an advocate for the banned or about to be banned etc

[ame=]‪Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
it was mod and his music or lack of music.....mod cant smell moldy he is just barely an adult.....i bet mod wears some men smelly that 'beach'....come on mod...what does the stylish man wear for stink now?
Considering how you advocate for Sunni Man and against Israel and Jews, I would like to see you with an asshat, not being an advocate for banned or about to be banned members. Neutral? You? LMAO


But we can't all have what we want, can we. :razz:

Sorry bones. I've said my peace. I'll shut up now.

Peace? You who are willing to discuss legitimate topics with those who call for the discussion of future proposals of genocide? Yet you tell me you are a friend of the Jews? With friends like you, the Jews don't need enemies. You are more than willing to discuss their genocide and legitimize the POS that calls for this genocidal discussion. Clear? Know? Yet you pretend to being insulted over this kind of thing.

Hypocrite much?

You mean piece I think. Certainly not the peace you pretend to hold. :eusa_shhh:

just sayin...
Considering how you advocate for Sunni Man and against Israel and Jews, I would like to see you with an asshat, not being an advocate for banned or about to be banned members. Neutral? You? LMAO


But we can't all have what we want, can we. :razz:

Sorry bones. I've said my peace. I'll shut up now.

Peace? You who are willing to discuss legitimate topics with those who call for the discussion of future proposals of genocide? Yet you tell me you are a friend of the Jews? With friends like you, the Jews don't need enemies. You are more than willing to discuss their genocide and legitimize the POS that calls for this genocidal discussion. Clear? Know? Yet you pretend to being insulted over this kind of thing.

Hypocrite much?

You mean piece I think. Certainly not the peace you pretend to hold. :eusa_shhh:

just sayin...

piss off, wanker
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ahhh the israel above all else idiot shows up...attacking foxy....o are just an attack wagon....i dont care if you are attacking me...but why foxy? what crime did she commit in the eyes of ropey dopey?
ahhh the israel above all else idiot shows up...attacking foxy....o are just an attack wagon....i dont care if you are attacking me...but why foxy? what crime did she commit in the eyes of ropey dopey?

I said something accurate that didn't denigrate somebody that he has chosen to hate. Shrug. Now I apparently must wear the scarlet letter, be forever banished from the world of the acceptable, and called out no matter what I post about anything. :)

The irony is that I am a dedicated and passionate supporter of Israel and have been his ally on a number of threads. But now that doesn't count because he says I did not support him personaly.

Isn't the internet fun? :lol:
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I think if your banned the board should give you an email address to contact one of the administrators so you can present your case for being unbanned to them.

That's all we really need. We shouldn't do those things out on the public forum.
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I think if your banned the board should give you an email address to contact one of the administrators so you can present your case for being unbanned to them.

That's all we really need. We shouldn't do those things out on the public forum.

Yeah, I'm not in favor of open threads challenging an administrative decision as that would invariably turn into a flame thread and would have the mods defending themselves 24/7. They don't exactly receive a lot of compensation for their work here as it is, and I'm not in favor of making it more difficult. For the most part they do a great job.

Still now and then I felt an action was not warranted or somebody was unjustly banned while some I thought should be booted bigtime were not only not banned, but sometimes defended. I do/would appreciate a means to contact the staff privately to appeal on behalf of somebody or to question disciplinary action directly at me that I did not believe was warranted.
guilt by association you say

Not association. Foxfyre and I called each other friend in discussions and I felt a friendship and called her one back. When I found that this 'friend' was willing to legitimize someone who called for the genocide of the world's Jewry along with the genocide of the world's homosexuals (and she knew of his positions!).

A friend does not do this and that's rather hypocritical considering the post she made on here prior to mine. :)

That started it and anyone who wishes to move this deeper can post a thread in the flame zone and let's ALL have at it.
guilt by association you say

Not association. Foxfyre and I called each other friend in discussions and I felt a friendship and called her one back. When I found that this 'friend' was willing to legitimize someone who called for the genocide of the world's Jewry along with the genocide of the world's homosexuals (and she knew of his positions!).

A friend does not do this and that's rather hypocritical considering the post she made on here prior to mine. :)

That started it and anyone who wishes to move this deeper can post a thread in the flame zone and let's ALL have at it.

yeah... it's really easy for some people to excuse anti-semitic terrorist supporters. it sucks when it's someone who is a 'friend'.
it sucks when it's someone who is a 'friend'.

That's where this begins and ends. I lost two friends in that Sunni Man thread. They thought it was more important to detach his attempts to discuss the future genocide of Jews and Homosexuals. Why? So that they could discuss with him about the Burka on friendly terms.

And still remain my friend. :cuckoo:

That's a clear hypocrisy to my mind and I stood to it then and now.
Well it's just as well to not pretend to be my friend if that means every thread has to be about a burr under somebody's saddle and we can't discuss a separate issue without bringing up the other topic. Nobody is my friend who expects me to act and hate as they act and hate. And it would be a damn boring board if that ever becomes a rule around here.

The thread in question was not about Israel or anything about Jews or Israel. It was about whether a person can assign their own meaning or intention in using a word or phrase or illustration or metaphor or we have become too politically correct to allow that.

On threads discussing anti-semitism and Israel, there is no stronger defender of Israel and the Jews than I am.

So if I am to be unfriended and accused of agreeing with anti-semitism and the destruction of Israel because I didn't bring that up or consider it in the context of the different discussion, so be it. I can't change that kind of irrational hatred or expectation.
What on earth is it with these uppity Jews, eh?

The Torah states that the Jews aren't allowed a homeland (they have to remain a wandering diaspora), so why do they get all defensive whenever Israel's painted in a bad light. Which isn't that difficut, considering it's an overtly militarised and aggressive state, even though it hides behind Ameica's skirt. And another thing, aren't American Jews supposed to be Americans? Why so defensive over a country that they hold no allegiance to?

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