An Apology to African Americans

Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1. My observations say otherwise.

2. Nothing I have said, justifies your claim. You preconceptions are misleading you.

3. It is certainly the wrong answer now.

You don't have a negative attitude towards blacks? Lets see what you wrote:

"whites have to put up with less qualified co-workers."

Sorry white factory workers have to put up with less qualified blacks. What about the blacks who have to put up with less qualified whites?

Are you saying whites should have a good attitude if required to put up with less qualified co-workers?

Less qualified whites? You mean there is AA that takes white into account?
Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1. My observations say otherwise.

2. Nothing I have said, justifies your claim. You preconceptions are misleading you.

3. It is certainly the wrong answer now.

You don't have a negative attitude towards blacks? Lets see what you wrote:

"whites have to put up with less qualified co-workers."

Sorry white factory workers have to put up with less qualified blacks. What about the blacks who have to put up with less qualified whites?

If, as you want, and as many do,

employers hire to make sure that their workforce reflects the local black percentage.

then at least some of the time, they will be hiring less qualified blacks to make that percentage.

(the other times, when the applying blacks are the ones that are more qualified, there is no problem)

IN those instances, the more qualified workers, both white and black, will have to put up with less qualified co workers.

That is what happens if you require equal representation regardless of qualifications.
Actually it is not. It is pissing off whites who see more qualified whites passed over, and it is creating an unhealthy sense of entitlement in some blacks.

Qualified blacks will continue to be hired. Your belief that American whites are A. in charge of everything and/or B. racist, is very outdated.

If Trump's immigration and trade polices are implemented, the situation for blacks should dramatically improve in short order, ie by the end of Trump's first term.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1) Can you prove it with names, addresses, and phone number so we can verify your claim?

2) I have a negative attitude toward anyone that says using (fill in the blank) is wrong until (fill in the blank) is used to benefit the very group that says (fill in the blank) is wrong.

There is no need for a program that uses the very characteristics it said was wrong to use and is the reason for putting it in place then uses those very characteristics when it suits their wants.

How would you have gotten corporations to start hiring blacks? You wouldn't have. That's why we did it.

Same way you didn't fix healthcare. You bitch about our solution but have none of your own.

Conservatives by definition want to conserve the status quote. I understand whites want to keep the good old boy network going.

Have blacks start providing a reason to get hired rather than complaining their lower qualifications made them the best candidate.

I've proposed a solution. Go back to what we had before. It worked fine for me. Don't mandate that those using the ER for basic things get it if they can't pay and send you the bill.

If the status quo means whites get hired more often because whites are more qualified, how is that a bad thing?

Care to apply the concept you have to the NFL? We need affirmative action for white players because the only reason blacks are getting picked is because they're black.
It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1. My observations say otherwise.

2. Nothing I have said, justifies your claim. You preconceptions are misleading you.

3. It is certainly the wrong answer now.

You don't have a negative attitude towards blacks? Lets see what you wrote:

"whites have to put up with less qualified co-workers."

Sorry white factory workers have to put up with less qualified blacks. What about the blacks who have to put up with less qualified whites?

If, as you want, and as many do,

employers hire to make sure that their workforce reflects the local black percentage.

then at least some of the time, they will be hiring less qualified blacks to make that percentage.

(the other times, when the applying blacks are the ones that are more qualified, there is no problem)

IN those instances, the more qualified workers, both white and black, will have to put up with less qualified co workers.

That is what happens if you require equal representation regardless of qualifications.

Let's apply what you said to the NFL and see how quickly people like sealybobo go for that.
Blacks make up ten percent of the population so socially responsible companies have ten percent of their workforce black. Fair and right.

Small businesses don't have to but should
There is no reason for there to be ANY arithmetic done. Whoever is best qualified for a job, promotion, college admission, college financial aid (within need considerations), business loans, etc should get them. Period. Your endorsement of racial discrimination sucks. It's NOT fair, and NOT right. It's also not legal.

AA was passed for a reason. Are you saying it's no longer needed? Are you saying it should have never been implemented?
I'm saying it's not needed, should never have been implemented, is immoral, is illegal, and all those who have perpetrated it, should be arrested and fined heavily. Fines should be used to pay reparations$$ to victimized whites.
Past time for this. I think I already posted this in this thread, but it needs it some more.

My husband is an 81 year old black man, and to say that he is presently not effected by slavery is simply not true. For the 37 years we have been together, he has talked about what it's like to picture those things happening to HIS ancestors - HIS people. The way they were taken from their homeland and enslaved. The way they were dehumanized. When people tell him to forget about it his response is "You want me to forget about MY history? Do you forget about yours?"

The realization of how his people were treated makes him angry. That anger burns inside of him because there is nothing that can be done about it. If he were to express that anger in violence he would be locked up. When he tries to express it in words, he is told to leave it in the past.

If you have not lived with those images in your mind, how can you know whether or not they effect someone? If you have not wondered what would have been different for you had your ancestors not been brought here against their will, what tribe you may have belonged to, what things you might have accomplished if unhindered, you cannot possibly say it has no effect.
You seem to be OBLIVIOUS to the fact that racial discrimination today (and for the past 50+ years has been AGAINST WHITES, not against blacks. You know this, don't you ?

And why are you talking about "how his people were treated" prior to the enaction of Affirmative Action (over 590 years ago) ?.......instead of talking about how badly whites have been treated for the past 50 years ?
Its hardly "fucking white people" at all. White females hsve been and continue to be the primary beneficiaries of AA.
That's a myth and a ridiculous one. There are many times more white female victims of affirmative action than ones helped by it. The number helped by it is very small. The number harmed by it is enormous. That's because, the white female victims includes not only those who were denied opportunities because they were white (Ex. like 7 white women in my graduate school in 1977), but it also includes the Millions of white wives and daughters of white men who were victimized.
Here's what I'm sorry about to black people

I'm sorry so many whites lack empathy.
Why should people (blacks) who are unfairly receiving first crack at jobs, college, $$$, etc receive "empathy" ?
It is whites who should get empathy (and reparations$$$ - for 50 years of racial discrimination against them)
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Only none of those bad things ever happened because of AA. You want to imagine but you have an overly wild imagination.

It's never failed and never drug down anyone.
This country is suffering from an epidemic of black dum dums, who got jobs by AA. only because they were black, and are now making a mess of our society.
And AA hasn't hurt our society one bit. It has helped women and blacks though.

The poor whites who've been affected will have to figure something else out.

Greater good.

Schools can just make sure to take so many kids from certain zip codes. Then it won't be about color. Then maybe whites will want to go to black schools so they can be top of class in that zip.

A little social engineering
How about the "social engineering" of putting people in jail who think like you do ? Racial discrimination (including affirmative action) happens to be ILLEGAL. Didn't you know ? .
Blacks make up ten percent of the population so socially responsible companies have ten percent of their workforce black. Fair and right.

Small businesses don't have to but should
There is no reason for there to be ANY arithmetic done. Whoever is best qualified for a job, promotion, college admission, college financial aid (within need considerations), business loans, etc should get them. Period. Your endorsement of racial discrimination sucks. It's NOT fair, and NOT right. It's also not legal.

It would be interesting to know if sealybobo would want that same concept applied to the NFL, NBA, and MLB? I can just about predict what he'll say.

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