An American Paradox

I'm not getting excited, either. For Kasich to get anything beyond a faint pulse, Trump and Carson have to get 5-10% less votes than their current polls show, and Kasich has to beat Bush. I just don't see the establishment really being happy with a ceo with no governing experience or a first term senator.

I really don't know if the tea party/grover norquist intransigence can be broken unless a goper is potus.
Rip Van g5000 slept though the last 2 midterms
Nearly two-thirds of Americans stayed home for the last mid-term. And despite a record low approval rating of 9 percent, only 17 seats changed hands.

But to hear the rubes around here speak, they clearly felt a thrill up their leg over that "whopping" 4 percent turnover. It's pretty clear who is in a walking coma.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Well something did actually change, but only the tea party sees it for the better. We have at best 20% of the people in various uncompetitive districts electing people who will not vote for anything besides what 20% want with no compromise. A representative democracy cannot endure with that as a long range trend.
I'm not getting excited, either. For Kasich to get anything beyond a faint pulse, Trump and Carson have to get 5-10% less votes than their current polls show, and Kasich has to beat Bush. I just don't see the establishment really being happy with a ceo with no governing experience or a first term senator.

I really don't know if the tea party/grover norquist intransigence can be broken unless a goper is potus.
I really don't think Trump or Carson are going to do well in NH. That 5-10% difference between popularity polls and primary results will be easily reached. I think most of their support is from soft voters who don't turn out for elections, much less primaries.

I think we might see a slightly higher "Fuck you, Establishment" vote in the primaries this time around, but not much.
New Hampshire's a funny place. It's definitely not a cross-section of America.
Rip Van g5000 slept though the last 2 midterms
Nearly two-thirds of Americans stayed home for the last mid-term. And despite a record low approval rating of 9 percent, only 17 seats changed hands.

But to hear the rubes around here speak, they clearly felt a thrill up their leg over that "whopping" 4 percent turnover. It's pretty clear who is in a walking coma.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."


Rip Van g5000 slept though the last 2 midterms
Nearly two-thirds of Americans stayed home for the last mid-term. And despite a record low approval rating of 9 percent, only 17 seats changed hands.

But to hear the rubes around here speak, they clearly felt a thrill up their leg over that "whopping" 4 percent turnover. It's pretty clear who is in a walking coma.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."


That's 2010, dipshit.


That's 1948 through 2012.

2014: Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest since WWII

Just 36.4 percent of the voting-eligible population cast ballots as of last Tuesday, continuing a steady decline in midterm voter participation that has spanned several decades. The results are dismal, but not surprising -- participation has been dropping since the 1964 election, when voter turnout was at nearly 49 percent.

The last time voter turnout was so low during a midterm cycle was in 1942, when only 33.9 percent of eligible voters cast ballots.
Rip Van g5000 slept though the last 2 midterms
Nearly two-thirds of Americans stayed home for the last mid-term. And despite a record low approval rating of 9 percent, only 17 seats changed hands.

But to hear the rubes around here speak, they clearly felt a thrill up their leg over that "whopping" 4 percent turnover. It's pretty clear who is in a walking coma.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."


If you look at the figure in my OP, you see a slight dip in 2010 for the re-election rates.

Incumbents were "only" re-elected at an 87 percent rate that year.

87 percent!

American Politboro.
Rip Van g5000 slept though the last 2 midterms
Nearly two-thirds of Americans stayed home for the last mid-term. And despite a record low approval rating of 9 percent, only 17 seats changed hands.

But to hear the rubes around here speak, they clearly felt a thrill up their leg over that "whopping" 4 percent turnover. It's pretty clear who is in a walking coma.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."


That's 2010, dipshit.


I thought the OP covered until 2014, which would make 2010 a part of it
Rip Van g5000 slept though the last 2 midterms
Nearly two-thirds of Americans stayed home for the last mid-term. And despite a record low approval rating of 9 percent, only 17 seats changed hands.

But to hear the rubes around here speak, they clearly felt a thrill up their leg over that "whopping" 4 percent turnover. It's pretty clear who is in a walking coma.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."


That's 2010, dipshit.


I thought the OP covered until 2014, which would make 2010 a part of it
I said, "Nearly two-thirds of Americans stayed home for the last mid-term", and you responded to that post by posting how many seats changed three elections ago. You didn't even post the turnout.
In any event, I think this explains the appeal of Trump. We're sick of politicians
Exactly what I said in my OP.

But we are not sick enough. Too many rubes think their party can do no wrong.

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