An Apology to African Americans

If I (a liberal) were in charge only diverse companies would get contracts.

There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.
Only none of those bad things ever happened because of AA. You want to imagine but you have an overly wild imagination.

It's never failed and never drug down anyone.

Fortunately AA has helped millions of blacks and the whites that didn't get the job had no problem finding another job because this is America.

And I love how you think blacks who benefit from AA can't handle the job and find themselves in over their heads.

Even when you provide substance you're just so fos
If I (a liberal) were in charge only diverse companies would get contracts.

There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.
Man can be perfected by controlling every aspect of his life? Who thinks that weirdo?
If I (a liberal) were in charge only diverse companies would get contracts.

There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.
I love how you compare mao moving people to farms with us letting a small % of blacks into medical school despite the fact that some whites scored higher.

There is no connection other than you don't like either thing.

And AA hasn't hurt our society one bit. It has helped women and blacks though.

The poor whites who've been affected will have to figure something else out.

Greater good.

Schools can just make sure to take so many kids from certain zip codes. Then it won't be about color. Then maybe whites will want to go to black schools so they can be top of class in that zip.

A little social engineering
If I (a liberal) were in charge only diverse companies would get contracts.

There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.

And I love how you think blacks who benefit from AA can't handle the job and find themselves in over their heads.


I never said that. Stop being a dishonest piece of shit just because you can't keep up.
If I (a liberal) were in charge only diverse companies would get contracts.

There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.
Man can be perfected by controlling every aspect of his life? Who thinks that weirdo?

Every far left thinker for centuries. Of course, most leftists don't think. Some people have no sense of history even as pertains to their own supposed political orientation.
If I (a liberal) were in charge only diverse companies would get contracts.

There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.

And I love how you think blacks who benefit from AA can't handle the job and find themselves in over their heads.


I never said that. Stop being a dishonest piece of shit just because you can't keep up.
Who the fuck knows what you said. LOL

When you never make sense we have to try our best to translate your bullshit.
If I (a liberal) were in charge only diverse companies would get contracts.

There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.

And I love how you think blacks who benefit from AA can't handle the job and find themselves in over their heads.


I never said that. Stop being a dishonest piece of shit just because you can't keep up.

Yes you did say that!!!

You said: "More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives"

They do? They waste years of their lives? Where are you getting this information from?

If that's not what you said, why don't you tell us then what the fuck you meant. You are equating letting blacks into schools like Harvard to Mao putting educated urbans into farms? You're a fucking idiot!

And you are suggesting that the blacks are put into positions that are over their heads. Why? Do the ones that get into medical school or Harvard usually fail out? Do you have proof of this or is this just a hunch you have about black people? Fucking racist.

I think the blacks that got into Harvard because of AA thrive and that bothers you. Didn't Obama go to Harvard because of AA? I thought so. And we know he bothers you.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
There's one of the many reasons you are not and never will be.

Some people have no sense of history.
Please explain. Start the conversation. Where how what am I wrong?

Anyone with a sense of history will recognize the predictable outcome when a would-be intelligentsia presumes to meddle as if they could construct some 'master plan' for human nature. From the fools of the Russian Revolution to the immoral idiot Woodrow Wilson and every other far-left ass who buys into the false notion that man can be perfected by controlling every variable of his life and placing him in a 'perfect' environment, the hubris that underlies the extreme left always leads to failure, disaster and death. During the Great Leap Forward, Mao wrought millions of deaths because he "knew" educated urban professionals, and the country as a whole, would benefit from their being relocated to farms. More recently in the US, students who would not otherwise be accepted to prestigious universities but for some artificial advancement based on an imposed categorization and associated assumptions all too often waste years of their lives and many resources whereas in a more appropriate setting they might have found success. Imagine a thriving private company located somewhere in the Midwest brought to ruin because, regardless of available and qualified candidates, it did not meet a quota of exactly the demands of some idiotic asshole who thought the circular reality of business should be forced into the square whole of 'knowing better.' There is a difference between criminalizing overt discrimination in hiring, and imposing some asinine form of central planning that is doomed to fail and drag down countless people with it.

And I love how you think blacks who benefit from AA can't handle the job and find themselves in over their heads.


I never said that. Stop being a dishonest piece of shit just because you can't keep up.
Who the fuck knows what you said. LOL

When you never make sense we have to try our best to translate your bullshit.

Once again the discussion you begged for goes completely over your head.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
My biggest problem with ending AA is that white hiring managers all across America will stop hiring blacks. But I guess since Republicans don't like AA and they won the White House House and Senate and they control the Supreme Court I have absolutely no problem with them ending AA and then we will see in 4 years if ending the program negatively affects black people.

Black people should have voted. Same if Republicans make abortion illegal. Pro choice people can't say they weren't warned. Elections have consequences.

I will think Republicans are big fat pussies if they don't end AA. All talk. I don't even know why we are debating the election is over. Just end it.

But don't try to sell us on it. We don't like it. Still it's your call.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
My biggest problem with ending AA is that white hiring managers all across America will stop hiring blacks. But I guess since Republicans don't like AA and they won the White House House and Senate and they control the Supreme Court I have absolutely no problem with them ending AA and then we will see in 4 years if ending the program negatively affects black people.

Black people should have voted. Same if Republicans make abortion illegal. Pro choice people can't say they weren't warned. Elections have consequences.

I will think Republicans are big fat pussies if they don't end AA. All talk. I don't even know why we are debating the election is over. Just end it.

But don't try to sell us on it. We don't like it. Still it's your call.

Why do you assume if the results are unequal it's automatically due to unequal treatment? Do you what football games and if the scored isn't a tie at the end assume that the losing team was treated unfairly by the referees?
Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
My biggest problem with ending AA is that white hiring managers all across America will stop hiring blacks. But I guess since Republicans don't like AA and they won the White House House and Senate and they control the Supreme Court I have absolutely no problem with them ending AA and then we will see in 4 years if ending the program negatively affects black people.

Black people should have voted. Same if Republicans make abortion illegal. Pro choice people can't say they weren't warned. Elections have consequences.

I will think Republicans are big fat pussies if they don't end AA. All talk. I don't even know why we are debating the election is over. Just end it.

But don't try to sell us on it. We don't like it. Still it's your call.

Why do you assume if the results are unequal it's automatically due to unequal treatment? Do you what football games and if the scored isn't a tie at the end assume that the losing team was treated unfairly by the referees?

I don't know why. Maybe facts, history, logic, statistics and knowing how white people think and act has something to do with my conclusion.
Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
My biggest problem with ending AA is that white hiring managers all across America will stop hiring blacks. But I guess since Republicans don't like AA and they won the White House House and Senate and they control the Supreme Court I have absolutely no problem with them ending AA and then we will see in 4 years if ending the program negatively affects black people.

Black people should have voted. Same if Republicans make abortion illegal. Pro choice people can't say they weren't warned. Elections have consequences.

I will think Republicans are big fat pussies if they don't end AA. All talk. I don't even know why we are debating the election is over. Just end it.

But don't try to sell us on it. We don't like it. Still it's your call.

Why do you assume if the results are unequal it's automatically due to unequal treatment? Do you what football games and if the scored isn't a tie at the end assume that the losing team was treated unfairly by the referees?

I don't know why. Maybe facts, history, logic, statistics and knowing how white people think and act has something to do with my conclusion.

In other words, you ASSume so because it's what you WANT to believe and it makes it easier than looking at the truth. You don't have a conclusion. You're pushing the something must be wrong if certain groups don't get the same results as others.

They do? They waste years of their lives? Where are you getting this information from?

...... Do you have proof of this or is this just a hunch you have about black people? Fucking racist.

I think the blacks that got into Harvard because of AA thrive and that bothers you. ......

Typical leftist who doesn't care what the real consequences of arrogantly ignorant ideas may be. If it flatters a leftist's delusions, the hell with what happens to real people.

"The single biggest problem in this system -- a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research -- is the tendency of large preferences to boomerang and harm their intended beneficiaries. Large preferences often place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete effectively -- even though these same students would thrive had they gone to less competitive but still quite good schools.

The student who would flourish at, say, Wake Forest, instead finds himself at Duke, where the professors are not teaching at a pace designed for him.

We refer to this problem as "mismatch," a word that largely explains why, even though blacks are more likely to enter college than are whites with similar backgrounds, they will usually get much lower grades, rank toward the bottom of the class, and far more often drop out. Because of mismatch, racial preference policies often stigmatize minorities, reinforce pernicious stereotypes, and undermine the self-confidence of beneficiaries, rather than creating the diverse racial utopias so often advertised in college campus brochures."

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
My biggest problem with ending AA is that white hiring managers all across America will stop hiring blacks. But I guess since Republicans don't like AA and they won the White House House and Senate and they control the Supreme Court I have absolutely no problem with them ending AA and then we will see in 4 years if ending the program negatively affects black people.

Black people should have voted. Same if Republicans make abortion illegal. Pro choice people can't say they weren't warned. Elections have consequences.

I will think Republicans are big fat pussies if they don't end AA. All talk. I don't even know why we are debating the election is over. Just end it.

But don't try to sell us on it. We don't like it. Still it's your call.

Why do you assume if the results are unequal it's automatically due to unequal treatment? Do you what football games and if the scored isn't a tie at the end assume that the losing team was treated unfairly by the referees?

I don't know why. Maybe facts, history, logic, statistics and knowing how white people think and act has something to do with my conclusion.

In other words, you ASSume so because it's what you WANT to believe and it makes it easier than looking at the truth. You don't have a conclusion. You're pushing the something must be wrong if certain groups don't get the same results as others.

No, there have been dozens if not hundreds of studies and it's a fact that whites have been racist towards blacks. The Kerner Commission is a good example. White people didn't let that information out because Johnson didn't want whites to feel bad that they were found to be at fault and to blame for the conditions blacks find themselves in.

One of my right wing buddies still hasn't answered my question. Maybe you will. Do you think AA was needed but is no longer needed or do you think AA was never needed?
"To cite just a few examples of the findings:

  • Black college freshmen are more likely to aspire to science or engineering careers than are white freshmen, but mismatch causes blacks to abandon these fields at twice the rate of whites.

  • Interracial friendships are more likely to form among students with relatively similar levels of academic preparation; thus, blacks and Hispanics are more socially integrated on campuses where they are less academically mismatched."
My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
My biggest problem with ending AA is that white hiring managers all across America will stop hiring blacks. But I guess since Republicans don't like AA and they won the White House House and Senate and they control the Supreme Court I have absolutely no problem with them ending AA and then we will see in 4 years if ending the program negatively affects black people.

Black people should have voted. Same if Republicans make abortion illegal. Pro choice people can't say they weren't warned. Elections have consequences.

I will think Republicans are big fat pussies if they don't end AA. All talk. I don't even know why we are debating the election is over. Just end it.

But don't try to sell us on it. We don't like it. Still it's your call.

Why do you assume if the results are unequal it's automatically due to unequal treatment? Do you what football games and if the scored isn't a tie at the end assume that the losing team was treated unfairly by the referees?

I don't know why. Maybe facts, history, logic, statistics and knowing how white people think and act has something to do with my conclusion.

In other words, you ASSume so because it's what you WANT to believe and it makes it easier than looking at the truth. You don't have a conclusion. You're pushing the something must be wrong if certain groups don't get the same results as others.

No, there have been dozens if not hundreds of studies and it's a fact that whites have been racist towards blacks. The Kerner Commission is a good example. White people didn't let that information out because Johnson didn't want whites to feel bad that they were found to be at fault and to blame for the conditions blacks find themselves in.

One of my right wing buddies still hasn't answered my question. Maybe you will. Do you think AA was needed but is no longer needed or do you think AA was never needed?

It should have never been put in place. When you argue that the need for it is because using race to deny was a bad thing and try to justify how using race to benefit makes using race OK, you lose all credibility. If a black gets hired where race is used to benefit, that's no different than your claim that blacks were denied because of race being bad.

They do? They waste years of their lives? Where are you getting this information from?

...... Do you have proof of this or is this just a hunch you have about black people? Fucking racist.

I think the blacks that got into Harvard because of AA thrive and that bothers you. ......

Typical leftist who doesn't care what the real consequences of arrogantly ignorant ideas may be. If it flatters a leftist's delusions, the hell with what happens to real people.

"The single biggest problem in this system -- a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research -- is the tendency of large preferences to boomerang and harm their intended beneficiaries. Large preferences often place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete effectively -- even though these same students would thrive had they gone to less competitive but still quite good schools.

The student who would flourish at, say, Wake Forest, instead finds himself at Duke, where the professors are not teaching at a pace designed for him.

We refer to this problem as "mismatch," a word that largely explains why, even though blacks are more likely to enter college than are whites with similar backgrounds, they will usually get much lower grades, rank toward the bottom of the class, and far more often drop out. Because of mismatch, racial preference policies often stigmatize minorities, reinforce pernicious stereotypes, and undermine the self-confidence of beneficiaries, rather than creating the diverse racial utopias so often advertised in college campus brochures."

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action
How insulting and what nonsense.

Affirmative action in university admissions started in the late 1960s as a noble effort to jump-start racial integration and foster equal opportunity. But somewhere along the decades, it has lost its way.

So it was a good idea but you say it's "lost its way". Ok I am open to that possibility.

And like I said, Republicans won and they believe the time to end AA is now so I'm ok with that. Even if I was black I would only blame my people for not showing up and putting Hillary in the White House. Not that she wouldn't have stabbed them in the back like Bill did when he signed welfare reform but that's another story.

So ok, end AA. Maybe it has become a bad program and maybe that black would have been better served at a lesser University. Do you have stats on how many blacks fail out of schools because they got in because of AA and actually they weren't prepared to go there?

And how about the 1/3 of the white kids I went to school with freshman year who failed out? My white room mate did better on the SAT but he failed out. I graduated. Imagine that.

No, I think this is absolute horse shit. I think any white kid who doesn't get in his first try can go to another school or try again. Maybe he/she will do better going to UNLV instead of Harvard.

Consider this. As many as 1 in 3 first-year students won't make it back for sophomore year. So maybe we need to look at all universities and ask them why they are accepting so many white kids who aren't prepared. Maybe they should deny the kids and tell them to go to community college first. I wonder why they don't? Could it be the $20K a year they get?

So you keep worrying about the 6 blacks who get in over 6 whites who maybe tested a little better but realize those whites were at the bottom of all the white kids who took the test and of all the kids who did best, 1/3 will drop out. So don't go feeling sorry for those 6 kids who didn't get in. At least two of them would have failed out anyways.

And my brother wasn't accepted to Michigan State University his first year but went to community college, then got accepted and is now a VP of a fortune 500. No black kid stopped him from doing what he wanted to do.

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