and suckers for conspiracy jackassery. That they really ARE the 'duped & snookered'?

Why don't you understand that? Why would you believe such stuff?
Obviously you didn't bother to watch that video
I did watch the video.

Who were those people in that video?

What were their names?

Did they get arrested?

What crimes were they charged with?

You don't know.

You don't know if they were Trump supporters, ANTIFA, or even undercover FBI.

All you know is what the Fake News MSM is LYING to you about.

You are a classic Fake News Sheeple who cannot see through the Marxist propaganda.
They are all very clearly Trumpers. And QNuts. And Oath Keepers. And Proud Boys

Hundreds have been arrested

There is no evidence that they are anything but the above and you don’t seem bothered at all by their attacks on police and out government
They are all very clearly Trumpers. And QNuts. And Oath Keepers. And Proud Boys

Hundreds have been arrested

There is no evidence that they are anything but the above and you don’t seem bothered at all by their attacks on police and out government
You prove my point.

You have no clue who those people are in that video or even if any of them were arrested.

You are a Fake News Sheeple who is gullible for ALL the Marxist propaganda you see.

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