An ANSWER please?

The largest losses have been in the financial sector, and then retail. So how is building roads going to give investment banking clerks, portfolio managers, analysts, etc... their jobs back?

The Associated Press: How the economic stimulus plan could affect you

That didn't answer anything. No incentives to put banking and investment specialists back to work. Lot of useless crap about helping "poor" who have no impact on the economy even in good times.

Again, the cause of the crisis is housing. And $8000 tax credit isn't going get many to buy a house when new credit guidelines are going to most from getting financing. $14 a month more in a paycheck isn't going to help anything.

The only job sector that will improve significantly is the civil service, because gov't just got a whole lot bigger.

This "stimulus" is going to have no immediate effect of any kind. The markets have already rejected expected.

Gov't is POWERLESS to effect the economy. It always has been.

Silly post.

I have sold 4 houses so far this year. 3 of those buyers bought because of the first time home buyers tax credit of $7,500. Now they have made the tax credit $8,000 and have added a no repayment feature. I have 13 more first time home buyers on my list. Many of them will be buying because of the incentive.

Saying the government is powerless to effect the economy is ridiculous. The lack of government regulation is what destroyed the economy.
BACK TO THE ORIGINAL QUESTION: Can ANY liberal explain WHY we needed the most recently passed "bailout" bill? No attacks on posters, no attacks on George Bush. Why do we need to spend a trillion dollars and how will it fix things?

Back to the original answer....

Because we are losing 500,000 jobs a month.

And why exactly do you think that's not going to change without us doing a thing?

Economies have good periods and bad periods. Sometimes lots of jobs are made, some times lots are lost. Sometimes only a few are made or lost.

Nothing is constant. I dont know why this is a difficult concept. You need to be able to adapt to change. If you cant then you wont survive.
Quit being such a drama queen.

Doesnt seem like he is being a drama queen at all. In fact, I think he has a much better grip on the reality of what is happening around us then many people do.

We arent that far from civil war. Its not an option i like or even want to participate in. But the system as it is currently cannot be sustained indefinately. Sooner or later the government is going to collapse under the weight of its debt and tyranny. History shows its inevitable.

But for some reason people imagine that times will be great forever. We will continue to advance and never fall into the same patterns that have been around for millenia. The thing is, we are in the same patterns as ever. the only difference is we can destroy all life on this planet now.

That didn't answer anything. No incentives to put banking and investment specialists back to work. Lot of useless crap about helping "poor" who have no impact on the economy even in good times.

Again, the cause of the crisis is housing. And $8000 tax credit isn't going get many to buy a house when new credit guidelines are going to most from getting financing. $14 a month more in a paycheck isn't going to help anything.

The only job sector that will improve significantly is the civil service, because gov't just got a whole lot bigger.

This "stimulus" is going to have no immediate effect of any kind. The markets have already rejected expected.

Gov't is POWERLESS to effect the economy. It always has been.

Silly post.

I have sold 4 houses so far this year. 3 of those buyers bought because of the first time home buyers tax credit of $7,500. Now they have made the tax credit $8,000 and have added a no repayment feature. I have 13 more first time home buyers on my list. Many of them will be buying because of the incentive.

Saying the government is powerless to effect the economy is ridiculous. The lack of government regulation is what destroyed the economy.

AND ONCE AGAIN YOU FUCKING RETARD, the LIBERALS PREVENTED REGULATION. Dodd and Frank defeated 3 ATTEMPTS to regulate the housing loan market. And as late as Spring 2008 were INSISTING that the Housing Market was sound and safe.
So, from what I see here, it's good to spend a trillion we don't have on things we don't need because Bush is a fucktard.

Does that cover it?
So, from what I see here, it's good to spend a trillion we don't have on things we don't need because Bush is a fucktard.

Does that cover it?

from the Obamabots' perspective, I would say so.
I really want an Obama supporter to explain how his plans to spend 3 times the amount of money we do not have over what Bush spent is a good thing, when you claim the money Bush spent we do not have was a bad thing?

Further explain exactly how a pork ladened bill that spreads millions to democratic supporters and Unions helps rescue the ailing economy?

You ever hear of partisan politics?

Today we face a pathological problem of political gangbanging.

However the gangbanging has gone too far with this socialism shit... Obama is in position to actually change the US and the world with his ideologies, hes the man with the golden gun!

I think its about time people drop their affiliations and actually look at whats going on?

Carter, Reagen,Bush,Clinton, Jr..... how the fuck does taling shit about any of them make us a better nation?

Of course if you believe in socialism your having a ball...
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The largest losses have been in the financial sector, and then retail. So how is building roads going to give investment banking clerks, portfolio managers, analysts, etc... their jobs back?

The Associated Press: How the economic stimulus plan could affect you

That didn't answer anything. No incentives to put banking and investment specialists back to work.

The stimulus package is taking on toxic assets and has already givent he banking and investment community MORE than the REST of the STIMULUS combined.

Seems to me that's keeping a lot of banking and investment incompetents working, isn't it?

Lot of useless crap about helping "poor" who have no impact on the economy even in good times.

They have no impact? How do you think slumlords get so rich? Who do you think made WALMART so successful?

Again, the cause of the crisis is housing. And $8000 tax credit isn't going get many to buy a house when new credit guidelines are going to most from getting financing.

Oh it'll help., I think. The question is how much will it help?

$14 a month more in a paycheck isn't going to help anything.

Yeah, that's pretty lame, I agree.

The only job sector that will improve significantly is the civil service, because gov't just got a whole lot bigger.

Hmmmm....I wonder just exactly how many new government jobs will be created? I haven't seen any numbers on that. Have you?

This "stimulus" is going to have no immediate effect of any kind. The markets have already rejected expected.

The markets? And they're the people that matter in this case?

Gov't is POWERLESS to effect the economy. It always has been.

Nonsense. Government has an enormously powerful ability to effect the economy either for the good or bad based on tax policies, trade policies, regulations and laws.

What a entirely foolish thing to say.
And Chris get ready to foreclose on those four houses when they have to pay back that 7500 dollar loan the governments giving them.

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