An Apology to African Americans

......Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit. ....

What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.
......Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit. ....

What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.

Ok you dumb fuck. The poor kids in your poor inner city school that you teach in have the same fucking connections we had out in middle class suburbia. SUUUUURRREEEE they do. Liar.
Yes because of your white privilege. I was talking to an educated white the other day and they were explaining to me how he benefited from his friends parents. Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit.

Anyways, I know I'm talking over your head. I'm going to find someone a little less of a loser and someone a bit smarter. I like Correll. He sticks to his guns but he's clearly not an idiot like you.

There is no such thing as "white privilege". Are you nuts ? The privilege to be discriminated against.?.. in AA ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head) :rolleyes:
You poor nazi.
......Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit. ....

What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.
Excuse me, maybe Tyrone has a dad who works as a supervisor on the plant floor who knows someone higher up who can get Tyrone a job in upper white collar management. I suppose that sort of thing could happen at a liberal progressive union type company like Ford. Historically this has been a white thang. It's not an offensive assumption because it happens for white people all across America. Go into the hoods in Chicago and Detroit and ask them if their friends have parents with such connections. Are you sure you work in a inner city school? I almost don't believe it.

Anyways, this happened for my brother. My dad was hourly at ford. After my brother got his masters he got an intern at Ford. We believe my dad helped get my brother hired because he talked to a supervisor who likes him a lot. A white guy mind you. Anyways, long story short my brother got a sweet 6 figure gig at Ford and now is a VP at a tier 1 supplier. White privilege. It's wonderful.

My brother doesn't care that white privilege got him that job. But at least he understands it and he fights to make sure blacks are getting a fair shake. As a VP in HR he has some influence over the companies hiring practices. Thank god he's not an evil ignorant racist like you guys.
......Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit. ....

What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.

Ok you dumb fuck. The poor kids in your poor inner city school that you teach in have the same fucking connections we had out in middle class suburbia. SUUUUURRREEEE they do. Liar.

You have a truly ridiculously exaggerated sense of self-importance to imagine you are worth lying to, brainless. Black, white, Latino, and Asian students I teach in economically challenged areas are less likely to have lucrative connections, just as black, white, Latino, and Asian students I tutor in wealthy suburbs are more likely to have them. The color difference is green, you race-baiting whore. I have and do put the two together when and how possible.

There is a real world out there beyond the brainless bullshit bantered about by bullshit artists here.
......Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit. ....

What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.

Ok you dumb fuck. The poor kids in your poor inner city school that you teach in have the same fucking connections we had out in middle class suburbia. SUUUUURRREEEE they do. Liar.

You have a truly ridiculously exaggerated sense of self-importance to imagine you are worth lying to, brainless. Black, white, Latino, and Asian students I teach in economically challenged areas are less likely to have lucrative connections, just as black, white, Latino, and Asian students I tutor in wealthy suburbs are more likely to have them. The color difference is green, you race-baiting whore. I have and do put the two together when and how possible.

There is a real world out there beyond the brainless bullshit bantered about by bullshit artists here.

Good point. I suppose I'm not as worried about middle class blacks as I am poor whites/blacks.

You make a good point. Who am I most concerned about middle class blacks or poor whites. The answer would be poor whites. The middle class blacks have figured it out.

I'm just worried about policies and practices that hurt minorities. And I don't even know why because I'm white. I want them to end AA. Not that I think they should I think it's a good program to force companies to act responsibly. But if you guys want to end it by all means I want to see as much change as possible these next few years. So far I've seen very little difference. Maybe Republicans are right there is no diff.
HA HA HA. This is too funny.

1. You racist bigot, yes the companies (regardless of who owns them) ARE "forced to hire inferior blacks" (as well as equal blacks), and this abomination (which you racistly support) has been going on for 50+ years.

2. There was never a need for RACE-BASED AA. If people (of any race) have been deprived economically, maybe they should get a break, but because they need it, not what color they are.

3. I have ALWAYS argued against race-based AA, and you should too. Only reason you don't, is you're an anti-white racist.
But I'm white you stupid fuck. What I am is a thinking progressive liberal.

The whole reason for AA was to help blacks against racist white hiring managers. Back then that was basically all of them. And then later women needed help against you fucks. Because you said they weren't qualified either. Are you against sex based AA? Well sorry but we had to because you insisted women weren't as good. Now we see you were wrong and women now have a place in the workforce. In fact most of the new jobs being created are women's work.

Occupations with the most job growth

Pretty soon you white men are going to be crying that no one will hire you as a nurse.

AA was put in place, much like feminists pushed their agenda to get ugly women a chance, to give those that weren't qualified to do it on their own a chance based on something they said being used to deny them was wrong.

Anyone that has to rely on AA to get whatever they get has proven they aren't as good as those of us that don't use it.

Well you should go to an all black country that discriminates against you and then we will tell you that if you haven't made it it's not because of that discrimination it's because you are a loser.

Hell, even in a white country you are a loser. No winner talks like you.

If I was the only white in such a country, and by the way no such place exists, I'd be a winner by default.

I can't be a loser. Unlike blacks that you admit get benefits from AA, as a white person I don't need such a thing. I'm capable of doing it without that kind of help. Also, I don't want it.

Yes because of your white privilege. I was talking to an educated white the other day and they were explaining to me how he benefited from his friends parents. Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit.

Anyways, I know I'm talking over your head. I'm going to find someone a little less of a loser and someone a bit smarter. I like Correll. He sticks to his guns but he's clearly not an idiot like you.

That's not what privilege.
......Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit. ....

What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.

Ok you dumb fuck. The poor kids in your poor inner city school that you teach in have the same fucking connections we had out in middle class suburbia. SUUUUURRREEEE they do. Liar.

You have a truly ridiculously exaggerated sense of self-importance to imagine you are worth lying to, brainless. Black, white, Latino, and Asian students I teach in economically challenged areas are less likely to have lucrative connections, just as black, white, Latino, and Asian students I tutor in wealthy suburbs are more likely to have them. The color difference is green, you race-baiting whore. I have and do put the two together when and how possible.

There is a real world out there beyond the brainless bullshit bantered about by bullshit artists here.

Good point. I suppose I'm not as worried about middle class blacks as I am poor whites/blacks.

You make a good point. Who am I most concerned about middle class blacks or poor whites. The answer would be poor whites. The middle class blacks have figured it out.

I'm just worried about policies and practices that hurt minorities. And I don't even know why because I'm white. I want them to end AA. Not that I think they should I think it's a good program to force companies to act responsibly. But if you guys want to end it by all means I want to see as much change as possible these next few years. So far I've seen very little difference. Maybe Republicans are right there is no diff.

The choices minorities make hurt them more than anything anyone else could ever do to them.

To force companies to act responsibly or to be used by government to push some social experiment? The experiment failed. Even with almost 60 years of AA, blacks still lag behind whites in so many ways. What's sad is they've had a head start using a characteristic they said was wrong to use because it denied them something and still couldn't win. They were spotted "H-O-R-S" in a game of horse and still couldn't win.
Are you saying whites should have a good attitude if required to put up with less qualified co-workers?

Less qualified whites? You mean there is AA that takes white into account?
Yes. It's called all the prejudice hiring managers in America who forced the government, who by the way is the ultimate referee here, into regulating industry to force companies who were acting badly to hire a proportionate share of black people.

Now you white bigots and racists act like white companies were forced to hire inferior blacks. So basically you're saying there were legitimate reasons whites weren't hiring blacks.

You guys are prejudice and the country you run is/was prejudice. Now end AA like you want to and we will see what the results are. Hopefully you are right and the need for it is over.

But interesting I can't find one person to say AA was never needed but I would be a million dollars that back then had USMB been a thing you cock suckers would be arguing against AA. No question in my mind.

Unk, go fuck yourself.

I said it wasn't needed. Anything that does the very thing using race that you argue as to why it was needed isn't needed.
Clearly we, this country, disagreed with you decades ago and now I just found out that are right leaning Supreme Court upheld AA last year? It's settled. I'm about to wrap this up. You guys lost. Bye.

I can't be a loser. Unlike you, I'm not an AA supporters thinking the less qualified should get something they didn't earn.
I don't think the less qualified person gets the job when racist white companies are forced to hire 12% blacks or not get goverment contracts. If you want to insist blacks can't do what you do then have fun on the private market. But don't try to get government contracts. Now you can now that Trump is President but not when we are back in the White House.

So most companies will continue to follow the 12% rule because 3 years is right around the corner. You don't want to lose your big government contract because President Winfrey took your contract away.

The less qualified person does when the only concern is getting to the 12% without regard of what those that get there can do but with their skin color.

Go troll somewhere else, NL.
......Even though he didn't have a dad his buddy Jimmy did and after college Jimmy's dad got him a job in the firm. Black people don't have that benefit. ....

What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.

Ok you dumb fuck. The poor kids in your poor inner city school that you teach in have the same fucking connections we had out in middle class suburbia. SUUUUURRREEEE they do. Liar.

You have a truly ridiculously exaggerated sense of self-importance to imagine you are worth lying to, brainless. Black, white, Latino, and Asian students I teach in economically challenged areas are less likely to have lucrative connections, just as black, white, Latino, and Asian students I tutor in wealthy suburbs are more likely to have them. The color difference is green, you race-baiting whore. I have and do put the two together when and how possible.

There is a real world out there beyond the brainless bullshit bantered about by bullshit artists here.

Good point. I suppose I'm not as worried about middle class blacks as I am poor whites/blacks.

You make a good point. Who am I most concerned about middle class blacks or poor whites. The answer would be poor whites. The middle class blacks have figured it out.

I'm just worried about policies and practices that hurt minorities. And I don't even know why because I'm white. I want them to end AA. Not that I think they should I think it's a good program to force companies to act responsibly. But if you guys want to end it by all means I want to see as much change as possible these next few years. So far I've seen very little difference. Maybe Republicans are right there is no diff.

The choices minorities make hurt them more than anything anyone else could ever do to them.

To force companies to act responsibly or to be used by government to push some social experiment? The experiment failed. Even with almost 60 years of AA, blacks still lag behind whites in so many ways. What's sad is they've had a head start using a characteristic they said was wrong to use because it denied them something and still couldn't win. They were spotted "H-O-R-S" in a game of horse and still couldn't win.

Well look at you whites after 60 years. You've taken a step back too. And typically your masters are blaming blacks and immigrants rather than them who sent all your jobs overseas.

AA wasn't a failure just like Obama's stimulus wasn't a failure. It helped a lot of people get through Bush's Great recession as it was designed to do.

AA isn't a failure in fact it must be working well if it's getting you racists all jacked up.

But again, go ahead and end it. This is just a wedge issue they use to divide us. Do you think you or your kid are going to now get into harvard? Get over it. You're a loser with or without AA. Only with AA you feel you have someone to blame. Cute.
Good point. I suppose I'm not as worried about middle class blacks as I am poor whites/blacks.

You make a good point. Who am I most concerned about middle class blacks or poor whites. The answer would be poor whites. The middle class blacks have figured it out.

I'm just worried about policies and practices that hurt minorities. And I don't even know why because I'm white. I want them to end AA. Not that I think they should I think it's a good program to force companies to act responsibly. But if you guys want to end it by all means I want to see as much change as possible these next few years. So far I've seen very little difference. Maybe Republicans are right there is no diff.
"Change" ? You want to see WHAT change ?
What an offensive assumption. Successful black Americans have connections and look out for family same as anyone else. Talented black Americans make connections and get valuable recommendations that help move up and along same as anyone else.

The underlying issues here are much more complicated than any of the childish nonsense being played with here.

Ok you dumb fuck. The poor kids in your poor inner city school that you teach in have the same fucking connections we had out in middle class suburbia. SUUUUURRREEEE they do. Liar.

You have a truly ridiculously exaggerated sense of self-importance to imagine you are worth lying to, brainless. Black, white, Latino, and Asian students I teach in economically challenged areas are less likely to have lucrative connections, just as black, white, Latino, and Asian students I tutor in wealthy suburbs are more likely to have them. The color difference is green, you race-baiting whore. I have and do put the two together when and how possible.

There is a real world out there beyond the brainless bullshit bantered about by bullshit artists here.

Good point. I suppose I'm not as worried about middle class blacks as I am poor whites/blacks.

You make a good point. Who am I most concerned about middle class blacks or poor whites. The answer would be poor whites. The middle class blacks have figured it out.

I'm just worried about policies and practices that hurt minorities. And I don't even know why because I'm white. I want them to end AA. Not that I think they should I think it's a good program to force companies to act responsibly. But if you guys want to end it by all means I want to see as much change as possible these next few years. So far I've seen very little difference. Maybe Republicans are right there is no diff.

The choices minorities make hurt them more than anything anyone else could ever do to them.

To force companies to act responsibly or to be used by government to push some social experiment? The experiment failed. Even with almost 60 years of AA, blacks still lag behind whites in so many ways. What's sad is they've had a head start using a characteristic they said was wrong to use because it denied them something and still couldn't win. They were spotted "H-O-R-S" in a game of horse and still couldn't win.

Well look at you whites after 60 years. You've taken a step back too. And typically your masters are blaming blacks and immigrants rather than them who sent all your jobs overseas.

AA wasn't a failure just like Obama's stimulus wasn't a failure. It helped a lot of people get through Bush's Great recession as it was designed to do.

AA isn't a failure in fact it must be working well if it's getting you racists all jacked up.

But again, go ahead and end it. This is just a wedge issue they use to divide us. Do you think you or your kid are going to now get into harvard? Get over it. You're a loser with or without AA. Only with AA you feel you have someone to blame. Cute.

No we haven't. We still beat black despite the 4 letter head start I referenced above.

I'm not a loser because I, unlike those using AA, didn't need it to be a success. Even with AA, many are still failure. A head start and still falling behind.
Well look at you whites after 60 years. You've taken a step back too. And typically your masters are blaming blacks and immigrants rather than them who sent all your jobs overseas.

AA wasn't a failure just like Obama's stimulus wasn't a failure. It helped a lot of people get through Bush's Great recession as it was designed to do.

AA isn't a failure in fact it must be working well if it's getting you racists all jacked up.

But again, go ahead and end it. This is just a wedge issue they use to divide us. Do you think you or your kid are going to now get into harvard? Get over it. You're a loser with or without AA. Only with AA you feel you have someone to blame. Cute.
You're just babbling. :rolleyes:

As for the jobs going overseas, Trump has been blaming those outsourcers all along, and still does. and the immigrants you mention, are just more outsourcing. US Jobs going to low wage foreign workers. They just happen to be here, that's all. Fundamentally it's all the same. International outsourcing to countries overseas. Domestic outsourcing to foreign countries whose workers are here, to do those jobs that can only be done inside the US (landscaping, construction, janitorial, etc)
Well look at you whites after 60 years. You've taken a step back too. And typically your masters are blaming blacks and immigrants rather than them who sent all your jobs overseas.

AA wasn't a failure just like Obama's stimulus wasn't a failure. It helped a lot of people get through Bush's Great recession as it was designed to do.

AA isn't a failure in fact it must be working well if it's getting you racists all jacked up.

But again, go ahead and end it. This is just a wedge issue they use to divide us. Do you think you or your kid are going to now get into harvard? Get over it. You're a loser with or without AA. Only with AA you feel you have someone to blame. Cute.
You're just babbling. :rolleyes:

As for the jobs going overseas, Trump has been blaming those outsourcers all along, and still does. and the immigrants you mention, are just more outsourcing. US Jobs going to low wage foreign workers. They just happen to be here, that's all. Fundamentally it's all the same. International outsourcing to countries overseas. Domestic outsourcing to foreign countries whose workers are here, to do those jobs that can only be done inside the US (landscaping, construction, janitorial, etc)

I just talked to one of our resident racists at work. I asked him if he would like a black doctor or engineer who got into college because of AA. He said, "did they complete the program?" And I said yes. He said then he would have no problem them operating on him or building a building he lived in.

Remember, the whites who don't get into college finished at the very bottom of the test. Who's to say they would even finish the program? We know that 1/3 of freshman drop out of college. I bet you a very large % of those kids are the kids that finished at the bottom. So I'm ok with bypassing them and allowing some blacks who scored a little lower on the test because they still have to graduate.

And I'll be willing to bet the blacks graduate at a much higher rate. They have more to prove. Unlike whites they can't just drop out and go work for their neighbors father on the factory floor or coal mine.
Well look at you whites after 60 years. You've taken a step back too. And typically your masters are blaming blacks and immigrants rather than them who sent all your jobs overseas.

AA wasn't a failure just like Obama's stimulus wasn't a failure. It helped a lot of people get through Bush's Great recession as it was designed to do.

AA isn't a failure in fact it must be working well if it's getting you racists all jacked up.

But again, go ahead and end it. This is just a wedge issue they use to divide us. Do you think you or your kid are going to now get into harvard? Get over it. You're a loser with or without AA. Only with AA you feel you have someone to blame. Cute.
You're just babbling. :rolleyes:

As for the jobs going overseas, Trump has been blaming those outsourcers all along, and still does. and the immigrants you mention, are just more outsourcing. US Jobs going to low wage foreign workers. They just happen to be here, that's all. Fundamentally it's all the same. International outsourcing to countries overseas. Domestic outsourcing to foreign countries whose workers are here, to do those jobs that can only be done inside the US (landscaping, construction, janitorial, etc)

This is why I love Rex Tillerson

It was a stunning moment. On Sunday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggested that the president of the United States does not speak for American values.

After deflecting questions from Fox News’ Chris Wallace about President Donald Trump’s failure to condemn white supremacist groups who incited deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, by saying that he and the State Department “represent America’s values,” Tillerson said that “the president speaks for himself.”

Trump Has Essentially Abdicated The Basic Responsibilities Of A President | HuffPost
Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.

Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
I can understand the need for AA to kind of "prime the pump" to equal access to educational opportunities. But 50 years has been plenty of time to do that. Having already had a black president is proof of that.

If you're "priming the pump", how is using the very same thing to do the priming suddenly OK when it was wrong and the very reason why AA was claimed to have been put in place? It seems the argument in favor of AA is that "race is wrong to use when making a determination until it's used to benefit the groups that say using race was wrong".
If you don't understand my "priming the pump" analogy... then trying to explain to you would be an exercise in futility.
Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.

My biggest problem with AA is that it uses something to benefit, when it comes to race, what would be chastised by the very ones that support the concept if race was used to deny.
I can understand the need for AA to kind of "prime the pump" to equal access to educational opportunities. But 50 years has been plenty of time to do that. Having already had a black president is proof of that.

If you're "priming the pump", how is using the very same thing to do the priming suddenly OK when it was wrong and the very reason why AA was claimed to have been put in place? It seems the argument in favor of AA is that "race is wrong to use when making a determination until it's used to benefit the groups that say using race was wrong".
If you don't understand my "priming the pump" analogy... then trying to explain to you would be an exercise in futility.

If you don't have the ability to explain it, tells me it isn't a very good analogy. I understand. You're blaming me for your faults.

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