An Apology to African Americans

If she is apologizing for events and actions that are not hers,


Then, yes very much so.

Do you have something to say about that? Or would you like to go over something I've already addressed again?

We could do the exact same point again. and again. And you could always pretend to have forgotten that we already discussed it.


Yes you "addressed" it, and it was an epic fail on your part.

Your head is so far up your ass, you could be your own proctologist.

It was an epic fail when I said that by apologizing for actions she did not do that she supports the concept of collective guilt?

Funny you didn't spell out what my epic "Fail" was.

If you really thought my statement was such a fail, repeating it would have really proved it, would it not.

Yet, you just referred to it, quite vaguely and without details.


I dont need to repeat the obvious for your benefit.

The last time that I checked "Individually" does not mean "collective". Maybe in your world it does.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,

The difference is that not only am I not a bigot, I've given you no reason to think I am one either.

By calling me one, you reveal yourself to be an asshole.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.
Your desire to smear good people as Nazi reveals that you are a liar and an asshole.

I did not write the article, dipstick. If you're offended, tough shit.

i was replying to YOU about YOUR words, dumbass.

And my point stands.

Your desire to smear good people as Nazi reveals that you are a liar and an asshole.

I didnt write the article, fool. The one who did said it all.

If you're offended contact the one who wrote the article.

I don't give a shit what you think.

YOu typed out these words. Are they not your words?

Nazis versus Alt Right? Little or no difference between you people."

If they are, then my point about you wanting to smear good people, and what type of person that makes you, stands.

The article in itself obviously implied the same. Not my problem that you're butthurt.

The article implied it. YOu typed the words. Are you claiming now that it was just some type of quote from the article?

If so, you should have used quotation marks.

If not, then my point stands.

Your desire to smear good people as Nazi reveals that you are a liar and an asshole.
She described what she saw in Charlotte. THAT speaks for itself.

How would YOU know that she is referring to ANY white person not "wallowing" in white guilt?

Did you intentionally overlook her statement saying:

"As one individual I apologize"?

Or are you one of those racially obsessed nuts who views every race including your own as a "collective"?

Do you know her personally? How do you even know "what she sees"?

Maybe YOUR problem is that YOU are secretly wallowing in unresolved "white guilt" yourself?

Someone once said that "masses of men lead lives of quiet desperation".

Its humorous that someone would get so defensive over a very generic "apology" by a complete stranger....especially when it does not affect them in the least.

The idea that WHite America or any white American owes blacks an apology is bullshit, and very divisive harmful bullshit.

Other than for any INDIVIDUAL actions they may have taken.

She was not apologizing for actions she had taken.

I've talked to her before, I know where she is coming from.

In a different way, embarrasingly, I almost agree with you.

Generally, apologies do not reverse a wrong, and the best payback for a wrong is an individuals own concience.......if they happen to have one.

There have been a number of (former) bigots like you who have apologized for their past behavior. Strom Thurmond and George Wallace to name just a couple.

Were their apologies wrong as well?

That aside, you are full of shit. Mainly because you do not know the poster, and your own obtuse thought process is exactly as I said. You look at races as a collective.

You actually believe that what YOU think should apply to everyone who shares your skin pigmentation.

If Strom Thurmond apologized for his personal, individual actions, that is his right to do so.

If he apologized for other people, for shit they did not do, then he was a fucking asshole.

You call me a bigot? I call you full of shit and an asshole.

Awesome. If you of all people thought well of me, that would indeed be scary. That being said, yes you're a bigot as well as a DUMB ASSHOLE.

The originator of this thread stated VERY CLEARLY that she was INDIVIDUALLY apologizing. You just chose to ignore it.

The difference is that not only am I not a bigot, I've given you no reason to think I am one either.

By calling me one, you reveal yourself to be an asshole.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

"The idea that WHite America or any white American owes blacks an apology is bullshit, and very divisive harmful bullshit."

Your words above. Does this include KKK and Nazis? Their existence
I did not write the article, dipstick. If you're offended, tough shit.

i was replying to YOU about YOUR words, dumbass.

And my point stands.

Your desire to smear good people as Nazi reveals that you are a liar and an asshole.

I didnt write the article, fool. The one who did said it all.

If you're offended contact the one who wrote the article.

I don't give a shit what you think.

YOu typed out these words. Are they not your words?

Nazis versus Alt Right? Little or no difference between you people."

If they are, then my point about you wanting to smear good people, and what type of person that makes you, stands.

The article in itself obviously implied the same. Not my problem that you're butthurt.

The article implied it. YOu typed the words. Are you claiming now that it was just some type of quote from the article?

If so, you should have used quotation marks.

If not, then my point stands.

Your desire to smear good people as Nazi reveals that you are a liar and an asshole.

"The idea that WHite America or any white American owes blacks an apology is bullshit, and very divisive harmful bullshit."

You want a quote? Above is one of yours. Does this include nazis and KKK members?

That being said, I will repeat, If you're offended by what I stated too fucking bad.

Its a public message board, and your feelings dont matter.
Yes you "addressed" it, and it was an epic fail on your part.

Your head is so far up your ass, you could be your own proctologist.

It was an epic fail when I said that by apologizing for actions she did not do that she supports the concept of collective guilt?

Funny you didn't spell out what my epic "Fail" was.

If you really thought my statement was such a fail, repeating it would have really proved it, would it not.

Yet, you just referred to it, quite vaguely and without details.


I dont need to repeat the obvious for your benefit.

The last time that I checked "Individually" does not mean "collective". Maybe in your world it does.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.
The idea that WHite America or any white American owes blacks an apology is bullshit, and very divisive harmful bullshit.

Other than for any INDIVIDUAL actions they may have taken.

She was not apologizing for actions she had taken.

I've talked to her before, I know where she is coming from.

In a different way, embarrasingly, I almost agree with you.

Generally, apologies do not reverse a wrong, and the best payback for a wrong is an individuals own concience.......if they happen to have one.

There have been a number of (former) bigots like you who have apologized for their past behavior. Strom Thurmond and George Wallace to name just a couple.

Were their apologies wrong as well?

That aside, you are full of shit. Mainly because you do not know the poster, and your own obtuse thought process is exactly as I said. You look at races as a collective.

You actually believe that what YOU think should apply to everyone who shares your skin pigmentation.

If Strom Thurmond apologized for his personal, individual actions, that is his right to do so.

If he apologized for other people, for shit they did not do, then he was a fucking asshole.

You call me a bigot? I call you full of shit and an asshole.

Awesome. If you of all people thought well of me, that would indeed be scary. That being said, yes you're a bigot as well as a DUMB ASSHOLE.

The originator of this thread stated VERY CLEARLY that she was INDIVIDUALLY apologizing. You just chose to ignore it.

The difference is that not only am I not a bigot, I've given you no reason to think I am one either.

By calling me one, you reveal yourself to be an asshole.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

"The idea that WHite America or any white American owes blacks an apology is bullshit, and very divisive harmful bullshit."

Your words above. Does this include KKK and Nazis? Their existence
i was replying to YOU about YOUR words, dumbass.

And my point stands.

Your desire to smear good people as Nazi reveals that you are a liar and an asshole.

I didnt write the article, fool. The one who did said it all.

If you're offended contact the one who wrote the article.

I don't give a shit what you think.

YOu typed out these words. Are they not your words?

Nazis versus Alt Right? Little or no difference between you people."

If they are, then my point about you wanting to smear good people, and what type of person that makes you, stands.

The article in itself obviously implied the same. Not my problem that you're butthurt.

The article implied it. YOu typed the words. Are you claiming now that it was just some type of quote from the article?

If so, you should have used quotation marks.

If not, then my point stands.

Your desire to smear good people as Nazi reveals that you are a liar and an asshole.

"The idea that WHite America or any white American owes blacks an apology is bullshit, and very divisive harmful bullshit."

You want a quote? Above is one of yours. Does this include nazis and KKK members?

That being said, I will repeat, If you're offended by what I stated too fucking bad.

Its a public message board, and your feelings dont matter.

The klan and their ilk are statistically insignificant, to the point that, yes, it is reasonable when talking about hundreds of millions of people, to consider them as effectively not existing, imo.

And my point about your behavior and what it makes you, is not about my "feelings".

That you want to smear good people with vile lies, objectively makes you an asshole.

Definition of asshole
  1. 1usually vulgar : anus

  2. 2a usually vulgar : a stupid, annoying, or detestable person

Def 2 of course. I am not claiming you to be a body part.
It was an epic fail when I said that by apologizing for actions she did not do that she supports the concept of collective guilt?

Funny you didn't spell out what my epic "Fail" was.

If you really thought my statement was such a fail, repeating it would have really proved it, would it not.

Yet, you just referred to it, quite vaguely and without details.


I dont need to repeat the obvious for your benefit.

The last time that I checked "Individually" does not mean "collective". Maybe in your world it does.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.
I dont need to repeat the obvious for your benefit.

The last time that I checked "Individually" does not mean "collective". Maybe in your world it does.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

You are full of above and you know it. Typical of you types to seek any oppirtunity to whone about a "racial assault" on your masses.

She did not apologize for ALL white people dumbass.
The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

You are full of above and you know it. Typical of you types to seek any oppirtunity to whone about a "racial assault" on your masses.

She did not apologize for ALL white people dumbass.

If she is guilty based on skin color, then why are other white people NOT?

I dont need to repeat the obvious for your benefit.

The last time that I checked "Individually" does not mean "collective". Maybe in your world it does.

The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.


Yes, there is in fact a definition that fits you
Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

You are full of above and you know it. Typical of you types to seek any oppirtunity to whone about a "racial assault" on your masses.

She did not apologize for ALL white people dumbass.

If she is guilty based on skin color, then why are other white people NOT?


She apologized for the ACTIONS of SOME. She never applogized for ALL white people

Learn how to read and comprehend, you illiterate fuck.
The woman mention incidents in her apology that she had nothing to do with personally.

That's supporting the idea of collective guilt.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

View attachment 145209

Yes, there is in fact a definition that fits you

Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

You are full of above and you know it. Typical of you types to seek any oppirtunity to whone about a "racial assault" on your masses.

She did not apologize for ALL white people dumbass.

If she is guilty based on skin color, then why are other white people NOT?

Let me see if I can help clarify a few things here:

First, this sentence, “I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters,” is very specific about who I’m talking about. Not all white people. Not every white person. Not even most white people.

Secondly, this sentence, “In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are,” is very specific that I am apologizing for their attitudes, not their skin color. I am indeed sorry that such groups who teach hate still exist.

Thirdly, this sentence, “An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.” Many of our nation’s leaders, past and present have been perpetrators of systemic racism. Many white folks have known about racial inequities for years and have chosen to remain silent.

It is my very personal belief that our silence has been our consent. It is my very personal belief that had our nation been true to the words “liberty and justice for all,” we would all find ourselves in a much more peaceful place.
She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

You are full of above and you know it. Typical of you types to seek any oppirtunity to whone about a "racial assault" on your masses.

She did not apologize for ALL white people dumbass.

If she is guilty based on skin color, then why are other white people NOT?

Let me see if I can help clarify a few things here:

First, this sentence, “I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters,” is very specific about who I’m talking about. Not all white people. Not every white person. Not even most white people.

Secondly, this sentence, “In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are,” is very specific that I am apologizing for their attitudes, not their skin color. I am indeed sorry that such groups who teach hate still exist.

Thirdly, this sentence, “An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.” Many of our nation’s leaders, past and present have been perpetrators of systemic racism. Many white folks have known about racial inequities for years and have chosen to remain silent.

It is my very personal belief that our silence has been our consent. It is my very personal belief that had our nation been true to the words “liberty and justice for all,” we would all find ourselves in a much more peaceful place.

Great answer, but wasted on the "person" you were addressing.......simply because HE is one of those that you described.
Her apology was individual, the actions of the jerkoffs who were actually a part of the incidents were at fault. So how does thos affect you?

Answer. It does not, dumbass.

She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

View attachment 145209

Yes, there is in fact a definition that fits you

Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

View attachment 145211

So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid
She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

You are full of above and you know it. Typical of you types to seek any oppirtunity to whone about a "racial assault" on your masses.

She did not apologize for ALL white people dumbass.

If she is guilty based on skin color, then why are other white people NOT?

Let me see if I can help clarify a few things here:

First, this sentence, “I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters,” is very specific about who I’m talking about. Not all white people. Not every white person. Not even most white people.

Secondly, this sentence, “In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are,” is very specific that I am apologizing for their attitudes, not their skin color. I am indeed sorry that such groups who teach hate still exist.

Thirdly, this sentence, “An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.” Many of our nation’s leaders, past and present have been perpetrators of systemic racism. Many white folks have known about racial inequities for years and have chosen to remain silent.

It is my very personal belief that our silence has been our consent. It is my very personal belief that had our nation been true to the words “liberty and justice for all,” we would all find ourselves in a much more peaceful place.

Two huge horking problems with that.

"and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism "

1. I've spoken to you. What you consider racism, is not actually racism. It is anything that even lightly touches on race and that you disagree with. Standard lib position.

2. You spoke for me, and I violently disagree with you.
She is apologizing for the actions of others, based on what?

They family? They close friends? They members of same rock band?

Nope. Based on skin color.

Which implies collective guilt based on skin color.

As someone who shares that skin color, I want to be on record as rejecting the concept that I have anything to do with any such actions, and that I own no one an apology for them.

Or, as I put it before,


She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

View attachment 145209

Yes, there is in fact a definition that fits you

Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

View attachment 145211

So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.
She apologized INDIVIDUALLY for the ACTIONS of some. Where did she even imply that ALL white people should? Unless you were one of the fuck ups involved in those actions, you're more of an idiot than you appear to be (if thats possible) if you take what she said personally.

Your almost right......minus a couple of words....Fuck YOU and YOUR SHIT.

She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

View attachment 145209

Yes, there is in fact a definition that fits you

Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

View attachment 145211

So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.
She apologized for the actions of others, based on skin color.

That supports the idea of collective guilt, based on skin color.

Fuck that shit.

View attachment 145209

Yes, there is in fact a definition that fits you

Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

View attachment 145211

So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
View attachment 145209

Yes, there is in fact a definition that fits you

Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

View attachment 145211

So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
Tell me please: who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the brutal, violent treatment of black people from the day they were first brought here in chains? Who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the Jim Crow laws and discrimination against black people? Who else, if not white people, have painted black people in the worst possible light, stigmatizing, hating, dehumanizing them? Who else turned lynchings into picnics for the family and cheered every time they saw a black person taken away in handcuffs on T.V.?

Who else but white politicians have been responsible for redlining, segregation, oppression, voter suppression, lying about black people's mental and moral capacities to get elected?

In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson received The Kerner Report from the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder as an explanation for the riots and rage of the 60s.

The report stated clearly that: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of White Americans toward Black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of WWII.”

The report concluded that America is divided into two societies – one Black and one White – both separate and unequal, and the primary cause evolves from white racism.

The Kerner Report said that whites, not blacks were responsible for the restlessness. White people were responsible through their treatment of and attitude towards black people.

Now, once again, who's not guilty?

I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk
You're doing more than your share making up for white privilege. It's almost funny how into race you are. I can't help believe secretly your boyfriend's laughing at your liberal ass.

And do you always talk about race?

Another thing. I went to an all black school. Only 3 whites. Will your boyfriend apologize to me for all of those ignorant prejudice blacks?

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