An Apology to African Americans


I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk
Why are you apologizing for something that wasn't your fault? I abhor the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis too, but I certainly am not responsible for their behavior anymore than all blacks are responsible for other blacks behavior.
Do you hire blacks? Does your company hire blacks? I would if I did the hiring but my company is all white and I work with lots of racists.

If I were president I'd give tax breaks to diverse companies. Not force but encourage.
Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

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So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
Tell me please: who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the brutal, violent treatment of black people from the day they were first brought here in chains? Who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the Jim Crow laws and discrimination against black people? Who else, if not white people, have painted black people in the worst possible light, stigmatizing, hating, dehumanizing them? Who else turned lynchings into picnics for the family and cheered every time they saw a black person taken away in handcuffs on T.V.?

Who else but white politicians have been responsible for redlining, segregation, oppression, voter suppression, lying about black people's mental and moral capacities to get elected?

In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson received The Kerner Report from the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder as an explanation for the riots and rage of the 60s.

The report stated clearly that: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of White Americans toward Black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of WWII.”

The report concluded that America is divided into two societies – one Black and one White – both separate and unequal, and the primary cause evolves from white racism.

The Kerner Report said that whites, not blacks were responsible for the restlessness. White people were responsible through their treatment of and attitude towards black people.

Now, once again, who's not guilty?

I am white and I am not guilty of any of that.

As, is the vast majority of my peer group.

Also, "white people" are also the ones that fought against slavery from the founding of this nation, and then fought against Jim Crow and discrimination and racism and everything else you mentioned.

And since quite early on, the MAJORITY of whites were on the side fighting against that, not for it.

That's why slavery and jim crow and white racism, lost again and again.

You ignore the good to define us all by the bad.

In that you are wrong, and unjust. And divisive and harmful to America as a whole, white and black.
Lets try this from another angle.

So, you are very rude.

If I meet another person who shares your skin color, should I hold him responsible for your rudeness? Should I expect him to APOLOGIZE TO ME because he shares your skin color?

In my world, that answer is no. Because I do not believe in collective guilt based on skin color.

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So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
Tell me please: who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the brutal, violent treatment of black people from the day they were first brought here in chains? Who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the Jim Crow laws and discrimination against black people? Who else, if not white people, have painted black people in the worst possible light, stigmatizing, hating, dehumanizing them? Who else turned lynchings into picnics for the family and cheered every time they saw a black person taken away in handcuffs on T.V.?

Who else but white politicians have been responsible for redlining, segregation, oppression, voter suppression, lying about black people's mental and moral capacities to get elected?

In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson received The Kerner Report from the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder as an explanation for the riots and rage of the 60s.

The report stated clearly that: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of White Americans toward Black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of WWII.”

The report concluded that America is divided into two societies – one Black and one White – both separate and unequal, and the primary cause evolves from white racism.

The Kerner Report said that whites, not blacks were responsible for the restlessness. White people were responsible through their treatment of and attitude towards black people.

Now, once again, who's not guilty?
The guilty ones are the ones who committed these acts against black people.NOT you or me. While I totally agree with how horrible and unjust the black people were treated, I, and probably most whites on this forum, do not understand your need to apologize, just because you are white?
So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
Tell me please: who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the brutal, violent treatment of black people from the day they were first brought here in chains? Who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the Jim Crow laws and discrimination against black people? Who else, if not white people, have painted black people in the worst possible light, stigmatizing, hating, dehumanizing them? Who else turned lynchings into picnics for the family and cheered every time they saw a black person taken away in handcuffs on T.V.?

Who else but white politicians have been responsible for redlining, segregation, oppression, voter suppression, lying about black people's mental and moral capacities to get elected?

In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson received The Kerner Report from the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder as an explanation for the riots and rage of the 60s.

The report stated clearly that: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of White Americans toward Black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of WWII.”

The report concluded that America is divided into two societies – one Black and one White – both separate and unequal, and the primary cause evolves from white racism.

The Kerner Report said that whites, not blacks were responsible for the restlessness. White people were responsible through their treatment of and attitude towards black people.

Now, once again, who's not guilty?
The guilty ones are the ones who committed these acts against black people.NOT you or me. While I totally agree with how horrible and unjust the black people were treated, I, and probably most whites on this forum, do not understand your need to apologize, just because you are white?

Women, if you can hear me out there, I want to apologize for how men have treated you for thousands of years. And for payback I'm willing to sleep with you. Sort of my way of paying reparations.

I couldn’t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to “take their country back” and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize – for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still – I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk
You're doing more than your share making up for white privilege. It's almost funny how into race you are. I can't help believe secretly your boyfriend's laughing at your liberal ass.

And do you always talk about race?

Another thing. I went to an all black school. Only 3 whites. Will your boyfriend apologize to me for all of those ignorant prejudice blacks?
This is a race relations forum - a good place to talk about race, I thought. I am married. I don't have a boyfriend.
So you say. You "only" believe in collective assigment of guilt based on skin color, and only of you nelieve that "white people" are being somehow blamed collectively if even only ONE apologizes INDIVIDUALLY in very general terms. That is some bullshit

You are a hypocrite and not a very intelligent one.

And, as an editorial comment, you are GD right.

I am rude to people that I find to be irritating and insipid

I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
Tell me please: who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the brutal, violent treatment of black people from the day they were first brought here in chains? Who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the Jim Crow laws and discrimination against black people? Who else, if not white people, have painted black people in the worst possible light, stigmatizing, hating, dehumanizing them? Who else turned lynchings into picnics for the family and cheered every time they saw a black person taken away in handcuffs on T.V.?

Who else but white politicians have been responsible for redlining, segregation, oppression, voter suppression, lying about black people's mental and moral capacities to get elected?

In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson received The Kerner Report from the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder as an explanation for the riots and rage of the 60s.

The report stated clearly that: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of White Americans toward Black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of WWII.”

The report concluded that America is divided into two societies – one Black and one White – both separate and unequal, and the primary cause evolves from white racism.

The Kerner Report said that whites, not blacks were responsible for the restlessness. White people were responsible through their treatment of and attitude towards black people.

Now, once again, who's not guilty?
The guilty ones are the ones who committed these acts against black people.NOT you or me. While I totally agree with how horrible and unjust the black people were treated, I, and probably most whites on this forum, do not understand your need to apologize, just because you are white?
I did not apologize just because I am white. The stuff I was watching moved me and my gut reaction was to write the letter. Can't say I spent a whole lot of time analyzing my initial feelings and response. Sometimes, when I do that, delay my response, then I end up doing nothing at all, which I believe is worse. Can't help that some folks will not understand "following my heart."
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
I do not believe in collective guilt, for white or black, or brown, or yellow people.

The woman admitted in her clarification that she apologized for other white people.

And nothing in your post addressed how I used your logic in my hypothetical example to show how absurd it, and you are.

Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
Tell me please: who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the brutal, violent treatment of black people from the day they were first brought here in chains? Who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the Jim Crow laws and discrimination against black people? Who else, if not white people, have painted black people in the worst possible light, stigmatizing, hating, dehumanizing them? Who else turned lynchings into picnics for the family and cheered every time they saw a black person taken away in handcuffs on T.V.?

Who else but white politicians have been responsible for redlining, segregation, oppression, voter suppression, lying about black people's mental and moral capacities to get elected?

In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson received The Kerner Report from the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder as an explanation for the riots and rage of the 60s.

The report stated clearly that: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of White Americans toward Black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of WWII.”

The report concluded that America is divided into two societies – one Black and one White – both separate and unequal, and the primary cause evolves from white racism.

The Kerner Report said that whites, not blacks were responsible for the restlessness. White people were responsible through their treatment of and attitude towards black people.

Now, once again, who's not guilty?
The guilty ones are the ones who committed these acts against black people.NOT you or me. While I totally agree with how horrible and unjust the black people were treated, I, and probably most whites on this forum, do not understand your need to apologize, just because you are white?
I did not apologize just because I am white. The stuff I was watching moved me and my gut reaction was to write the letter. Can't say I spent a whole lot of time analyzing my initial feelings and response. Sometimes, when I do that, delay my response, then I end up doing nothing at all, which I believe is worse. Can't help that some folks will not understand "following my heart."
So, you feeling guilty for what others have done, that is following your Heart? I am pretty good at understanding, even if i disagree, with others. But it is difficult to understand why someone would apologize for something they neither did, nor had control over. I haven't heard or seen any apologies to the families who lost loved ones and property from the violence causes by blacks rioting and killing innocent cops. I am not racist, i hate all violence and i hate the horrible past treatment of people, but certainly can't apologize for it. That would not make sense.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?
Maybe YOU should start by looking in the mirror and acknowledging YOUR absurdity. An anonymous person on the internet NDIVIDUALLY apologizes for the actions of some racist cretins and YOU are PERSONALLY offended by it because you think it affects ALL white people?

You are a whiny little bitch.

The paradigm of white collective guilt she is supporting, affects all white people.

Your attempt to characterize my complaint as "whining" is just you trying to dismiss it, because you can't seriously refute it.

YOu are an asshole, and you know it.

Why do you choose to be an asshole?

Don't you want to feel good about yourself?
Tell me please: who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the brutal, violent treatment of black people from the day they were first brought here in chains? Who else, if not white people, have been responsible for the Jim Crow laws and discrimination against black people? Who else, if not white people, have painted black people in the worst possible light, stigmatizing, hating, dehumanizing them? Who else turned lynchings into picnics for the family and cheered every time they saw a black person taken away in handcuffs on T.V.?

Who else but white politicians have been responsible for redlining, segregation, oppression, voter suppression, lying about black people's mental and moral capacities to get elected?

In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson received The Kerner Report from the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorder as an explanation for the riots and rage of the 60s.

The report stated clearly that: “Certain fundamental matters are clear. Of these, the most fundamental is the racial attitude and behavior of White Americans toward Black Americans. Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future. White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of WWII.”

The report concluded that America is divided into two societies – one Black and one White – both separate and unequal, and the primary cause evolves from white racism.

The Kerner Report said that whites, not blacks were responsible for the restlessness. White people were responsible through their treatment of and attitude towards black people.

Now, once again, who's not guilty?
The guilty ones are the ones who committed these acts against black people.NOT you or me. While I totally agree with how horrible and unjust the black people were treated, I, and probably most whites on this forum, do not understand your need to apologize, just because you are white?
I did not apologize just because I am white. The stuff I was watching moved me and my gut reaction was to write the letter. Can't say I spent a whole lot of time analyzing my initial feelings and response. Sometimes, when I do that, delay my response, then I end up doing nothing at all, which I believe is worse. Can't help that some folks will not understand "following my heart."
So, you feeling guilty for what others have done, that is following your Heart? I am pretty good at understanding, even if i disagree, with others. But it is difficult to understand why someone would apologize for something they neither did, nor had control over. I haven't heard or seen any apologies to the families who lost loved ones and property from the violence causes by blacks rioting and killing innocent cops. I am not racist, i hate all violence and i hate the horrible past treatment of people, but certainly can't apologize for it. That would not make sense.
Remember being embarrassed of your mom or dad? It's probably like that. So when a white person does something stupid in front of her and her husband she feels ashamed for her white brothers. I only wonder does he feel ashamed when blacks act ignorant? My white friend says her black husband hates n+-&_rs
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
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If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
Everything you say is a myth
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
Everything you say is a myth

The pro-black discrimination has been documented in studies and reverse discrimination cases over and over again.

TO deny it is increasingly irrational.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
Everything you say is a myth

The pro-black discrimination has been documented in studies and reverse discrimination cases over and over again.

TO deny it is increasingly irrational.

It is very hard as a privileged white guy to take you seriously. I think you are a very intelligent alt righty and you make a lot of good points and I love it how classy you keep it but you're going to have to convince me that it's not easier for a white guy in America than it is for a black man. In fact it's laughable. Maybe I don't know what it's like to be a 25 year old white competing with a 25 year old black but when you get to be a middle aged white guy you and your buddies pretty much own corporate America.

Sorry, I just don't see enough black hiring managers or even co-workers for that matter to believe blacks have it better than whites.

And besides, they only make up 12% of the population. Now consider all the blacks who aren't even qualified to go to college or compete against you for a job. What are we talking about here? A very very small percentage of the population who's taking up a seat at Harvard or taking your seat in the executive board room.

Remember whites didn't want to play with blacks in baseball or basketball? Now there is an industry where blacks absolutely cost a lot of whites their jobs. LOL
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
Everything you say is a myth
Deep in denial, huh ? Well Affirmative Action is no myth. Blacks are the beneficiaries; Whites are the victims. Been that way for 56 years.

Welcome to the real world.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.
Correct! It has been tilted against whites.
If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
Everything you say is a myth

The pro-black discrimination has been documented in studies and reverse discrimination cases over and over again.

TO deny it is increasingly irrational.

It is very hard as a privileged white guy to take you seriously. I think you are a very intelligent alt righty and you make a lot of good points and I love it how classy you keep it but you're going to have to convince me that it's not easier for a white guy in America than it is for a black man. In fact it's laughable. Maybe I don't know what it's like to be a 25 year old white competing with a 25 year old black but when you get to be a middle aged white guy you and your buddies pretty much own corporate America.

Sorry, I just don't see enough black hiring managers or even co-workers for that matter to believe blacks have it better than whites.

And besides, they only make up 12% of the population. Now consider all the blacks who aren't even qualified to go to college or compete against you for a job. What are we talking about here? A very very small percentage of the population who's taking up a seat at Harvard or taking your seat in the executive board room.

Remember whites didn't want to play with blacks in baseball or basketball? Now there is an industry where blacks absolutely cost a lot of whites their jobs. LOL
Your ignorance is astounding. 50 years ago the CUNY (its 18 colleges) had an open admissions program (AA). Was set up to bring blacks into the university system. High school grade requirements were abolished. Any dum dum could be admitted. Classes were watered down to 8th grade levels
Total mess.

And how can anyone think it to be easier for a white guy than a black ? When blacks are beneficiaries of race discrimination in AA, and get first chances for jobs, job promotion, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc

You don't know anything.
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If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.
Correct! It has been tilted against whites.

You guys crack me up. What this sounds like to me is poor whites being manipulated by the rich and the Republicans into believing that it's not them who fucked you over it's the liberals and blacks. Classic.

Even when Republicans are in charge, it's still our fault. LOL.

Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks
and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented
at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago

Don’t Just Protect Affirmative Action From Trump—Demand More

If any blacks (or white liberals) were to apologize to me for 50 years of Affirmative Action racial discrimination against me (& millions of whites), I would not accept their apologies. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers

Let blacks & their white Libby buddies pay me reparations$$ for the millions$$ that their racist Affirmative Action has cost me over 50 years. That I'll accept.
If you're white and can't make it in America you're a loser. The fact you want reparations tells me all I need to know.

White people haven't traditionally needed reparations since the playing field is tipped in their favor. Do you deny you benefit from white privilege? Have all your bosses been white?

Your lack of compassion for tens of millions of poor whites is noted and held against you.

The field has not been tilted in our favor in my lifetime.
Correct! It has been tilted against whites.

And men! Because women are the biggest beneficiaries of AA.

The concept of affirmative action was introduced in the early 1960s in the United States, as a way to combat racial discrimination in the hiring process, with the concept later expanded to address gender discrimination.[11] Affirmative action was first created from Executive Order 10925, which was signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961 and required that government employers "not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin" and "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin"

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