an advocate for the banned or about to be banned etc

well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I would think twice..there is no place on earth as depraved as a virtual court full off the banned and nearly banned
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I would think twice..there is no place on earth as depraved as a virtual court full off the banned and nearly banned

Now that's funny!! :lol::lol:
omg....i dont know what is worse....that i started this waking and baking....or that there are 10 pages of responses...and might i add that lamest responses are from mods....

but carry on forth and so on....i am going back to the flame zone where things make sense.....

plus i have to work today....damn it....o but there is drama at work.....the guy who thinks he is in charge...has been hitting on one of the lifties...they have moved her to the top...away from him....i just read....i read for the entire 8 or text...damn i need to find the keys.....damn it.....i hate my disorganized approach
Holy crap, you really do think highly of yourself, don't you? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

what exactly does that mean and or have to do with how this site used to be run?

I'm just impressed by your ability to think everything is about you. Anyone who disagrees with you, and it's because they 'hate' you - it can't possibly be that they just disagree with you. If the site admin changes, that must be because the owner saw how 'badly' you were being treated and fired people.... it's always all about you. You are one of the most ignorant, narrow minded, bigoted people I have bumped into on the net.... but it's never you, it's always someone else' fault. No wonder you're a fucking lefty. You're an ignorant, painfully stupid, fool.

But I seriously do not hate you - hate would require some form of caring about you and I honest can say I do not care about you one iota.

Thank you for your post full of love and concern.

Do you always go out of your way to answer people you care nothing about?

I bet you can find others you do have an iota for to answer instead of me or others just like me who have had similar experiences in life.
This is del's:


This is Elvis':


This is Meister's:


This is Care4All's:


This is Pixie and Newby's:


This is Modbert's:


And this is Mine:

Well if anyone should be an advocate for the about to be banned or already banned, it ought to be me. I've been here about as long as anyone still posting on this board, and I've probably been banned from here more times than anyone else.

Hey DanK, since you're making such dramatic changes around here, make me a mod. I think my seniority here should have earned me that by now... :razz:
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I would like to see something that lists who is currently banned, by which mod, for how long, and a general reason (PM violation, family insult, plagiarism, spam, etc).
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I would like to see something that lists who is currently banned, by which mod, for how long, and a general reason (PM violation, family insult, plagiarism, spam, etc).

Yeah, that way we can:

You have no idea what it was like to be a left leaning poster on this board in the past.

There was no fair for us.

I was told to fuck off by a mod once when I asked for help with something.

I had my words Changed repetedly to insult me.

I had threads dissapeared.

Over and over any ask for help was answered with "gee I just dont know ,Ill ask so and so later, then nothing would ever happen.

I had threads dissapeared so only I could not see them.

Everyone else could go post in them and I would get the "your not allowed to see this information" gig.

There was NO ONE to talk to about it because they were all in cahoots and complaining on the board would get you banned.

I think whoever owned this site must have found out what they were doing.

Now I think the rules will be applied evenly to all sides.

REAL fair and blanced instead of what right wingers think is fair and balenced

What a pathetic whinge of a post.

Just sayin'.
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I would like to see something that lists who is currently banned, by which mod, for how long, and a general reason (PM violation, family insult, plagiarism, spam, etc).

What purpose would that serve? The unlucky mod who happened to be on duty during a major meltdown might need to ban a number of members as a result and then would be criticized for being a ban bully or some such. And why do we need to know who has been banned or why?
Maybe we just need posting, banned and Pergatory statuses. We can let the ones in Pergatory linger for a while and watch what is going on with their status and what is said about them, but not able to post replies. I have to believe many here would love that.
On other sites I've been on you could plead your case with a mod or admin about someone who has been banned in PM. Sounds like you can do that here as well.

Again, compared the others sites I've been on, I have found in my limited time here, the modfication is pretty lenient. I've been on sites where some of the questionable sexual avatars, photos, and posts here would not have been allowed. Likewise, the use of swear words was replaced with **** swearing allowed. Not to mention the slingling of insults and personal attacks and posts off topic are given much more lee-way here than I've seen elsewhere, and topics like this one weren't even allowed to be posted.

It was my understanding elsewhere that mods and admin refrained from airing who was banned or warned openly in the forums to hold down the drama that would surely incur, and also so as to not embarrass anyone.

So yeah, compared to others places, posting within the rules on this site is a cake walk.
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I would like to see something that lists who is currently banned, by which mod, for how long, and a general reason (PM violation, family insult, plagiarism, spam, etc).

Excellent idea... get some accountability around here instead of a total Nazi state.

If I owned this board, that's exactly what I'd do.

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