An Apology to African Americans

Blacks have every opportunity to improve their lives, but throwing ever more free money at them is not the answer. There is a cultural problem within their community that only they can change.

Libtards want to throw money at blacks because in all probability, blacks are incapable of improving their own culture. Whites need to improve their culture for them, but there's no willingness to do that and no libtard has given it a moment's thought of how that could be done.
Blacks don't want any directions or help from whites about how to solve their problems (other than more money, of course). All they ever want is more free stuff.

So the problems will roll on down the road. Nothing will change. No improvements will be made, and even more money will be wasted, thrown down a dark endless rat hole. The whole thing is a waste of time.
Very wide generalization and fatalistic viewpoint I do not share.

I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk
You speak for no one but your self

That's true and I think I made that clear. I believe other apologies should be forthcoming, but I did say "as one individual."

I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk


I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk
You speak for no one but your self

That's true and I think I made that clear. I believe other apologies should be forthcoming, but I did say "as one individual."

I have a distant relative who died fighting for the North in the civil war. Where's my apology? Where's my reparations? Where's my apology for being called racist after helping to free the slaves?
What is deserving of "respect" is a matter of opinion.

In your case, you show a tendency to expect others to respect what YOU feel is deserving, but show little or no respect for the differences in the opinion of others, which IS in fact "healthy social behavior".......for an adult.

And that, little man, is an example of being a judgemental, pompous horses ass.

Depends on the opinions in question, and how they are presented.

I disagree with several libs on this site who can generally disagree with me without being insulting assholes.

Well, A few.

Most of you can't do that.

Nor do you. The OP posted an innocuous apology that ONLY SHE took ownership for. Did not even imply that anyone else should and what did you do?

You posted a nasty "F*** That S***" in response.

Likely because you're part of the underbelly of this country that was protesting in North Carolina that she was referring to.

So get off of your moralizing high horse about disagreeing in a civil manner, you disingenuois, two faced, prick.

Oh, well, that.

Yeah, the idea that someone is morally responsible for the actions of someone else, is beyond the pale.

Fuck that shit.

Where did the OP state that she was "morally or personally" responsible?

It has been said that sunlight is the worlds best disinfectant.

Apparently the poster shined some on the guilty conscience of a few small minded chatacters here, didn't she?

Completely explains some of your rabid, foul responses to her post.


Actually, I was more thinking of the way she wanted to apologize FOR those whom she thinks have not spoken up enough about the "racism" she sees.

A. The vast majority of what she "Sees" is not racism.

b. I know that she means any white person that is not wallowing in white guilt. Not wallowing in white guilt does NOT make me or any other white person responsible for anything.
I said that I believe people are deserving of an apology from those who have not spoken up. I did not apologize for them. At the march and rally in Philly, one black woman spoke to the group. She said to the thousands of white folks there, "Thank you for coming and please don't be offended, but WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?"

There was a white woman speaking to a large group of white college students. She asked, "Raise your hand if you would like to be treated the way that African Americans are treated in this country." No one raised their hands and there was total silence. Then she said, "That means, you know how African Americans are treated in this country. Now why on earth haven't you done anything about it?

One student said, "Aren't you being a little hard on us?" She answered that yes she was, but not anywhere near as hard as this country has been on black folks while whites remained largely silent.
So, you agree that respect for those that have "done you great good" is called for.

Thus, if you, or I, observe people who don't show disrespect when it is called for, we of course will judge them.

It is healthy social behavior.

What is deserving of "respect" is a matter of opinion.

In your case, you show a tendency to expect others to respect what YOU feel is deserving, but show little or no respect for the differences in the opinion of others, which IS in fact "healthy social behavior".......for an adult.

And that, little man, is an example of being a judgemental, pompous horses ass.

Depends on the opinions in question, and how they are presented.

I disagree with several libs on this site who can generally disagree with me without being insulting assholes.

Well, A few.

Most of you can't do that.

Nor do you. The OP posted an innocuous apology that ONLY SHE took ownership for. Did not even imply that anyone else should and what did you do?

You posted a nasty "F*** That S***" in response.

Likely because you're part of the underbelly of this country that was protesting in North Carolina that she was referring to.

So get off of your moralizing high horse about disagreeing in a civil manner, you disingenuois, two faced, prick.
So when did YOU apologize for Ferguson?

I do not reside anywhere near Ferguson, but just to give you some help with the confusion in your pointed little head, I would not be critical of someone who felt it was appropriate to do so.

The apology of a complete stranger on a public message board means nothing to me.

So you backtracked. Good for you.
That's true and I think I made that clear. I believe other apologies should be forthcoming, but I did say "as one individual."
What did YOU do to any bitter African living in the USA? Or are you simply apologizing for your skin color?

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.
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What is deserving of "respect" is a matter of opinion.

In your case, you show a tendency to expect others to respect what YOU feel is deserving, but show little or no respect for the differences in the opinion of others, which IS in fact "healthy social behavior".......for an adult.

And that, little man, is an example of being a judgemental, pompous horses ass.

Depends on the opinions in question, and how they are presented.

I disagree with several libs on this site who can generally disagree with me without being insulting assholes.

Well, A few.

Most of you can't do that.

Nor do you. The OP posted an innocuous apology that ONLY SHE took ownership for. Did not even imply that anyone else should and what did you do?

You posted a nasty "F*** That S***" in response.

Likely because you're part of the underbelly of this country that was protesting in North Carolina that she was referring to.

So get off of your moralizing high horse about disagreeing in a civil manner, you disingenuois, two faced, prick.
So when did YOU apologize for Ferguson?

I do not reside anywhere near Ferguson, but just to give you some help with the confusion in your pointed little head, I would not be critical of someone who felt it was appropriate to do so.

The apology of a complete stranger on a public message board means nothing to me.

So you backtracked. Good for you.

"Backtracked" how?

If you are capable, explain.
Depends on the opinions in question, and how they are presented.

I disagree with several libs on this site who can generally disagree with me without being insulting assholes.

Well, A few.

Most of you can't do that.

Nor do you. The OP posted an innocuous apology that ONLY SHE took ownership for. Did not even imply that anyone else should and what did you do?

You posted a nasty "F*** That S***" in response.

Likely because you're part of the underbelly of this country that was protesting in North Carolina that she was referring to.

So get off of your moralizing high horse about disagreeing in a civil manner, you disingenuois, two faced, prick.
So when did YOU apologize for Ferguson?

I do not reside anywhere near Ferguson, but just to give you some help with the confusion in your pointed little head, I would not be critical of someone who felt it was appropriate to do so.

The apology of a complete stranger on a public message board means nothing to me.

So you backtracked. Good for you.

"Backtracked" how?

If you are capable, explain.
I'd 'splain it to you, but you've probably smoked a rock by now.
That's true and I think I made that clear. I believe other apologies should be forthcoming, but I did say "as one individual."
What did YOU do to any bitter African living in the USA? Or are you simply apologizing for your skin color?

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.
Not apologizing for my skin color, which none of us chose. Not apologizing for any particular act I have done. Simply for the fact that so much bigotry still exists here. Maybe if white had spoken up and fought for justice and equality long ago, things would be better now. If there are bitter Africans here, I believe they are no more bitter than white people would be if we had been victims of institutional racism, discrimination and segregation.
Nor do you. The OP posted an innocuous apology that ONLY SHE took ownership for. Did not even imply that anyone else should and what did you do?

You posted a nasty "F*** That S***" in response.

Likely because you're part of the underbelly of this country that was protesting in North Carolina that she was referring to.

So get off of your moralizing high horse about disagreeing in a civil manner, you disingenuois, two faced, prick.
So when did YOU apologize for Ferguson?

I do not reside anywhere near Ferguson, but just to give you some help with the confusion in your pointed little head, I would not be critical of someone who felt it was appropriate to do so.

The apology of a complete stranger on a public message board means nothing to me.

So you backtracked. Good for you.

"Backtracked" how?

If you are capable, explain.
I'd 'splain it to you, but you've probably smoked a rock by now.

No more likely than you being a meth user.

Now, do you want to stop with the idiocy and answer how I "backtracked"?

My guess is that you cannot.
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I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk
Youre apologizing for a few idiot racists? Why? Are you going to apologize for pedophilia next? "Apologize"?! What the fuck does that even mean? :laugh:

I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk
Youre apologizing for a few idiot racists? Why? Are you going to apologize for pedophilia next? "Apologize"?! What the fuck does that even mean? :laugh:
I agree. Why would someone apologize for something they did not do? Just because they are white, does that make them guilty or responsible? WTF is going on with people?
Youre apologizing for a few idiot racists? Why? Are you going to apologize for pedophilia next? "Apologize"?! What the fuck does that even mean? :laugh:

It means she's going to continue to promote false white guilt to get more handouts and preferences for blacks.
You don't have to go to Marxist to find people that oppose White Supremacists.

These people are not your friend.


YOu ever try to find a Marxist state that didn't commit genocide or mass murder on it's own people?

hint: don't waste your time.
Once you are trying to put words in my mouth. Since when did I say that Antifa are my friend ?

So let me get this straight : The White supremacists are claiming victim-hood. Yet they're the ones who came armed with automatic weapons ?

Almost everything in America already celebrates being white. That’s not to say every white person has a charmed life. You can be born white with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. However white ppl's difficulties in life are not due to social constructs engineered by black people.

But whites have no reason to go out of their way to find white pride. It’s like white people desire everything even the experience of being oppressed. They crave victim-hood but when they get a taste of being a victim they wimp out like a fucking faggot pussy like you. Crying because not everyone goes along with your fuckery.

The entire mythology of white supremacists basically places them as the unwitting victim of a vast racial conspiracy : The Jews secretly running the world, dark-skinned people overtaking their land, walking off with their jobs, etc.

And this is the so-called master race ?

So basically their belief system makes them the only people in history so mind-numbingly incompetent that they were conquered and didn’t even notice.

The Alt Right need to remember there are many, many thousands of blacks and Latinos in the military as well. A lot of them are officers. All of them trained, armed and ready.

So if these alt Right guys who like to talk real tough, who like to talk real gangster, if they think this is gonna go down like it did 250 years when white Europeans could conquer the world due them having gunpowder ? They are gonna be badly, badly mistaken.

Because not only are they gonna be going up against the many black officers and Latino who are not gonna fancy the idea of being slaughtered for the sake of white genocide. The Alt-Right are gonna be going up against, white officers and soldiers, a high percentage of them will have had family who fought in the Second World War–AGAINST Nazism and fascism?

So if the draft dodger Trump imagines the military will fall into line with his thinking and bidding - the lunatic may have sadly miscalculated.

After Hitler went down, there was a reckoning — call Nuremberg. After Trump goes down, and it’s just a matter of time, there will be a reckoning, perhaps not as dramatic as Nuremberg, but anyone who facilitated or enabled or supported Trump in any way will be marked forever.
So when did YOU apologize for Ferguson?

I do not reside anywhere near Ferguson, but just to give you some help with the confusion in your pointed little head, I would not be critical of someone who felt it was appropriate to do so.

The apology of a complete stranger on a public message board means nothing to me.

So you backtracked. Good for you.

"Backtracked" how?

If you are capable, explain.
I'd 'splain it to you, but you've probably smoked a rock by now.

No more likely than you being a meth user.

Now, do you want to stop with the idiocy and answer how I "backtracked"?

My guess is that you cannot.
You know what you said, 'nuff said.
Depends on the opinions in question, and how they are presented.

I disagree with several libs on this site who can generally disagree with me without being insulting assholes.

Well, A few.

Most of you can't do that.

Nor do you. The OP posted an innocuous apology that ONLY SHE took ownership for. Did not even imply that anyone else should and what did you do?

You posted a nasty "F*** That S***" in response.

Likely because you're part of the underbelly of this country that was protesting in North Carolina that she was referring to.

So get off of your moralizing high horse about disagreeing in a civil manner, you disingenuois, two faced, prick.

Oh, well, that.

Yeah, the idea that someone is morally responsible for the actions of someone else, is beyond the pale.

Fuck that shit.

Where did the OP state that she was "morally or personally" responsible?

It has been said that sunlight is the worlds best disinfectant.

Apparently the poster shined some on the guilty conscience of a few small minded chatacters here, didn't she?

Completely explains some of your rabid, foul responses to her post.


Actually, I was more thinking of the way she wanted to apologize FOR those whom she thinks have not spoken up enough about the "racism" she sees.

A. The vast majority of what she "Sees" is not racism.

b. I know that she means any white person that is not wallowing in white guilt. Not wallowing in white guilt does NOT make me or any other white person responsible for anything.

She described what she saw in Charlotte. THAT speaks for itself.

How would YOU know that she is referring to ANY white person not "wallowing" in white guilt?

Did you intentionally overlook her statement saying:

"As one individual I apologize"?

Or are you one of those racially obsessed nuts who views every race including your own as a "collective"?

Do you know her personally? How do you even know "what she sees"?

Maybe YOUR problem is that YOU are secretly wallowing in unresolved "white guilt" yourself?

Someone once said that "masses of men lead lives of quiet desperation".

Its humorous that someone would get so defensive over a very generic "apology" by a complete stranger....especially when it does not affect them in the least.

The idea that WHite America or any white American owes blacks an apology is bullshit, and very divisive harmful bullshit.

Other than for any INDIVIDUAL actions they may have taken.

She was not apologizing for actions she had taken.

I've talked to her before, I know where she is coming from.
You don't have to go to Marxist to find people that oppose White Supremacists.

These people are not your friend.


YOu ever try to find a Marxist state that didn't commit genocide or mass murder on it's own people?

hint: don't waste your time.
Once you are trying to put words in my mouth. Since when did I say that Antifa are my friend ?

So let me get this straight : The White supremacists are claiming victim-hood. Yet they're the ones who came armed with automatic weapons ?

Almost everything in America already celebrates being white. That’s not to say every white person has a charmed life. You can be born white with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. However white ppl's difficulties in life are not due to social constructs engineered by black people.

But whites have no reason to go out of their way to find white pride. It’s like white people desire everything even the experience of being oppressed. They crave victim-hood but when they get a taste of being a victim they wimp out like a fucking faggot pussy like you. Crying because not everyone goes along with your fuckery.

The entire mythology of white supremacists basically places them as the unwitting victim of a vast racial conspiracy : The Jews secretly running the world, dark-skinned people overtaking their land, walking off with their jobs, etc.

And this is the so-called master race ?

So basically their belief system makes them the only people in history so mind-numbingly incompetent that they were conquered and didn’t even notice.

The Alt Right need to remember there are many, many thousands of blacks and Latinos in the military as well. A lot of them are officers. All of them trained, armed and ready.

So if these alt Right guys who like to talk real tough, who like to talk real gangster, if they think this is gonna go down like it did 250 years when white Europeans could conquer the world due them having gunpowder ? They are gonna be badly, badly mistaken.

Because not only are they gonna be going up against the many black officers and Latino who are not gonna fancy the idea of being slaughtered for the sake of white genocide. The Alt-Right are gonna be going up against, white officers and soldiers, a high percentage of them will have had family who fought in the Second World War–AGAINST Nazism and fascism?

So if the draft dodger Trump imagines the military will fall into line with his thinking and bidding - the lunatic may have sadly miscalculated.

After Hitler went down, there was a reckoning — call Nuremberg. After Trump goes down, and it’s just a matter of time, there will be a reckoning, perhaps not as dramatic as Nuremberg, but anyone who facilitated or enabled or supported Trump in any way will be marked forever.

1. You should really NOT conflate the nazi's with the Alt Right. The Nazis and the Media want you to, but that a lie. THe nazis are like 8000 guys in this whole country. THe Alt Right is at least millions.

2. I don't care about White Supremacist ideology or narrative.

3. You idea of America celebrating white, does not reflect my life or experience. No one has every said, YEAA WHITE BUDDY to me or anything like that. No one has ever given me anything for being white. ect ect ect.

I saw a great eddie murphy bit once based on your idea that whites are celebrated, when he went undercover as a Mr White. It was hilarious. It was also complete fiction. Trust me on this one.

4. A better idea than discussing who would win what, or who would get their asses kicked is, who about we NOT turn our nation into a war zone?
I do not reside anywhere near Ferguson, but just to give you some help with the confusion in your pointed little head, I would not be critical of someone who felt it was appropriate to do so.

The apology of a complete stranger on a public message board means nothing to me.

So you backtracked. Good for you.

"Backtracked" how?

If you are capable, explain.
I'd 'splain it to you, but you've probably smoked a rock by now.

No more likely than you being a meth user.

Now, do you want to stop with the idiocy and answer how I "backtracked"?

My guess is that you cannot.
You know what you said, 'nuff said.

Yes. I DO know what I said. You are just too thick headed to understand, which is your problem, not mine.
You don't have to go to Marxist to find people that oppose White Supremacists.

These people are not your friend.


YOu ever try to find a Marxist state that didn't commit genocide or mass murder on it's own people?

hint: don't waste your time.
Once you are trying to put words in my mouth. Since when did I say that Antifa are my friend ?

So let me get this straight : The White supremacists are claiming victim-hood. Yet they're the ones who came armed with automatic weapons ?

Almost everything in America already celebrates being white. That’s not to say every white person has a charmed life. You can be born white with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. However white ppl's difficulties in life are not due to social constructs engineered by black people.

But whites have no reason to go out of their way to find white pride. It’s like white people desire everything even the experience of being oppressed. They crave victim-hood but when they get a taste of being a victim they wimp out like a fucking faggot pussy like you. Crying because not everyone goes along with your fuckery.

The entire mythology of white supremacists basically places them as the unwitting victim of a vast racial conspiracy : The Jews secretly running the world, dark-skinned people overtaking their land, walking off with their jobs, etc.

And this is the so-called master race ?

So basically their belief system makes them the only people in history so mind-numbingly incompetent that they were conquered and didn’t even notice.

The Alt Right need to remember there are many, many thousands of blacks and Latinos in the military as well. A lot of them are officers. All of them trained, armed and ready.

So if these alt Right guys who like to talk real tough, who like to talk real gangster, if they think this is gonna go down like it did 250 years when white Europeans could conquer the world due them having gunpowder ? They are gonna be badly, badly mistaken.

Because not only are they gonna be going up against the many black officers and Latino who are not gonna fancy the idea of being slaughtered for the sake of white genocide. The Alt-Right are gonna be going up against, white officers and soldiers, a high percentage of them will have had family who fought in the Second World War–AGAINST Nazism and fascism?

So if the draft dodger Trump imagines the military will fall into line with his thinking and bidding - the lunatic may have sadly miscalculated.

After Hitler went down, there was a reckoning — call Nuremberg. After Trump goes down, and it’s just a matter of time, there will be a reckoning, perhaps not as dramatic as Nuremberg, but anyone who facilitated or enabled or supported Trump in any way will be marked forever.

1. You should really NOT conflate the nazi's with the Alt Right. The Nazis and the Media want you to, but that a lie. THe nazis are like 8000 guys in this whole country. THe Alt Right is at least millions.

2. I don't care about White Supremacist ideology or narrative.

3. You idea of America celebrating white, does not reflect my life or experience. No one has every said, YEAA WHITE BUDDY to me or anything like that. No one has ever given me anything for being white. ect ect ect.

I saw a great eddie murphy bit once based on your idea that whites are celebrated, when he went undercover as a Mr White. It was hilarious. It was also complete fiction. Trust me on this one.

4. A better idea than discussing who would win what, or who would get their asses kicked is, who about we NOT turn our nation into a war zone?

Nazis versus Alt Right? Little or no difference between you people.

A taxonomy of American far-right hate groups

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