an advocate for the banned or about to be banned etc

What on earth is it with these uppity Jews, eh?

The Torah states that the Jews aren't allowed a homeland (they have to remain a wandering diaspora), so why do they get all defensive whenever Israel's painted in a bad light. Which isn't that difficut, considering it's an overtly militarised and aggressive state, even though it hides behind Ameica's skirt. And another thing, aren't American Jews supposed to be Americans? Why so defensive over a country that they hold no allegiance to?

You are being sarcastic, right? First the Torah most definitely promises the Jews a homeland. And Israel is militarized because they don't have many neighbors who will not obliterate her given a chance. Aggressive? I have seen no evidence of Israel ever acting militarily except in self defense or in retaliation for aggression committed by others. And I am not a Jew, but I am very defensive when it comes to Israel. So why should American Jews be any different?

And I still say none of that has anything to do with political correctness when it comes to meanings assigned to the words we use.
Just in case anyone is interested. I'm up for being the neg rep advocate. Probably just laugh at your ass for caring about neg rep, but it might help you once in a while.
What on earth is it with these uppity Jews, eh?

The Torah states that the Jews aren't allowed a homeland (they have to remain a wandering diaspora), so why do they get all defensive whenever Israel's painted in a bad light. Which isn't that difficut, considering it's an overtly militarised and aggressive state, even though it hides behind Ameica's skirt. And another thing, aren't American Jews supposed to be Americans? Why so defensive over a country that they hold no allegiance to?

You are being sarcastic, right? First the Torah most definitely promises the Jews a homeland. And Israel is militarized because they don't have many neighbors who will not obliterate her given a chance. Aggressive? I have seen no evidence of Israel ever acting militarily except in self defense or in retaliation for aggression committed by others. And I am not a Jew, but I am very defensive when it comes to Israel. So why should American Jews be any different?

And I still say none of that has anything to do with political correctness when it comes to meanings assigned to the words we use.

I've clearly got my facts wrong. The Torah does indeed promise the Jews a homeland aka Canan. I was clearly wrong.

But Israel not acting militarily other than self-defense. Do me a favour. They've progressively pushed further than the British Mandate of Palestine ever since we abandoned that flea pit following their rebellion in 1948. And they've done it by force. We gave them their "promised land" on a plate but they still couldn't behave and live in harmony with everyone else. They made their Arab enemies all by themselves. OK, the Palestinians (and the Arabs) aren't exactly angels, but they were there first. And the IDF still comes to the rescue of settlers on the West Bank at their beck and call.

But why should you be so defensive of Israel? I mean, they took you for mugs over the Steiner affair in '92, and I quote Steiner: "...met with Jim Baker and I cut a deal with him. I got, besides the $3 billion, you know they're looking for the Jewish votes, and I'll tell him whatever he wants to hear ... Besides the $10 billion in loan guarantees which was a fabulous thing, $3 billion in foreign, in military aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don't even know about."

Hardly a grateful ally, eh?

And I have absolutely no problem with Jewish-Americans calling themselves that. But why do they place so much importance in a foreign country. If they're "Jewish-Americans", then why so defensive over Israel? It's not their country.

I can already sense that we're going to disagree over this, but I won't ignore Israeli aggression towards their neighbours. If they want to play the tough guy in the Middle East, fine. But they should do it off their own back, and not rely on the threat of America and Europe's financial and military muscle in doing so.
guilt by association you say

Not association. Foxfyre and I called each other friend in discussions and I felt a friendship and called her one back. When I found that this 'friend' was willing to legitimize someone who called for the genocide of the world's Jewry along with the genocide of the world's homosexuals (and she knew of his positions!).

A friend does not do this and that's rather hypocritical considering the post she made on here prior to mine. :)

That started it and anyone who wishes to move this deeper can post a thread in the flame zone and let's ALL have at it.

yeah... it's really easy for some people to excuse anti-semitic terrorist supporters. it sucks when it's someone who is a 'friend'.

you know what sucks...people trying to force their ideology down your throat. period.
What on earth is it with these uppity Jews, eh?

The Torah states that the Jews aren't allowed a homeland (they have to remain a wandering diaspora), so why do they get all defensive whenever Israel's painted in a bad light. Which isn't that difficut, considering it's an overtly militarised and aggressive state, even though it hides behind Ameica's skirt. And another thing, aren't American Jews supposed to be Americans? Why so defensive over a country that they hold no allegiance to?

You are being sarcastic, right? First the Torah most definitely promises the Jews a homeland. And Israel is militarized because they don't have many neighbors who will not obliterate her given a chance. Aggressive? I have seen no evidence of Israel ever acting militarily except in self defense or in retaliation for aggression committed by others. And I am not a Jew, but I am very defensive when it comes to Israel. So why should American Jews be any different?

And I still say none of that has anything to do with political correctness when it comes to meanings assigned to the words we use.

I've clearly got my facts wrong. The Torah does indeed promise the Jews a homeland aka Canan. I was clearly wrong.

But Israel not acting militarily other than self-defense. Do me a favour. They've progressively pushed further than the British Mandate of Palestine ever since we abandoned that flea pit following their rebellion in 1948. And they've done it by force. We gave them their "promised land" on a plate but they still couldn't behave and live in harmony with everyone else. They made their Arab enemies all by themselves. OK, the Palestinians (and the Arabs) aren't exactly angels, but they were there first. And the IDF still comes to the rescue of settlers on the West Bank at their beck and call.

But why should you be so defensive of Israel? I mean, they took you for mugs over the Steiner affair in '92, and I quote Steiner: "...met with Jim Baker and I cut a deal with him. I got, besides the $3 billion, you know they're looking for the Jewish votes, and I'll tell him whatever he wants to hear ... Besides the $10 billion in loan guarantees which was a fabulous thing, $3 billion in foreign, in military aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don't even know about."

Hardly a grateful ally, eh?

And I have absolutely no problem with Jewish-Americans calling themselves that. But why do they place so much importance in a foreign country. If they're "Jewish-Americans", then why so defensive over Israel? It's not their country.

I can already sense that we're going to disagree over this, but I won't ignore Israeli aggression towards their neighbours. If they want to play the tough guy in the Middle East, fine. But they should do it off their own back, and not rely on the threat of America and Europe's financial and military muscle in doing so.

Yeah, we can still love each other (in a platonic way) but we will disagree on this. As long as Israel's neighbors have a leadership that is pledged to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and has refused EVERY compromise ever offered by anybody, including Israel, as long as they send suicide bombers into synagoges and crowded markets and busses filled with Israeli school children, as long as they kidnap and torture to death Israelis at random, as long as they lob rockets indiscriminately into Israeli neighborhoods hoping to kills somebody, anybody. . . . . as long as they do that, I will have a really difficult time seeing Israel as the aggressor.

I know all the history. All the things Israel can legitimately be criticized for. I don't think Israel probably has any more 'saints' than any other nation or group. It may have as many villains, I don't know. But when you look at the history as a whole--both sides--Israel comes out as the non aggressor and the one implementing self defense almost every single time.
it sucks when it's someone who is a 'friend'.

That's where this begins and ends. I lost two friends in that Sunni Man thread. They thought it was more important to detach his attempts to discuss the future genocide of Jews and Homosexuals. Why? So that they could discuss with him about the Burka on friendly terms.

And still remain my friend. :cuckoo:

That's a clear hypocrisy to my mind and I stood to it then and now.

As I remember it, it was YOU who dropped ME as a friend. That was after you told me to go to a Muslim country so I could see how I, as a lesbian, would REALLY be treated. (or some such)

It sounded to me, like you were hoping I'd go to Muslim country so I could be stoned or beheaded or otherwise be hurt.

Yeah, that'll teach me.

As I recall, you weren't real concerned about the proposed genocide of gays in Uganda either. It's just when Muslims do it that you get riled. Christians in Uganda get a pass.
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well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

I think if your banned the board should give you an email address to contact one of the administrators so you can present your case for being unbanned to them.

That's all we really need. We shouldn't do those things out on the public forum.

that's always been available
guilt by association you say

Not association. Foxfyre and I called each other friend in discussions and I felt a friendship and called her one back. When I found that this 'friend' was willing to legitimize someone who called for the genocide of the world's Jewry along with the genocide of the world's homosexuals (and she knew of his positions!).

A friend does not do this and that's rather hypocritical considering the post she made on here prior to mine. :)

That started it and anyone who wishes to move this deeper can post a thread in the flame zone and let's ALL have at it.

yeah... it's really easy for some people to excuse anti-semitic terrorist supporters. it sucks when it's someone who is a 'friend'.

That hurts to hear about.

What I'm wondering though, do you call it an "excusing terrorist supporters" if we support the right of American Muslims to practice Islam in America?

I think some people get unfairly targeted as "terrorism supporters".
it sucks when it's someone who is a 'friend'.

That's where this begins and ends. I lost two friends in that Sunni Man thread. They thought it was more important to detach his attempts to discuss the future genocide of Jews and Homosexuals. Why? So that they could discuss with him about the Burka on friendly terms.

And still remain my friend. :cuckoo:

That's a clear hypocrisy to my mind and I stood to it then and now.

As I remember it, it was YOU who dropped ME as a friend.

You have never been a friend of mine Sky Dancer. I have never called you friend and you have never called me friend back or you have never called me friend and having me call you one back. :cuckoo:
That's where this begins and ends. I lost two friends in that Sunni Man thread. They thought it was more important to detach his attempts to discuss the future genocide of Jews and Homosexuals. Why? So that they could discuss with him about the Burka on friendly terms.

And still remain my friend. :cuckoo:

That's a clear hypocrisy to my mind and I stood to it then and now.

As I remember it, it was YOU who dropped ME as a friend.

You have never been a friend of mine Sky Dancer. I have never called you friend and you have never called me friend back or you have never called me friend and having me call you one back. :cuckoo:


Be honest. We had a falling out over your prejudice toward Muslims.

I have always considered you a friend, and I still do.
Name-calling sets a standard. If that's what this board is about - yeah, fine. Okay. It beats other places I've lived on the net, where two-faced ruled the day, and a blind eye was turned to the shit that was being stirred. That was ugliness, personified.
Someone's bitter/

The mods are only part time mods..."on call" so to speak. Any other time we are posters. Yes, we get to have fun on the board with our thoughts and opinions just like anyone else. Should there be a problem with that?

Not at all. This place is cool that way. I've been lurking for several days before I registered. Interesting place.

The mods are only part time mods..."on call" so to speak. Any other time we are posters. Yes, we get to have fun on the board with our thoughts and opinions just like anyone else. Should there be a problem with that?

Stalker much?

Isn't this thread challenging moderator actions IN PUBLIC?
And are not quite a few being RUDE to other members? Gosh. Which rules are we all supposed to abide by? There seems to be so many
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Isn't this thread challenging moderator actions IN PUBLIC?
And are not quite a few being RUDE to other members? Gosh. Which rules are we all supposed to abide by? There seems to be so many

Quite a few are being rude to members, yes - but as long as they can take it as well as they dish it out, I don't have a problem with that. I've been on boards where there was SUCH a double-standard, it was damn near literally unbearable. One person in particular; if I ever encounter s/h/it again, all bets are off.
Isn't this thread challenging moderator actions IN PUBLIC?
And are not quite a few being RUDE to other members? Gosh. Which rules are we all supposed to abide by? There seems to be so many

Welcome back, Grace.
Isn't this thread challenging moderator actions IN PUBLIC?no
And are not quite a few being RUDE to other members?yes, there's no rule against it Gosh. Which rules are we all supposed to abide by? all of themThere seems to be so manyyou can count them without taking your shoes off, is that too many?

see above.

no one's forcing you to post here
Isn't this thread challenging moderator actions IN PUBLIC?no
And are not quite a few being RUDE to other members?yes, there's no rule against it Gosh. Which rules are we all supposed to abide by? all of themThere seems to be so manyyou can count them without taking your shoes off, is that too many?

see above.

no one's forcing you to post here

I see. Ok. Members that stay here mean squat to you and when they go, don't let the door hit them in the ass on the way out. Gotcha.

try reading the actual words instead of listening to the voices in your head


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