An American Muslim Republican responds to Carson's remarks


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
An American Muslim Republican responds to Ben Carson's remarks on an Islamic president

Personally I got no problem with Islam or Muslims. I do have a problem with the ones making a mockery out of Islam just like I have a problem with those making a mockery of what true Christianity is. I have met TRUE Christians and TRUE Muslims...both religions are traditional in values and I agree with them on a lot. I would have no problem with a Muslim president. We have dealt with supposed Christian ones for hundreds of years....they haven't destroyed the country yet doubt 1 Muslim would either. This being said for THIS nation as it sits. Not my ideal nation.
You just hate jews, so you wouldn't mind a muzbot president. You just don't seem to realize the muzbots hate you .

You just hate jews, so you wouldn't mind a muzbot president. You just don't seem to realize the muzbots hate you .

In the nation we have now,no not really I wouldn't. In my perfect nation absolutely not. Maybe a Muslim president will do what should have been done and yank all military members AWAY from overseas bases and put them here on our borders and close down the overseas bases. You idiots see Muslim and think some idiot blowing himself up yet we have a LARGE community of Muslims in Dearborn Michigan that's very peaceful.
An American Muslim Republican responds to Ben Carson's remarks on an Islamic president

Personally I got no problem with Islam or Muslims. I do have a problem with the ones making a mockery out of Islam just like I have a problem with those making a mockery of what true Christianity is. I have met TRUE Christians and TRUE Muslims...both religions are traditional in values and I agree with them on a lot. I would have no problem with a Muslim president. We have dealt with supposed Christian ones for hundreds of years....they haven't destroyed the country yet doubt 1 Muslim would either. This being said for THIS nation as it sits. Not my ideal nation.
Who is it who determines who is a TRUE Christian or a TRUE Muslim is? Do they have a title? An e-mail address? Twitter? Facebook?

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