An Apology to African Americans

It's pissing you off? Think about how blacks feel. In fact I think the "more qualified white" thing is a myth. When it's a factory job that anyone can do you should have 12% of your workforce black. If not your company is passing up more qualified blacks for whites because most interviews aren't about who's more qualified it's who do I want to work with everyday. We all know who you'd rather work with so for some reason guys like you always decide the white is more qualified.

I asked you a question. Did you answer it? Do you think AA is no longer needed or should have never been implemented?

1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1. My observations say otherwise.

2. Nothing I have said, justifies your claim. You preconceptions are misleading you.

3. It is certainly the wrong answer now.

You don't have a negative attitude towards blacks? Lets see what you wrote:

"whites have to put up with less qualified co-workers."

Sorry white factory workers have to put up with less qualified blacks. What about the blacks who have to put up with less qualified whites?

Are you saying whites should have a good attitude if required to put up with less qualified co-workers?

Less qualified whites? You mean there is AA that takes white into account?
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.
Blacks make up ten percent of the population so socially responsible companies have ten percent of their workforce black. Fair and right.

Small businesses don't have to but should
There is no reason for there to be ANY arithmetic done. Whoever is best qualified for a job, promotion, college admission, college financial aid (within need considerations), business loans, etc should get them. Period. Your endorsement of racial discrimination sucks. It's NOT fair, and NOT right. It's also not legal.

It would be interesting to know if sealybobo would want that same concept applied to the NFL, NBA, and MLB? I can just about predict what he'll say.

American sports are very very very socialist. Do you think all American workers should have such good unions such as our major league sports where the workers get paid what they are worth?

And since Unkotard quoted the Atlantic, so will I.

Why American Sports Are Socialist
Blacks make up ten percent of the population so socially responsible companies have ten percent of their workforce black. Fair and right.

Small businesses don't have to but should
There is no reason for there to be ANY arithmetic done. Whoever is best qualified for a job, promotion, college admission, college financial aid (within need considerations), business loans, etc should get them. Period. Your endorsement of racial discrimination sucks. It's NOT fair, and NOT right. It's also not legal.

Yea but when left to your discretion you guys always found the whites to be more qualified. Isn't that interesting?
1. I've seen more qualified whites passed over for promotion to be given to a black that got herself shortly fired, as I warned. TO be replaced by another black who failed. To be replaced by another black, ironically one I mentored, who finally succeeded.

2. Your lack of respect or concern for "factory workers" is wrong. A. in the interest of fairness to the white want to be factory workers and B. for their co-workers who have to put up with less qualified co-workers.

3. I don't know if it was the right answer in the past, but it is certainly the wrong answer now. End it immediately, across the board. Anti-white discrimination is a cancer tearing this nation apart.

1. I've seen more qualified blacks get passed over for whites who didn't work out. This happens more than the opposite.

2. You prove in every post that you have a negative attitude towards black workers. The only ones who make it are ones you mentor because without you they are nothing. LOL.

So you do admit there was a need and reason for AA in the past. Thank you for at least admitting that. Or at least not denying it. That was awfully white of you. LOL.

1. My observations say otherwise.

2. Nothing I have said, justifies your claim. You preconceptions are misleading you.

3. It is certainly the wrong answer now.

You don't have a negative attitude towards blacks? Lets see what you wrote:

"whites have to put up with less qualified co-workers."

Sorry white factory workers have to put up with less qualified blacks. What about the blacks who have to put up with less qualified whites?

Are you saying whites should have a good attitude if required to put up with less qualified co-workers?

Less qualified whites? You mean there is AA that takes white into account?
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.

I said it wasn't needed. Anything that does the very thing using race that you argue as to why it was needed isn't needed.
Blacks make up ten percent of the population so socially responsible companies have ten percent of their workforce black. Fair and right.

Small businesses don't have to but should
There is no reason for there to be ANY arithmetic done. Whoever is best qualified for a job, promotion, college admission, college financial aid (within need considerations), business loans, etc should get them. Period. Your endorsement of racial discrimination sucks. It's NOT fair, and NOT right. It's also not legal.

Yea but when left to your discretion you guys always found the whites to be more qualified. Isn't that interesting?

Not found, determined by looking at the qualifications. There is a difference. Finding implies intentionally looking. Determining is going based on what's provided without having to do that.
Blacks make up ten percent of the population so socially responsible companies have ten percent of their workforce black. Fair and right.

Small businesses don't have to but should
There is no reason for there to be ANY arithmetic done. Whoever is best qualified for a job, promotion, college admission, college financial aid (within need considerations), business loans, etc should get them. Period. Your endorsement of racial discrimination sucks. It's NOT fair, and NOT right. It's also not legal.

It would be interesting to know if sealybobo would want that same concept applied to the NFL, NBA, and MLB? I can just about predict what he'll say.

American sports are very very very socialist. Do you think all American workers should have such good unions such as our major league sports where the workers get paid what they are worth?

And since Unkotard quoted the Atlantic, so will I.

Why American Sports Are Socialist

Much like the minimum wage, professional athletes are paid more than they are worth.

You said businesses should hired with a social conscience based on proportions. Just as I predicted, you wouldn't want that to happen when blacks are hired at a highly disproportionate level.
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.
HA HA HA. This is too funny.

1. You racist bigot, yes the companies (regardless of who owns them) ARE "forced to hire inferior blacks" (as well as equal blacks), and this abomination (which you racistly support) has been going on for 50+ years.

2. There was never a need for RACE-BASED AA. If people (of any race) have been deprived economically, maybe they should get a break, but because they need it, not what color they are.

3. I have ALWAYS argued against race-based AA, and you should too. Only reason you don't, is you're an anti-white racist.
It would be interesting to know if sealybobo would want that same concept applied to the NFL, NBA, and MLB? I can just about predict what he'll say.
Well, sealybobo ? What DO you say ? :laugh:
Not applicable. Now it is interesting though that you bring up these sports who also had a problem with white owners NEVER finding any blacks who could manage a team. And for years you racists said they weren't smart enough to be winning coaches or quarterbacks. Admit that's true?

AA is government-mandated, government-sanctioned, and voluntary private programs that tend to focus on access to education and employment, specifically granting special consideration to historically excluded groups such as racial minorities or women.

Let me know if more qualified whites are not getting the job because blacks are not hiring whites. Then maybe you will have a point.

Quit acting like you whites are more qualified and smarter. You're not. You were discriminating and that's why AA was put in place.

Do any of you suggest that you would have been for AA back when they put it into place? Because none of you are admitting that you think it should have never been inacted. But your arguments suggest it shouldn't have been. At least these are the arguments you would have made when you were fighting it.
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.
HA HA HA. This is too funny.

1. You racist bigot, yes the companies (regardless of who owns them) ARE "forced to hire inferior blacks" (as well as equal blacks), and this abomination (which you racistly support) has been going on for 50+ years.

2. There was never a need for RACE-BASED AA. If people (of any race) have been deprived economically, maybe they should get a break, but because they need it, not what color they are.

3. I have ALWAYS argued against race-based AA, and you should too. Only reason you don't, is you're an anti-white racist.
But I'm white you stupid fuck. What I am is a thinking progressive liberal.

The whole reason for AA was to help blacks against racist white hiring managers. Back then that was basically all of them. And then later women needed help against you fucks. Because you said they weren't qualified either. Are you against sex based AA? Well sorry but we had to because you insisted women weren't as good. Now we see you were wrong and women now have a place in the workforce. In fact most of the new jobs being created are women's work.

Occupations with the most job growth

Pretty soon you white men are going to be crying that no one will hire you as a nurse.
It would be interesting to know if sealybobo would want that same concept applied to the NFL, NBA, and MLB? I can just about predict what he'll say.
Well, sealybobo ? What DO you say ? :laugh:
Not applicable. Now it is interesting though that you bring up these sports who also had a problem with white owners NEVER finding any blacks who could manage a team. And for years you racists said they weren't smart enough to be winning coaches or quarterbacks. Admit that's true?

AA is government-mandated, government-sanctioned, and voluntary private programs that tend to focus on access to education and employment, specifically granting special consideration to historically excluded groups such as racial minorities or women.

Let me know if more qualified whites are not getting the job because blacks are not hiring whites. Then maybe you will have a point.

Quit acting like you whites are more qualified and smarter. You're not. You were discriminating and that's why AA was put in place.

Do any of you suggest that you would have been for AA back when they put it into place? Because none of you are admitting that you think it should have never been inacted. But your arguments suggest it shouldn't have been. At least these are the arguments you would have made when you were fighting it.

It's not applicable to you because it would require getting rid of blacks that are disproportionately represented in those sports.

I already admitted I believe it never should have been put in place. Can't you read or are you like most blacks with an average 85 IQ?
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.
HA HA HA. This is too funny.

1. You racist bigot, yes the companies (regardless of who owns them) ARE "forced to hire inferior blacks" (as well as equal blacks), and this abomination (which you racistly support) has been going on for 50+ years.

2. There was never a need for RACE-BASED AA. If people (of any race) have been deprived economically, maybe they should get a break, but because they need it, not what color they are.

3. I have ALWAYS argued against race-based AA, and you should too. Only reason you don't, is you're an anti-white racist.
But I'm white you stupid fuck. What I am is a thinking progressive liberal.

The whole reason for AA was to help blacks against racist white hiring managers. Back then that was basically all of them. And then later women needed help against you fucks. Because you said they weren't qualified either. Are you against sex based AA? Well sorry but we had to because you insisted women weren't as good. Now we see you were wrong and women now have a place in the workforce. In fact most of the new jobs being created are women's work.

Occupations with the most job growth

Pretty soon you white men are going to be crying that no one will hire you as a nurse.

AA was put in place, much like feminists pushed their agenda to get ugly women a chance, to give those that weren't qualified to do it on their own a chance based on something they said being used to deny them was wrong.

Anyone that has to rely on AA to get whatever they get has proven they aren't as good as those of us that don't use it.
It would be interesting to know if sealybobo would want that same concept applied to the NFL, NBA, and MLB? I can just about predict what he'll say.
Well, sealybobo ? What DO you say ? :laugh:
Not applicable. Now it is interesting though that you bring up these sports who also had a problem with white owners NEVER finding any blacks who could manage a team. And for years you racists said they weren't smart enough to be winning coaches or quarterbacks. Admit that's true?

AA is government-mandated, government-sanctioned, and voluntary private programs that tend to focus on access to education and employment, specifically granting special consideration to historically excluded groups such as racial minorities or women.

Let me know if more qualified whites are not getting the job because blacks are not hiring whites. Then maybe you will have a point.

Quit acting like you whites are more qualified and smarter. You're not. You were discriminating and that's why AA was put in place.

Do any of you suggest that you would have been for AA back when they put it into place? Because none of you are admitting that you think it should have never been inacted. But your arguments suggest it shouldn't have been. At least these are the arguments you would have made when you were fighting it.

It's not applicable to you because it would require getting rid of blacks that are disproportionately represented in those sports.

I already admitted I believe it never should have been put in place. Can't you read or are you like most blacks with an average 85 IQ?

I already know you guys can defend anything and will if forced to but I find it interesting that guys like Correll didn't say it was never needed. At least he's admitting we had a racism problem in the past. If you won't even do that then I won't take you seriously.

You're still sticking to the 1950's lie that the reason you weren't hiring blacks is because they weren't qualified. Even though we know that turned out to be a big fat lie, you keep telling it. Nice.
Not applicable. Now it is interesting though that you bring up these sports who also had a problem with white owners NEVER finding any blacks who could manage a team. And for years you racists said they weren't smart enough to be winning coaches or quarterbacks. Admit that's true?

AA is government-mandated, government-sanctioned, and voluntary private programs that tend to focus on access to education and employment, specifically granting special consideration to historically excluded groups such as racial minorities or women.

Let me know if more qualified whites are not getting the job because blacks are not hiring whites. Then maybe you will have a point.

Quit acting like you whites are more qualified and smarter. You're not. You were discriminating and that's why AA was put in place.

Do any of you suggest that you would have been for AA back when they put it into place? Because none of you are admitting that you think it should have never been inacted. But your arguments suggest it shouldn't have been. At least these are the arguments you would have made when you were fighting it.
1. Let you know ? You're saying that you don't know that >> "more qualified whites are not getting the job because blacks are not hiring whites" ? Just come to Tampa, and look at the very large state workforce office. Tell me how many whites you see working there. Hint: count them on fingers of one hand.

2. I posted that AA should NEVER have been enacted, a few posts ago. And that I've ALWAYS beeb opposed to it (as it is designed > racially)

3. You DODGED Conservative65's question (post 399)
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.
HA HA HA. This is too funny.

1. You racist bigot, yes the companies (regardless of who owns them) ARE "forced to hire inferior blacks" (as well as equal blacks), and this abomination (which you racistly support) has been going on for 50+ years.

2. There was never a need for RACE-BASED AA. If people (of any race) have been deprived economically, maybe they should get a break, but because they need it, not what color they are.

3. I have ALWAYS argued against race-based AA, and you should too. Only reason you don't, is you're an anti-white racist.
But I'm white you stupid fuck. What I am is a thinking progressive liberal.

The whole reason for AA was to help blacks against racist white hiring managers. Back then that was basically all of them. And then later women needed help against you fucks. Because you said they weren't qualified either. Are you against sex based AA? Well sorry but we had to because you insisted women weren't as good. Now we see you were wrong and women now have a place in the workforce. In fact most of the new jobs being created are women's work.

Occupations with the most job growth

Pretty soon you white men are going to be crying that no one will hire you as a nurse.

AA was put in place, much like feminists pushed their agenda to get ugly women a chance, to give those that weren't qualified to do it on their own a chance based on something they said being used to deny them was wrong.

Anyone that has to rely on AA to get whatever they get has proven they aren't as good as those of us that don't use it.

Well you should go to an all black country that discriminates against you and then we will tell you that if you haven't made it it's not because of that discrimination it's because you are a loser.

Hell, even in a white country you are a loser. No winner talks like you.
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.
HA HA HA. This is too funny.

1. You racist bigot, yes the companies (regardless of who owns them) ARE "forced to hire inferior blacks" (as well as equal blacks), and this abomination (which you racistly support) has been going on for 50+ years.

2. There was never a need for RACE-BASED AA. If people (of any race) have been deprived economically, maybe they should get a break, but because they need it, not what color they are.

3. I have ALWAYS argued against race-based AA, and you should too. Only reason you don't, is you're an anti-white racist.
But I'm white you stupid fuck. What I am is a thinking progressive liberal.

The whole reason for AA was to help blacks against racist white hiring managers. Back then that was basically all of them. And then later women needed help against you fucks. Because you said they weren't qualified either. Are you against sex based AA? Well sorry but we had to because you insisted women weren't as good. Now we see you were wrong and women now have a place in the workforce. In fact most of the new jobs being created are women's work.

Occupations with the most job growth

Pretty soon you white men are going to be crying that no one will hire you as a nurse.

AA was put in place, much like feminists pushed their agenda to get ugly women a chance, to give those that weren't qualified to do it on their own a chance based on something they said being used to deny them was wrong.

Anyone that has to rely on AA to get whatever they get has proven they aren't as good as those of us that don't use it.

You are as stupid as Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone |

In the coming days, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule in a potentially landmark case on the constitutionality of affirmative action. The original lawsuit was filed on behalf of Abigail Fisher, a woman who claims that she was denied admission to the University of Texas because she is white. But study after study shows that affirmative action helps white women as much or even more than it helps men and women of color. Ironically, Fisher is exactly the kind of person affirmative action helps the most in America today.
It would be interesting to know if sealybobo would want that same concept applied to the NFL, NBA, and MLB? I can just about predict what he'll say.
Well, sealybobo ? What DO you say ? :laugh:
Not applicable. Now it is interesting though that you bring up these sports who also had a problem with white owners NEVER finding any blacks who could manage a team. And for years you racists said they weren't smart enough to be winning coaches or quarterbacks. Admit that's true?

AA is government-mandated, government-sanctioned, and voluntary private programs that tend to focus on access to education and employment, specifically granting special consideration to historically excluded groups such as racial minorities or women.

Let me know if more qualified whites are not getting the job because blacks are not hiring whites. Then maybe you will have a point.

Quit acting like you whites are more qualified and smarter. You're not. You were discriminating and that's why AA was put in place.

Do any of you suggest that you would have been for AA back when they put it into place? Because none of you are admitting that you think it should have never been inacted. But your arguments suggest it shouldn't have been. At least these are the arguments you would have made when you were fighting it.

It's not applicable to you because it would require getting rid of blacks that are disproportionately represented in those sports.

I already admitted I believe it never should have been put in place. Can't you read or are you like most blacks with an average 85 IQ?

I already know you guys can defend anything and will if forced to but I find it interesting that guys like Correll didn't say it was never needed. At least he's admitting we had a racism problem in the past. If you won't even do that then I won't take you seriously.

You're still sticking to the 1950's lie that the reason you weren't hiring blacks is because they weren't qualified. Even though we know that turned out to be a big fat lie, you keep telling it. Nice.

You said, twice, no one said it after I had said it many times.

You're still going the typical Liberal automatic that if the results aren't what you like, somehow someone was cheated. You think results you don't like mean opportunities didn't exist. Failure to get a result doesn't mean you weren't given the chance.

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